Lisa Pov

After a game, The students went us to congratulate, my team mates girlfriend give them a bottle of water, and Rosie does the same to me.

"Nice Game captain. We need to celebrate that!" Sana said While giving me a apir,

"But its just a practice." i sad and chuckles

"of course we didn't celebrate only for the win, we celebrate for a new friendship, so guys you in?" Seulgi said.

"Im in! My girlfriend want to go with her friends to shopping, so im in" Jeongyeon said.

"Im in Since i don't have a girlfriend" Sana said and just chuckles

"Im in, Im single too" Wendy said while rising her hand

"Im in, Irene and Nayeon which is Jeongyeon's girlfriend are hangout together with they friends so, yeah" Seulgi said.

They all looking at me, waiting for my answer

"You can go with your girlfriend too." Sana said

"What? Girlfriend? Who?" I said in confused face, they just giving us a tease look.

"A girl beside you." Seulgi said.

Rosie and I just look at each other and Laugh, and they give us a confused face

"Fuck! My tummies hurt!" I said.

"Yeah guyss! I love this monkey beside me but, we're just best friends. Like A twin. We do have a same brain cell so we close to each other because we have a same way to think. And same idea, almost same personality guys, you're all so funny" Rosie said softly after that she Laugh.

"Ahhhh" they all said in realisation.

"So you guys are in?" Wendy ask.

Rosie and I look at each other before answer

"Yes!" We both say in the same time, same second and same energy. We both giggles

"Now i know what you two talking about." Seulgi said and we all laugh.


Jennie Pov

After Classes, me and my sister Jisoo went home. We need to buy our clothes because it's my boyfriend's birthday, and i need to buy my boyfriend gifts. We accompany by Irene, Nayeon, Joy, our valleyball team mates. Two of them have a lover from basketball player on our school.

Now we're here at the mall, walking, we just searching a store we can buy our needs. All my valleyball team mates are invited to kai's birthday present, since they are my best friends so why not?

"Here gucci, he always wear a gucci shirts right?" Irene said.

"Yeah lets go inside" I said.

After buying Kai's gift and our needs. we went to the restaurant to eat. After this we were went to the bar where the birthday party venue.

"Hi ma'am. Table for?" The staff of the restaurant ask us.

"For five!" I said coldly.

He leading us to our table and guided to a sit. Chu and other give him a thanks but not me. I just ignore it.

He gave us a menu and we oredered our foods.

"Guys? What did you think about the basketball player captain? Is she's hot?" Joy ask.

"Yeah she is but my girlfriend is hotter" Nayeon said.

"As if we have a care" I said.

"Im just proud of my hot girlfriend" She beat back.

"My boyfriend is more than hotter" I said.

"As if we have a care" Irene said in bitchy way.

The three of my idiot friends turns their mouth like to formation of 'O'

I rise my eye brow and look at her with my bitch aura.

"The Basketball captain is hotter than your girlfriends and Boyfriend" Chu said, like admiring the captain.

"Don't tell me you have a crush on her?" I said.

"Then i won't tell you" Chu said.

I hate being with them as my friend! Like we all bitch and savage. How can we calm ourselves for not hurting each other? Amazing.

"Are you really my older sister? You're too much annoying for that position." I said in annoy tone.

"Yeah whatever" Chu said.

After eating we all went to our home for prepare.


The 6 girls who is always on the Top, went to the bar for little celebrate for the win and for friendship. They drink a high brand of alcohol.

"Captain, tell us about yourself." Sana said.

"About myself?" Lisa ask

"Yeah, a little information about yourself" Seulgi said

"Yeah, like how do you live." Wendy said

"Guys chill, let her talk first" Jeongyeon said

"Don't make her uncomfortable guys" Rosie said

"No it's ok Rosie." Lisa said and smile to her

"So? How do you live?" Seulgi said.

"I'm just living my precious life, thats all!" Lisa said and Smile.

"Yeah, you look like a rich person" wendy said

"I just receive a scholarship because of basketball, thats why im studying at our university." The thai said

"You look foreigner." Sana said

"I am. I'm thai" Lisa said while chewing the chips in front of her.

"Where's your parents?" Seulgi ask her

"I don't know who they are. I'm just living at my grandad and grand mom" The thai girl said emotionless.

"So you ate you here? you supposted to live at thailand right?" Sana ask.

Lisa startled at sana's question. She stop what her doing and look at sana straight hiding her pain.

"Ahhh guys lets just enjoy this night, cheers!" Rosie said in rescue to her bestfriend.

Lisa is so precious, the star, a sunshine and the moon. Kind and friendly person.

(Im just stating the truth. All truth. She's my sunshine :P)


