episode 8: prepare for the showdown


Kiki's POV

The whole court stared at me in awe wondering how I'd done that. Rin-senpai's jaw dropped. Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san shared a look that said HOW DID WE NOT RECOGNISE THAT TALENT!? I stared unbelievably at my own hands. Rin-senpai then regained herself.

"You're.... Selected." Rin-senpai was holding out two of her thumbs with a wide grin on her face.

"YES !!!" I was taking giant leaps around the court, "YES YES YES!"
3rd person POV (after kiki and Rin leave)

"Good job today guys!" The coach-Irihata said with slight enthusiasm in his voice, "I believe Coach-Mizoguchi has some information to pass on, Mizoguchi, please take-over"

"Arigato Irihata-san. So I had a talk with karasuno's advisor and we have planned on having a practice match against them. Its day after tomorrow. So I want you all to prepare for this very nicely put your all into it, alright. Let's show them the real power of aoba johsai!"
"Say, Iwa-chan? Isn't that the school tobio went to?" The brunette questioned the black-haired boy.

"Hmmm? OH! Yeah I think so, but I think kindaichi and kunimi know about it better." the ravenhead replied to the brunette while pointing to an onion-headed and cat-like figure.

"If so then we have no choice but to win against them. How embarrassing it would be to lose to my protégée." The brunette replied with a contagious smirk.
Kiki's POV
At her house:

I rang the bell to my house my eyes still wide from today's experience. Volleyball had a huge first impression on me. The same first impression which I thought can never matter. My sister finally showed up at the door.

"How was today? You look.... Exited?! OKAY! I wanna hear all of it!" She said deciding before I could say anything.

I entered my house. I sat on the couch and gestured for my sister to sit beside me.

"Oh Kiyumi-nee! Today was AWESOME!! So today I........
The next day

I woke up at 6 am. My school was nearby and I could have gone walking like yesterday but I preferred my cycle. As I reached nearer, I saw a maroon haired figure. Ahhh it was Rin-senpai. I increased my speed to reach her.

"Ohayo Rin-senpai!"

"Konnichiwa ki-kun."

"I set off to cycle a bit since im early so, why are you going to school this early?" I asked.

"Ah you bakaa! Didn't I tell you we had morning and evening practice?"

I internally face-palmed. Shit- I completely zoned out when senpai was telling me that!

"Well since im early can I come too?"


Ahahah im an idiot baka bakaa BAKAaaa!

"So will we have evening practice today?"

"Yes, and before you ask me I'll tell you myself. We have morning practice tomorrow but not evening practice because we'll be watching the boys play against karasuno."

That day wasn't as eventful. I got to know my team better while during our breaks I'd go check on the boys practicing. Iwa-san, Flatty-chan and I even had a good time recalling everything from kitagawa-daichi, if our break times ever clashed that is.

Haha imma bring in some karasuno here. ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
