Chapter 22

Shocked green eyes stared at Robyn as Harry looked at her in utter bewilderment. Robyn was sure her expression matched his as her mind was a cloud of confusion.

Robyn's chest rose and fell in quick movements and her breaths were short and often. She was gasping for air and although her desperate breaths kept hitting Harry's flustered face in hot clouds, he did not pay it any mind.

What he did pay attention to was the fact his back was getting colder and colder from lying on the grass with Robyn practically lying on top of him.

"W-What?!" Harry couldn't help but blurt out.

Robyn tried to calm her heart rate as she stared at him. His eyes seemed so bright against the darkness of the maze.

"Hello." Robyn replied as calmly as she could, the corners of her mouth twitching up ever so slightly.

Harry's face did not move as he still stared at her with confusion. "What?!" He repeated, his mouth opening and closing resembling a fish out of water.

Robyn scrambled to her feet and held a hand out for Harry to take. "I don't know either, so I think it's best we don't question it."

Harry took a few minutes more to over come his shock and confusion. Robyn sighed in relief when he nodded his head soundlessly and took Robyn's hand, hoisting himself up.

"Come on."

Harry and Robyn made their way deeper into the eerie maze. The cleanly cut hedges towered over them six feet tall, taunting them and making Robyn feel slightly claustrophobic. There was something sinister about them.

Heavy mist hung over the ground, sending a shiver down the two Gryffindor's spines.

"Harry, do you have the feeling that something's not right here?" Robyn asked, her eyes darting around her surroundings as they turned yet another corner.

Harry's hand tightened on his wand, so much so the skin on his knuckles began to turn a ghostly white. "Yeah, I do. Keep your wand ready."

Robyn, who had previously took out her wand, began to run through all the spells she had learned, ruling out ones that seemed useless in this possible bad situation.

The two reached a dead end and were forced to retrace their steps and find another way to head deeper into the horrid maze.

Cedric Diggory rushed through the maze, his guard up and his eyes darting everywhere possible. He didn't leave a single place untouched by his scrutinising stare.

Suddenly, he too reached a dead end and he stopped for a second to catch his breath. But the peace didn't last long.

Rustling reached his ears and Cedric swung around, only to see the leaves and hedges closing in around him. He darted forward, ignoring the scratches of the leaves and branches cutting through his clothes and flesh. His breathing was the only sound against the deafening silence and the more Cedric ran, the further the rustling got and he only stopped when he was surrounded by the eerie silence once again. He was safe. For now.

Fleur Delacour was not quite as composed and was running as if her life depended on it. Some could say it did. Her head shot behind her every couple of seconds until she was only a blur of pale moonlit skin, silver hair and blue eyes.

She let a scared tremble escape her mouth as she turned and ran down yet another long corridor of mist and haunting bushes. A shiver ran down her spine as she felt the hairs on her neck prickle up. She spun around and let out an ear piercing scream. It was cut short as something hit her and she was left staring blankly at the starlit sky as vines wrapped themselves around her body and began to pull her in.

Harry and Robyn froze in their tracks as the scream echoed through the night. The two shared a brief look before turning around and running as fast as their legs would carry them, following the glass shattering scream.

Viktor Krum got up from his crouching position and walked away from Fleur, his face emotionless and his eyes shining a cloudy white instead of his dark brown almost black eyes.

Robyn and Harry's eyes darted to every turning and corner of the wicked maze to try and find Fleur. Suddenly, they found the silver haired beauty and came to a skidding stop.

"Fleur?" Harry questioned and then as if realising what was happening, ran up to her body, Robyn not far behind.


The two fell to their knees and tried to make a grab for Fleur's body but they were too late. The vines had swallowed her up and she had long ago disappeared.

Robyn swallowed the lump in her throat and blinked back the tears. She went to raise her wand but Harry beat her to it, sending scarlet sparks into the air.

Harry grabbed Robyn's hand. "She'll be fine. Dumbledore will save her."

Robyn nodded slowly and breathed in deep, slowly getting up to her feet.

"Let's go."

Minutes went by in silence as the duo tried to navigate their way through the ginormous maze.

Abruptly, a strong wind suddenly whipped at their hair. It was cool against their sweaty skin but it made a shiver run down their spine's as the whistling of the wind sounded much like voices. Voices trying to warn them to turn back.

The rustling of hedges met their ears and the walls were beginning to close in around them.

Harry's head shot around to look behind him and horror took over his face as he saw the hedges were moving closer to himself and Robyn.

"Run!" Harry yelled over the noise and made a break for it, Robyn not far behind.

Stitch made Robyn's sides burn and her chest rose is rapid movements, her body still not recovered from her previous running.

They turned a corner and saw something shining in the distance.

"Is that..." Robyn trailed, excitement building up in her. That was their ticket out of this hell hole. But something still didn't feel right.

"Yeah. I think it is."

Harry and Robyn grinned at eachother and for the hundredth time, they broke out into a sprint.

In the blink of an eye, everything changed. The two were caught in the middle of a hurricane of chaos.

A figure loomed ahead and pointed their wand at the two. Cedric came rounding the corner and he poised himself and pointed his wand at the figure. Viktor. Robyn just about managed to let out a shocked breath before her body was pushed out the way.

"Get down!"

It was Harry who had pushed her out of the way of the spell that was zooming towards her. The spell hit Harry squarely in the chest and he flew back. Robyn gasped and climbed up off the ground as quick as she could and pointed her wand at Viktor.

"Expelliarmus!" Robyn bellowed and Viktor's wand went soaring out of his hand, also knocking the bulgarian unconscious. Cedric ran up and kicked it out of his reach.

Robyn spun around and ran to Harry, who was groaning in pain but was slowly getting himself up.

Robyn helped him. "Are you alright?"

"Fine. But we have to stop Cedric."

Robyn sent Harry a confused look. "He's bewitched."

That was all Robyn needed to catch on and the pair ran at Cedric who was about to finish Viktor off.

"No stop! He's bewitched Cedric." Harry grabbed Cedric's arm, trying to pull his wand away.

Cedric fought back with an angry and offended look on his face. The two struggled.

"Get off me!"

"He's bewitched!" Robyn yelled over to the Hufflepuff.

Cedric lowered his wand and Harry was left panting from trying to fight him off. Viktor was left unconscious on the ground as when Harry and Cedric made eye contact with the cup, they both ran for it.

Robyn sighed, her body protesting but still she ran after the two.

Robyn - although she shouldn't have been - was left quite amused as the raven haired boy and Hufflepuff fought and shoved eachother over to try and reach the cup first.

Suddenly, Cedric face planted the floor but Harry did not turn back and kept on running. Robyn gasped in horror as vines came from underneath the hedge and began to swallow Cedric's body. He did his best to fight but it was to no avail.

"Harry!" Robyn screamed, horror-struck.

Harry looked back and stopped running. He did not move immediately to save Cedric but stood their watching as Cedric became more desperate.

Robyn wracked her brain to think of a spell but her mind drew a blank.

She ran over to Cedric and tried to pry some of the vines off him. But they both knew it wasn't helping.

"Harry! Harry!"

Harry - as if being snapped out of a trance - ran to Cedric's aid (to which Robyn sighed in relief) and pointed his wand at the vines.

"Reducto!" Harry yelled.

The top of his wand glowed blue and suddenly the vines swivelled away, Robyn pulling at the ones who put up a bit more fight.

"You know for a moment there I thought you were gonna let it get me." Cedric huffed once he got to his feet. "Thanks by the way." He said, flashing a smile Robyn's way.

"No problem." She replied.

"For a moment so did I." Harry said, his face flashing with trouble for a second.

"Some game huh?"

"Some game."

The wind picked up again. More ferocious than ever.

Robyn drew a scared breath.

"Go. Take it, you saved me!" Cedric said, motioning towards the Tri-Wizard Cup.

"Together, on three." Harry suggested. Cedric nodded and smiled at the green eyed boy. "One, two, three!"

The three grabbed the glowing cup and before they knew it, they were being teleported to what they thought was back to saftey.

Oh, how wrong they were. If only they knew it was a Portkey and they were being transported right into Tom Riddle's hands...

(Sorry for the wait and the fact that it's not the best chapter)
