They Pick You Up From School

Scenario: You didn't have a particularly good day at school. You failed a test that you studied hard for, the cafeteria served its famous 'mystery meat', and don't even get me started on gym. Your father came to pick you up and...
Characters: Everyone is present.
(Y/N): Gender Neutral
Alternate Universe
Abarai Renji
๐Ÿต "Yo, (Y/N)! Good job today as well! As always, Papa is proud of his hardworking brat. Hm? What's got you so upset?"
(You tell him about your day at school)
๐Ÿ "Well shoot. I've had my bad school days, but I think yours takes the cake."
๐Ÿต "But don't worry about it. This day's over and tomorrow can only be better. If it doesn't, Papa will be here to listen to all your complaining."
๐Ÿ "Feeling better now? That's good. Now, how about we take the long way home? Long walks are a good way to keep your mind off bad days."
Aizen Sลsuke
๐Ÿ‘“ "Dear (Y/N). I have come to take you back home, as I always do."
๐Ÿ‘“ "My, isn't this an incredible sight? Is there any reason you're walking to me so dejectedly?"
(You tell him about your day at school)
๐Ÿ‘“ *Chuckles* "Well, it looks like you were fated to have a terrible day. The gods must've had an enjoyable time at your expense."
๐Ÿ‘“ "However, you mustn't worry. Even a perfect being like yourself will have their meager days. But when you get older, the gods and all these worthless mortals will see your perfection and would not even think about trying to tarnish you."
๐Ÿ‘“ "Now, no more slow walking. Let's hurry home and finish your homework. Afterward, we can have some tea and talk about anything you desire."
Ayasegawa Yumichika
๐ŸŒบ "Hello there~, my lovely (Y/N)! You're looking as glorious and perfect as the little jewel you are!"
๐ŸŒบ "Well, that's what I would say if you didn't look like some ugly creature possessed you. What happened to my sweet gemstone?"
(You tell him about your day at school)
๐ŸŒบ "M-M-M-Mystery meat!!? What even IS that!? What makes it a mystery!!? What are they not telling you!!? And I thought I specifically told your principal that you mustn't take gym! You'll get sweaty and rancid and they don't even give you enough time for a proper shower and-WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE IGNORED ME!!!?"
๐ŸŒบ "Oh, my poor baby. Having to deal with these ugly people and their ugly problems. Come on, we're going to the mall right now! New clothes have never failed to fix a bad day! Homework? Who cares about that when there is a crisis that needs healing!"
Coyote Starrk
๐Ÿ›Œ *Yawns* "Hey, (Y/N). Could you come on? If we don't hurry home, I'm liable to fall asleep at the wheel."
๐Ÿ›Œ "Huh? A bad day? *Sighs* I'm going to regret this. What's wrong?"
(You tell him about your day at school)
๐Ÿ›Œ *Yawns* "Wow, that sounds awful. Can we go home now? Owowowow! Don't pull my ear, (Y/N)! Geez, what's Lilynette teaching you? Look, if you want, we can order some pizza when you're done with your homework. That sounds ok?"
๐Ÿ›Œ "Good. In return, you let me have an extra hour for my nap time. Ouch owowowow!!! Ok, ok, I get it! Just let go of my ear!"
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
๐Ÿ˜พ "Hey (Y/N)! Get your ass in gear! And why the hell are you looking like that? It's pissing me off!"
(You tell him about your day at school)
๐Ÿ˜พ "Ha! Well, the reason you sucked at gym is because you never wanted to exercise with your father, like a good brat! It seems all your 'Daddy, go easy on me!' whining is catching up to ya!"
๐Ÿ˜พ "As for the failing grade and bullshit meat...Well, you leave that to Dad. Wait for me here. Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything."
๐Ÿ˜พ *Cracks his knuckles* "I'm just gonna talk."
Hisagi Shลซhei
๐ŸŽธ "(Y/N), over here! Hey, what are you waiting for? Where's my usual 'I'm out of school and I'm happy! Please buy me ice cream, Papa!' hug? Bad day? Well, don't hold back now. Spill out all your worries to your dad and I'll help you!"
(You tell him about your day at school)
๐ŸŽธ "Ugh. You know (Y/N) when I said 'spill out all your worries', I meant to tell me the crucial highlights. I didn't mean to tell me every little detail. My head hurts now."
๐ŸŽธ "But everything will be fine. Tomorrow you'll take a make-up test and ace it, the cafeteria will serve something good for lunch, and you'll play (Favorite Gym Activity) for gym tomorrow. If you keep believing that, I'm sure good things will happen to my diligent (Y/N)."
๐ŸŽธ "Eh? You want homemade lunch from now on? Well, that might be impossible with Papa's work schedule...Jeez, don't look at me like that. *Sigh* Fine, I'll try to make your lunches from now on. Let's go buy you a lunch box right now. Walking together and picking a nice bento box will surely take your mind off your bad day."
Hitsugaya Tลshirล
โ„๏ธ "Good afternoon, (Y/N). You did well today."
โ„๏ธ "Eh? What's wrong? I'm usually the grumpy one."
(You tell him about your day at school)
โ„๏ธ "I see. Well, the day's over so there's nothing that can be done about it now. Just buck up ok? Seeing you so down freaks me out."
โ„๏ธ *Sigh* Look, what if I bought you a snow cone? Will you cheer up if I do? Ah, that's good. I don't like seeing my child so upset."
Ishida Uryลซ
๐Ÿน "Hello, (Y/N). I hope you were on your best behavior today as well. Well, don't respond so enthusiastically. You seem down. Want to talk about it now or wait until we get home?"
(You tell him about your day at school)
๐Ÿน "M-Mystery meat? What does that even mean? What kind of properties does it have to be labeled a mystery?"
๐Ÿน "Hmph, well of course you failed that test. Look at what this place is feeding you. You'll be able to retake it, yes?"
๐Ÿน "Good. Then after your homework, I'll make you a healthy meal for dinner and we'll study together. In the morning, I'll make you a nutritious lunch so your brain will work properly. I must bring this up at the next PTA meeting. Mystery meat, what does that even mean?"
Kuchiki Byakuya
๐ŸŒธ "There you are, (Y/N). Please forgive me, the meeting went on longer than anticipated. As an apology, I will take you to any restaurant you desire for tonight's dinner. Hm? (Y/N), what is the matter?"
(You tell him about your day at school)
๐ŸŒธ "I see. You will be able to retake this quiz, correct? You are a very intelligent and hardworking person (Y/N), but you tend to put pressure on yourself during exams. When we get home, I will show you some calming techniques that my father taught me when I was young."
๐ŸŒธ "As for gym, the school is doing this so you may get used to moving your body, learn about healthy eating, and other important things that you will need to know as an adult. It is all because of your idleness that you had a hard time running. Do not worry though. I will make sure to fix that during the weekend.
๐ŸŒธ "And as for this...Mystery meat as you so-called it, I will bring this up to the school. In the meantime, I will have our chefs make you a proper lunch from now on. Do you wish for a new lunch box? Let us get one with garnets, like in that show you like. Oh, it is not the same thing? Then explain it to me while we go to the store. I am interested."
Kurosaki Ichigo
๐Ÿ“ "Oi (Y/N)! I'm over here! Come on, let's go-Ah! Jeez, what's with the run-and-hug? Hey, are you crying? Did someone pick on you!?"
(You tell him about your day at school)
๐Ÿ“ "Oh so that's it. Thank goodness, I thought you were getting bullied. Ah, not that this day isn't also terrible. I'm sorry you had to go through this."
๐Ÿ“ "I know what will cheer you up, but you'll have to keep it a secret from your mom. Let's walk through the park and pick up some ice cream. Heh, there's that smile. You're pretty easy to please."
๐Ÿ“ "And to make this day even better, I'll make your favorite dessert with tonight's dinner. See? Today isn't so bad, right?"
Kyลraku Shunsui
๐ŸŽญ "Hey, (Y/N). Are you ready to go home? I know I am. Oh? What's with the long face? Must've been something bad if it got you this down."
(You tell him about your day at school)
๐ŸŽญ "Whew, talk about grueling. I'm exhausted just hearing you talk about it. I could only imagine how it must've felt for you."
๐ŸŽญ "Well, nothing to do about it now. Just do your best during your retake and keep yourself hydrated during gym. You're prone to conk out if you don't."
๐ŸŽญ "As for your lunches, let's have Nanao-chan make them for you. Ah, but you're going to have to ask her for that. I'm sure she'll punch me if I ask her, hahaha."
Urahara Kisuke
๐Ÿฌ "Hey, (Y/N). How's my favorite only lollipop? Ah! Owowowow!! Ah, wh-wh-what is it? What's with the sudden aggression? Huh? Hey, are you crying? Aw, tell Papa what happened."
(You tell him about your day at school)
๐Ÿฌ "Hm? How terrible. But you mustn't react violently when you're troubled. Huh? What do you mean Hiyori-chan told you that you should hit me whenever you're upset?"
๐Ÿฌ *Sigh* Well, I guess this is what I get for letting you hang around her. how to fix this day? Hm, hm, hm, hm......"
๐Ÿฌ "Ah, I got it! We got a shipment of some sweets today. How about you be my little taste tester? Haha, there's my happy lollipop. Now we better hurry before Jinta and Ururu return."
Next Chapter: How They Spend The Weekend With You.
