Chapter 126-131

Chapter 126. Pounds

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
Xiao Zhao agreed readily. "Of course, you need to put on a good show. Leave the rest to me!" After saying that, she looked at Ding Shan with sparkling eyes.

After two months of training, Ding Shan had completely recovered. She was no longer just thin; her muscles were firm, and her body was smooth. She looked energetic, and her face was much ruddier.

At this moment, Ding Shan was truly exuding her charm. She was like a flower that bloomed wantonly, displaying the beauty that should belong to her.

Ding Shan was also beautiful in the past, but she was a little timid and weak. She didn't look like she had a soul, but now, her entire person exuded a powerful aura. Her skin was whiter than snow, faintly shining with a rosy luster. Her long hair was like a waterfall, and the gentle breeze seemed especially fond of her. Her stunning little face was revealed with a soft blow, and her eyes were sparkling as if they could speak.

If she had not seen it with her own eyes, Xiao Zhao would not have believed that a person could undergo such a huge change in two months.

So there were so many ways to be beautiful. Sister Shan was lovely now! Anyone would choose such a vibrant and elegant flower.

Ding Wan, Yang Hua, and the others were wrong. They had raised Ding Shan to be the same as before. She was dull and dim. If it were not for Ding Shan's foundation, she would not have been able to appear in the camera.

Only now did Ding Shan finally regain her original glory.

Xiao Zhao stared at Ding Shan happily without blinking. "That's great! Why do I feel so accomplished? Eat more tonight. You still don't have enough nutrition today!"

Ding Shan didn't expect Xiao Zhao to mention this suddenly. She sighed helplessly. "Don't let me eat anymore. I've gained ten pounds. I really can't eat anymore!"

Ding Shan was terrified when she saw Xiao Zhao now. The fact that she could adjust her condition successfully had something to do with Xiao Zhao.

She had been making nutritious meals for Ding Shan for the past two months. Sometimes, when Ding Shan practiced dancing too late or did too much exercise, she would have an extra meal at night and watch Ding Shan eat all of it.

Other artistes suffered from painful weight loss, but Ding Shan was forced to eat.

There was nothing she could do. Ding Shan had been too thin before, but now, she was just suitable for the camera. At least she was healthy and beautiful.

She looked at Ding Shan like an old master looking at his artwork. No matter how she looked at her, she was happy, "Aiya, I finally understand the feeling that sister Wang had told me. She said that when she looked at her artistes, she was like looking at a child. When she looked at her artwork, she was satisfied no matter how she looked at it. Artistes create their artwork on screen, but at the same time, they are also the best representative works of their manager. The more you eat, the happier I am!"

Ding Shan was helpless. Xiao Zhao had improved by leaps and bounds in the past two months. She was becoming more and more comfortable as a manager.

Xiao Zhao had a good personality and was likable. Very soon, she became friends with some of the older managers in the industry. She often asked them for advice, and gradually, she became a little old-fashioned. Two months ago, she had even said she wanted to be her sister, but now, she was like an old mother, raising Ding Shan as her child.

Xiao Zhao nodded satisfactorily, "We'll go to the recording studio tomorrow. I heard that Chief Yin is competent and has built up our momentum well. With sister Shan's current condition, you'll make their eyes light up! They don't dare to say anything about you anymore!"

Ding Shan smiled. "I haven't worked for two months, and I can't wait any longer."

Xiao Zhao opened her memo to check her schedule, "We still have to shoot posters and trailers tomorrow. The program team will send someone to pick us up at night to the close recording base. We have to prepare everything we need today. We will have to keep recording in there for the first month."

Ding Shan thought for a moment and asked, "What is the lineup of the coaches participating in the recording with me?"

Xiao Zhao counted with her fingers and told them to Ding Shan individually, "There are a total of five coaches. Apart from you, Sister Shan, there's also a gold-medal manager that President Yin hired from another company. He's from sister Wang's company. I've asked around. This manager is strong and very strict but has a good heart. He's good friends with sister Wang. You don't have to worry, Sister Shan. Two male artistes have debuted in a talent show. They have been quite popular recently and were poached by President Yin to attract fans."

Xiao Zhao frowned slightly when she said, "It's just that the last person is quite annoying. Chen Tong also debuted in a talent show. In the past two months, she received news from God knows where and sent many drafts to trample on our promotions. She's too annoying!"

Chapter 127. Old Acquaintances

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
Ding Shan nodded in understanding. "I know her. When she first debuted, wasn't she still promoting little Ding Shan? I heard she looked a little like me, so she was a little popular back then."

Xiao Zhao was righteous indignation, "She doesn't look like you! She doesn't look half as good-looking as you, Sister Shan. I'm seeking truth from facts. She deliberately imitated your expression and actions and spent a lot of effort taking a few similar pictures. She used your name to debut, but now she's back to trample on you. She's acting like a villain who gets his way."

Ding Shan didn't care, "I thought of it when I was in trouble. The competition is so fierce now, and many female artistes are bumping into each other. She used my name to make a name for herself, but with me at the front, as long as I don't fall, she won't be able to make a name for herself. I was an actress in the past, so we barely stayed out of each other's way. Now that I'm going to participate in this variety show, she'll be unhappy. Forget it. Let's just be ourselves and stay away from her."

Xiao Zhao sighed, "That's all we can do. She seems to be a little troublesome. I heard that she doesn't have a good temper. Let's hide a little. We don't want to be accidentally bitten by her when she's desperate. Director Yin was too much. Why did he invite her here? She wasn't that great, was she? She has been debuting for quite a long time and has no representative work. She has been participating in variety show scandals everywhere."

Ding Shan advised, "She's been able to maintain her popularity and get director Yin to invite her over as a mentor. She must have outstanding qualities. I've seen videos of her debuting before. Besides the fact that she doesn't look like me at all, she's also pretty good. She has a good fan base and is quite capable. We're unfamiliar with her, so we don't have to guess these things."

Xiao Zhao pouted. "If she doesn't come and provoke you, then it's fine. I won't stand on ceremony if she still posts those sexy press releases!"

Ding Shan curled her lips but didn't say anything. She took Xiao Zhao to buy some more things before heading home to pack her luggage.

Ding Shan didn't prepare too much. Recording a variety show wasn't a vacation, so there was no need to exaggerate. As an Artiste, she only needed a little more clothing and accessories. Two large suitcases would be enough.

Xiao Zhao was also very relieved, "It's fine. I'll come back and get it if anything is missing. Director Yin showed me the dormitory he prepared for you, Sister Shan. Everything is complete, and the environment is good. He put in a lot of money!" Even though the video was short, it was evident that he had put in a lot of effort to set it up

Ding Shan was a little surprised. "He even sent you this? Didn't he say to keep it real before recording and not reveal anything?"

Xiao Zhao scratched her head in embarrassment, "Hehe, I asked him for it through persuasion. I'm worried that you'll be there by yourself. Sister Shan, you should be more careful when the time comes. There's still a tracking camera in the room. Remember to cover it up when it's inconvenient. Variety shows sometimes aren't like filming. They always cut a lot of material together."

Ding Shan agreed, "I understand. Don't worry. Our contract is signed. No malicious editing is allowed. President Yin won't do it."

Xiao Zhao was finally relieved. She was filled with anticipation for tomorrow's recording. She couldn't wait to let everyone see the different sister Shan now!

They would all bow down to sister Shan's charm! And that Chen Tong! Let her see what it meant to be sexy and how beautiful sister Shan was. That imitator of hers would never be able to learn!

The next day, Ding Shan got up early and tidied up. Xiao Zhao drove her to a building to take photos for the follow-up publicity.

Xiao Zhao drove the car skillfully to avoid the paparazzi and parked it in the underground garage.

The details of the variety show had yet to be revealed. Only the insiders knew about it, so Ding Shan's schedule had to be kept a secret. It would depend on when President Yin would announce it.

Ding Shan put on her hat and sunglasses, lowered her head, and quickly walked into the building. As soon as she entered the elevator, she saw an old acquaintance.

Yang Lu stood in the elevator and glanced at Ding Shan from head to toe. "It's Ding Shan. Haha, it's been a long time!"

Ding Shan rolled her eyes in her heart. It was early in the morning, and seeing this person was annoying.

Yang Lu had been competitors with Ding Shan since her previous life. In the best actress selection, the two of them had also been shortlisted. Later on, Ding Shan's votes were far ahead, and Yang Lu had even caused an uproar for a while. Yang Hua, with dirt, had countered her, and from then on, it was as if they had a feud. Every time they met, Yang Lu would always put a gun to Ding Shan's head, unwilling to let it go.

Ding Shan nodded slightly as a greeting. Then, she turned her back and stopped talking to Yang Lu. This person wouldn't speak properly anyway, so Ding Shan was too lazy to pretend to be polite.

Chapter 128. Bickering

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
However, Yang Lu refused to give up. She stood behind Ding Shan, trying to find something to say, "What's wrong? We haven't seen each other for such a long time. Have you become estranged from your old friends? I'm really sad. Otherwise, I'll become popular again. Do you look down on me? That's true. Like you, I can't dominate the hot searches for half a month."

After Yang Lu finished speaking, she laughed with her assistant.

Ding Shan had dominated the hot searches for this time. Everyone in the industry was watching. During this period, there had been a lot of promotions that had not rippled. Ding Shan's news had utterly suppressed them. The netizens had all gone to keep an eye on the gossip. Who would still watch the promotions of other celebrities?

There was no other way. It was rare for the entertainment industry to stop for half a month. All the promotions, warm-ups, and scandals had been put off. Who would dare to compete with Ding Shan's popularity this time?

They had wasted their efforts and still couldn't get exposure. However, this also delayed a lot of things. Everyone was angry but didn't dare to speak out. It was Ding Shan's fault for being famous. The news that broke out was indeed shocking.

Recently, Yang Lu didn't have any dramas that needed to be promoted. She didn't delay anything and had plenty of time. Instead, she followed the gossip for half a month and watched the ups and downs of her former strong opponent being covered in dirt. She had an indescribable feeling in her heart. At this moment, when she saw Ding Shan, she was still a little excited.

However, Yang Lu and Ding Shan had always been on bad terms. The words that came out of their mouths were habitually laced with bullets. When she saw that Ding Shan ignored her, Yang Lu could not help but mock her again, "An actor's way of appearing on the hot searches is a family matter. This is unheard of. Ding Shan, you have brought a good start to our industry. From the looks of it, this way of attracting attention is much better than putting in the effort to promote it!"

Ding Shan turned her body and replied coldly, "Would you choke to death if you don't speak? I've made a fool out of you. What bad luck."

Yang Lu was a little surprised. Ding Shan had a temper in the past, but she was always submissive. She was like a bullied kitten, hiding behind her tigress manager. She had also punched cotton, so she did not feel comfortable no matter what.

Now, she dared to choke back. It seemed that she had changed a lot. She had fired that vicious manager and Ding Shan had awakened alone.

Yang Lu looked at Ding Shan curiously. "Little Ding Shan, you're good. Have you thought things through? You're not a kitten anymore?"

Ding Shan turned around, took off her sunglasses, and looked straight at Yang Lu, "I didn't say it before, but that doesn't mean I don't remember it. Yang Lu, you've said many sarcastic things with that mouth of yours. Every time I see you, you haven't been quiet. I won't tolerate it anymore in the future. You'd better not provoke me."

Yang Lu shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm aboveboard. I say it in front of you. I'm not afraid. Unlike your manager, who specializes in stabbing people in the back and doesn't allow me to talk about you?"

Ding Shan sighed, "Yang Hua has done many bad things to you in the past. I don't want to apologize on her behalf, but I don't have any malice toward you. I don't care if you talk about me, but your mouth is too harsh. I don't like hearing it."

Yang Lu raised her eyebrows, looked at Ding Shan, and smiled meaningfully, "Enough. What do you mean by apologizing or not apologizing? In this line of work, it all depends on one's ability. That manager of yours has set me up several times. I can't blame anyone for not being able to retaliate. I'm just simply itching to see you. What should I do now?"

Yang Lu's appearance was quite dazzling. Her thick eyebrows and red lips were full of charm. At this moment, she smiled at Ding Shan, looking like a big sister, "But you, Little Ding Shan, you're different. In the past, you were raised like a little fool. Now, you look much smarter."

Ding Shan frowned. "Don't call me little Ding Shan. It's weird."

Yang Lu was older than her, but she had entered the industry earlier, so the two could be considered the same batch of actors. They were often compared.

Yang Lu used to use the matter of age to mock her, saying she was a little kid. What kind of acting could she do? She would obediently go home and look for her father to act coquettishly. At that time, she was so angry that she was about to die.

Ding shan retorted coldly, "Are you constantly reminding yourself that you are older than me? Oh, I think I see the wrinkles in the corner of your eyes. Why? Have you overeaten my melons recently and haven't had time to take care of them?"

Chapter 129. Kind Advice

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
Yang Lu subconsciously touched the corner of her eyes and retorted, "Nonsense. When you get old, I will still be a flower. I can't be old!"

Ding Shan curled her lips. "I hope so. After all, some people haven't gotten the best actress award yet. You have to work harder."

The elevator door opened, and Ding Shan walked out with Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao snickered the entire time. Yang Lu had always been harsh with her words in the past. She had met her a few times with sister Shan.

Initially, she had thought that although she would not resort to behind-the-scenes revenge like Yang Hua, she still had to protect sister Shan. However, she did not expect sister Shan not to be at a disadvantage at all. Her words made Yang Lu's mouth turn crooked.

Yang Lu had initially wanted to take the elevator two floors up, but after being provoked by Ding Shan, she was so angry that she chased after her. She exasperated, "Of course, I want to get the best actress! Otherwise, why don't I just let a little girl like you take it all the time? You are indeed good at acting, but don't be too proud. There is always someone better than you. You still have a lot to learn!"

Ding Shan slowly turned around, "Thank you for your praise. I am indeed good at acting, but I'm not sure if you have it or not. Even if you get the best actress title, My title as the best actress will not be taken back. At most, the two of us will be on equal footing. It's pretty good too." After saying that.., She gave a seemingly obedient smile, but there was a mischievous smile in her eyes. She looked at Yang Lu provocatively.

Yang Lu was furious. She snorted coldly, "After experiencing some changes, you have a sharp tongue. You must have been provoked!"

After saying that, she glanced at the filming studio not far away. She thought for a moment and looked at Ding Shan in surprise. "What are you doing here? There are rumors online that you will participate in a variety show. It can't be true, right?"

Ding Shan smiled noncommittally and did not say anything.

Yang Lu, on the other hand, instantly became complacent. She curled her red lips and forgot about her earlier exasperation. She smiled, "Aiyo looks like it's true! Oh my god, Ding Shan, can you not embarrass us, actors? Are you not going to get a job? At most, I'll introduce you to some projects. At your age, it's not embarrassing to film an idol drama. What's wrong with recording a variety show?"

Yang Lu looked at Ding Shan mockingly. She felt that she had regained some of her reputations, "With your current state, how can you call yourself the best actress? You're embarrassing. Do you still think that you don't have enough dirt on yourself? Without your black-hearted manager, you won't be able to clear your head if you work hard on your own."

Ding Shan didn't want to reveal too much. She only smiled mysteriously. "You don't have to worry about it. I can record whatever I want. Just don't be jealous of me when the time comes."

Yang Lu sneered, "Am Ijealous of you? What a joke!" After saying that.., she looked at Ding Shan a few more times unhappily; she said awkwardly, "Don't blame me for not reminding you. Once this kind of thing is not recorded properly, it will easily attract criticism. As an actor, the biggest taboo is to expose too much. You can let people get into character when there is some distance between you and the audience. In the future, when I watch your movies, all I can think of are the jokes on variety shows. What are you letting people watch?"

Yang Lu, who was rarely serious, became severe. "I'm treating you as my opponent. Don't ruin your future just because you're short of money. That would make you look unworthy!"

Ding Shan looked at Yang Lu and did not say anything for a long time.

The relationship between Yang Lu and her could be said to be very subtle. The two were not very close at first, but Yang Lu did not hide her dislike for her after a few exchanges.

However, Yang Lu was indeed a very decent person. Although her mouth was a little dirty, it was just like what she said. She had never done anything behind her back.

Her usual ridicule also seemed to be an imbalance in her heart. She was deliberately teasing herself.

It was rare to see her like this. No matter how much she hated her past, Ding Shan could see that Yang Lu was worried about her and was thinking of her. That was why she said these words.

Otherwise, she would have been secretly happy when she saw that she would never compete with her for resources in the future.

In this circle, there were indeed some scornful chains. Serious actors, especially veteran actors, were very resistant to variety shows.

Some actors looked like they were trained in a variety show, but they could do well in variety shows. They left a deep impression in the audience's hearts and could no longer return to acting.

Chapter 130. True Feelings

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
As Yang Lu said, actors should keep some distance from the audience and not leave a stereotypical impression.

But Ding Shan's situation was unique. No one wanted to get rid of her previous weak and cute image more than Ding Shan. Little angels and peaches in the world were not Ding Shan's original personality, and she was forced out of her silence by Ding Wan and Yang Hua. She only knew how to nod and smile like a puppet and did not dare to say a word.

Ding Shan needed the most now an opportunity to show herself and use the most direct method to leave a different memory in the audience's hearts.

Variety was the best way. Whether or not she could leave an impression in the audience's hearts that 'So this is what Ding Shan is like' depended on this one move.

This was also a good breakthrough for Ding Shan's future acting path.

However, everything was still in the beginning. Ding Shan did not want to boast in front of Yang Lu, so she could only nod her head faintly, "I know that you're saying these things for my good. Don't worry; I'm still sober. I'll always stay in the cast and wait for you to come to the title of best actress. I won't ruin my future."

Yang Lu's eyes widened when she heard that, and she snorted exaggeratedly, "Hmph! Who's doing this for your good? I'm just saying it casually. If you're stupid enough to ruin your future and stop acting, I'd like to set off firecrackers to celebrate! Take care of yourself!" After saying that, she flung her long hair and left without looking back.

Ding Shan smiled. This Yang Lu didn't seem to be that annoying. She pretended to be very powerful and not to be provoked, but she was also tough-talking but soft-hearted.

The air seemed to smell Yang Lu's perfume still. Ding Shan wrinkled her nose. "This woman is really like the perfume she uses. It's so strong that it's almost spicy. It's too direct."

Xiao Zhao also wrinkled her nose. "Her perfume is a little strong, but it's quite exquisite. I can't tell that she's so much older than you, Sister Shan. She takes good care of herself."

The corners of Ding Shan's mouth twitched. "A few years ago, she seemed to be like this. She used the tip of her nose to look at people, but she seemed mature and experienced. Perhaps the only benefit is that she's old and hasn't changed much. She doesn't seem old, right?"

Xiao Zhao chuckled. "Sister Shan, I've never seen you so good at insulting others. You guys do seem to like each other. In the end, I think she still seems to be quite concerned about your work."

Ding Shan smiled. "Some people can't stand seeing you as a good person, but they can't stand seeing you as a bad person either. She doesn't want to be a good person on the surface, but she's not completely bad either. It's awkward!"

Xiao Zhao also smiled. Yang Lu could be considered a rare true character in the industry. Although she was awkward, it showed on her face, whether she liked it or not, and it was all on her face. Moreover, she looked very flirtatious, making it hard for people to get angry. She was like a fish in water in the industry.

Ding Shan and Xiao Zhao did not say anything more and walked into the studio together.

Once they entered the studio, the cameraman, assistant, and staff stopped what they were doing. They looked at Ding Shan standing at the door in a daze, unable to react for a moment.

Ding Shan had not appeared in front of the public for two months. Some subtle but not negligible changes had happened, causing everyone present to be in a daze for a moment.

Who was this beauty? She looked a little familiar!

The staff member Yin Hui had sent to keep an eye on the place that reacted. His body quivered, and he jogged over in surprise, "It's teacher Ding Shan, right? I'm Xiao Liu, who is in charge of today's shooting. Director Yin is too busy. Let me help you with the shooting. If you have any questions, you can ask me!"

Ding Shan smiled faintly. "Hello, there's no need to trouble yourself. I believe that Director Yin has already arranged everything. Just call me Ding Shan. I haven't reached the level of a teacher yet." After saying that, she narrowed her eyes shyly.

Xiao Liu looked at Ding Shan's face, which was almost bare but seemed to be glowing, and his face turned slightly red. "It's my first time seeing you, so I'm a little nervous. Ding Shan, you're gorgeous!"

Xiao Zhao snickered at the side. They would all be mesmerized whenever sister Shan appeared, whether it was a man, woman, old or young. The adjustment this time was simply too successful!

After saying that, Xiao Liu suddenly felt something wasn't quite right. He was here to work today, so why did he become a nymphomaniac? He was afraid that his words just now would make Ding Shan uncomfortable, so he quickly changed the topic, "Well, I mean, with your current state, our shooting today will be exceptionally smooth! Come in. Let's go and do some makeup first!"

Ding Shan did not feel that there was anything wrong with it. She was more than happy when someone praised her for her good looks. So she greeted the staff in the studio in a good mood and was taken into the dressing room.

Chapter 131. Had Plastic Surgery

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
As soon as Ding Shan entered the room, the staff members who had raised their hands foolishly in response to Ding Shan were slightly excited. They started discussing among themselves, "Ding Shan is too good-looking! Oh, My God! I didn't dare to say anything when she looked at me."

"Why do I feel like she has changed? Could it be that she went for plastic surgery in two months?"

"Don't talk nonsense! I think she's a little fatter. She's more symmetrical than before. It's normal for her to look better."

Everyone whispered to each other. Ding Shan's appearance had given them quite a shock.

It turned out that there was a fundamental difference between a celebrity and an ordinary person! That temperament was not something that an average person could compare with!

The cameraman was a more experienced professional. He coughed lightly and said, "Alright, haven't you seen beauty before? All of you have been in the industry for quite a long time. Look at your useless looks. Hurry up and get to work!"

Someone laughed and joked, "We don't have as many beautiful artistes as you do. You must be pleased to be able to work with Ding Shan this time! Ding Shan is not someone that can be easily photographed!"

The cameraman glared at him but did not refute him.

Based on Ding Shan's status, she was quickly a big shot in advertising and movie promotions. Naturally, he had not had the opportunity to work with her yet. This time, he was invited by Director Yin to shoot a variety show poster. It was already a perfect opportunity, and he had not expected Ding Shan to be one of his mentors. He had attained a lot. In the future, he could be considered to have gained a valuable collaborator on his resume.

However, the photographer was also troubled. Before he came, he had already learned that his target for today's shoot was Ding Shan. Therefore, he browsed through many of Ding Shan's previous photographs in advance, hoping to learn more about her. In advance, he tried to figure out Ding Shan's shooting style.

However, the photographer looked around for a long time. In the end, he could only pick out a few barely passable photos and scrutinize them.

The Ding Shan in the photos was undoubtedly exquisite. The photographer's shooting techniques were also very professional. The lighting, the atmosphere, and the tone of the pictures did not seem to have any significant problems, but they just made people feel that they were very plain. There was no feeling of surprise.

Logically speaking, with Ding Shan's looks, it was easy for her to take a photo out of the circle.

From the photographer's point of view, Ding Shan's face was 360 degrees without any blind spots. She looked good no matter how the photo was taken, but one thing happened. There was no emotion in Ding Shan's eyes.

This was the only conclusion that the photographer came to after looking at the photo.

These photos all had a standard feature. Ding Shan was like a doll, wearing a graceful and sweet princess dress. She wore cute accessories and looked into the camera. She did not fit in with the surrounding background, and her eyes were calm. The smile on the corner of her mouth looked very strange. It lacked the most basic emotional interaction in a photo.

This gave the photographer a headache for the entire night. It was naturally good to be able to work with Ding Shan, but how to take a good photo of Ding Shan became a big problem.

Although some artistes had flaws in their facial features, they could use all kinds of filming methods to use their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. They could even create their unique characteristics. However, Ding Shan's conditions were so perfect that there was no room for people to display their abilities. No matter how hard they shot, they could not produce any results!

The photographer did not want to waste this rare opportunity. He could only brace himself and think about using all his strength to stir up Ding Shan's emotions when the time came!

He had just seen Ding Shan's condition with his own eyes. She was very energetic! How did she become like that the moment she entered the studio?

The photographer scratched his head in distress and directly participated in the work of setting the scene. His mind recalled and built the background according to Ding Shan's previous image.

The image of a female artiste would not change easily. Moreover, Ding Shan had always had the appearance of a national daughter. She was not old, and from so many photos, it could be seen that.. her image and temperament were more suitable for that kind of gentle and lovely girl.

Those photos would also be regular commercial work if her expression were a little more vivid. Although they were not as outstanding as those full of personality, they were at least suitable for Ding Shan.

Moreover, the photographer also knew about Ding Shan's recent news. With her tragic background and vicious family, there should be a lot of emotional value in Ding Shan. He would fight for it if she could not smile in front of the camera later. Taking a group of photos of her expressionless face that revealed her fragility and calmness was also in line with her current image.

After all, the public sympathized with Ding Shan now. Her fans were almost turning into her own mother's fans. Taking a group of photos like this would also be excellent publicity. It would also solve the flaw of Ding Shan's soulless smile.
