Chapter 25


Robyn opened the door to Moody's office just in time to see Snape give Dumbledore a vial of some sort of clear liquid. Robyn recognised it as Veritaserum.

Robyn's body still gave a jolt now and then when a sob would shake her body. She had no control over it.

Her teary eyes met Harry's and Robyn felt her heart break for him again. He was a mess. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy and glazed over from fresh tears tumbling down his cheeks. His nose was slightly red and cuts and bruises covered his body everywhere.

Albus forced the Veritaserum down Mad-Eye's throat. He wriggled demonically.

"Do you know who I am?" Albus asked, his voice far from the soft and kind tone Robyn and Harry were used to hearing.

"Albus Dumbledore."

Dumbledore - seemingly satisfied that the Veritaserum was working - wasted no time in asking more questions. "Are you Alastor Moody? Are you?"

Harry and Robyn continued on in silence, looking at eachother frequently. They did not know why but it eased their conscience slightly. Made them feel reassured.

"No." Moody - or rather the imposter - huffed, his neck twitching. McGonagall gave a gasp of shock and horror and Snape's eyes darkened as he glared at the scar covered man.

"Is he in this room? Is he in this room?" Dumbledore demanded, his voice angry yet desperate.

The imposter simply nodded.

Dumbledore looked around the office frantically until his blue eyes landed on Harry who was stood next to a large wooden chest.

"Harry get away from there!"

Dumbledore walked up to the chest and guided Harry so he was stood near the door and next to Robyn.

With a wave of Dumbledore's wand, the chest clicked open along with several little chest's inside of the large one.

Once the last one opened, Albus squinted his eyes and saw a very small and abused Alastor Moody. The real one.

"Are you alright, Alastor?" Albus called down to him.

"I'm sorry, Albus." Was all Mad-Eye uttered.

Harry's head burned with confusion. "That's Moody, but then who's...?"

Harry didn't get to finish his sentence as he got distracted when Albus held up a glass bottle.

"Polyjuice potion." Snape sneered, after noticing the lumpy liquid.

"Now we know who's been stealing it from your store, Severus." Dumbledore said gravely.

Dumbledore turned back to the shrunken Professor Moody who looked more than uncomfortable.

"We'll get you out in a minute, Alastor!" Dumbledore called, ignoring the groan that echoed from the chest.

The imposter Moody, tied to the chair, then began to twitch and gargle demonically. Robyn had to hold back a gasp as she stared at the man in horror, rather disturbed.

Robyn took a step back as the fake Mad-Eye ripped off the fake eye piece which rolled on the floor, still whizzing around.

Suddenly, Mad-Eye's scars began to fade, being replaced by smoother skin which was adorned by stubble. His shoulder-length hair got shorter and the normal blonde colour turned to a much darker brown.

Finally, he changed fully allowing everyone to see who the imposter was. And they were shocked to see Barty Jr, the guy from the memory Harry had seen.

"Barty Crouch Junior." Dumbledore acknowledged stoically.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Barty Jr said with a demented grin, showing off his not so nice teeth.

The Death Eater lifted his sleeve, showing the Dark Mark in all it's skin crawling glory.

"Your arm Harry."

Harry stepped forward and Dumbledore took his arm gently, showing Barty Crouch Jr the wound he had received from Wormtail. Barty's grin widened even more.

"You know what this means don't you?" Barty Crouch Jr said as a laugh rippled through his throat. "He's back. Lord Voldemort has returned."

"Send an owl to Azkaban, think they'll find they're missing a prisoner." Dumbledore turned to Snape to whom nodded and walked off, his black cloak billowing behind him.

"I'll be welcomed back like a hero."

"Perhaps. Personally I've never had much time for heroes."


Dumbledore called for an emergency assembly in the Great Hall. All students sat at their respective tables, all sad and shocked by everything.

Robyn grabbed Harry's hand, looking for some sort of reassurance someone was there, to act as some sort of glue for her as she knew she was about to break down again.

"Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was as you all know, exceptionally hard working, intricately fair minded. And most importantly a fierce fierce friend. I think therefore you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort. The Ministry Of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so I think would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain, you remember that, and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true right to the very end."

Robyn felt a tear roll down her cheek again, and Harry's lips trembled. Ron and Hermione shared hopeless looks as the two had no idea how to console the two of their grieving friends.

A sob escaped Robyn's lips again, failing to keep it in; failing to be strong for Harry.

Harry pulled the brunette in for a hug, understanding just what she was feeling like. Harry blinked several times, fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall.

People looked at them in sadness and others broke down crying themselves.

Harry held tighter on to Robyn. "It's okay. We'll get through this..."


The day to leave Hogwarts came at last. All the students were grateful for the time to leave as they all wanted to leave behind the memories of Cedric. They wanted to be okay and leaving Hogwarts might just be what they needed.

Harry was packing his trunk slowly in his empty dorm room when Dumbledore entered.

Harry gave no reaction and didn't even greet him kindly like he normally did as his mind was elsewhere, not to mention he was so sleep deprived as he couldn't fall asleep without visiting the graveyard.

Dumbledore walked up to Harry's bed and fingered the cloth that hung around it, a nostalgic smile on his ancient face. "I never liked these curtains. Set them on fire in my fourth year, by accident of course."

Harry said nothing.

"I put you in terrible danger this year Harry, I'm sorry."

Harry was silent for a moment and for once he didn't want to defend his beloved Headmaster as for once he believed his apology was needed.

Dumbledore had put up no fight to keep Harry out of the tournament and for that Harry blamed his suffering on the old man, he didn't care if it was wrong or selfish of him, it was what he believed.

A few more minutes went on in silence till a thought crossed Harry's mind. "Professor, when I was in the graveyard there was a moment... um... when Voldemort's wand and mine sort of connected."

"Priori Incantatem. You saw your parents that night, didn't you? They reappeared."

Harry nodded and although he was angry at Albus, he was still amazed at how he always knew things.

"No spell can reawaken the dead, Harry I trust you know that. Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. But remember this, you have friends here. You're not alone."

Somehow, although having amazing friends, Harry had never felt so alone and isolated in his entire life.

(This was meant to go up throughout the week, sorry. Also I have two weeks of exams so I don't know when I will be able to next update, sorry again. Hope you like, bye for now.)

P.S. I watched Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them ages  ago and OMG it was incredible. I bloody loved it. Eddie Redmayne was incredible as Newt. He was perfect for the role. If you haven't seen it i highly recommend it. Bye.
