episode 6: million yen question

Kiki's POV

"so you all already know each other?"

Iwaizumi-san and I face palmed and then sighed.Oikawa-san however, kept his calm, smirked and said , "AHA Rin! No no kouhai-ki is a complete stranger to me. Im totally meeting her for the very first time!", With enough sarcasm to last for a lifetime.

Iwa-san then glared at Oikawa and replied to Rin-senpai with a calm tone,
"well you see Rin, we have both known kouhai-ki since the last three years and she is like a young sister to us. She was our kouhai in kitagawa-daichi."

"Oh that's cool. Yep i understand the situation better now, no thanks to you Oikawa. " Rin said

"Maaaan. What. A bummer. You still consider me as a brother. Too bad. I actually thought you looker cuter now." Oikawa commented

I looked at him with a deadpanned look, wondering if a punch would be better or a kick, "some people never change do they? Once Flatty-chan, always Flatty-chan. "

Rin-senpai looked nervous, as if she had been asked a million yen question,"Um so is it fine if i ask, why do you call kiki, kaidan-kiki?"

At that I started looking at my feet. Iwa-san glanced in my direction and then at Rin-senpai. Oikawa was at a loss for words and he also looked slightly serious and grim. All the people in the court now had their eyes fixed on us as if Rin had asked exactly what they were wondering, as if she actually had asked a million yen question.

"Ah" was all Flatty could manage.

"Wow im sorry, I-I didn't k-know." Rin stuttered.

"No, no it's fine, I can understand, you were curious." I said.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I reluctantly wiped it I closed my eyes and decided that I should probably tell them it might lift some weight off my shoulders. I remembered what had happened. The cruel face of... Her. Kawa-san and iwa-san were suddenly behind me they both had a hand on my shoulder and were consoling me. It wasn't useful, I couldn't hear them at that moment.

"I'm bi, I like girls as well.
So in kitagawa-daichi in my first year i had a crush on my classmate. I was blind to how little-minded people can be in this town.
One day I decided to confess. I knew she would probably say no but I didn't know she would.... Do what she did.
A cute girl with small lemon-blonde hair.
We were walking down a staircase. And she was beside me. I was a little too optimistic. Not a lot of people talked to me so fortunately there were no rumors of me being bi,in the start at least.
I blurted out, I confessed. Two people behind us immediately turned and ran. The girl stared me down till all my dignity had fallen. Then as if my dignity falling wasn't enough she she pushed me down the stairs. I was unconscious for days. She wasn't charged any fee for damaging of a fellow student's physical condition either, because I simply didn't fit in their catagory of a normal student, because I was bi. When I finally woke I had around 20 stitches and fortunately my parents didn't disown me. Fortunately they were supportive. Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san really helped me back then so I've known them well and looked up to them." I said

I closed my eyes.

Oh boy kiki, you've done it now. They hate you too.

But then I felt warmth I had been engulfed... In... In a group hug. Rin-senpai, iwa-san and kawa-san were hugging me. The people from the volleyball team. Kindaichi. I remembered him and even Kunimi. These people even though they avoided me back then, they were all looking at me as if they understood me. I really appreciated it.

Umm..tree-chan here! wow... This took long. This is some deep backstory..... Yeet.
