Chapter 23

They landed on the cold hard ground with a thump. The Tri-Wizard Cup rolled out of their hands, flying somewhere to the side.

Robyn gasped as she got up, feeling her body ache all over. This was definitely not Hogwarts.

A groan rumbled the back of Harry's throat as he stood up.

"You ok?" Cedric asked as he too stood up.

"Yeah, you?" Harry replied but Robyn simply nodded. A bad feeling tugged at her stomach and gut.

"Where are we?" Cedric asked, his eyes scanning the area.

That, my friend, is a good question. Robyn thought as she looked around.

Just like in the maze; heavy mist hung around the ground, giving the place an eerie and haunting look. They seemed to be in some sort of graveyard with a tall headstone behind them bearing the name; Tom Riddle.

A small church could be seen up ahead, behind the overgrown weeds, brambles and a few small trees. A small hill resided on the left, holding a small house.

The night was silent. A deafening silence that pressed against your eardrums.

The sky was a terrific midnight blue with the stars dotted among it, looking like a thousand eyes watching down on them.

"I've been here before." Harry said, not talking to anyone in particular.

Robyn looked over at the bespectacled boy, waiting for him to continue but he did not.

Robyn took this time to voice her own thoughts. "I think someone's watching us." She - as expected - did not get a reply. The two boys were too hung up on figuring out where they were and what they were doing there.

Unknown to Robyn, Harry did in fact have the same feeling of being watched and he could feel the hairs on his neck prickling up because of it. He knew where they were. He had been here before. In a dream. Harry's mind was working overdrive and Robyn could see the cogs working, trying to piece everything together.

Robyn liked to think she was a smart student. She was passing all her classes but for some reason the situation she was stuck in baffled her completely. They had not been told the challenge wouldn't end at the maze. They hadn't been told the cup was a Portkey. That was it. The cup was was a Portkey.

The light bulb seemed to have gone off at the same time as Cedric's. "It's a portkey. Harry, the cup is a portkey." Cedric declared and looked down at the cup.

Why a portkey? Why had the challenge not ended at the maze like Dumbledore had said it would?

Alarm flashed across Harry's face. Robyn noticed his thoughtful look had disappeared, meaning he had figured it out. And the look of fear on his face did nothing to ease her mind. In fact it made it ten times worse. A scared Harry meant something bad.

"I've been here before in a dream. Cedric, we have to get back to the cup, Robyn. Now!"

A figure loomed in the distance. It was making its way towards the three. It was too dark to make out any features. It just looked like a shadow. Robyn squinted her eyes, trying to get them to adjust to the lighting so she could have a better look. The shadowy figure seemed to be holding something small in its arms. A baby perhaps? Or a bundle of blankets?

"What are you talking about?" Cedric asked, not catching on to Harry's urgency.

Harry didn't have time to warn the two any further as a pain like no other shot through his forehead. He let out a cry of pain and held his head, his wand slipping through his fingers and on to the ground.

"What is it?" Cedric asked, concern lacing his words as his eyes flickered to the mysterious shadow and back to the green eyed boy.

But Harry's knees had buckled beneath him and he was on the ground feeling as though his head was about to split open.

Robyn rushed to his side. Harry's scar hurting was never a good thing. She had learnt that through their friendship, so she kept her eyes warily on the approaching person.

"Harry? Are you okay? Harry!"

But still no asnwer, just moans and groans of pain as Harry clutched his head tighter trying to ease the pain. The unbearable pain that he had never felt in his life. He couldn't see anything but through the cracks of his fingers, he tried to look at the blury figures of Cedric and Robyn. "Get back to the cup!"

The figure approached close enough now for the moon light to shine on them, letting the three distinguish it's features.

Robyn gasped as did Harry. "You!"

Wormtail stood a quivering mess, holding something wrapped in a black cloak. Robyn could just make out two pale boney legs poking out from it. It made her shiver with fear that seemed to hit deep in her soul.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Credric demaded, stepping forward and aiming his wand at Wormtail.

"Cedric, no!" Robyn screamed but it was too late. The damage was done.

"Kill the spare." The chilling voice came from the bundle of blankets in Wormtail's arms. Robyn shivered and paled. Harry's eye's flickered with fear but did not seem as physically as affected as Robyn and Cedric.

The voice had a cold lisp to it. Like a snake. It was the undeniable voice of Lord Voldemort.

Wormtail lifted his wand and pointed it at Cedric. Cedric's face scrunched into one of confusion and fear. Robyn froze in her place, her body paralysed no matter how much her head screamed for her to move and help him.

Harry's head didn't allow him to even comprehend what was going on. The pain was too much for him to handle and sent his thoughts into a blur. He couldn't even lift his arm or raise his voice to fight. The two were completely useless.

"Avada Kedavra." Wormtail said and a green light shot from his wand and hit Cedric squarely in the chest.

It was as if the lights went out in Cedric's eyes and the shock was still evident on his features as he dropped to the ground.

Robyn let out a mournful scream as tears streamed down her face.

"Cedric!" Harry yelled pathetically, tears prickling his green eyes.

Cedric body fell to the floor and Voldemort let out a chilling laugh.

Wormtail grinned wickedly as he turned to point his wand at Robyn. Robyn froze, her mind only replaying Cedric's death over and over.

Harry stood, the burning anger he felt towards the two momentarily stopped the pain and fear he was feeling run through his body.

Robyn closed her eyes, breathing in deep as she tried her best not to cry. Her mind ran over to her wonderful parents and amazing sibling to whom she would never see again. She wondered if Harry would tell them what had happened. If he lived that is. What about Ron and Hermione? What will they do? Hagrid? Robyn hadn't seen him in a while.

Before she could contemplate anymore, she was suddenly being pushed and Robyn opened her eyes to see Harry shoving her forcefully behind Voldemort's father's headstone.

A spell blasted at the two and Robyn knew it was most likely the killing curse that was meant to end her life.

"Robyn, as soon as you can, run for the cup. Whether I'm with you or not." Harry panted, his eyes flickering to make sure they were still safe.

"Harry? What, no! I'm not leaving without you!" Robyn hissed, fresh tears falling down her cheeks as the cold stone of the headstone dug into her back.

"There's no debate about it Robyn!" Harry argued, his voice fierce as he became desperate. "I am not letting you die because of me." Harry's voice dissolved into a whisper. "I already lost Cedric his life, I will not let the same thing happen to you." Harry caressed Robyn's cheek and Robyn felt her body wrack with a sob.

"Shh, we haven't much time. Now when you get back, you need to warn Dumbledore about Voldemort being back. Okay? You need to warn everyone." Robyn nodded, another sob escaping her lips. She couldn't speak, the lump in her throat stopped her. She pulled Harry into a hug and let go quickly, otherwise she knew she would never of let go of him.

Harry gave a sad smile and disappeared back to where Wormtail and Voldemort were.

It seemed Wormtail tried to have a second go at killing Robyn.

"Don't. We don't have time. I can deal with the silly girl later." Voldemort's voice said.

Robyn heard a gasp and the sound of struggling. She peaked her head around the headstone and saw Harry pushed up against it while Wormtail used a spell to bind him to it.

"Do it, now!"

Wormtail scurried over to a boiling cauldron that resided in the middle of the graveyard. He dropped Tom into the cauldron. Harry struggled and wriggled trying to free himself as the pain in his head got worse.

His mind wandered over to Robyn. He doubted she would actually listen to him. She was just as stubborn as she was shy. Harry tried not to smile.

Wormtail dropped something into the cauldron.

"Bones of the father, unwillingly given." Wormtail took out some bones from his robes and with his wand made them hover before dropping them into the cauldron. Harry grimaced.

"Flesh of the servent willingly sacrificed." Robyn audibly gasped as Wormtail pulled out a knife and cut his hand off. He wailed in pain but did not dare say anything.

"Blood of the enemy forcibly taken."

Wormtail then walked up to Harry with that same wicked grin he showed Robyn and sliced the knife down Harry's arm. Harry struggled as he shouted out in pain and it took Robyn everything not to run and Hex Wormtail. She needed to stay alive if Harry really needed her help.

Pettigrew hovered the knife over the cauldron and waited for the drops of blood to all fall into the cauldron.

"The Dark Lord shall rise again."

The cauldron burst into flames and Tom's body was sent hovering in the air, the cauldron disappearing. Robyn watched in silent horror. Now would be a brilliant time to run for the cup but she wasn't just about to leave Harry.

Tom's body grew in size and his black cloak swished around him. In seconds he was back on the ground with a wicked grin on his face.

"My wand Wormtail."

Wormtail bowed as he handed the Dark Lord his white wand.

"Hold out your arm."

Robyn shivered as Tom's voice echoed to every part of the graveyard.

Robyn peaked her head around the headstone, catching sight of Harry's raven hair. "Harry! Harry, are you okay?" The brunette whisper-yelled.

Harry turned his head slightly, still cautious of the Dark Lord and Wormtail, and saw Robyn's worried face. "Yes, but you need to get back to the cup. Now." Harry continued to struggle.

Robyn rolled her eyes. "I'm not leaving you, idiot. I'd rather die here than live knowing I could've done something to save my best friend." Robyn said although a wave of exhaustion washed over her.

She sneakily pointed her wand at Harry's binds and tried several spells to release them but none seemed to work. Robyn sighed in frustration.

"M-M-Master. Thank you master." Wormtail cowered, extending his injured arm.

"The other arm, Wormtail." Voldemort replied coolly, not a single ounce of emotion on his face.

A look of concern and disappointment washed over Wormtail's face before he extended his other arm towards Tom.

Voldemort used his wand to reveal Wormtail's arm, showing the Dark Mark.

Tom smiled devilishly. He pressed his wand against the Dark Mark and suddenly Wormtail hissed in pain as the Mark became midnight black and inflamed.

Thunder echoed through the silence and Robyn shivered as a skull and serpent appeared in the sky and suddenly a group Apparated in a circle around Tom and Wormtail all wearing long black cloak's that covered every inch of their bodies save for their faces which were covered by white masks.

Death Eaters.

Harry felt the pain of his scar increase. This was wrong. All wrong. None of this was meant to happen. Cedric shouldn't be dead and Robyn shouldn't be here risking her life for him.

"Welcome my friends. Thirteen years it's been, and yet you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself disappointed, not one of you tried to find me." Tom's - at least somewhat - calm face turned contorted into anger as he glared at each of his followers, red eyes ablaze.

"Not even you, Lucius." Voldemort rounded on the older Malfoy, his most loyal follower.

Lucius' white-blonde hair shone in the moonlight, making his face look even more ghostly than normal. His eyes held fear but he refused to show it through his body language.

Robyn bit back a gasp. She always knew the Malfoy family were not specifically good people. She knew Lucius was at one stage a Death Eater a lifetime ago but she did not expect him to return. Not after the fight he put up to claim he was innocent. To claim he was clean of the tainted Dark Lord.

"My Lord, had I detected any sign or even a whisper of your whereabouts-"

"There were signs, my friend, and more than whispers." Tom interjected and Harry groaned in pain as he felt the Dark Lord getting angrier. He felt it bubbling up inside of his stomach like a brewing storm.

"I assure you I never renounced the old ways. The face I have been obliged to present each day since your absence, that was my true mask." Lucius said, his face calm but his words begging.

Robyn could practically see him breaking at the seams. He was scared. Terrified. And in that slight moment she felt pity for him. But it was gone as quick as it came and was soon replaced by anger. All the things he had done. Horrible things. He did not deserve pity.

Soon - Tom seemingly bored of Lucius' cowering - returned to the centre of the circle.

"I returned." Wormtail blurted, but his moment of bravery lasted seconds and he was soon cowering again, an apology bubbling at the end of his tongue.

"Out of fear, not loyalty. Still you have proved yourself useful these past few months, Wormtail."

Voldemort waved his wand and a new metal hand was rewarded for Wormtail, who looked absolutely petrified yet grateful.

"Thank you master, thank you." Wormtail spluttered.

Harry and Robyn watched as Tom took a taunting step towards Cedric's body to which his eyes were still as wide and shocked as ever. "Oh, such a handsome boy."

"Don't touch him." Robyn screamed in a moment of anger and sadness and suddenly Tom's eyes were on her. She gulped.

"Oh, yes, I had forgot about you." Voldemort grinned, showing a line of jagged teeth. "The one that got away."

Anger washed over his features. "Well not this time," He pointed his wand at Robyn. "Your name?"

Robyn's breathe hitched as she felt her heart stop. She was at loss of words. Fear coursed through her veins.

"Maybe this will help you talk," Tom hissed, his eyes full of evil amusment. "Crucio."

Pain took over Robyn's body as she dropped to the ground, not in control of her body as it withered and convulsed. Her screams echoed through the night. Tom laughed as did some Death Eater's but some looked shook up.

Robyn screamed her voice hoarse until it was only mere sounds of pleas that came out scratchy and unlike her own voice.

The pain seemed to go on for hours to Robyn but only a mere second after Voldemort cast the Unforgivable Curse did Harry struggle and scream for him to stop. For him to leave her alone. He couldn't bare to see Robyn in pain. He couldn't bare to hear her screams of torment. "Robyn! No, leave her alone!"

"Robyn, eh?" Tom grinned evily, turning his attention to the bespectacled boy.

"Harry! I'd almost forgotten you were here." Tom broke the curse and Robyn was left lying on the floor, twitching in pain as if she were still under the curse.

"Standing on the bones of my father. I'd introduce you but word has it you're almost as famous as me these days. The Boy Who Lived. How lies have fed your legend, Harry. Shall I reveal what really happened that night thirteen years ago? Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? It was love. You see when dear sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch you. It was old magic, something I should have forseen. But no matter, no matter. Things have changed, I can touch you now!"

Voldemort stepped towards Harry, his red eyes flashing with hungry excitement and the power of evil.

Harry struggled more with each step Voldemort took towards him. Soon Tom stood before him and reached his hand out to touch him. As soon as his long pale finger made contact with Harry's forehead, Harry screamed out with pain. His head felt as if it was going to burst. It was excruciating. Unforgettable.

"Astonishing what a few drops of your blood will do, eh Harry?"

Tom stepped back.

Suddenly, the binding around Harry keeping him in place disappeared and he stumbled forward, scared and most of all confused.

Robyn's eyes began to refocus and blurs soon became clear colours and sharp images. Her body protested, not wanting to move but as she saw Harry and Voldemort facing eachother, her blood ran cold and soon she scrambled up. She stumbled on the spot, her body feeling as if it weighed a ton. Her body ached and hurt and her fingers still twitched from the pain.

"Pick up your wand, Potter. I said pick it up, get up. Get up!" Harry scrambled for his wand on the floor, and that was when Robyn spotted hers lying abandoned on the floor also. She picked it up.

"You've been taught how to duel I presume yes? First we bow to each other. Come on now Harry. Dumbledore would not want you to forget your manners now would he? I said bow!" Voldemort used his wand to make Harry bow. Harry grunted in pain as he tried to fight it. Imperius Curse, Robyn guessed. Non-verbal.

"That's better. And now..." Voldemort waved his wand. "Crucio." Harry dropped to the ground and withered with pain as he screamed for it to stop. Robyn made a run to help the raven haired boy but Lucius grabbed her around the waist and pointed his wand at her neck. She struggled as she watched Harry go through the pain she had too.

"Crucio." The spell was dropped and Harry breathed heavily as he watched Tom cautiously, still not showing he was scared.

"Atta boy Harry, your parents would be proud. Especially your filthy Muggle mother."

"Expelliarmus." The red beam of light was shielded by Voldemort easily. Tom chuckled. "I'm going to kill you Harry Potter. I'm going to destroy you. After tonight no one will ever again question my powers. After tonight if they speak of you they'll speak only of how you begged for death, and I being a merciful lord obliged. Get up." Voldemort pulled Harry to his feet.

Robyn continued to struggle. "Let me go!"

Harry glanced at Robyn briefly before running and hiding behind a headstone from Voldemort. Harry sighed in slight relief as he tried to catch his breath.

"Don't you turn your back on me, Harry Potter. I want you to look at me when I kill you, I want to see the lights leave your eyes." Voldemort hissed, his voice booming across the graveyard as he turned, pointing his wand all around in search for Harry.

Robyn saw he was getting more angry. More restless. It made her scared. She wriggled more, wanting anything to be by Harry's side.

Lucius only tightened his grip on the girl.

Harry knew Tom was waiting. He knew he had to help Robyn. He knew he had to take Cedric's body back to everyone. He knew he had to warn everyone of the Dark Lord's return.

With that as some sort of drive or motivation, Harry stood with what energy he had left and walked over to Tom, trying his best to keep his posture poised and ready to strike but his body wished for him to collapse on the floor.

"Have it your way." Harry said, determination lacing his words.

"No, Harry. Don't." Robyn gasped through her struggling. 

Once again, Tom let out a malicious laugh.

"Let her go, I can have the pleasure of killing them both."

Lucius let her go instantly and Robyn gasped for breath. His hold on her was so tight.

"Come forward Robyn," Tom said. "You can help Harry if you like. I'll still have the pleasure to see you both suffer before me."

Robyn shivered but stood next to Harry, her wand ready in her hand. Harry looked at her as if he was about to protest but Voldemort shot a non-verbal spell at them that they both had to step sideways to dodge. Robyn wasn't going to lie, Tom was powerful. Too powerful for her. But she knew Harry could do it.

"Expelliarmus!" Robyn bellowed, but just like earlier Tom blocked it easily.

"Stupefy." Robyn shot another jet of light at him but he blocked it once again.

The hunger in Tom's eyes grew and suddenly Robyn knew he wasn't just doing this to amuse himself anymore. It was a kind of hunger that chilled Robyn to the bones. It was full of evil intentions.

Before Robyn could blink, Harry had yet again pushed her out the way of Voldemort's aim and had sent a spell flying towards him.

It seemed Tom had the same idea as he sent a spell soaring towards Harry.

The red and green streams of light collided and Robyn gasped as where the spells met it turned into a gold splur of war; the two spells trying to fight and win for their owners.

Robyn's could see Harry's arms shaking. She knew it must be taking all of Harry's strength. This was something Robyn had never heard of or even knew about. It was impossible.

The Death Eaters went to help.

"Do nothing. He is mine to finish. He's mine!"

All of a sudden, the end of Voldemorts wand burst into magical energy. Shapes formed and Robyn squinted. Silhouettes.

These silhouettes seemed to have created a shield - a barrier - around the three, secluding them from the circle of Death Eaters.

James, Lily and Cedric appeared all smiling at the two of them.

Robyn looked at Harry and his eyes were glistening with tears but shock was evident on his face also.

"Harry when the connection is broken you must get to the Portkey. We can delay it for a moment to give you time but only a moment, do you understand?" James Potter's voice sounded and Harry only nodded, at loss for words.

Robyn could see the tiredness in his eyes, his arms were shaking uncontrollably due to the fight he was putting up.

The brunette also couldn't help but notice the similarities between Harry and his parents. She knew they obviously looked alike and she had heard what everyone said but she never knew how much Harry actually looked like James.

Harry had James' unruly raven hair, striking features and tall stature but it seemed Harry only inherited one thing from his mother. He had Lily's eyes.

"Harry take my body back will you? Take my body back to my father." Robyn snapped back to reality when she heard Cedric's voice. She felt tears prickle her eyes but she fought them back. Harry, again, only nodded.

"Let go. Sweetheart you're ready. Let go! Let go!" Harry looked longingly at James and Lily's figures but did as he was told and broke the connection.

Before, he could mourn or let anything of what just happened catch up on him, he grabbed Robyn's arm and ran to Cedric's body while dodging the spells the Death Eaters were now shooting at them.

"Accio Cup." The Tri-Wizard Cup came soaring into Harry's hand and suddenly the three were no longer in the graveyard.

The last thing they heard were Voldemort's enraged screams. "No!"

(Finally, I have finished it. Wow, that took a long time.  I am so sorry it is so late, please forgive me. I think two weeks is the longest time I have ever took to update a chapter. Anyway, i hope you enjoy. Bye)

P.S. I watched Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children  yesterday and omg it was incredible. I think Asa Butterfield is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors. And too think he has more amazing movies coming out soon. I'm so excited. Also Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them is out soon and too say I can't wait is an understatment. This year is a great year for movies.
