Chapter 24 - 3 Steps Back

"Wait, Jenny. Where are we going? Isn't your house that way?" I questioned her from the back seat. I had been to Jennifer's house a lot since we had become friends at work.

"Yeah it is, but we're not going to my house. We're going to a party," she stated happily. My eyes widened. When I had agreed to come spend the night at her house, I hadn't known we were going to a party first. I didn't know many people here besides Jenny, David and some of my co-workers. I was definitely not okay with going to some random person's house with people I did

not know.

"Jen, I don't know about this. I just wanna go back to your house and chill. I don't know the people here. I won't feel comfortable or have a good time," I complained. Jenny waved her hand dismissively at me.

"Oh, you'll be just fine. You and I became friends in no time. Just act like yourself and you'll have a good time girl," she replied nonchalantly. I shook my head, still skeptical.

"You and I have to work together. Of course I would try to get to know my co-workers. These people just wanna drink and smoke and act stupid," I said, my voice rising a little. Jennifer roller her eyes at me.

"Oh whatever. We're only gunna be there for like three hours. Then Taylor is going to come pick us up and we'll go to the house and chill," she said in an annoyed voice. Taylor spoke next. It was the first time she had said anything the entire trip.

"Stop being such a wuss Harmony. You'll have fun. These New York kids really know how to throw parties." I sighed in defeat. I couldn't argue with the both of them.

"Fine. But no longer than three hours," I stated in a stern tone. Jennifer nodded and smiled widely.


An hour later, I was sitting outside, on the curb, in the rain. I shook, crying and shivering. The rain was pouring down onto my body in little crystals. I looked up and down the street, trying to determine where I was. I gave up and looked back down. My head was pounding and my vision was skewed and not just by the rain. I had no idea how to get home. I only knew what street I was on, because I remembered turning down it before the party. I looked down and stared at my phone, covering it from the rain. I pushed the button and it lit up. I stared at it for a good five minutes before realizing what I was staring at. I read the notification on my phone slowly, trying to decipher the message. My head was feeling funny still and the screen was blurry. When I had successfully read the message, I sighed with relief. I had 3 missed calls from David. A thought slowly, but surely formed in my mind. Why hadn't I thought to call David before? I pressed the call button on my phone and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" David said, answering his cell. I sighed shakily with relief.

"David, this is Harmony," I replied, sniffling into the phone piece. I shivered slightly, wrapping my arms tightly around myself and sneezing miserably into my cell.

"I know it's you Sunshine," he said. He paused for a second. "Hey, are you crying?" David asked, his voice filled with concern. I gave him no immediate response, trying desperately to control my emotions. They won. I began sobbing into the phone.

"Yeah, I'm crying," I replied through gasps of air and sobs.

"Whoa, what's wrong? What happened babe?" David asked me. I would've smiled at the new nickname I had acquired if I wasn't outside, crying in the rain, and feeling miserable.

"Can you come and get me?" I sobbed through the phone.

"Yeah, but what happened?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly as he moved around. I guessed, he was putting on his jacket and moving to his car.

As we walked in, I looked around curiously. I was slightly uncomfortable but I was going to try and make the best of this situation.

"Hey babe. You look hot as hell," a man sitting on the staircase said, grabbing Jenny's hand. She smiled at him, flirtatiously before taking a seat on his lap. I looked at the two in an awkward silence. Jenny looked up at me and flashed me a smile before pushing me away gently.

"Go mingle. Make friends," she said, throwing me a 'go away' look. I nodded and threw her a small smile. I walked away and sat down on a couch, scooting away from the person next to me as much as possible. I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my notifications. Suddenly, music started blaring through the house. I looked over at the DJ who had appeared out of nowhere. As the music pumped, I could feel my blood circulating faster, adrenaline racing through my veins, willing me to jump up and move my body to the beat. I couldn't take it any longer and I jumped up, making my way to the central dance area by myself. I started twisting and turning to the melody. Suddenly a hand wrapped around my waist pulling me up against a body. I turned, still dancing, to come face to face with an older man. He was tall with dark hair. He smiled as he danced close to me. I removed his hand from my waist, the feeling foreign and different than David's and kept dancing. I could see that my motion bothered the man but he smiled nevertheless and continued dancing near me. When the song was over, I smiled politely at him before heading toward the kitchen for a drink. I looked around trying to locate something to drink but only saw a punch bowl. There was no way I trust that.

"Thirsty?" a voice behind me said. I whipped around to find the man from the dance floor smiling at me. I nodded.

"Yeah but I don't trust the punch. It probably has alcohol in it," I said. He nodded before opening the fridge and pulling out a soda liter.

"You're right. It does have alcohol in it. This however, should be alcohol free." I watched him curiously.

"Isn't it rude to just go in someone's fridge?" I asked. He chuckled a little.

"It is. Good thing it's mine," he said, placing the liter back before handing me the cup of liquid. I looked at him in surprise.

"Oh, I didn't know," I said. He grinned again.

"I figured. You don't look familiar and I know everyone around these parts pretty well. And I would certainly remember a girl as pretty as you. I'm Blake Sheltondales. And you are?" he said, holding out his hand. I took it in my own, debating on whether or not I should tell him my real name. I didn't need any paparazzi coming and finding me without Chris nearby.

"Dana," I said, opting for the safer option. He took it in his and flashed me a cute smile. He was very handsome, but something about him made me feel on edge.

"Nice to meet you. If you need anything please, feel free to come and get me," he said, turning to leave. Realizing my cup was empty, I placed a hand on his forearm, stopping him. He turned back expectantly.

"Actually, can I have some more?" I said holding up my cup. He chuckled before refilling my cup once more.

"If you want anymore, just help yourself." He said, walking away. Another cup later, I walked back into the living room. My head was starting to spin and my body felt heavy. As I trudged through the room, I felt a hand on my lower back.

"Dana, are you alright? You look like you aren't feeling well?" Blake said, appearing out of nowhere. I looked at him, but instead of just seeing one face, I saw two.

"I... I don't feel good," I stammered. "What was in that soda?" I asked, but my voice sounded like it was underwater. Blake replied but I couldn't hear his voice, I could only see his lips moving in slow motion. I looked at him in confusion, not understanding what was going on. I watched helplessly, as he led me up the stairs and into a room. As we walked in I could visually make out his words. 'Stay here and rest'. I nodded and laid down on the bed, my unconsciousness, slipping away.

The next time I was awake, I saw a light coming from the opening of the doorway. I sat up against the bed board and looked over to a group of guys walking in the room. I could hear what was being said now.

"She's in here and pretty out of it. She should be an easy one without lots of fight," a voice said. I recognized it as Blake's. The light turned on and my eyes squinted, trying to see who the other figures were. They were unfamiliar.

"What's...what's going on?" I asked Blake who came over and sat next to me. He placed a hand on my arm, pushing me into a lying down position.

"Dana, just relax. Relax. We won't be too rough," he said, throwing a glace over his shoulder to the other boys. The other boy came over and started unbuttoning my jeans. I pushed his hand away. When he tried to do it again, I pushed his hand away harder and sat up abruptly.

"No! Go away," I commanded. Blake polite smile turned into a mean grimace.

"Look, chill out. We just want a little fun," he said, placing his hand on my thigh. I pushed his hand away and slapped him hard in the face. His head snapped to the side and he rubbed his jaw angrily before back handing me, sending me flying backwards off the bed. I grabbed my face, tears streaming down my eyes, as my head hummed with pain. I stood up and scrambled towards the window, ready to use it as an escape if need be. I was trapped in this room, two boys on the bed and one blocking the door.

"Either you give us what we want or you're out of here," Blake said, glaring at me. I shook my head.

"You're not getting anything from me," I snapped furiously. Blake glowered at me silently before turning towards one of his boys.

"Johnny, get rid of her," he said. The big guy walked over to me quickly, and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder swiftly.

"Put me down!" I yelled, kicking and hitting the man. He didn't budge. He carried me down the stairs and out the front door before throwing me onto the wet ground. He went back into the house and locked the door.

"They locked the door so I can't get back in." I was crying uncontrollably now. "They tried to force me to have sex with them David. And I think there was something in my drink. I feel really funny. I wanna go home. Please, come take me away from here," I yelled into the phone.

"Don't worry Har. I'm on my way. Just don't go anywhere," David commanded. I whimpered into the phone. "Where the hell is Jenny? Why weren't you with her this whole time?" he asked angrily. I shrugged to myself.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since we got here," I sobbed.

"Hey there. Looks like your services will be needed after all," said a deep voice behind me.

I turned, just as one of Blake's groupies reached me. He was tall and muscular. He had a grim expression on his face. I didn't like that face.

"Leave me alone," I shouted at him. He smirked evilly.

"You are drugged and sitting in the rain. Just think of how I am helping you. The least you could do is help us in return," the kid said, grabbing my wrists tightly, trying to pull me up on my feet. I dropped my phone onto the pavement.

"What are you doing? Don't touch me. Let go! Help! Please, someone help me!" I hollered, kicking and pulling away from the boy. He reached down and struck me hard against the cheek. I fell against the pavement, holding my stinging cheek. My entire head was throbbing now. I looked up at him and glared. He smirked, reaching down to grab me again. I didn't hesitate in trying to crawl away from his hard grasp. He reached me and grabbed my ankles, his nails digging into my skin. I screamed.

"Harmony, what is happening?" I heard David yelling through my phone.

"David! Help me. Please come help me," I yelled in the direction of the phone. I continued to kick with all my might. When the boy saw that I wasn't giving up, he took to dragging me across the ground. I turned on my stomach, trying to grab anything I could. I continued screaming for David until I felt something hard hit the back of my head. My body went limp as I blacked out.

David's POV:

I drove faster as I heard Harmony screaming my name. I shouted back, trying to figure out what was going on. I had to get there before anything happened. Suddenly, I didn't here her yelling anymore. Oh God. Don't let me be too late. I thought to myself as I turned the corner onto Heyworth Dr. I parked in Blake's driveway, yanking the key out of the ignition and jumping out of the car quickly. I glanced over at the curb, reaching down and picking up Harmony's abandoned phone. I threw open the front door, causing a loud thud as it slammed against the wall and stormed inside. Music was pouring through the house in a loud, obnoxious wave. I scanned the party quickly, searching frantically for my girlfriend. I spotted the stairs and quickly made my way to them. I took the stairs three at a time.

"Please, leave me alone," I heard a weak voice call from down the hallway. I stormed down the long hallway, busting in the last door on the right. My eyes widened in anger at the sight I saw. There was a guy removing his pants, one holding Harmony firmly onto the bed and another removing her clothing roughly. Harmony had tears falling down her face as she struggled against the boy. She didn't look okay at all. She was sweating and red in the face. All three of the guys

looked up at me with a mixed look of horror and annoyance. Harmony, looked over at me and a small smile of relief' graced her lips before she passed out. I wound my hand back and swung it into the nearest guys face. It just so happened to be Blake Sheltondales. There was an ear shattering crutching sound as Blake's nose broke. He landed on the ground, roughly, holding his nose and screeching in pain, his pants around his ankles.

The guy removing Harmony's clothes stopped and sprung forward, throwing a punch in my direction. I deflected it and grabbed the boy's hand. I twisted it behind his back, and threw him into the wall. The boy's head rammed into the wall and he dropped to the floor unconscious. I turned toward the bed and was not surprised to find that the other boy had fled. Blake was still on the ground, but was glaring up at me. I jumped forward, bringing my hand back as if to punch him again. He winced away, whimpering in fear and pain. I looked back over to the bed. Harmony was awake now and she sat against the backboard, shaking like a leaf. Her shirt had been ripped off by one of the boys and her shorts were nowhere to be found. All that was left on her body was her floral print bra and strawberry pink panties. I took little notice though.

I was mostly looking at her terrified face. I swiftly made my way across the room and held out my hand. Harmony looked at my outstretched hand and then looked away. I retracted my hand. She wrapped her arms around her bent knees and began to rock silently, looking straight through me as if I wasn't there. I grabbed a blanket nearby and slowly approached her with it. When she didn't react to my touch, I wrapped it around her body and gently picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned into me, her eyes still wide in shock and terror. I quickly carried her to the car, and placed her in the back seat. I ran back into the house in search of her purse. I spotted it by the couch. I went over and picked it up. As I headed towards the door, I decided to go get the soda liter as evidence for later. I reached in the fridge and took the entire thing out. I threw it in her bag and started on my way out. As I walked out, I spotted Jennifer sitting in the lap of a college boy. I rushed over towards her, fuming with rage.

"Oh hey David. I didn't know you were coming tonight," she said with a preppy tone. I shook my head in disgust at her.

"You are an absolute pathetic excuse of a friend," I spat at her. She looked up at me confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?" she asked me.

"You left Harmony with people she didn't know and she almost got raped," I spat angrily at her. "Nice looking out for your friend." I turned on my heel and rushed out of the house in a fury. Just as I was about to get into the car, an idea came to mind. I pulled my phone out and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The dispatcher exclaimed.

"Yes hi. I'm at 1754 Heyworth Dr. This house belongs to Blake Sheltondales. I just came and got my girlfriend who Blake and his friends tried to rape after they had drugged her. There are three or four other rooms upstairs and I'm almost positive you'll find some other drugged girls in there," I said glaring back up at the house.

"Ok sir, please remain calm. First, if you can, I would get you and your girlfriend to safety. If your girlfriend is conscious I would strongly recommend you take her to the emergency where they can evaluate the drugs in her system or wait until officers and an ambulance arrive and assess the scene."

"David, I wanna go," I heard Harmony exclaim quietly. I nodded at her silently, before returning my attention back to my phone conversation.

"I'm gunna take her myself. Should I leave a statement or something?" I ask.

"If there is need for witness statements, the officers will get in contact with you as soon as possible. Is this the best number to contact you on Mr... Branson?" he asked, assumedly looking up my caller I.D. on his end.

"Yes, this is my cell phone and I always have it with me."

"Great, keep it turned on."

"I will. Thank you," I said, before hanging up the phone. I slid in the driver's seat of my car and drove off without a word. Harmony sat in the backseat, sobbing and sniffing softly. After about two minutes of hearing her cry, I could no longer take it anymore. I pulled along a nearby curb and turned the car off. I climbed into the backseat and sat Harmony onto my lap, placing my arms around her and kissing her hair gently. Harmony leaned into me, and wrapped her arms around my torso. We sat like this for about an hour; her crying and me comforting her until I decided it was time to do something.

"We should go to the hospital. You might have a bad reaction to the drugs," I suggested. She shook her head.

"No, I just wanna go to bed," she said, sleepily.

"Harmony, the 911 dispatcher said you should really get checked out with these unknown drugs in your system. I think you should listen and let me take you to the hospital," I said cautiously.

"I just... I'm already humilated. I don't have on any clothes. My head is foggy and a group of boys who I don't know are responsible for all of it. I just wanna go home," she said, laying her head on my shoulder, starting to sob again. I rubbed her arm, kissing her head.

"Ok,ok. We don't have to go. Where are you going to sleep tonight?" I asked gently. Harmony shrugged.

"I don't know. I'd rather not go to Jenny's house, but I can't go home otherwise my grandparents will notice something's wrong with me," she replied in a slurred voice. I thought for a second.

"You can spend the night at my house, in your old room," I suggested quietly. Harmony spoke, slurring profusely.

"WhadaboutyourLaura?" she asked, her head rolling to the side. I nodded my hand dismissively at her.

"My mom would want you to come so she could take care of you. Trust me, she won't mind at all." She nodded and let her head fall back against the seat gently. I climbed back into the front seat of the car, and started up the car. Twenty minutes later, we pulled into my driveway. I grabbed her bag and threw it over my shoulder. I doubted she could carry anything right now. My suspicions were right. As I helped Harmony out of the car, she crumbled to the ground. I bent down and swiftly picked her up into my arms. I carried her to the door and rang the doorbell. My mother opened the door and jumped back as I rushed in with Harmony in my arms.

I went up the stairs and placed Harmony down on her bed. I placed her bag down beside her and opened it, taking the bottle of 'soda' out. I turned towards my mother who had followed us up. I left the room so my mother could change Harmony into sleep appropriate wear. When she was done, she came out of the room and gently closed the door behind her.

"What's wrong with her?" my mother asked, turning towards me, concern etched into her voice. I held out the bottle to her.

"This," I said. I had figured it out on the way home. My mother glanced at me, looking confused. I explained.

"It's supposed to be soda, but I can bet you a million bucks it's got something in it. Harmony drank it without knowing." My mother shook her head in horror.

"That is awful. The poor dear," My mother replied. I continued.

"And get this. They even tried to rape her." I told my mother the entire story, from the phone call to going to get Harmony from the party. My mother was furious by the time I finished and I was too. Again.

"When she gets well enough, we are pressing charges against those boys. I will make sure of it," My mother chirped fiercely. I nodded in agreement. I was just about to say something when I heard a small voice call for me.

"Go on and take care of her. I'm going to bed. We'll talk about this later, all three of us. Love you," my mom said, kissing my cheek and walking back downstairs to her room. I opened the door to find Harmony sitting up in the bed, crying softly again.

"Please stay with me. I don't want to be alone," she sobbed quietly. I climbed on top of the covers next to her. I flicked the light off and laid down. Harmony laid back down and I pulled her to me, engulfing her in a bear hug. I let her go and rolled over onto my back. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her head pop up as she looked at me. I turned my head to find her staring-studying me. One of my eyebrows lifted in curiosity. She leaned in and pecked me on the cheek softly. I looked at her in surprise. We had been dating officially for five days now, but it still felt weird to be able to have that kind of contact with each other. It was a good kind of weird, but still weird.

"What was that for?" I asked her quietly. Harmony didn't respond, she just leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I gently grabbed her face and kissed her back. Her tongue pushed against my lips, waiting for entrance. I obliged and her tongue collided with mine. She wrapped her hands around my neck, pushing her body up on top of mine. Harmony pulled back, kissing my neck gently, making my body shiver. I laid there, panting and out of breath. And as I sat, I thought to myself. I suddenly remembered a conversation we had a few days ago, when she told me that her best friend's dad had raped her. She had cried not only because she had gotten raped and her friend had died, but also because she had been a virgin.
As this memory flashed through my head, I knew I couldn't let her do something that she wouldn't do if she were sober. If I let her do this act now, she would never forgive me. I pushed her away reluctantly, but I knew that if I didn't do it, I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Whaddareyoudoing?" Harmony slurred, a hurt look on her face. I sighed.

"You're under the influence Har. And you almost got raped today. I'm not going to do this when you're not thinking right. It's not right," I replied, but by the time I was done, the drugs had taken a toll on her body and she was fast asleep, lightly snoring against my chest, her arms still around my neck. I scooted closer to her.

"This is enough for me," I whispered, before falling asleep myself.

I woke up in the middle of the night, in a room that was not my own. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. Harmony. I was in Harmony's room. I looked up at the owl clock. 3:17. Why did I wake up? I thought to myself. I looked around, searching for Harmony's sleeping body, but found that I was alone. I sat up and whispered into the darkness. I got no reply. I swung my legs off the bed and climbed out of it slowly. I heard a thud, somewhere out in the hallway. I crept to the door, swinging the door open quietly.

"Harmony. Where are you? Are you okay?" I whispered. Still no reply. Suddenly, I heard a moan coming from the bathroom. I followed the noise and pushed the door open. I peered in and saw Harmony lying face down. She was very still. Vomit covered the back of the toilet. I rushed over to her and turned her over. She was extremely cold and her breath was very slow. I gently shook her shoulder, urging her to open her eyes, but received no response. I shook her with more urgency. Nothing. Suddenly a smell drifted into my nostrils. Apart from the sour smell of vomit, I could smell something else that was very off. "Mom! Somethings wrong with Harmony," I shouted, still trying to wake her. Oh God. This cannot be happening. My mother came running in the bathroom.

"Oh God. Hospital. Go now!" she ordered. I picked her up and jumped down the steps and through the front door. I placed her into the car and got in myself. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. I picked Harmony up and ran into the hospital through the emergency entrance.

"Help! I need help right now. There's something wrong with my girlfriend. I think she overdosed," I yelled at the secretary. The secretary jumped into action, paging people and calling others. Within seconds, a group of doctors with a stretcher came rushing into the lobby. I placed Harmony on the cot and as I did, her body began convulsing rapidly.

"We're losing her," a doctor yelled as they rushed her through the halls. I tried to follow when they rushed into a room, but was stopped by a nurse. I looked through the doorway as machines were being hooked up to Harmony. I turned away as they stuck a long tube down her throat. A nurse pushed me back into the lobby, fussing about how I couldn't be back in the medical area. I obliged, following her words blankly. I was taken to a waiting room, down by the original lobby. I walked back and forth, every worst case scenario going through my brain. Some time went by before my mom, followed my Harmony''s grandparents came rushing in.

"Where is she? Is she okay," her grandmother exclaimed panicked. I shrugged.

"They rushed her back as soon as we got here and started pumping her stomach. I haven't heard anything else yet." Three long hours passed before anyone came to get us. When I finally sat down, I was only sitting for ten seconds because a doctor came in shortly thereafter.

"Branson," the man called into the room. I shot out of my chair, almost knocking it over and we all followed him out of the room. The man was short and bald. He had a thin black mustache across his face and he held a clipboard in his left arm. He spoke.

"Your friend was extremely lucky to have you around. She would've died is she hadn't gotten here when she did. We got most of the drugs out of her system but she's still unconscious and very weak. We'll keep her here for observations to make sure nothing goes wrong, but you are free to go see her now. She's in room 181. That's down this hall and to the right," he said, pointing me in the direction we should go. I thanked him and then we rushed off to find Harmony's room. We found it fairly quickly and I stopped in the doorway, peering into the room while her grandparents rushed to her side.

Harmony had several tubes running around her head and from her arms. She looked like she had been through hell. Well, she kind of had been. I should have known earlier. I should have been more careful with her. I thought to myself. I couldn't help but feel guilty about the situation we were in right now. Silent tears ran down my face in glistening streams.

"This isn't your fault David. I can see you blaming yourself. Stop it. She's fine," my mom said quietly, rubbing my arm gently. "C'mon guys. You need some sleep," she said to Harmony's grandparents. They both nodded before hobbling out the door. "You too David. It's been a long night." I shook my head.

"I'm not leaving until she's awake and I know for sure she's okay,"I said, still staring at my girlfriends seemingly lifeless body. My mom nodded before exiting out the door. I walked over and pulled a chair up to the side of the bed. I grabbed Harmony's hand and laid my head down by her side. Within moments, I was asleep.
