
calum was stressed beyond the max. buffalo wild wings was packed due to the several football, soccer, and basketball games playing. additionally, it was saturday so a lot of people were off work. this was why he typically worked weekdays because weekends were hectic.

he was dashing between tables, making sure everyone was pleased. no matter how good the service was, old people seemed to get upset because of his tattoos and piercings.

he was so occupied he didn't even notice luke and ethan come in. luke knew he was working and just wanted to see him.

the lady at the front took them back to a booth in calum's area, which she found weird that luke asked but she didn't question it.

the two boys sat in the booth, waiting for calum to come over. the tan boy took notice of the filled booth and went over.

"hi my name's calum and i'll be your server today. can i start you off with any drinks?" he asked, taking out his notepad.

"can i have a diet pepsi please," luke said, waiting for his boyfriend to finally notice he was here. calum noticed the voice and looked up from the notepad, a wide smile on his face.

"i'll have the same," ethan said quickly, wanting to make sure they at least got to talk a bit.

"i like your spotted sweater, baby," calum whispered as he wrote down their drinks. he knew if one of the old people heard him they would probably call management.

calum left to go grab their drinks and other orders. while he was gone, luke took a few napkins and a pen he brought in from the car.

'if lady bugs are girls, how do they have kids?' he wrote down, folding it up. he was hoping it would help calum get through his day.

the older boy brought their drinks over and took their order. luke handed him the napkin, and calum put it in his back pocket, waiting to read it till he had a free minute.

once again, luke grabbed a napkin and wrote down, 'what would it be like to live in a female world?'

he kept handing them over when he came back. it made calum's entire night. he was so fucking thankful.

luckily, the rush died down and calum was able to calm down a bit. he headed back over to their table, standing at the end for no reason.

"thank you, lu," he whispered. luke nodded and handed him another napkin. this one read, 'i have lice.'

calum rolled his eyes and put it in his pocket, "if you actually do you bet your ass you're cleaning all my stuff," he joked.

he placed the bill at the end of the table, blowing him a kiss before going back to actually doing his job. luke pulled out his debit card, paying for both him and ethan since ethan was forced to come with.

it may or may not have been one of the weirdest things ethan had ever been dragged to.
