Clumsy You

Scenario: Clumsy you going about your day
Characters: Kyōraku Shunsui, Ise Nanao, Yadōmaru Lisa
(Y/N): Gender neutral, clumsy, 4th Division member
Canon Universe: Post-1000 Year Blood War Arc.

Request by: @Tukayria04
Random Thought: I didn't know if I should put Risa or Lisa (Ls don't exist in Japan, so all Ls are Rs), but I decided on Lisa since we all call her Lisa.
"Yadōmaru-taichō, I have some paperwork from Fath-AHH!" You yelled out, plummeting flat on your face. The papers that you held tightly against your chest flew all around the ground.

The sliding door opened quickly, revealing a troubled Nanao looking down on you. "(Y/N), are you ok!?"

"I'm fine...Ah, the documents!" You shouted as you quickly tried to gather all the papers before the wind takes them. Nanao sighs, too used to your clumsiness, and bent down to help you.

However, just as the two of you were about finished, the wind managed to pick up one of the sheets from your arms. You and Nanao both jumped to reach it but ended up falling on top of each other. Lisa, who was quietly watching the spectacle, silently grabbed the paper as it floated in the air.

"Ah, thank you, Yadōmaru-taichō." You quickly stood up and handed her the other half of the papers. "A-And, I apologize..."

"It's fine," Lisa answered simply.

Nanao handed off the papers in her hands as well and fixed her glasses. "Well, at least we know you haven't changed when that useless man suddenly became Captain-Commander."

"A-Ah, thank you very much." You bowed your head.

Your father, Kyōraku Shunsui, suddenly became Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13 during the Quincy Blood War. Because of the situation, there was hardly any time to react to the shift. You had your hands filled as a member of Squad 4.

It was only when that Substitute Shinigami that you met only a handful of times before then defeated Yhwach and the rebuilding of the Seireitei was completed that it hit you:

You were the child of the now Captain-Commander of Soul Society.

People who have never bothered with you because of your clumsiness or put work on you just to laugh when you inevitably mess up has suddenly started to treat you more nicely. Even though you are still a regular member 4th Division, you've been treated better than others.

"Will you be ok on your way home, (Y/N)?" Lisa asked you.

"Y-Yes, ma'am! I promise I'll be fine!"

"Well then, thank you for your hard work. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes! Well then, until tomorrow!" You bowed to the two women and walked away from them. However, after walking about twenty steps, you stepped on the bottom of your uniform and fell on your face with an 'ACK!'

Lisa didn't show any emotion and just looked at Nanao. Nanao sighed and went up to your fallen body. The captain watched as Nanao helped you up and walked with you, your hand in hers, and went back inside.
"Th-thank you, Nanao-san." You bowed to the woman, embarrassed that she had to hold your hand as you walked so you wouldn't hurt yourself. While the act does help you not drop like a brick, someone of your age shouldn't be needing someone's hand just to walk around.

"It's no worries, (Y/N)," Nanao said with a smile. "I'll be assisting Yadōmaru-taichō until late, so I might not come back to the 1st Division Barracks. Please pass that message to that drunkard, if he's not passed out already."

"Yes! I'll see you tomorrow, Nanao-san." You said your farewell to Nanao as she walked down the road. You entered your family home and closed the sliding door.

"Papa, I finished the errand you sent me on!"

"Ah, is that my little (Y/N) that I'm hearing~?" Your father jokingly welcomed you, appearing from a room and walking towards you. "Look what I got you~." He presented a present to you.

"E-eh? A gift? B-b-but for what?"

"For being the most hardworking kid that has ever lived. Now, now, no more questions. Here~!"

You smiled and in your excitement, quickly went over to your father. However, in a very 'you' fashion, you tripped on your own feet and were met with your best friend Mr. Ground.

Thankfully, you were caught and held tightly against your father's chest. You looked up to see his hat in his other hand and the present landed perfectly inside it.

"Whew. Always making things exciting ain't ya?" Shunsui said with a grin.

You blushed in embarrassment at your clumsiness and quickly lifted yourself from the man's body. "I-I'm sorry, Papa!"

"Oh, no worries. I would worry a bit if you didn't trip, to be honest with ya."

"Huh? Really? Y-you, don't think it's bad?"

"Of course, it's not bad." Shunsui patted your head. "Being clumsy just means you're an honest kid. Now, here's your present. Ta-da~."

But what Shunsui didn't know was that him saying that was already the best present he could ever give you.
Next Chapter: My Fault (Pt2)
