There have a girl Lying in her Queen sized bed. She sleeping peacefuly when she heard the loud sound behind her, Its alarm clock.

She grab the alarm clocked and throw it away and back to sleep.

"Ms. Jen, Your parents and your sister are waiting you to the dining area. You need to go to your school you're late" the maid said.

"Fine!" The arrogant woman said while her cat eyes closed and headed to the bathroom.


"Goodmorning Old lady" She greet cheerfully while biking. And the old lady just smile and nod at her.

"Goodmorning Oppa!" She said and park her japanese bike in front of the cart.

"Goodmorning lisayah, you're excited huh? Whats new?" The vendor said.

"Its first day of schoooool!" She cheerfully said.

"i'm so excited to meet everyone and play to the huge court" she smiled like an idiot.

"Wow, you're really amazing lisa, Goodluck if you need help just call me" The vendor said.

"Of course i will! Bye have a nice day oppa"

She grab her foods and bike away,


The young lady with a iphone in her right hand going down to the stairs.

She kiss everyone in the table and sit beside her sister jisoo.

"It seems like you came home late" The old man said. Mr kim

The arrogant woman just roll her eyes

"Honey just let her." The old woman said.

And The girl had cat eyes just smile at her mother.

"Jendueke, we have a same class and sched." A turtle rabbit kim who obsessed to chicken said.

"Great eonnie!" The brunette said happily,

They starting eating and talk about some things, when they finish eating, Ms and Mr kim went to their work and the Two kims getting ready to go to school.

Since jennie owned the school she don't need to worry if she's late.


Lisa just arrive at the school. She park her japanese bike to the bike park and lock it. She amaze to the school. Lisa is the varsity player, she had a scholarship. She work hard because of it. The nuge university is her school dream.

"Hi there!" The soft voice said

Lisa turn around and look at the person. Its rosie.

"Rosieeeeee!!" She said and hug the chipmunk and kiss it multiple time.

"S-stop it lisayah" Rosie said while chuckling.

"Sorry im just excited."

"It's ok" the chipmunk said while blushing

"Look chongha! I already enrolled to my dream school. What did you say?" Lisa said while looking at the school gate.

"You're really great lisa. Im so proud of you!" The church girl said and put her hand to lisa's shoulder while looking at the gate too.

"Uwuuu! You huh? You're so fast" lisa said while looking at rosie's hand.

The church girl quickly move her hand and hit lisa arms. Lisa just laugh hard and pinch rosie cheeks before run away.


"Ready now?" The driver said.

"We're ready idiot" the brunette with a cat eyes said.

"Wow, i'm always receive the idiot word from you" the driver said and roll his eyes.

The two kims just laugh because of their driver.

"Don't be sensitive Mr. Yang, jennie can't live without you, you know that" Jisoo said.

"Of course i know" Mr. Yang said

"Whatever guys" Jennie said and chuckles.

When the kims arrive, the guard was automatically open the gate, the two kims get out the car they see the students around them, whispering about them. Jennie just roll her eyes and follow the Chu,


While lisa is running and rosie chasing her, she's laugh. And run faster as she can


The two kims walking at the hallway, find the principal office to register.

"Look at your way jendueke" Chu said to the brunette girl who busy in her phone.

"Ts i don't understand kai! He's getting sensitive mygod!" The cat eyes girl said and still focus on her phone. The turtle rabbit just shake her head


While the girl who had a bangs running, she notice that rosie is getting nearer on her and she run more fast. She look at on her back

"Lisa in front!" Rosie said


"Ouch!" The two girls react while rubbering their heads.

"Jendueke!" The turtle rabbit said and approach her sister. "Are you okay?" She added

"Lisayah!" The church girl said and help lisa to stand up.

"Ouch that was hurt" The girl who had a bangs said while looking down.

"F*ck! You! Why you didn't watch your way!!" The arrogant girl with a cat eyes said.

"Enough! Let's just go" Chu said.

"No!" The brunette said.

"Im sorry, its my fault" the church girl said and bow to jennie.

"Now-" jennie cut of by Chu

"No its ok, jennie have a fault too, she didn't looking at her way." Jisoo said and bow

"What no! Who said its my fault? It's her fault! She's running!" Jennie said while gesturing her hands

Lisa look at the brunette with apologetic eyes.

"Im sorry ms. I didn't meant it, that is an accident" she said and bow.

The thai girl waiting for the cateyes jennie's answer but she receive nothing just stare.

"Ms. Are you okay?" The thai girl said.

"jendueke!" Chu whisper at her sister and pinch her side.

"Ouch!" The brunette react. She realise she was drooling by admiring the thai girl beauty.

"N-next time watch your way!" The brunette said and roll her eyes, flip her hair and start to walk away.

Chu bow at them and the two girls who had a same height does the same.

Lisa look at Rosie confused look

"Thats it?" Lisa ask Rosie and she just move her two shoulder as answer.

"Lets go to the classroom instead lisayah" Rosie said and the thai girl obbeyed.


A/N: Don't forget to vote guys ! :)
