The New Girl | Itsumi Kunihiko

Itsumi Kunihiko a.k.a Colby Columbia

This in NOT a request but it WAS a part of my first book (deleted)
Going to Teikoku Gakuen is a dream come true for a girl like me. I'm smart, funny and work hard. So going to such a great school would be amazing.

I walked into the school, staring around. The giant halls were beautiful and everything looked great. I walked to the administration. "Can I help you?" the lady behind the desk asked. "Yes, I'm new and I should pick my uniform and everything I need here." I told. "Alright, what's your name?" the lady asked. "(L/N) (F/N)." I said. "Alright." the lady said and handed everything over. "Well, see you tomorrow." she said and I walked out of the school.

The next day

I didn't really care about the uniform. I just walked into the school again, this time, a lot busier than yesterday. I found my way easily through the crowd and putted my bag in my locker. I needed to find a man named Sakuma Jirou. He would give me a look around through the school.

Finally, I found him. A tall man with long blue hair and a eye patch. "You're (L/N) (F/N), nice to meet you." he said and shakes my hand. "Little shy?" he asked. I nodded and he smiled. "Well, follow me, I show you around." he said and I followed him.

He showed me around the whole school. "Want to see the soccer club training?" he asked. I just nodded and I followed him to the fields. Another man was talking to the team when we watched it from a distance. When the team walked up the field, Sakuma walked up to the man. "How's the team doing, Kidou?" Sakuma asked. "Great." Kidou said. He looked at me and shaked my hand. "Hello, I'm (L/N) (F/N)." I said. "I'm Kidou Yuuto." Kidou said. I nodded and sat down on the bench. "Classes start in 30 minutes, want to watch the training until then?" Sakuma asked. I nodded and watched the training.

When I sat down in my first class, I thought about the soccer team. They play amazing and I now know all the faces of the boys. I grabbed my books and listened to the teacher. Writing some things down, able of following everything.

In my next class, I got bored. I knew every answer, but didn't say a word. "Miss (L/N), can you tell us the anwser?" sensei asked. I stared at the math problem.

4 x (8 + 4) : 2 x 8 + -45

I know it. I signed and smiled. "Can it be easier?" I asked sarcastic. "What?" sensei said. "The answer is -42." I said. My teacher looked on my paper. "How?" he said. "Well..." I stared. "Between the brackets first, so 8+4=12. Then its 4x12 : 2x8+ -45. Then you do 4x12 and 2x8. First 4x12=48, then 2x8=16. The its 48 : 16+ -45. Next is 48 : 16=3. Then its 3+ -45, and that is -42." My teacher stared unbelievable. "That correct." he said and I smirked.

After school, I stayed for some time to help my new friend Deijī out (she has long, orange hair, blue eyes and helps the soccer club sometimes). I was interrupted when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw a boy behind me.

He had black eyes, shoulder-length dark maroon hair and a scar on his right cheek. I saw him on soccer practice, but couldn't come up with his name. "Hey." I said. "Hi Kunihiko." Deijī said shy and happy. "Yeah hey." he said and Deijī blushed. "Need something from me Kuni - sama?" Deijī asked. "No, I wanted to ask your friend something." he said, turning his face to me. "What do you want from me?" I asked him. "I saw you at the soccer club." he said. "So?" I asked. "Wanna come watch again tomorrow?" he asked. "No problem." I said. "Great, see you tomorrow after school at the soccer club." he said and walked away.

Deijī squealed and shaked me. "Don't you know who that was?!" she asked. "No." I said easy. "That was Itsumi Kunihiko, one of the players of the soccer team." she said. I turned my head back to my work. "He invites you to the watch soccer practice, he didn't asked me." Deijī squealed. I packed my books and stood up. "If you only gonna talk about Itsumi and the fact he asked me to watch practice tomorrow, well bye." I said and walked away.

The next day

After class me and Deijī talked. "I can't believe Kuni - sama asked you to watch practice, he's never so nice." she said. "What?" I said. "Normally he's rude and acts arrogant." she explained. I thought about it. Why did he asked me to watch training?

After school I came to soccer practice, like I promised. Itsumi was amazing, just like the rest of the team. "Hey, why don't you play one game with us?" Itsumi asked, smirking. "I can't play soccer." I said and looked down. He grabbed my arm and dragged me on the field.

"Well, get the ball from me...uhm, what you name?" he asked. "(L/N) (F/N)." I said. "Alright (F/N), bring it on." he said and I ran torwards him. Before he saw it, I ran away with the ball. "What?!" he said and turned around. I had one foot on the ball. "You're great." Kidou said. "Can you score a goal against Miyabino?" Sakuma asked. "I can try." I said. Miyabino smiled and walked to the goal.

I stood infront of the goal, taking a deep breath. I ran torwards the goal and kicked the ball up. I jumped and kicked the ball torwards the goal. Miyabino jumped but couldn't get it. "I-I scored?" I said to myself. "That was amazing, you would be great for the team." the captain, Mikado Haruma said. "T-thanks." I said. "So, are you on the team?" Kidou asked. "Okay." I said.

A few weeks later

I liked playing soccer. I create my own hissatsu technic and got better every training. I liked everyone on the team. Daisy helped sometimes and only stared at Itsumi. I didn't understand it, because a lot of girls liked him. But he rejected them all. When he rejected Deijī, he said he liked someone else, and I didn't know who. It freaked me out, because I liked him to.

I walked to my locker and putted my bag in it. I had soccer practice in fifteen minutes. A few girls walked up to me, clearly mad. I closed my locker and stared at them. "Aren't you that girl from the soccer team?" the middle one asked. "Yes, I am, who are you?" I asked. The blond girl smirked dark. "I'm Madison." she said and pointed at the black haired girl and the brown haired girl behind her. "This is Jeido and this is Rizu." I felt a shiver down my spine. Madison pushed me down and kicked me hard against my left ankle. "What the..." I said and layed my hands on my ankle. "This is a warning, make friends with whoever, but not with my Kuni - sama." Madison said and the girls walked away.

I still sat on the ground, when Kidou came around the corner. "What are you still doing here?" Kidou asked and kneeled down. "Some girls came and one kicked hard against my ankle." I said. "Let's have a look." Kidou said. I took of my shoe and my sock. My ankle was red and a little bit swollen at the front. "Do you think you can train?" he asked. "Yes." I said and got up.

With a bandage on my ankle, I just practice. Getting the ball, passing the ball, shooting. After practice, Itsumi got me a water bottle and I rested like the rest. I looked up and saw Madison and her friends sitting on the tribune. They stared mad at my and I glared at them. "Something wrong?" Itsumi asked. I looked surprised at him. Normally he acts rude and arrogant. "N-no, nothing wrong." I said, looking down my ankle.

When everyone was gone, I still practiced. "Hey (F/N)!" Itsumi yelled. The ball rolled away and I looked at the other side of the field, were Itsumi was standing. He walked up to me and smiled. ''Hey Itsumi.'' I said. ''Don't you think it's better to go easy with your ankle?'' he asked. I stared at him. How did he know about that?

He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the side of the field. I sat down on the ground, Itsumi next to me. "How did you know?" I asked. "I saw it." he said. "And you didn't helped me?" I asked mad. "Sorry." he said. I signed and closed my eyes. Itsumi layed a hand on my shoulder and played with a strand on my hair. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't. "Can you stop that?" I asked and stared in his eyes. He did this on purpose, he wanted my face close to his!

He leaned a bit to me. "What are you...?" I wanted to ask what he was doing, but he cut me of with a kiss. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. His nose touched mine and he licked over my lower lip. I parted my lips and he slid his tongue in my mouth, turning the once innocent kiss in a hot, passionate kiss.

Still in the kiss, someone screamed. We broke the kiss and looked around. Madison stood behind Itsumi. Itsumi stood up and stared mad at Madison. I got up and Madison tried to get past Itsumi, but he pushed her back. "What are you doing, Kuni - sama?" she asked. "Don't call me that and leave me alone." Itsumi said. "Why, I love you and you love me." Madison said, almost demanding. "No, I don't love you, now go away." he said. Madison growled and walked away.

Itsumi relaxed and turned around. "I love you, (F/N) - kun." he said and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped his arms around his neck and smiled. "I love you to." I whispered.

The next day

"Good job, (F/N)." Mikado said. "Thanks Mikado." I said. Itsumi gave me a water bottle and kissed me on the cheek. "Well, Itsumi." Narita said. "Something wrong?" he asked annoyed. "Isn't that Madison your girlfriend?" Narita asked teasing. Itsumi glared at him and Narita smirked.

I sat down on the field, Itsumi next to me. Deijī walked up to us and smiled. "Hey (F/N), hey Kuni - sama." she said. "Hey Deijī ." I said. "Coming with me?" she asked. I nodded and stood up, followed by Itsumi. "I see you in a minute." I said. Deijī nodded and walked away.

I turned to Itsumi. "What would she say if I told her?" I ask. "Let me, Deijī?" Itsumi yelled. She came running back. "Yes, Kuni - sama?" she said. "Don't call me like that, because I have a girlfriend." he said. "What?!" Deijī yelled. "I'm dating (F/N)." he said and kissed me on the cheek. Deijī turned around and ran away. "Sorry, I thought she would react different." Itsumi said, but I didn't listen.

The next day

I found Deijī, finally. "Deijī, I'm sorry." I said. "No worry, I'm fine." she said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, go to Itsumi, be happy." she said and walked away.

Ten minutes before soccer practice I walked to Itsumi. "Hey." he said and hold me in a tight embrace. I looked up and his lips found mine. For a minute I remembered what Deijī said.

Be happy

"So, ready for practice?" he asked. "You can't get the ball from me, Kunihiko." I said. "Bet for it?" he asked. "Nah, just have fun trying to get the ball." I said and kissed him again. "Oh I will try." he said after breaking the kiss.

Meanwhile practice Itsumi tried to get the ball from me, but he couldn't. "Before our defeat against Raimon I was a SEED and now I can't even get the ball." he said. "Itsumi get defeated by his girlfriend." Miyabino said. Itsumi glared at him and turned to me. He wrapped an arm around me and kissed me soft on the lips. I looked back and saw Deijī standing. She didn't walked away crying, but nodded and smiled.

After practice, I walked up to Deijī. "What are doing here?" I asked. "I wanted to see you smile with Itsumi." she said and walked away. Everybody was gone. Itsumi stood behind me, waiting for me to turn around. I turned around and his lips were on mine. "She doesn't look mad anymore." Itsumi said after breaking the kiss. "Yeah, but still, I think she needs her time." I said. "She comes over it, I guess." he said. I laughed and Itsumi looked at me. "You need to look out, because there a lot of nutty fangirls here." he said. "I know." I said. He kissed me again and licked over my lower lip. I parted my lips slightly and he slid his tongue in my mouth, caressing my palate and my own tongue. I didn't care about all those girls. I only cared about me and my Kunihiko.
Itsumi Kunihiko X (L/N) (F/N)
