Chapter 108-113

Chapter 108. Greasy CEO

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
Xiang Hong felt a little skeptical. "What kind of nonsense is this? I don't know how to do it! Just let it be!" After saying that, he wanted to take his phone back.

Xu Yan hurriedly stopped him. "That's why I want to give you some advice! How about this... Boss, do you have a nickname between you and Miss Ding Shan?"

"Nickname?" Xiang Hong was stunned by the question. He and Ding Shan had not officially met under normal circumstances, so how could they have a nickname? However, he often called her little fox in his heart purely because he felt that she was very similar to an intelligent girl who was eccentric.

Xu Yan continued, "According to my formula, there is no need to say too much to flirt. It would be best if you gave people a reverie. Usually, you will first use a pet name to close the distance and then add what you want to say. It is best to be a little overbearing and then end with a compliment. The girl will be happy!"

Xiang Hong was confused as he listened. He did not understand why there were so many twists and turns. However, Xu Yan spoke severely. He had been in a relationship before, so Xiang Hong had no choice but to believe in his fallacies.

Xu Yan was a little proud. "Let me give you an example. For example, baby, you're only allowed to wear a dress for me to see! Because you're too beautiful, just like a little princess! Simple, right? That's Enough!" Xu Yan had a confident look on his face. That was what the books said. There was no problem.

Xiang Hong felt a chill run down his spine. He glared at Xu Yan with a cold face and gritted his teeth. "Don't get sick in front of me. If you say more of this disgusting nonsense, get out!"

Xu Yan shrank his neck in fear. He felt a little wronged. How could this be nonsense? He used to coax his girlfriend like this, and it worked every time!

Xu Yan had overlooked a significant problem. He did not know that his Boss was still a nameless and mysterious person at Ding Shan's place. If that was the case, even if he stood out among the many private messages.., it was definitely because he was weird enough and not romantic enough, not to mention that he was invisible.

Unfortunately, when Xu Yan and Xiang Hong, two business elites, discussed this together, they could only be two stooges. They were just the same. Neither of them was much better than the other.

But who would have thought that even though Xiang Hong despised Xu Yan, he still approved of Xu Yan's ability to work? He had said it so seriously, and it worked. Perhaps that little fox also liked such silly words? This was called flirting?

One dared to teach; the other dared to listen. In the end, Xiang Hong still edited the final version of "Little Fox, be happy. You're still suitable to be charming and seductive." Strictly following Xu Yan's model, nicknames, words he wanted to say, and praises were all there.


Xiang Hong's face was stiff as he asked Xu Yan coldly, "Is that enough?"

Xu Yan nodded in surprise. "As expected of you, Boss! Your comprehension is high!"

Xiang Hong snorted coldly. He was a little disdainful, but the tip of his red ears betrayed his heart.

Xiang Hong sent it out cleanly. Then, as if nothing had happened, he pretended to be busy, "Alright, there's still so much work to do. I'm just doing it on a whim. What's with all the mess? What a mess. Are you taking the opportunity to slack off?"

Xu Yan pursed his lips. Fine, he was the scapegoat again. The Boss was always complaining about his integrity! Wasn't he quite enthusiastic just now!!

Xiang Hong began to deal with the work. On the surface, he was focused, but every few minutes, he glanced at the phone and impatiently tapped on the mouse with his fingers, betraying him.

Xu Yan saw through it and did not say anything. He waited at the side with Xiang Hong, waiting for a reply.

As time passed, Xiang Hong became visibly anxious. Xu Yan did not even dare to breathe loudly. Deep down, he was puzzled. It shouldn't be. Shouldn't Miss Ding Shan be so moved that she called directly?

And they had never thought about how Ding Shan had accidentally found this short private message from thousands of private messages. Even if Ding Shan was not that smart and wanted to look for big boss fans.., they might not have thought about the personal message. When they saw this overbearing CEO-style consolation, they didn't know how long it would take.

After an unknown amount of time, the phone's sound finally came. Xiang Hong pretended to be neither fast nor slow. He dawdled for a while before slowly opening the phone.

Thus, they saw the two words "Thank you" that Ding Shan replied.

The two of them were as fierce as tigers. Little did they know that when Ding Shan saw the private message, she and Little Zhao had already imagined Xiang Hong to be a greasy middle-aged man.


Xiang Hong went from a proud son of heaven to a greasy CEO.

Chapter 109. It's Time to Send Ding Wan Back

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
Xiang Hong was not satisfied, but he could not tell what he was not satisfied with.

Ding Shan's attitude was too cold. It was expected that she did not know who he was.

Ding Shan did not recognize him. He did not reveal any flaws or clues. It would be weird if she recognized him.

What was he not satisfied with?

Xiang Hong did not know what was wrong with him. Ever since he met Ding Shan, he had become unlike him. He had never thought that he would one day ponder over the two words sent by a woman.

No, he had already been too abnormal when he racked his brain to send her a private message.

He was only a little interested in her at the beginning and wanted to tease her, but unknowingly, he seemed to have lost control of himself.

And this kind of loss of control did not receive feedback from Ding Shan.

This made Xiang Hong feel a little embarrassed and angry. It was as if he was the only one acting in a one-man show. That detestable little fox did not know anything!

Xiang Hong threw his phone away and felt a low pressure all over his body. "Work!" What kind of Weibo post or private message was this? As expected, it was not suitable for him. It was more straightforward to succeed in his career. If he won, he would win. He would use his absolute strength to conquer... There was no need to do so many tricks.

Xu Yan carefully put Xiang Hong's phone away. He lowered his head and tried to minimize his presence as he slipped out the door.

His assistance failed. As expected of Miss Ding Shan, who had seen all kinds of storms and waves before, she didn't manage to seduce him. However, it made sense. When Miss Ding Shan was acting, what romantic lines had she not heard before? She must have gotten used to it long ago. It seemed like he still had to study more about how celebrities in the entertainment industry fell in love!

Xiang Hong was getting more and more frustrated in the office. He couldn't even look at the project proposal and bidding documents he was initially most interested in. He impatiently clicked "TSK" and pressed the company's internal line. "Xu Yan, come in!"

Xu Yan, who had just left, rushed back dejectedly. "Boss, what are your orders?"

Xiang Hong tugged at his tie with a cold expression, "That former manager and Ding Wan, go and handle them. All the departments in the company that can cooperate with us will do their best. Contact the police station again. Ding Wan has been bouncing around outside for a long time. It's time to go back and continue squatting. That former manager can't pay her taxes, so let her go in and accompany him."

Xu Yan smiled. Although the Boss was angry, he was still worried about Miss Ding Shan. However, hearing what the Boss said, he suddenly remembered this matter. He felt like he was venting all the anger he had suffered from Miss Ding Shan on Ding Wan and the others.

He couldn't bear to be angry at Miss Ding Shan, so he went to deal with the person who was terrible to Miss Ding Shan. The Boss was a man!

Xu Yan hurriedly agreed. "I'll let our company's legal department handle it right away. I'll personally follow up with the police station. But Boss Ding Wan was bailed out, and we also helped. How does that count?"

Xiang Hong sneered, "Jin Li bailed out Ding Wan. What does that have to do with us? If you have anything to say, look for Jin Li. As for the detention center, inform our people and randomly send out someone with a history of bribery. That group of people usually clean up Jin Li's messes. This time, treat it as them making up for their previous mistakes."

Xu Yan smiled and nodded. "Alright, I'll take care of it immediately."

Previously, when he helped Jin Li bail Ding Wan, out, he had already prepared a backup plan. Jin Li had thought that it was because he had enough face. Jin Li would never have thought that his Boss caused this matter.

Although Xu Yan's love experience had failed as a special assistant, his work efficiency could not be said to be anything else. The legal department prepared a lawyer's letter shortly after and sued Yang Hua, Ding Wan, and the rest.

However, the plaintiff's name did not stay with the Xiang Group directly but with Yin Hui's media company. In any case, Ding Shan was about to cooperate with Yin Hui in a variety show. Using Yin Hui's name to sue was better than the Xiang Group's name; it would not cause speculation and criticism.

The matter of Yang Hua and Ding Wan had been spread all over the internet. The tax bureau would not sit idly by, and the police would not allow Ding Wan to tarnish the credibility of the police.

Sooner or later, the case would be directly opened for investigation.

However, Xiang Hong's side would directly file a lawsuit. With a professional legal team, it would be faster and easier to operate. They could easily file a lawsuit against them for the highest standard of treatment!

Yang Hua and Ding Wan's current situation could be said to be extremely miserable. However, they had sinned. Even if they died, they would have to accept the trial of the law.

Chapter 110. Kept His Mouth Shut

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
Xiang Hong let out a sigh of relief and felt a lot better. He took a deep breath and glanced at the phone at the corner of the table. He said in a low voice, "Little Fox, I'll deal with you in the future."

Xu Yan came into the room to report on his work. He said that he had settled the matter with Ding Shan and that the legal department would follow up in time.

Xiang Hong nodded and picked up the phone to call Yin Hui. "It's me!"

On the other end of the phone, Yin Hui was giggling. "Yo, what brings you here, Xiang? Did you miss me? Do you need a brother to console you?"

Xiang Hong ignored him. "I'm suing Ding Shan's parents and ex-manager in your name. Don't let it slip."

Xiang Hong had never done such a thing personally before. He was afraid Yin Hui would be too stupid and ruin his plans. That Little Fox was brilliant. The "Thank you" just now was polite and distant. She might have been suspicious, and she wasn't just thanking the ordinary fans for their concern.

Yin Hui shouted, "No way, did you do it? I was still worried that Ding Shan's image would be damaged because of this. This would also affect the popularity of my variety show. In the end, I couldn't find any dirt on the internet. So it was you who did it. As I said, other than worrying about Ding Shan the most, only someone with a bad temper like you could be so anxious and couldn't wait to protect your sweetheart!"

Xiang Hong felt a little awkward. "What nonsense are you spouting?"

Yin Hui laughed mischievously, "I'm spouting nonsense? Don't I know the one who anxiously called me to collate the confession? Old Xiang, you can't do this. It's not your style to do good deeds without leaving your name behind. I was thinking of getting my company's legal department to help clean up the mess, but in the end, you beat me to it. You're so dedicated to it, so why are you still using my name?"

The corners of Xiang Hong's mouth twitched. "I let you gain a good reputation for nothing. After receiving her gratitude, aren't you going to kneel and thank me? You don't have to care about anything else. I will naturally handle her matters."

Yin Hui curled his lips in disdain, "Eh, old men are sour when dating. Okay, okay, okay. You protect your woman. I understand. I'm the NPC in your love game. Whatever you say. If she asks, I know what to say!"


Xiang Hong nodded. "Alright, Go and do what you need to do."

Yin Hui asked again, "Old Xiang, wait a minute! Ding Shan's matter had probably come to an end. This wave of hers had turned the tide. Her current popularity in the entertainment industry is unrivaled in a short period. In addition to her variety show in two months, she will rise to a higher position."

Yin Hui said in a despicable tone, "Aren't you afraid that she will become even more popular and fly into the sky and dump you? The entertainment industry is a big dye-in-the-pan. Just talking about my variety show, there are a lot of handsome guys in the preliminary auditions. When the time comes, we will be together day and night... Brother, I am also worried about you! Why don't you invest a little more? I will give you some insider information to prevent Ding Shan from getting close to those energetic little boys?"

Xiang Hong laughed coldly, "Put away that profiteering temperament of yours. If you're competent, you'd better do a good job and choose some energetic and capable people. Handsome? Can you compare them to me? If you're short of money, I can consider it, but the premise is that Ding Shan is the one. Then you'd better keep your mouth shut and don't talk nonsense. I have my plans."

Xiang Hong was full of pride. How could he treat those young boys still chasing after fame and fortune as a threat?

Xiang Hong became famous at a young age. However, this fame was not because he was handsome or energetic. Instead, it was because he relied on his unparalleled intelligence and iron-blooded methods to make those business seniors who were many years older than him tremble in fear.

Xiang Hong was confident. To a certain extent, he was also conceited. With fame and fortune in his hands, no one could rival him in power. Such a person was already the dream of others. Why should he be afraid of those people?

Yin Hui flattered him repeatedly, "Yes, how can they compete with Xiang? Good brother! As long as you invest a little more, I promise to create a variety show that is as dreamy as a dream! I will keep my mouth shut about Ding Shan and won't disturb the fun between you two lovebirds!"

Xiang Hong frowned helplessly, "Alright, don't be disgusting. I will call you with the money. Don't get too tired. If you need help, just let me know. I have already told you everything I must say about your variety show. Do It well. You can soar to the sky in one go."

Although Yin Hui had been laughing and chuckling, as usual, Xiang Hong still noticed the tiredness in his voice. He tried his best to keep his spirit up and talk to Xiang Hong.

Xiang Hong did not understand variety shows, but the preparation before the start of a project was the most tiring. Yin Hui did not have many opportunities left, so naturally, he had to do his best.

Chapter 111. Best Man

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
For the sake of the friendship between the two, Xiang Hong would naturally do his best to help. Although he always said Yin Hui's father would send him to the Pacific Ocean. If Yin Hui left, his life would be much less fun.

Moreover, Xiang Hong had a selfish motive. This was also the first job after Little Fox's comeback. Xiang Hong did not want these two people, who could make him feel happy and comfortable outside of work, to fail.

Yin Hui was so touched that his heart warmed up for a while, but he still spoke casually, "Good brother, I knew you doted on me the most. Don't worry; I'll Give Your Ding Shan the best makeup and clothes! Use the HD camera to capture her beauty at 360 degrees! I won't let your money go to waste!"

The corners of Xiang Hong's mouth twitched, and he scolded with a smile, "Alright, get lost quickly. Go back to your work."

Yin Hui had gotten a bargain and happily went to work.

Xiang Hong shook his head helplessly and hung up the phone. He also started to deal with his work. Regardless of the time, fame and fortune were always the targets people fought for. Even though Yin Hui and Xiang Hong were both proud sons of Heaven, and their families already had money that they would never be able to spend in a few lifetimes, they still threw themselves into this vanity fair. They wanted to make a name for themselves.

This sense of accomplishment and satisfaction was something that no one could give them.

Of course, it was the same in the entertainment industry. Countless people were fighting to climb up. The effort behind the stage and the spotlight were unimaginable when they thought about the stage and the spotlight. There might be a lot of helplessness and heartache; even a talented person like Ding Shan had suffered a lot.

That was why Xiang Hong liked to work. Data did not lie, and money did not lie. As long as you had the ability, you could grasp the lifeblood of business. It was not an exaggeration to say that you could do whatever you wanted.

With these, everything else was not a problem.

This had always been Xiang Hong's philosophy. He could experience happiness in this kind of killing and determination.

But now it was different. For the first time, he did not care about gains and losses and did not assess the risks. He invested in a project. Helping Yin Hui was one thing, and wanting to get close to Ding Shan was one of Xiang Hong's plans.

If nothing unexpected happened, Xiang Hong would be able to resolve some critical decisions of the company in two months and let his subordinates do their work. It could also be considered his first annual vacation in years. He would go to Little Fox's side and develop their relationship.

Xiang Hong did not know whether to laugh or cry when he thought about the first time they met. That Little Fox had treated him as a man who sold his body. He did not know how that woman's brain grew. Which clubhouse was worthy of a man like him?

Xiang Hong was looking forward to seeing Ding Shan's exciting expression again.

Xiang Hong's mood was much better. His face was finally no longer tense. He lowered his head and quickly reviewed the documents. Even the papers he was usually picky and constantly dissatisfied with looked much more pleasing to the eye.

Xu Yan secretly heaved a sigh of relief. It was good as long as the boss did not lose his temper. As long as the boss's desire to work was still there, the sky would not fall.

The planning department was lucky today. The boss seemed in a good mood and did not call them up to scold them. As expected, the Xiang Group was one step closer to having the lady Boss because of his assistance!

Before the people could react, Yin Hui's star Glory Media released an announcement. It said that due to their partnership, they were willing to provide legal assistance to Ding Shan as long as Ding Shan needed it... Star Glory Media's legal department was at the company's beck and call. They implored all of their colleagues to work together to reorganize the unhealthy atmosphere in the entertainment industry, crack down on this unhealthy atmosphere and unhealthy competition, and create an excellent artistic environment.

With the promotion of the Xiang Group and the name of Yin Hui Company, the treatment of Ding Wan and Yang Hua was exceptionally smooth.

The first appearance of "Star Glory Media" left a deep impression on the public.

Many people left comments, "What media company is this? I've never heard of it. Is it reliable? Is it said that Ding Shan is a partner? Could it be that Ding Shan has accepted some bad drama again? I'm scared. Please don't let It go!"

Some people searched for a long time, but there was no result, "It seems to be a new company. There aren't any artistes or works, but it seems reasonable. Ding Shan's studio has been disbanded. Now that she's alone, it's a good thing that they are willing to come out and help!"

Someone didn't care about that and just applauded. "Well done! Help Ding Shan sue them! I've never been so angry before. Hurry up and let them go to jail!"

Chapter 112. Loved by Everyone

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
The police also said that the leaders involved in releasing Ding Wan and Wang Chun had been suspended. The police department was very sorry about this and was willing to accept the criticism and supervision of the public.

They would immediately take Ding Wan and Wang Chun back to the detention center to serve their sentences and increase the punishment.

The statement mentioned that Ding Shan had already made a record of her family's blood relationship. Now that it was confirmed that Ding Wan and Wang Chun were not her biological parents, they would file a case and investigate according to Ding Shan's request. They wanted to find out if the way the two raised Ding Shan was legal. They hoped that they could help Ding Shan find her biological parents.

Once the police statement was released, it could be considered to have calmed the hearts of a large number of onlookers. Ding Wan and Wang Chun had secretly escaped through the back door and even caused trouble on the Internet. How could there be such stupid people? They would have already tucked their tails between their legs and behaved themselves if it was anyone else. How would they dare to show their faces on the Internet? They were afraid that others would not know that they had escaped.

However, it was confirmed that he would not have treated Ding Shan that way if he were an average person. He was probably anxious and had lost his mind when he saw that Ding Shan was doing well.

Ding Wan's actions had become the laughing stock of the entire Internet.

However, some people paid attention to the second half of what the police said. Were they going to file a case to investigate Ding Shan's background? Moreover, Ding Shan had already filed a lawsuit before. Could it be that Ding Wan and the others used illegal means to bring Ding Shan up by their side?

The gossip in the entertainment circle instantly turned into a criminal case. The netizens were all a little afraid.

It couldn't be. What if they discovered that Ding Shan was abducted or used other means? Then what could they do? Her sister was already miserable enough. Don't let her get hurt even more!

No one dared to imagine that the spirited genius girl on the screen would be so frustrated. Did she already realize something was wrong? So she went to the police station to report it, but there was no evidence, so she could only continue to endure Ding Wan's attacks and did not say anything. It was only until the blood test results that the police announced it.

When Xiao Zhao woke up, she also saw the statement of Star Glory Media and the police station. She gently walked to the door of Ding Shan's room and tentatively knocked on the door. She asked in a low voice, "Sister Shan, are you awake?"

Ding Shan replied in the room, "I'm awake. Come in."

Xiao Zhao opened the door and entered the room. She saw Ding Shan still lying lazily on the bed. It was rare for Ding Shan to be so lazy in bed. She must have been tired recently.

Ding Shan was still a little sleepy. She yawned and patted the side of the bed. "Come and sit. How did you sleep?"

Xiao Zhao walked over shyly. "I slept quite well. I can finally relax and have a good sleep." As she spoke, she slowly and carefully sat on the side of Ding Shan's bed.

Xiao Zhao was secretly delighted. She sat on sister Shan's bed. Sister Shan was indeed a goddess. The room was also fragrant. The bed was soft, and she lay on it like a princess. Compared to sister Shan, she was too sloppy and did not look like a girl.

Ding Shan lazily rubbed her pillow, and her voice was a little hoarse. "Why are you looking for me?"

Only then did Xiao Zhao remember her original intention, and she hurriedly told Ding Shan, "CEO Yin has stepped forward to stand up for us. He said that the lawyers from the legal department are at our disposal and that he hopes to restore the atmosphere in the entertainment industry. This incident can be considered an early appearance and would pave the way for various shows. The response is quite good now."

Ding Shan closed her eyes slightly and nodded. "I'll call him in a while to thank him."

Xiao Zhao also agreed. "Alright, this is a good thing for us. However, he's also doing it for variety shows. He's afraid that a bad voice will affect the subsequent promotions."

Ding Shan smiled, "No one must help you unconditionally. No matter his motive, if he helps us, he deserves our gratitude. Furthermore, we're mutually beneficial now. Whoever has a problem will have to bear the losses as well. His way of doing things is perfect. As long as it's beneficial to variety, it's beneficial to me. Also, Director Yin is a very good person. I believe that he's sincerely helping me."

Xiao Zhao thought of Yin Hui and nodded thoughtfully, "Director Yin is quite a good person. He has a good relationship with everyone. I heard he's also good friends with Xiang Corporation's Director Xiang. He's quite handsome and has always been popular. However, I always feel that he's a bit of a playboy. Sister Shan, you have to be careful of him!"

Chapter 113. Set up Studio

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
Ding Shan couldn't help but laugh, "You! "I'm not some popular guy that everyone loves. Why do I have to be careful even if I'm a man in your eyes? They might not even like me at all. Don't overthink it. Also, I heard that Xiang is also a powerful person. A person like him is on the same level as those rich businessmen. He doesn't care about small people like us at all."

Xiao Zhao pouted. "That's not true. Sister Shan, you're not a little person. If they get along with you, they'll be fascinated. I have to keep a close eye on them!"

Ding Shan sat up from the bed. "Alright, you're just like a seller. You can look at me any way you want, but others might not think that way."

Xiao Zhao immediately laughed. "I want to sell you to the whole world, but you can only look at it! You can't profane it!"

Ding Shan shook her head. "Don't be silly. Bring me my phone book. I'll give director Yin a call to thank him and discuss the details of the program."

Ding Shan knew that many eyes were staring at her now, and she couldn't rest anymore. She had to get her spirits up quickly. She continued instructing Xiao Zhao, "We can prepare for the next step. In a while, you'll send out a recruitment advertisement and screen it well. As long as it's elite, you must pay special attention to your character. Let's form a new studio."

Zhao Xiao nodded; she asked, "Sister Shan, didn't you stop work for two months? Aren't you going to rest for a while more? There have been so many things recently, and you've become thinner after being tormented. Your body is already weak, so how can this be good? Why don't we go out for a vacation to relax?"

Ding Shan shook her head and refused, "There's no time. Although we stopped work for two months, it's not easy to deal with the mess we've been in for many years. Even though we managed to break away from them this time, it's still not enough for us to regain our footing in the entertainment industry."

Ding Shan's gaze was like a torch. "I have to adjust my condition as soon as possible. I must let those eyeing me see that I, Ding Shan, will build my team and start from scratch. I will only be better than before. I can't be lazy."

Xiao Zhao saw that she could not persuade her, so she could only give up. Sister Shan would not change her mind quickly. Perhaps it was because she had been repressed for a long time, so sister Shan was especially eager to prove herself and show her true strength. How could a bright pearl be willing to be covered in dust for so many years?

Xiao Zhao took a deep breath and promised, "Sister Shan, adjust your condition. I will do the rest well. I will not let you worry. I will choose an excellent team for you!"

Ding Shan smiled in relief. "Xiao Zhao, with you around, I have been helped a lot. It has been hard on you. You have suffered along with me."

Xiao Zhao pretended to be angry and snorted. "If you say that again, I'll ignore you! Being able to follow sister Shan is something that everyone would wish for! What kind of hard work is that?"

Xiao Zhao looked at Ding Shan and suddenly thought of something. "Oh right, Sister Shan, why don't I recruit another nutritionist this time? I'll follow you into the group to shoot variety shows and take good care of your body!"

Ding Shan said helplessly, "XiaoZhao! We're just starting. A small team will do. I'll eat well. There's no need for a nutritionist!"

Xiao Zhao didn't quite agree. "Sister Shan, why don't you care about your body so much? This isn't a small matter! And with your current popularity, how can a small team be enough? We have to have the appearance of an A-list female celebrity!"

Ding Shan raised her hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, alright. Manager Zhao, I'll listen to you. You have full authority, alright? But I only have one request. Don't have too many people following me. I won't feel comfortable."

Xiao Zhao nodded thoughtfully and also compromised, "Alright then. With me following you, I'll be able to take care of you well. It'll save them the trouble of competing with me for the favor! Just hire some more publicity and planning. Alright, it's settled then!"

Ding Shan was already used to Xiao Zhao's jumping-off. She was too lazy to delve into what Xiao Zhao meant by competing for her favor. She dotingly shook Xiao Zhao, "Alright, hurry up and go! My manager Zhao!"

Little Zhao found a phone for Ding Shan and pretended to clear his throat, "Then I'll go to work. I need to find a place to use as our studio first. Just lie on the bed and rest well. I'll come back and supervise you for dinner!"

Ding Shan nodded and agreed, "I'll do as you say."

Xiao Zhao smiled mischievously and left in a hurry.
