I'll Protect You, Forever | Isozaki Kenma

Isozaki Kenma a.k.a Infinity Beyond

Old part from School Love (deleted)
Have fun reading!
Written in reader's POV

Waking up by the sound of my alarm clock, I felt the pain shot through my body. Blood all over my legs and the bed, every painful memory of that horrible night came back, like every time I wake up. Two or three times a week my dad did some horrible things to me to make himself feel better. My dad went to work around 6 pm. I climbed out of the bed and went to the bathroom.

After cleaning myself up, I still felt the pain. I came to0 late at school. This time, I needed to speak with my mentor. "(F/n), can you tell me why you come to late so much?" she asked me. Tears stung in my eyes and one rolled over my cheek. "N-no, I can't." I said, sobbing. "Please, we want to help you." she said. "MY DAD! MY DAD ABUSE ME!!!" I yelled and ran away.

Outside the school I sat against the tree. Tears rolled down my cheeks, falling to the ground. "(L/N)." I looked up and saw my childhood friend Shinoyama Mitsuru. His hand went through his green hair. "What?" I asked, sobbing soft. "Something with your dad again?" he asked friendly. Yes, only my childhood friend knows about my home situation. "I can't go home, Mitsuru, I just can't." I said, crying. He sat on his knees next to me and laid a hand on my shoulder. "Wanna come to my house tonight?" he asked. I looked up surprised. "Okay." I said softly. "That's done, I'll tell my parents you stay over." he said with a smile. "

"Shinoyama!" I froze. That voice. Isozaki Kenma stood in front of us. "Isozaki, this is my childhood friend (L/N) (F/N)." Shinoyama said. Isozaki smiled and I looked at his blue eyes. "Nice to meet you, (L/N)." he said. I simply nodded. I had a long time crush on Isozaki, but I was too shy to confess. "She lost her tongue or something?" he asked with a smile on his face. "No, she just goes through some things now, so she stays at my place tonight." Shinoyama explained. "Didn't we promise each other to do homework at your place tonight?" Isozaki said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Damn, forgotten." Shinoyama said, his fingers in his hair. "I don't care having a cute girl around." Isozaki said, making my cheeks burn deep red. "Alright, see you tonight." Shinoyama said. Isozaki nodded and left.

Time skip; after school

Shinoyama and I walked to his house. "I called my parents and they don't have a problem with you staying for some time." he told. I simply nodded, but kept looking around me. I was scared my dad would find me.

Finally, we reached Shinoyama's house. He opened the door and I took a sign of relief when the door closed. "You're scared, right?" Shinoyama asked concerned. I nodded. "Want something to drink?" he asked as he walked to the kitchen. "No thanks." I said and sat down on the couch. "Wanna study with me and Isozaki?" he asked carefully. I shook my head.

Time skip; an hour later

After an hour I laid on the bed of the guest room, sleeping. I felt save enough to sleep now, since I didn't sleep much at home. I felt someone sitting next to me on the bed and my body tensed up a bit. A hand waved a strand of my (H/C) hair away from my face and I opened my eyes. I got up and stared at the person beside me. It was Isozaki.

"I didn't scare you, right?" he asked. "N-no, no p-problem." I stuttered. He chuckled and smiled. "You hopefully didn't think I was your dad." he said. Tears stung in my eyes. "H-h-how..." I muttered, feeling my soul breaking. Pain, sadness, fear, everything popped up in my mind.

"Shinoyama told me." he said, his eyes caring. I didn't say a word. All my emotions took over. I wanted to hit Shinoyama and yell at Isozaki, but I couldn't. Instead, I started to cry. I hugged my knees tight and hide my face behind them. I felt two strong arms around me, pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry." he whispered. I tried to under what was going on. Isozaki Kenma, my crush, was hugging me.

I didn't know what to think. My body just paralyzed. My head laid against Isozaki's chest and I listened to his heartbeat. I looked up, straight in his shining cyan eyes. I looked down and closed my eyes. "I won't tell anyone, that's a promise." he said. I simply nodded and tried to fight my tears.

I felt a finger under my chin, making me look up. He came closer and kissed me softly on the lips. My body wasn't paralyzed anymore when I started to kiss back. I laid my hands on his shoulders and pulled him closer.

When he pulled back, I hold my eyes closed. "Uhm, (F/N)?" he said nervously. I opened my eyes carefully. "You like me, don't you?" he asked. My face turned red and I looked away. He smiled and leaned closer again. "No problem, I like you too." he whispered. I closed the gap between us and kissed him. He kissed me back and parted my lips slightly. He saw this as an opportunity and putted his tongue in my mouth, caressing the inside of it.

We kissed until we were both out of breath and my heart skipped a beat. "I love you (F/N), I really mean it." Isozaki said soflty. "I love you too Kenma." I said. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

Me, Shinoyama and Isozaki sat down on the couch. We talked happily until the phone rang. It was police. "Yeah she's here." Shinoyama said. I bit my nails and tried not to panic. "Alright, I'll tell her." Shinoyama said and hang up. "(L/N), you're dad is arrested." Shinoyama told. I signed of relief. "Your grandparents are coming to pick you up." he told. I nodded and Isozaki hugged me. It is relief and freedom from now on.
Next one is Sata Tosamaru
Requests are welcome!
