Chapter 282-287

Chapter 282. Stay Away From Her

Seeing Xiang Hong nod, Ding Shan opened the door. "Since you're done recording, you should rest."

The two walked out of the room, one in front of the other. Ding Shan thought that since the room was at the end of the corridor, no one would come in. However, she saw a familiar figure when she walked out of the room.

Wen Xiu was leaning against the window, a lit cigarette between his fingers. He looked very used to smoking, even with a sense of a ruffian, forming a strong contrast with the image he usually presented.

Wen Xiu probably didn't expect people to be in the room next door. He turned his head and saw Ding Shan and Xiang Hong.

After recovering from his shock, Wen Xiu hurriedly put the cigarette in his hand and awkwardly greeted Ding Shan, "Teacher Ding."

Ding Shan was not the least bit surprised to see Wen Xiu smoking. She had long known that Wen Xiu had many different faces. When she tore off the gentle and pure mask on the surface, the real Wen Xiu was a rotten bastard.

"Why did you sneak here to smoke? Was the pressure too great? If you're done recording, then go back and rest early." Ding Shan smiled gently as if she had just not seen the scene.

Seeing that Ding Shan's expression was normal, Wen Xiu heaved a sigh of relief.

"Got it, Teacher Ding." Wen Xiu put on that innocent and gentle expression again. After speaking, he looked at Xiang Hong and asked with a puzzled tone, "Why is Teacher Ding with Person X?"

"We met by chance and chatted for a while. It's getting late. I have to go back first. See you tomorrow." After Ding Shan finished speaking, she smiled at the two of them and turned to leave.

After Ding Shan left, the smile on Wen Xiu's face faded. He looked at Xiang Hong in an unfriendly manner and mocked, "It seems that some people aren't as virtuous as they look. They've done a lot of things behind our backs."

When he saw Ding Shan and Xiang Hong appear together, only one thought occurred in Wen Xiu's mind. 'This mysterious b*stard was trying to hook up with Ding Shan!

In this day and age, was the competition to live off a woman so fierce?' Wen Xiu didn't expect that there would be someone in ding Shan's team who was prepared to take the same path as him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Wen Xiu saw Xiang Hong walking toward him with a terrifying expression.

Wen Xiu felt a sense of fear when he was stared at by the man's cold and sinister gaze. He hurriedly said, "I'm warning you, there are surveillance cameras here!"

Xiang Hong sneered and grabbed Wen Xiu's wrist. Wen Xiu was startled and tried to struggle with all his might. However, Xiang Hong's strength was terrifyingly muscular. It was as if he was bound by an iron chain, unable to move.

"Stay away from her." Xiang Hong didn't say anything threatening, but the terrifying aura he emitted made Wen Xiu's legs go soft.

That feeling was as if someone had a gun pointed at the back of his head. Wen Xiu was so shocked that he could not say a word.

"Captain, is that you? What are you doing here?" Not far away, someone seemed to have recognized Xiang Hong and shouted excitedly.

Xiang Hong glanced at the trembling Wen Xiu as if he was looking at trash. Then, he released his grip, and Wen Xiu immediately fell to the ground.

Wen Xiu felt as if the bones in his wrist, which Xiang Hong was holding, had been shattered. The bone-piercing pain almost made him cry out.

Xiang Hong turned around and left. When his team members saw Xiang Hong walking out from the shadows, they hurriedly walked over, "Captain, where did you go today? Will you be coming to the training room tomorrow?"

Xiang Hong glanced at his team members. With his hands in his pockets, he leisurely walked toward the stairs. "Didn't Teacher Ding give a few team leaders a mission? You guys will wait for me at the dormitory door at six O'clock tomorrow morning. Don't be late."

After Xiang Hong left, Wen Xiu slowly got up from the ground. He was in so much pain that his forehead was covered in a cold sweat. However, his mental humiliation was even more humiliating than his physical pain.

How dare this Mysterious Person X be so arrogant!

Wen Xiu had a bold guess in his heart, 'Could it be that the relationship between this Mysterious Person X and Ding Shan had already reached that stage? Otherwise, why would he dare to look down on him?'

Furthermore, the Mysterious Person X had just threatened him to stay away from Ding Shan.

Wen Xiu increasingly felt that the two of them had most likely hooked up.

Detestable! Wen Xiu gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with resentment and unwillingness.

If it weren't for this Mysterious b*stard X, Ding Shan would have fallen head over heels for him. But now, Ding Shan was utterly mesmerized by this Mysterious b*stard.

Wen Xiu forced himself to calm down. The humiliation and unwillingness to give up ignited an even stronger urge for revenge in his heart.

Chapter 283. Change

Even if Mysterious Person X was one step ahead, he still had a chance to win. He was the strongest among the trainees and was confident that he would be one of the trainees who would eventually step out. In addition, he had already studied Ding Shan's psychology. Even if Ding Shan was interested in Mysterious Person X, he could take Ding Shan back step by step!

Wen Xiu knew that Ding Shan was his only shortcut if he wanted to survive in the entertainment industry. He had to find a way to capture Ding Shan's heart again.


The next day.

Ding Shan arrived at the training room early in the morning. The moment she entered the room, she could feel a completely different atmosphere from yesterday.

At her request, the trainees all changed their dressing styles. Some trainees who always wore heavy makeup only had a light foundation layer today. Although their apparent actual facial features were not as exquisite as with heavy makeup, they reflected the vitality of the young.

Some trainees who only knew how to put trendy elements in their messy outfits changed into simple shirts or t-shirts. The simple style reflected their characteristics.

At the very least, Ding Shan could distinguish them at a glance, and the audience could quickly remember each person's characteristics.

Among the trainees, mystery man X's team was the most eye-catching. They were also bare-faced and matched, but the members of mystery man X seemed to be dressed more realistically. Everyone had a new hairstyle, which appeared to have been professionally designed and adjusted according to each person's face shape.

After the transformation, the team members of Mysterious Person X, who were originally ordinary among the trainees, had become dazzling.

Ding Shan nodded approvingly and said to everyone, "I'm delighted with everyone's new appearance today. I know that some people may not be used to appearing in front of the camera without makeup, but I want to tell everyone that the audience will only like your authentic self if you accept it first. How can you expect others to idolize and worship you if you're not satisfied with yourself? "

The trainees looked at their teammates around them. For a moment, they felt that it was not so unacceptable to have no makeup on.

After removing all the gorgeous decorations, they felt much more relaxed.

" In this era where even ordinary people are worried about their looks, I understand your uneasiness and worries. You want to be as perfect as possible and let the audience see your most beautiful side. There is nothing wrong with that, but in this highly competitive talent show, it is more important to let the audience remember your true characteristics. To be able to become trainees, you are already very outstanding. It would be best if you learned to be confident. Confidence will make you look like you are glowing. Confidence is the most infectious beauty!"

Ding Shan's words moved the trainees. Everyone seemed to have realized something. Although they couldn't clearly express that feeling, it was as if a new window had been opened in their hearts, and a bright light shone in.

"Among the five teams, I praise Mysterious X's team. Everyone can learn from their teamwork. It's simple but also fully highlights their advantages and characteristics. It's perfect." Ding Shan was not stingy with her praise for Mysterious X's team. She knew how to create a healthy competitive atmosphere in the team at the right time.

When Ding Shan praised Mysterious Person X's team, the other groups looked at their members with envy and carefully studied their dressing styles.

Hearing Ding Shan praise his teammate, the corners of Xiang Hong's mouth curved up.

If she complimented his team members, it would be equivalent to praising him.

Xiang Hong's team members were also a little embarrassed. At first, they did not understand why Xiang Hong had asked them to wake up early. Later, Xiang Hong brought a fashionable man to help them design and match their clothes.

After dressing up, they seemed to have changed into different people, looking particularly energetic and sunny.

"Instructor Ding, your team's trainees do look different today. I couldn't tell who was who in the past, but now I can quickly distinguish them." Director Jin whispered to Ding Shan.

Ding Shan nodded. "Yes, I believe the audience will feel the same way."

"And they seem to be more confident." Not bad. Director Jin had been in the entertainment industry for many years, and his eyes were very sharp. He immediately noticed the subtle changes in the temperament of Ding Shan's team members.

Chapter 284. Theme Song Evaluation

Ding Shan smiled in relief.

As expected, her psychological suggestion to the trainees was practical.

After the routine morning run, the trainees continued their intense training.

The day of the theme song evaluation soon arrived.

The location of the assessment was a large room. To save time, the trainees were divided into three groups to sing and dance to the theme song. After the performance, the instructors would grade them.

"Is everyone ready? Don't be nervous; play at your normal level." After Li Yang finished speaking, he nodded to the staff member who was playing the accompaniment.

The first group of trainees walked to the front of the five instructors. The music started, and the three trainees began to dance and sing.

The three trainees were from Chen Tong's team, so their pitch was fine, but their breathing was unstable after the dance. They were out of breath halfway through the accompaniment, and their dancing was weak.

The three of them probably felt their problems, so the more they sang, the less confident they became. In the end, their singing voices were so low that they could barely be heard.

Chen Tong took the initiative to let her team members be tested first. She was good at singing and had been strictly training her team members' singing skills. She felt that her team members would be much better than Ding Shan's, so she was full of confidence to let them go on stage.

But she didn't expect that the performance of these trainees would be so bad!

Chen Tong looked at the three trainees angrily, her eyes full of disgust.

Under her gaze, the three trainees suddenly felt even more inferior. They lowered their heads and did not even dare to say a word.

After the grading ended, three more groups of trainees went on stage. They were from teams Li Yang, Chen Xi, and Su Yan.

The performance of the three groups of trainees was very uneven. The strong ones sang and danced well, but some new trainees were not even coherent in their dance moves and were far from reaching mastery.

"At the moment, Su Yan's team performed the best in the Rap battle." Li Yang concluded.

"My team has a lot of rappers, which is normal, but they don't like to practice dancing. You see, it's a mess." Su Yan's expression didn't look so relaxed. He lowered his head and gave a meager score to one of his team members.

Chen Tong glanced at Su Yan's score and couldn't help but mutter in her heart, 'Why did he give his team member such a low score?' She was secretly giving her team members high marks. Why did this Su Yan have to be so severe?

When they arrived at Ding Shan's team, Chen Tong was excited and was ready to pick on her.

Chen Tong felt that Ding Shan was not a professional in singing or dancing, so how could she guide these people? These people's performances would be the worst, so she would ridicule Ding Shan later. Chen Tong glanced at Ding Shan with disdain.

The members of the Ding Shan battle team began to perform.

What surprised the teachers was that the performance of Ding Shan's team's first group was very stable. All three of them completed their performance. No one forgot the dance moves halfway; no one gave up Rap because the Rap part was too complicated, and no one was out of breath halfway through singing.

Chen Tong was initially prepared to criticize Ding Shan's team members and was stunned. She was in disbelief, and the mocking words she had prepared were stuck in her throat.

Chen Tong was still considered a professional when it came to singing. She could hear that the atmosphere of the Ding Shan team members was much more stable than the other teams.

"Not bad. Although the performances of these three people weren't the most outstanding when combined, they didn't have any obvious shortcomings, and their performances were complete." Su Yan commented.

Chen Xi also nodded, "Their breathing is very stable, and they're strong." Chen Xi couldn't describe the feeling; it seemed that the overall mental state of Ding Shan's team members was better than the other teams. They didn't look as nervous and afraid and had a very confident feeling.

Ding Shan smiled humbly. "This is the result of their hard work. However, their performance is still lacking in many areas, and they must work hard."

"Tsk, from what I see, you're picking out the best people in your team. I think there's no need to do that. It'll be even more embarrassing if your performance gets worse." Chen Tong couldn't stand it when others complimented Ding Shan, even if it was her team members!

Chapter 285. Performance on The Same Stage

Ding Shan was too lazy to care about Chen Tong's sarcasm and let the next group continue to perform.

Seeing that Ding Shan was ignoring her, Chen Tong felt like she had punched cotton. Not only did she not vent her frustration, but she also became even angrier. She was so mad that she immediately gave the three trainees of Ding Shan's team low marks on the score sheet.

What's there to praise? There's no highlight at all!

Ding Shan also saw that Chen Tong had given her team low marks. She tightened her grip on her pen, and her eyes revealed a bit of coldness.

After a few groups of trainees performed, Ding Shan's team was left with only three people. They were Mystery X, Wen Xiu, and another trainee.

The three of them went on stage together. Ding Shan glanced at Wen Xiu indifferently before her gaze fell on Mysterious Person X.

Mysterious Person X was finally going to show his true strength today.

Ding Shan felt that Mysterious X's aura was out of place in the entertainment industry. Subconsciously, she didn't think that he had any strong stage performance.

The strongest and most popular Ding Shan battle team player was still Wen Xiu.

Even though Ding Shan did not like Wen Xiu, she had to admit that Wen Xiu's overall strength was extreme.

In her past life, even if Wen Xiu did not use her, with his abilities, he would still be able to make a name for himself in this show.

However, there were too many capable newcomers in the entertainment industry. As a newcomer without any backing, it was difficult for Wen Xiu to find good resources. The men's group training system in the country was not mature either. The idol group was at its peak but was very weak in the future. The team and members were facing the dilemma of losing popularity.

Later, Wen Xiu had to rely on Ding Shan's help to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. Most of the other trainees in the same batch as him had gradually been forgotten by the public.

From this, it could be seen that Wen Xiu was smart. He knew very well that making a name for himself in the entertainment industry would be difficult. However, he had already planned to seduce Ding Shan during his first stage performance.

In the end, the facts also proved that although his method was disgusting, it was very effective.

Unfortunately, the Ding Shan in this life was no longer the silly Ding Shan.

Wen Xiu deliberately placed his gaze on Ding Shan and revealed a smile. His eyes were confident, and he looked exceptionally young and handsome.

Being stared at by such a young and handsome man, most women would find it hard to remain unmoved.

As if she didn't see Wen Xiu's burning gaze, Ding Shan only indifferently said, "Are you ready? Let's start then."

Seeing that Ding Shan's expression didn't change much, Wen Xiu was disappointed, but he quickly found an excuse for himself, 'It must be that Ding Shan was too slow. It seemed that he had to be more obvious next time. She didn't seem to understand such an ambiguous hint at all.'

As the accompaniment started playing, Wen Xiu turned to look at the Mysterious Person X standing beside him. His eyes were filled with contempt and pride.

This Mysterious Person X was indeed very arrogant, but he would not be able to be arrogant later on. Wen Xiu had absolute confidence in his ability to perform on stage.

At 14, Wen Xiu became a trainee at a well-known foreign entertainment company. Later, he successfully became a dancer in a foreign male idol group.

However, this male idol group did not become popular overseas. The company saw that they had no traffic and popularity, and could not make much money, so they disbanded the group.

Even though the group had been disbanded, no one could deny Wen Xiu's strength. Not only was he good at singing and dancing, but he also had rich stage performance experience and was highly expressive.

Wen Xiu looked into Mysterious Person X's eyes. There was a hint of provocation in his confidence. Ding Shan also noticed the tension between the two and worried about Mysterious Person X.

Wen Xiu was a professional men's team player. If this Mysterious Person X performed with him, his aura would be completely suppressed.

However, Mysterious Person X didn't look nervous at all. He looked relaxed and lazy, as if he didn't care about today's review.

The rhythm of the music gradually picked up.

The three of them started singing. When Ding Shan heard Mysterious X's voice, she was shocked.

He was so lovely to listen to!

The man's voice was low and magnetic, to begin with, and when he sang, his unique tone was very recognizable.

Although Mysterious Person X did not have any complicated singing techniques, his pitch was perfect, and his breath was steady. His voice was very comfortable to listen to.

Wen Xiu also heard Mysterious Person X's voice his confidence cracked.

Chapter 286. Picked up a Treasure?

Initially, Wen Xiu thought that Mysterious X would make a fool of himself during the review.

He thought, "A rich second-generation heir who participated in the show with the mentality of just having fun must have no real ability."

However, Wen Xiu did not expect that Mysterious Person X's music level was not weak at all! Moreover, this person's voice was unique and more recognizable than his, a prevalent type in the music market.

Wen Xiu bit his cheek hard; his expression was highly unsightly.

It didn't matter. Even if this mysterious person could sing, dancing was his strong suit. He couldn't lose to this person in dance!

After a short intro, the music became more robust, and the three of them began to sing and dance with the rhythm.

As Wen Xiu finished the dance, he was distracted by observing Mysterious Person X's performance.

However, what shocked Wen Xiu, even more was that Mysterious X's dance movements were very smooth and coherent!

Although it is evident that Mysterious Person X was unfamiliar with how to control the release of strength, he was ultimately able to get the rhythm of the music right. He did not make a single mistake, and his actions were standard.

Ding Shan was also stunned.

Why was this Mysterious b*stard so good at singing and dancing? Had she not brought in a time bomb but picked up a treasure?

Mysterious Person X's acting style was also very different from the others.

Wen Xiu's performance style was utterly the style of a trainee who had been professionally trained to be fluid. It leaned towards being cool with a hint of charm and integrated into his youthful and sunny style. This style was relatively popular in the current market, and it was easy to please the audience.

Mysterious Person X's performance style was very personal. He did not make any facial expressions during the performance. At most, he would look at the coach and interact with the 'camera.'

Logically speaking, such a performance would appear very rigid and inflexible, but Mysterious Person X was very relaxed during the performance. The sense of freedom brought by this relaxation was more attractive than the 'Confidence' that Wen Xiu showed. It showed a unique stage style that was arrogant, handsome, and indifferent. Overall, it was even more eye-catching than Wen Xiu's performance.

Li Yang's eyes lit up as she watched Mysterious X's performance. Her keen professional insight made Li Yang realize that Mysterious X had massive potential in the entertainment market!

Chen Tong, who was at the side, saw that Ding Shan's team's Wen Xiu and Mysterious X performances were outstanding and eye-catching. She was suddenly so angry that she was about to explode.

Initially, she had her eyes on both of them. When they first performed on stage, she wanted to recruit them into her team, but both chose Ding Shan!

Even more frightening was that these two people's strength was stronger than she had imagined.

Initially, Chen Tong thought that the Mysterious Person X was just forced in by the behind-the-scenes investors, probably to use his face to please the audience. But he was not bad at singing and dancing, even better than the new trainees.

Chen Tong could already guess how famous these two people from Ding Shan's team would be in the audience after this episode's broadcast.

There was no need to mention Wen Xiu, who already had a fan base of a few million.

The mysterious man's face was almost irreplaceable in the entertainment industry. Once the show was aired, it would go viral.

Chen Tong felt a deep sense of crisis. She seemed to be able to see that the title of the strongest team was getting further and further away from her.

Detestable! Why did this hypocritical and disgusting woman have such good luck?

After the three finished their performance, the five coaches on the scene were silent for a few seconds. Then, Chen Xi took the initiative to comment, "Very strong! As expected, there are so many strong people in instructor Ding Shan's team I'm already feeling the pressure. The three of them are very good, but the one that surprised me the most is Mysterious X. I saw on your resume that you have no prior singing or dancing experience?"

After Xiang Hong had participated in the variety show, Yin Hui had arranged for someone to write a resume for him at the last minute. Many of Xiang Hong's descriptions were blank on the resume. When Su Yan saw the resume, he even sighed to Chen Xi, "He's indeed a mysterious person. He didn't reveal any information."

"Yes, I don't." As soon as Xiang Hong finished his performance, he turned to look at Ding Shan. When he heard Chen Xi's question, he nodded lazily and answered.

"So, you've reached this level after five days of training? I can't believe what you just said." Li Yang was in disbelief. She was someone who had seen a lot of things, but she had never seen such a genius.

Chapter 287. Announcing The Rank

"As long as it's efficient," Xiang Hong replied.

Li Yang couldn't help but be curious. She leaned forward and stared at Xiang Hong, "Then I would like to ask you, on behalf of my team members, what is considered high efficiency?"

Xiang Hong didn't want to chat with anyone, but when he saw that it was Li Yang who asked, he remembered that Li Yang and Ding Shan seemed to have a good relationship, so he explained, "Remember all the movements first, then practice them in parts. I'll record the practice with a camera. If there are any problems, I'll train harder."

All the trainees present were stunned.

Why did the painful training process seem so easy after Mysterious Person X said it? Could this be the difference between people?

Xiang Hong didn't quite understand why everyone present was looking at him in surprise. He still remembered that Jesse had also lamented yesterday that his progress was so terrifying that it was almost inhuman.

However, Xiang Hong felt that this was not a difficult task. Singing and dancing were far less complicated than his job. As long as he put in enough practice time, it was straightforward to quickly master the performance of a song in a short time.

If all the trainees present could hear Xiang Hong's inner voice, they would probably want to strangle him to death.

It was infuriating to compare people!

"I'd like to ask you, X. Your rap just now sounded like the underground style of Haidu. Have you been in contact with the underground rappers of Haidu before?" After Su Yan finished scoring, he raised his head and looked at Xiang Hong with great interest.

Hearing Su Yan's words, Ding Shan was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand rap, so she couldn't tell what style Xiang Hong's rap was. She only felt that Xiang Hong's rap rhythm was very smooth, and he could be considered at the top level among all the trainees.

"It's not convenient to answer that." When he heard Su Yan's question, Xiang Hong's face was expressionless, and he only indifferently refused to answer.

Ding Shan observed Xiang Hong's expression and felt a hint of gloominess in his expression that was hard to detect.

"Oh, I see. It's okay; I was just curious. This was because there were fewer and fewer rappers in the Haidu style. Even if there were rappers that combined this style, they were not authentic at all. These years, young people have been keen on learning the new style of rap that has been popular in wind city. The old Haidu style has gradually been eliminated. It's a pity. I quite like Haidu rap. It's wild and crazy enough! Anyway, I'm looking forward to your next performance."

Mysterious X's excellent performance attracted all the instructors and trainees present. On the contrary, no one paid attention to Wen Xiu, who had also performed well.

Wen Xiu, who had been neglected, had a hideous expression. However, he could only endure it with all his might because cameras were still recording at the side.

How was that possible?

At this moment, Wen Xiu was still in disbelief. He could not understand how an arrogant, overbearing, rich second generation could have such a strong stage performance. Moreover, this man's qualifications were excellent. He had the style that young girls would like. In comparison, Wen Xiu seemed a little ordinary.

'Damn it!' Where did this mysterious x come from? Not only did he stop him from seducing Ding Shan, but he also wanted to steal his limelight on stage!

Ding Shan saw that the expression on Wen Xiu's face, which everyone had forgotten, was hideous, and she felt a slight sense of joy in her heart.

Initially, she thought that she would have to take action to suppress Wen Xiu. Now that the Mysterious Person X had appeared, it had directly hit Wen Xiu's self-confidence and self-esteem. He did not even need her to do anything, so how could she be unhappy?

After all the trainees had finished their performances, the section group took away the scoring table and started to count.

After the scores were calculated, the ranking list was sent to the instructors.

Li Yang held the ranking table and announced the rankings.

Of the top three most eye-catching teams, a trainee from Li Yang's team was first placed. This trainee had once stepped out of the martial arts world, and his overall strength was extreme. His ranking as first place had convinced all the trainees.

The second place was a trainee from Chen Tong's team. This trainee had previously won second place on 'Super voice' and was the best of all the trainees present.

Hearing that her team was in second place, Chen Tong let out a sigh of relief. A smile finally appeared on her gloomy face.

When the third place was announced, all the trainees were so nervous that their breathing slowed.

"Third place, " Li Yang dragged out her tone and then announced in a higher pitch, "Mysterious X!"
