Chapter 13

I woke up expecting to see Brody by my side but he wasn't there. It was probably best he wasn't there because I had to make an important phone call. I picked up my iPhone from my bedside table and rang Danny. After a few call rings Danny answered it.

"Marley, what's wrong?" Danny asked me.

"I need to see you, today." I sighed.

"Sure what's wrong?" He asked me.

"I just need some advice." I replied.

"I can fit you in at one, is that ok?" He asked.

"That's perfect, thanks Danny." I said the hung up.

I got out of bed then got changed into red skinny jeans and a black crop top and black boots. I tied my hair up into a lose pony tail then went downstairs. I found the family in the kitchen looking suspicious.

"What's going on?" I asked my cousins.

"Nothing." Zayn replied.

"Well can I get a lift of someone to school." I asked them, yawning.

"Yeah, me and Jeremy will give you one." Joseph told me.

We all walked out of the house, Zayn locking the door. I looked towards the drive for Joseph's red jeep but I saw a large expensive black range rover in it's place. Brody was standing in front of the car then I realised it didn't belong to any of them. I looked at the number plate that read 'MARL3Y R0'. It was my baby! My car that wasn't supposed to be here for another two weeks.

I screamed then ran towards my baby, the car not Brody. I hugged the hood of my car and screamed loudly.

"What the hell is Scooby doing here?!" I cried.

"Scooby?" Brody laughed.

"My car, why's it here?" I asked again.

"I got it for you." Brody smiled.

"No you didn't!" I gasped.

"Yes I did." He laughed.

I screamed again and jumped into Brody's arms but I knew not to get too close as the others still didn't know about us.

"I love you! Do you even know what this means to me?!" I squealed then turned to my cousins. "And you knew! Now all I need is Nala, Nemo, Simba and Frodo."

"What?" Brody laughed at me.

"My other cars, Nuala my mini, Nemo my BMW, Simba my Auto and Frodo my Ferrari. Nuala and Simba are named after the lion king, Nemo from finding Nemo and Frodo as in Frodo Baggins from lord of the rings." I said obviously.

"Just be happy I got Scooby for you." Brody smirked.

"I am, thank you." I smiled and hugged him. "I'll see you guys at school."

I grabbed the keys off Brody and got into my baby then drove to school on my own. I looked in the side pocket drawer and saw all my old CDs.


I jumped back when I heard a woman scream my name in my head.

"Marley act your age, you're being stupid and spoilt!" I heard another voice in my head, a male voice.

"Max there's no talking to her, she won't talk to us, she needs help." The woman said.

"Jenna she's had too much help! This has gone on for too long! Our lives are in ruins because of her and so's Tyler's and the rest if our families!" The man yelled.

"Max she can't help it, she's my baby girl, we need my baby girl back!" The woman cried.

"She's not our baby girl anymore." The man said.

Then the voices stopped. I knew what them voices were, they were from the day my parents died. It was so stupid I was remembering this. I kept my thoughts in the road trying not to dwell on it any longer.

I parked in the school parking lot then got out off the car. Brody parked beside me then out of nowhere the gang appeared. So Sarah-Jayne was now part of the gang, her and Jamie being all lovey dovey and all.

"Whose is the car?" Sean asked me.

"Mine!" I squealed and Brody laughed at me. "Wait Brody did you drive the whole way up to my old house?"

"No, one of your uncles had it sent to one of his lots not too far from here." Brody told me.

"He what?! He has no right to touch any of my stuff!" I exclaimed.

All my aunts and uncles were really jealous that everything from my parents will was left to me and Tyler and nothing to them. It was family from both sides too that fought us.

"Which one was it?" Jake asked

"Uhm Connor or something like that." Brody replied.

"I don't believe this!" I said frustratedly.

"What's wrong?" Brody asked me.

Connor Summers that's what's wrong! One of my dads brothers. And I thought he was the nice one.

"My family!" I sighed. "When my parents died, everything was left to me and Tyler and I mean everything, the businesses, the houses, the cars, the money, the apartments everything. My mum and dads siblings hated that so they try to take it all from us. Take my cars, stay in my houses, run my businesses etc and they think they can get away with it because Tyler's in England and I'm down here."

"What are you going to do?" Jake asked me.

"I'm going have to go back home for awhile to sort this shit out." I cursed then I thought of something. "Hey, we have a week off next week, do you guys wanna come with me?"

"Yeah!" They all replied.

"But is there enough room?" Sarah-Jayne asked me.

"Seriously S-J, her house is like the White House x 10. It's actually huge!" Jake told Sarah-Jayne.

"Yeah come on guys, there's a pool, and a movie theatre and a soccer pitch and a basketball ball court and a tennis court and a baseball pitch a salon and an elevator and-

"Ok! We're coming." Ryan laughed.

"We wouldn't miss it." Sam smirked.

"Ok let's go." I raised a smile.

The guys walked on and Brody walked along with me behind them.

"Sorry I wasn't there when you woke this morning." He apologised.

"It's ok." I smiled up at him. "I'm really happy you brought my car back Brody, that was really nice of you."

"Shh, don't tell anyone." He smirked and put his arm around me.

"You'll give people the wrong impression." I smirked at Brody pushing his arm off me as we walked into the school and down the halls.

Down through the halls was loads of people talking, about me and Brody.

'I heard Brody hit her.'

'Well he does have a reputation for doing that'

'No I heard she kissed some boy in front of Brody and he went mad and that's why he dragged her through the halls in a towel.'

'Well I heard he was the one who gave her then scars.'

'No, I heard her parents gave her them.'

'Yeah because she was a delinquent who did drugs and got tattoos.'

'Lucy's been spreading stuff about her too'

'Lucy's just jealous, I mean she's a babe'

'Jake chose Lucy over his own cousin though'

'No he hasn't, he's keeping both them on the fence.'

I hated this, I didn't want to listen to this any more even though I didn't give a crap what they thought of me.

"Brody get me out of here." I told Brody because I knew what that he could hear them too.

Brody took my hand just as the bell rung then walk with me to English. We had English with Jake, Jamie and Sam then I noticed Lucy clinging to Jake and Chase in the corner. Brody sat down at a desk and I sat in the one in front of him and in between Jamie and Sam's desks.

"Good morning class." Mrs Aldrin smiled. "For the duration of the next few weeks we will be learning to express our feelings through writing. This task is about the opposite sex so girls have to express their feelings for boys through writing and vice versa. It's like ten things I hate about you. So I want you each to think about a boy or girl that you have to stick with through out the task but not tell anyone who it is. Now, I want you to write about them, it can be in poetry form or whatever way you wish. They will all be read out near the end of the class. Get started."

Even put their heads down and began writing. I liked this task and it was obvious who I was going to write about, Brody. I began writing.


"Ok who's first?" Mrs Aldrin asked the class.

I looked down at my writing, it was quite good, I always did like English.

"Fine then I'll just have to pick." Mrs Aldrin smiled and I sunk down in my chair not wanting to be first. "Oh I know, Marley-Rose."

My heart stopped for a few seconds. Mrs Aldrin waved me up to the front of the class. I grabbed my book and walked up to the front of the class with encouragement from Sam and Jamie. I stood up to the podium and looked out at the class. I couldn't help it as I blushed deeply.

"Don't be shy babe!" Sam shouted

"That's enough Mr Patterson." Mrs Aldrin scolded Sam. "Take in away Ms Summers."

I took a deep breath and looked down at my book.

"A little girl I once knew said the only boy she could depend on was her daddy

That little girl was afraid to fall for a boy that could break her heart

So she vowed to never love another man but her daddy

Then her daddy died.

She grew up never trusting men

Falling for the wrong ones who left her broken

Then one boy came along and she fell deeply in love with him


Never leaving his side

She loved his smile

His laugh

His body

The sweet gestures he would make

How he got protective

How he held her

Made her feel special

Made her feel loved

Made her feel important

And made her feel like the only girl in the world

And that was ten things she loved eternally about him.

That little girl grew up hating men then she found one she loved

That little girl was me." I spoke then looked up as I finished.

I looked out at the class who had blank expressions. Then I looked up at Mrs Aldrin who was smiling. She started clapping then the class finally got life back and up roared in clapping too. I kept my head down an rushed back to my seat where I sunk down.

"Marley-Rose that was beautiful." Mrs Aldrin told me. "You've a lot to live up to next class. Now who's next?"

"I'll go next." Lucy said then stomped up to the front of the class.

"Ok then." Mrs Aldrin dragged off.

"There was once this smoking hot girl that every girl wanted to be and every boy wanted to be with.

She liked this boy who obviously liked her back

But then that boys hell as annoying cousin started butting her nose in and messing things up.

See the cousin was just jealous of the smoking hot girl because the girl was better looking and smarter and funnier

So the sloppy cousin went for the smoking hot girls sloppy seconds by trying it on with the smoking hot girls ex

But even the ex didn't want the cousin because the cousin was a jealous fugly tramp who cut her self and stuck her fingers down her throat to get some attention." Lucy smirked down at me.

I lifted my bag and stormed out of the class. I ran through the halls as fast as I could so no one could follow me then I ran out to my car. I couldn't sit there while Lucy went on and on and besides, I have to go to Danny's now. So I got in my car and began driving.
