Jennie Pov

"Idiot leave me alone!" I said irritatedly and walk away. We're here at the parking lot.

"Whyyyyy?" She said in baby tone. I stop walking and face her. I felt her startled and nervous.

"W-why?" She said while rubbering her nape

"Did you flirt to the cheerleaders?!" I said and frown.

"Why would i?" She said and walk towards me slowly but i stop her

"Stop! Don't touch me" I said to her while gesturing my hands.

" I did not" she said and slowly walk towards me. Slowly, slowly until.

She lean her face on my face slowly, i feel her warmth breathe and i smell it, its like a perfume to me. I feel like our lips slowly about to meet but.

"JEN-" Rosie cut herself and widen her eyes when she saw us. Lisa slowly lean back and look at to Rosie.

"Annoying! You ruin our moment!" She said in cool way.

Wow this woman. Now she's become a cool girl and hot. Hotter than the real man.

"Jendueke? What is the meaning of this? I didn't rise you like that! I wouldn't teach you to kiss in the parking lot! I told you we've a room!" Jisoo said in Fake disappointed on her face.

I roll my eyes and Laugh softly. She grab Rosie's hand before throwing her famous word

"Mai ni tan ka" She said and we laugh.

She keep saying it even she don't know what's the meaning. I look at the girl in front of me and she's looking at me too.

"Let's continue" She said and i laugh

"Silly!" I said and hit her arm. I pinch her nose really hard and run away while laughing. She chasing me.

"Ahhh rubyjane!" She said while chasing me.

I look at my back while running and i bump into a someone. Its a boy because his body is tough.

Fuck! Running is not a good idea.

"Nini" Lisa said and help me to stand up. "Are you okay?" She added and i nodded. I looking down because my head hurts, i saw the man foot, he's still there. I slowly look up and i got Shocked.



Kai Pov

I'm sitting in the sofa. Trying to reach Jennie's phone but it's busy. I pout and put my phone down.

"What's happening?" Sehun said

"My girlfriend didn't call me, even text" I said and relax my head.

"Why?" Sehun ask

"I don't know, I did not do anything. Just one day she's become a cold towards me, she starting to text me every night until no text left." I said.

I really don't know what's happening but its not feels good.

"Do you want to go home?"

"Yeah. I already book a ticket. Even my work isn't finish yet. I feel like i need to go home"

I feel like i need to see her.

"It's okay, i can handle it while your not around" Sehun said and i smile at him and thank him.

I quickly grab my keys and command to my maids to get my bags inside my room and put it on my car.

Im arrive at the airport. I give my ticket to the lady and  get inside plane.

I sit on the chair and put my sunglasses on. Today, i will see my Jennie again. I will see my bitch girlfriend again. Im so excited to see her mix worried and fear.

I relax my self until i fell asleep


I wake up when i heard the flight attendant announce that we will go down. I fix myself and sit properly.

When we arrive. I walk out of the plane and walk to the baggage carousel to get my baggage

Its 3pm in the afternoon. I still have a time to see jennie, She's in the school now.

I text Jennie to tell that i already arrive but i got nothing. I tried to call her but she's not answering so i call the taxi to bring me to the near hotel.

When im arrive at the hotel. I quickly wash my body and went to Nuge university.

While driving, I smile, finally im able to see my girlfriend. I saw a flower shop, i decided to buy a red roses symbolism of her dangerous beauty.

I park my car in the parking lot. Im here at the university now. I'm about to open the door car when i saw a familiar person.

My heart break into a million pieces.

My smile fade away

I hold my chest and my heart beats abnormality. I saw Jisoo and Unfamiliar girl. Jisoo did know that? They fool me? Really?

I didn't notice my tears escape to my eyes. I saw my girl about to kiss someone.

Its more than hurt when i saw her smiling. Its only belongs to me. Jisoo and the blonde haired girl left. I wipe my tears and smile.

I grab my red roses i bought earlier and i let my deep sigh out.

I open my door car and get outside the car. I saw her running while laughing.

Is she's that happy? She wouldn't even notice my presence. I walk forward and i ready myself. I know she will bump me because she's not looking at her way so i let her.

"Nini!" The tall girl said.

Nini? Its that their call signs? I look at Jennie worriedly but i didn't help her.

"Are you okay?" I saw the tall girl is worried. Worried like how i worried at my Mandu.

I saw her nodded. Really? She's not mad?

She slowly look up and she saw my face. I know She's nervous i feel it.


I don't want her to feel scared so I smiled at her.

"Hi babe" I said and

She look at the tall girl beside her who looks confused.

She doesn't know?

"Hi" I said to the girl and i bow.

"K-kai what a-are you doing here?" She said stuttering.

Ahhhhh! I hate when she's nervous. I feel like my tears about to escape but i quickly hug her before she notice it, so i have a chance to wipe it.

"I missed you" I said and hug her even tightly.


