Chapter 2 - Beginning of An Adventure

That night we all went to the hotel where we had stayed the night before the wedding. I changed out of my dress and into my favorite pair of jeans, and a pink hoodie.

I walked, with my sister, down to the lobby and there we met our cousins. We sat in the lobby talking and laughing. After a while I became bored. I got up and walked into the bar where my dad and uncles were sitting watching basketball.

Basketball was one of the many passions I had so I was thrilled to sit and watch with them. I hopped up onto one of the stools and sat beside my dad.

My uncle brought me a coke and I sat, drank, and watched the games. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted movement outside the bar doors. I looked and did a quick double take as I spotted a familiar handsome gentleman from earlier walk past and flash me a quick, inviting smile. What was he up to? I got up and started walking towards the door, but then quickly thought about it and went back to the bar counter. I turned to my dad to tell him where I was going, but he was too into the game and his conversations to pay attention to me.

I shrugged, finished my drink, and left the cup on the bar. I walked out of the bar and turned in the direction I had seen David go. I followed the hallway straight until I ran into a place where it split into two different directions. I did not know which path to take until I noticed a note on the floor. I reached down and picked it up, unfolding it as I did.

Follow the clues. :) Next clue ------->


I smiled as I looked at the note. I looked in the direction the arrow was pointing and I could see another note at the end of the hallway. I giggled and followed the directions. It was like a treasure hunt. I followed notes all throughout the hotel. They led me to the swimming pool, then to the kitchen. Finally, I found the last note. It was placed on the outside of two gigantic doors that I had never seen before.

The last note was blank except for an arrow pointing upward. I became confused. What was I supposed to do now? I could not go up. Suddenly, I figured out that the arrow might mean to proceed forward. I turned the doorknob and to my surprise, it was unlocked. I opened it slightly and slid in. It was pitch dark in this room. I heard a creaking noise and turned just in time to see the giant door close. I instantly became alert and nervous. This seemed all too familiar.

"David?" I called out in fear, "Is that you?"

I crept forward trying to feel my way somewhere. Suddenly, the lights came on and I gasped in amazement as I gazed around. It was a ballroom. The ceiling was beautiful. Orchestrated on it were paintings and carvings of cherubs on clouds. Some were playing harps, and other musical instruments. Others were just playing around or floating. Giant structures for candles lined the walls all around the room.

On one wall to the left, there was a platform that stood half a foot of the ground. On that platform were two thrones. Both had turquoise colored satin covering the seats and the backing. The arm rests curled under. Both seats looked like pieces of art. It looked like the ballroom off of the movie Beauty and the Beast. I was in shock as I looked around, when I suddenly felt a breeze hit me. I looked towards the source of the wind and noticed a set of open doors right across from where I stood. I walked over and stepped outside of them. I was on a balcony that overlooked the entire city.

Lights danced throughout the city, intertwining themselves with each other before separating and meeting a new partner. City sounds floated through the air, all seeming to sing perfectly in tune with each other. And the skyscrapers reached towards the sky as if in a race to reach the stars first. New York was beautiful at night. I leaned over the rail and gazed out.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice asked from beside me.

I jumped and spun around. David had crept up so quietly, I had not even noticed he was there. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah. You always see these views in movies and postcards but to see it in person... it's an entirely breathtaking experience." He smiled, glancing across the horizon before focusing back on me.

"So, I wanted to ask you about something?" I turned my head to show him that I was listening. "There's this party tomorrow, and I don't have a date. Would you consider coming with me?" I was in shock. I had not even known this kid for ten hours. Sure he was beyond gorgeous, but I had no idea who he was or what his true intentions really were.

"Sure! I mean no! I can't. I mean I love parties but you're how old? 20? I'm only 17. That's illegal in most places. Well, I'll be 18 in like a month so it wouldn't be illegal then. Never mind that. Plus, I barely even know you. I can't just go somewhere with you randomly. I don't know what you are like. I don't even know you like that. Besides, my parents wouldn't let me go anywhere ALONE with you, an older boy," I stammered. He looked down with a smile.

"Plus, I don't even know if your one of the good guys yet. You know, one of those guys that can be trusted." He looked at me curiously, catching a glimpse of the pain that I tried so hard to keep hidden.

"Well, that's alright. I was just wondering," he said quietly. He looked clearly offended by my rejection. A wave of sympathy crossed over me suddenly. I touched his arm gently. He looked up at me.

"Oh no. Please don't be offended. I'm flattered. Honestly, I am. But I've been hurt too much to just trust anyone these days. And I don't just go random places with people I've just met. That would be stupid and irresponsible of me. I'm sorry." He nodded solemnly.

"Of course. I understand. Maybe after the summers up, you'll trust me enough to go to a party with me. Is that a deal?" he said smiling and holding out his hand. I thought for a moment and then nodded, shaking his hand in agreement. What had I just gotten myself into?

The next morning, I awoke to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and when I could focus, I saw my mother standing over me.

"Mom, we're on vacation! What's up with you waking me up extra early?" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"Get up and get dressed. You are going to stay at Laura's house for a few days," she replied excitedly.

"You are? Why aren't you coming?" I asked my mom wondering if she was still feeling sick from the drive up here.

"Me and your dad are going to go to The Manhattan Club. It's for our twentieth anniversary. Don't worry. It will only be for like a week. You and your sister will have lots to do. David has picked out a bunch of things you guys can go see and do while we're gone." I was surprised.

"David?" I asked.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" she asked with worry on her face.

"No, no! I'm just surprised you would let us go places with a boy his age," I replied with reluctance. My mom laughed lightly.

"We've known David for a long time, and he knows that we trust him and we trust you. So don't do anything that we wouldn't approve of. Laura's going to be keeping a close eye on all of you."

I packed a small bag with enough clothing and supplies for five to six days and we drove about ten minutes to a secluded area on the edge of the city. Because of the way the city was built, we ended up on the highway for much of our little trip to Laura's house. When we arrived, we passed through a large iron gate. As we drove down the long driveway we spotted our destination. Laura's house sat comfortably in the middle of two giant Champion trees. Her house was an old house, but extremely grand. It was three times the size of our house in California and we lived pretty decently. It stood about three stories high. The outside was painted a light yellow color. It was neither too bright or too dull. I already liked this house. I walked up to the door and before I could knock or ring the doorbell, David had opened the door.

"Mom, they're here," he yelled into the house. Laura Branson appeared next to him in less than 10 seconds.

"Oh good. How are you sweetheart? I haven't seen you since you were below my waist," she exclaimed embracing me.

I remembered Laura very well. Whenever we used to come to New York, she would always find a way to come to my grandparent's house or aunt's house to see my mother. She was always hospitable and loving. I suddenly wondered why I had never seen David with her before.

"David was so excited when I told him you guys were coming. He's been pacing in front of that window waiting for you guys for like an hour," she whispered to me, bubbling with laughter.

"Mom!" David whispered through gritted teeth, clearly embarrassed.

Laura waved nonchalantly, ignoring his aggravated tone, as she bustled past me to go help unload our bags.

"So you were waiting by the window?" His eyes grew wide with horror. "Someone's a little anxious to see us," I said in a playful matter. His face turned a deep red as he looked away.

"No! It's not what you think. I mean, I didn't want you guys to have to try and carry all your stuff up by yourself, so I was watching for you guys so I could come help," He paused, blushing at my amused expression. "Never mind, I'll go and get your stuff," he explained awkwardly. He rushed out of the door and went to our car. I laughed as I followed him.

David took Kyla and I on a tour of the house, showing us our individual rooms. My room was located two doors down from my sisters. Directly across the hallway, was David's room. His door was closed so I couldn't see into it. I set my stuff in my room. The theme of the room was red. It was a decent sized room. The walls were off white with red and white roses littered across it. There was a desk made of mahogany wood and an owl clock over my door frame to match.

There was a queen sized bed with a giant wooden bed frame in the middle of the room. It had a red quilt laid across it. The quilt matched the pillows and cushions at the top of the bed. My favorite part of the room was the window. At the far end of the room, there was a large window with a window seat. The cushions and cloth on the seat matched that of the bed. It was a comfortable little seat and I had a feeling I would be spending a lot of time there.

When we had gotten settled in, Laura went into the kitchen to finish preparing lunch. My sister hooked up her computer in her room upstairs and was skyping a friend which left only me and David in the living room. We sat quietly, watching ESPN until I could no longer stand the awkward silence.

"So, where exactly are you taking us over these next few days?" I asked genuinely curious. He seemed relieved to have the tension broken.

"Well, I figured that I would take you guys to an amusement park. Then we'll go to like Times Square or something like that. Maybe we could go to the movies and just chill. Basically, I'm going to show you guys how to be young and wild in New York." I nodded.

"Sounds good to me," I replied.

Another awkward silence ensued so David went back to watching the T.V. I was sitting on the same couch as him and I could not stand the unsettling tension between us. So I did what every girl has done at least once to a guy. I reached my foot over and lightly tapped his shoe. I watched his face as I did it to see if I could get any reaction. I got none. So I did it again. This time, however, I tapped him a little harder. He jumped a little and looked over at me. I turned back towards the TV as if nothing had occurred. He must have understood what I was doing because in the next four seconds he lightly returned the tap. A game of footsie had begun. I giggled a little, looking in his direction. He was staring at the set but he had a big grin on his face. I returned the tap and added in a little elbow nudge to his rib cage. He looked over at me with a look of mock surprise. I laughed.

"Oh so you think that's funny?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

"Actually, I do," I said smiling.

"Well, fine. Here's something that will make you laugh." He reached over and grabbed my sides. I laughed and pushed his hands away quickly.

"Oh, so she is ticklish." he replied continuing to tickle me. I laughed and shrieked in glee as his hands found all my funny spots.

I pushed his hand away and went to slap him on his chest when he grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me towards him. I was caught off guard and fell across his slouched body on the couch. I looked up at him with a slight smile. I gulped nervously when I realized how close David's face was to mine. He noticed the closeness as well.

He let go of my wrist and I sat up quickly, scooting over on the couch to put some distance in between us. I had never been able to be so playful around someone I had just met. So what made me so comfortable yet uncomfortable around this guy? I did not know, but one thing was for sure. Our journey together had just begun.
