Family Difference | Ryuuzaki Ouji

Ryuuzaki Ouji a.k.a Dracon Yale

My family was completely horrible. I couldn't date any boy if he didn't looked normal. My last boyfriend was rejected by my parents because he was a SEED. I decided not to tell anyone when I had a boyfriend or whatever. They didn't trust me, so I didn't trust them anymore.

I sat in the park in the grass, looking at ducks and little kids who smiled at me. All kids liked me, I didn't know how. "(F/N)." a voice behind me said. I turned around and found Ryuuzaki Ouji behind me. "Hey Ryuu." I said, calling him by his nickname.

He sat down next to me and snaked an arm around me. Guess...we're dating. I'll never tell my parents about it, because they'll force me to break up. He's sweet, kind and a great guy. But if my parents found out about us, they going to judge him by his looks and the fact he's a SEED.

A little girl ran past us and stopped. "(F/N)!!!" she yelled and jumped on my lap. I smiled and the mother smiled. The girl got up, waved and walked away. "Kids like you." Ryuuzaki said. "I know." I said and he kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and layed my hand on his shoulder. I looked up and saw my dad coming into the park. I moved away from Ryuuzaki and he looked confused. When he saw my dad, he smiled at me, letting me know he understood it. "(F/N), be home before dusk." my dad said and walked away.

When I was sure my dad was gone, I got back next to Ryuuzaki and he snaked his arm back around me. I layed my head back and signed happy. "Should I bring you home?" he asked. "Okay, until my street." I said. He nodded and we got up. He layed a finger under my chin and softly kissed me. When he pulled back, I smiled at him, my (E/C) eyes sparkling.

At my street, he left and I walked the last part. I came home and walked inside. "Hey sweetie." my mom said. "Honey, who was that boy you were with?" my dad asked. "A friend." I said. "Luckily not your boyfriend." my dad said. I turned on my heels and stared at him.

"What?" I said. "Didn't you looked at him?" he asked. "Yeah, he's pretty hot." I said. "Come on honey, that hair, those eyes, I feel a shiver when I think about him dating you." he said. I exploded and slammed my fist on the table. "How can you say that?!" I yelled. "What's wrong?" he asked like he didn't said anything wrong. "I'm dating him and no, I won't break up with him!" I yelled. "Honey, we told you to date normal boys." he said. "Oh shut up, that he looks different doesn't mean he isn't normal!" I yelled. "Call him and break up." my mom demanded. She handed me the phone. I throwed it against the wall. "NO! NO, I WON'T BREAK UP WITH HIM! I LEAVE!" I yelled and ran out the door, to Ryuuzaki's house.

When I stood at his front door, my eyes were red and swollen from crying. His parents weren't home yet, but they are better than mine. Ryuuzaki opened the door. "(F/N), what's wrong?" he asked and I walked inside. He closed the door and wrapped his arms around me. "My parents, I hate them." I said sobbing. He rubbed my back with his hands and I layed my head against his chest. "Its okay, don't cry." he whispered. I listened to his heartbeat and calmed down. I looked up at him and he crashed his lips on mine.

When we pulled back, I layed my head back against his chest. "You can stay here if you want." he said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, my parents love you, so it will be fine." he said and kissed me again. I smiled and he sat down on the couch. I sat down next to him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and I played with a strand of his white hair.

His parents came home and were happy to see me. I explained why I came here and Ryuuzaki's mother hugged me. I could stay here if I wanted. Ryuuzaki is a lucky guy to have such nice parents. I helped his mother with dinner and helped his dad with some things.

I slept in the guest room next to Ryuuzaki's room. I layed on the bed and looked at my phone. My mom and dad had send me messages, telling me to come home. I read them and didn't wrote back. I signed and thought about what my dad said. Ryuuzaki isn't weird. He's a great guy and I love him.

The next morning

Sunlight touched my cheek. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. It wasn't my room. In a sec I remembered everything. I fought with my parents and ran of. The door flew open and I sat up. Ryuuzaki stood in the door and smiled. "Feeling better?" he asked. "Yeah, thanks for letting me stay here, Ryuu." I said and got on my feet. He smiled and opened his arms for me. I walked to him and he hugged me thight. His warm embrace, his easy heartbeat were enough to calm me down.

Me and his mother made breakfast. She is a great woman. I wished my mom would be like that. The doorbell rang and Ryuuzaki's mother opened the door. "Hello, did you maybe see my daughter?" the voice asked. My eyes shot open. My parents found me! Ryuuzaki's mother looked at me and I shaked my head. She understood it. "Sorry, we didn't see her." she said. I signed. "Well, if you see her, send her home, please." my mom said and left.

When they were gone, I looked through the window. "Thank you." I said to Ryuuzaki's mother. "You can stay here until they hopefully for you once made up their minds." his mother said. Ryuuzaki smiled and kissed me on the cheek, making me blush a little.

His parents left for work and I went on my own to the stables. I helped a hand on my own free will and loved it. A girl in the stable was brushing her horse and looked up when she saw me. "Hey (L/N)." she said. "Hey Maddie." I said and looked over the door. Her horse sniffed at my arm and pushed her nose against my shoulder. "Rabu is sweet, isn't she?" Maddie asked. "Her name means love, right." I asked. "Yeah, she's now four years old and I called her Rabu with a reason." Maddie said. Me and Maddie are great friends, but I didn't understand this. "What kind of reason?" I asked. "Four years ago was the first time you and Ryuuzaki met, I was there." she said. "That's so sweet." I said. "I calleb her Rabu because I was sure you and him will be together." she said. "Yeah, we're together and I'm staying at his house for some time." I said. "What? You know, if I'm done cleaning her up, we're talking further." she said. "Okay." I said and walked of.

Maddie and I walked outside with Rabu. Maddie let her on the meadow and we sat down in the grass against the fence. "What's happened that you stay with him?" she asked. "My dad saw me with him and when I came home, he said some stupid things about Ryuu, I freaked out, confessed that me and Ryuu are dating." I said. "Let me guess, your parents told you to break up with him." Maddie said. "Yeah, they gave me a phone, but I trowed it against the wall, yelled and run of to Ryuu's house." I said. "Your parents are such idiots." she started. "I mean, you and Ryuuzaki are lovely to see around each other, why can't your parents just let you decide for yourself?" Maddie clenched her fists. I got up and looked at my watch. "I got to go, but thanks I could say everything to you, see you later." I said and ran of.

I walked to Ryuuzaki's house when my dad just came out of a store. I ran of and got followed by him. ''Honey, come home now.'' he yelled. I stopped and decided to listen to him. ''Honey, please come home.'' he said. ''If you let me date Ryuu.'' I said. ''You know that's not possible.'' he said. ''Why not? He's a great guy and that he looks different, doesn't mean he is weird.'' I said. ''Come on, he isn't normal, honey.'' he said. ''He's normal, hot and a SEED.'' I said. ''What?'' my dad said. ''Yes, I'm dating a SEED again and you can't stop me, bye.'' I said and ran of.

When I reached Ryuuzaki's house, my mom was sitting inside, talking to his parents. Ryuuzaki opened the door and hugged me. ''I don't want to loose you.'' I said. ''My parents are trying to convince your mother to let us be.'' he said. ''Really?'' I asked and looked up at him. "It will be fine." he said and kissed me.

My mom came into the hallway, tears in her eyes. "Mom..." I said. "Honey, I'm so sorry." she said and hugged me. "It's okay." I said. "You can date Ryuuzaki if you want to." she said. "Thank you." I said. "I'll convince your dad." she said. "Thank you so much." I said. "I go home, please, be home before dusk?" she asked. "No worry ma'am, I make sure she's home in time." Ryuuzaki said. "Thanks." my mom said and left.

Ryuuzaki pulled me against him and hold me tight. "I told you that it will be fine." he said. "I know." I said and looked in his eyes. When I looked in his eyes, I got a feeling that I never felt in our relationship. He leaned closer and gently pressed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer. He licked over my lower lip; asking for entrance. I hesitated for a moment, but I decided to part my lips. He slid his tongue in my mouth, caressing my palate and my own tongue.

He rubbed my back with his hands meanwhile the kiss. I played with his hair and our tongues swirled around each other. He pulled me against him, still in the kiss. After almost three minutes, we broke the kiss to gasp for air. We stared in each others eyes and hugged each other thight. "Should I bring you home?" he asked. I simply nodded and he smiled.

We walked to my house. Ryuuzaki had one arm around my waist the whole walk. When we reached my house, I turned to him. "You're home." he said and kissed me. I parted my lips and he slipped his tongue in my mouth, caressing the inside of it. We kissed each other until a yell came out of the house. We broke the kiss and I looked throught the window. My mom layed on the ground with a wound on her head. My dad hold a big stick with blood on it. I grabbed my phine and called police.

Police was on his way and I layed my head against Ryuuzaki's chest. "No worry, it's going to be fine." he said. Police arrived and arrested my dad. They brougth him outside and my dad yelled some natsy things to me and Ryuuzaki. We walked inside, where my mom was sitting on the couch. "Mom, what happened?" I asked. "Your dad freaked out." she said. Ryuuzaki got her a washcloth. "Thanks." she said. "Can I call my mother to tell her what happened and that I stay here tonight?" he asked. "Of course." my mom said. Ryuuzaki bowed and grabbed the phone. I cleaned my mothers wound.

After a minute Ryuuzaki came back and putted the phone back. "I can stay here tonight." he said. "Your welcome here." my mom said. "Mom, go to bed and rest." I said after covering her wound. "Alright then, good night." she said and went upstairs. "You can sleep on th couch." I said and went upstairs.

I layed in my bed and closed my eyes. The door got open and closed again and my eyes shot open. Another body climbed in my bed and I turned around. Someone's lips were on mine and he wrapped his arm around me. I soon enough realised it was Ryuuzaki. "What are you doing here." I asked. "I can't sleep." he said. I smiled and kissed him again. We broke the kiss and I layed my head against his chest, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next day

I woke up and noticed I wasn't alone. I looked up and looked at Ryuuzaki, who was still sleeping. I kissed him and he woke up. "Good morning." he said. I got up and he followed. "If my mom find out, she kills us." I said. "No problem, I didn't slept underneath the blankets." he said. I smiled and kissed him. I got on my feet and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my (H/C) hair and washed my face.

My mom came downstairs and breakfast was ready for her. Ryuuzaki and I already eat breakfast. "Mom, I'm walking Ryuuzaki to his house." I said. "Alright, have fun." she said. I putted on my coat and we walked outside.

Me and Ryuuzaki almost reached his house. I was a minute away when he grabbed my hand and stopped me. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I love you." he said and kissed me. "I know that." I said after breaking the kiss. "Still, I hope we never break up." he said. "I hope so." I said and we walked furter.

We stood in front of his door when he turned to me. He pulled me against him and kissed me on the lips. He forced his tongue in my mouth, but I didn't care. His tongue swirled around mine and he wrapped an arm around me. I layed my hands on his shoulders and pulled him closer.

We broke the kiss and went inside the house. His parents greated me happily. I smiled at them and Ryuuzaki hugged me. "You two are so adorable." his mom said. "Mom!" Ryuuzaki said and signed. I kissed him and his face turned a bit red. "I don't care, because it's the true." I said and layed my head against his chest. He kissed my forehead and I played with a strand of his white hair. I didn't thougth about what happened before my parents knew it, now I could only think about the time that was coming. My time with Ryuuzaki.
