
Scenario: Yumichika only wants the best for you.
Characters: Ayasegawa Yumichika, Madarame Ikkaku
(Y/N): Male, teen(age in Soul Society is weird.)
Canon Universe: Post 1000-Year-Blood War arc.

Notes: (G/N)=Girl's Name
"I'm sorry, what?" Yumichika asked Ikkaku, the latter of whom was slurping some noodles.

"You didn't know? Rumor has it that (Y/N)-kun got himself a little girlfriend." Ikkaku casually reiterated.

Yumichika's son, Ayasegawa (Y/N), is the 3rd seat's valuable little gemstone and he was as protective as you could imagine. Though (Y/N) didn't particularly mind it. Seems like he likes being spoiled a bit.

Yumichika finished his cup of sake in one gulp and took a deep breath. "Really?"

Ikkaku shrugged his shoulders. "Some people in the Division have seen the pretty boy hanging out with some girl from a tea shop. According to them, those two tend to get pretty cozy down there."

"I'm back, Father!" You announced as you entered your and your father's home, taking your sandals off at the entrance.

Yumichika opened the sliding door to his own room and waved at his son. "Hi~ my gemstone!"

You beamed, scampered in the room, and hugged the man. "Hi~ my Father!"

Yumichika tickled his son's stomach. "Oh, you're the absolute cutest! I could just eat you up!"

"Nooo~~!!! Hahahahaha!!!"

"Ok, ok, I'll stop. I'll make us some drinks, so tell me about your day." Yumichika said, standing up and going to his tea-making set.

"Today was great! I was praised by Kuchiki-taichō today!" You answered without thinking.

"There are two Captain Kuchikis now, so you have to tell me which one you meant." Yumichika calmly poked fun at his son.

"Ah, you're right. It was Rukia-san! I helped her distribute some documents and she complimented me!"

"But Rukia-chan's a nice girl. She praises everyone." Yumichika continued his teasing, almost bursting out laughing when he saw his son's puffed-up cheeks. The 3rd seat picked up the tea cups and went over to the kotatsu. "Don't pout like that, gemstone. You'll ruin your pretty looks. Now come here."

You quickly perked up and went over to the kotatsu, going under the covers and laying your head on your dad's legs. "Ahh~! It's so warm!"

The man laughed and patted his son's head. "You worked hard today, so warm up and unwind."

"I will~!"

The 3rd seat continued patting his son's head and drinking his tea, allowing the younger one to fully relax. After a few moments of quiet, Yumichika thought it was time to pop the question.

"Hey, (Y/N). I heard a very intriguing rumor about you today."

"Hm? About what?"

"That you got yourself a......girlfriend. Supposedly, it's some girl from a tea shop you always go to."

"Eh? Who told you that?"

"So it's not true?" Yumichika asked, relief all over his voice.

"I mean, she's nice and all, and the meat buns she makes are awesome, but I'm not interested in that sort of thing. A girlfriend is too much of a hassle." (Y/N) told his dad. "They always want attention and expect so much. And then when they get upset, they won't tell you why but expect you to know exactly why. It's too much work."

Yumichika made a satisfied sigh and patted his son's head again. "Ah, that's my good little gem."
"Welcome to our shop sir!" A brunette greeted Yumichika as he entered the tea shop. "Where would you like to sit?"

"Are you (G/N)?" The 3rd seat said, not wasting any time.

The brunette blinked. "Um, yes?"

Yumichika looked the girl up and down. "Hm, not a perfect ten. More like a strong 5 1/2, maybe a 6."

"Excuse me?"

"You've been hanging out with (Y/N)-kun, yes?"

(G/N) blushed a bit at the boy's name. "O-o-oh, well, w-w-we're just friends, sir."

Yumichika, ever the vigilant one, noticed the flush and sighed. "Wow, you got it hard. Look, I'm going to be blunt, so please excuse my rudeness. Your feelings are one-sided. (Y/N)-kun isn't interested in things like romances."

Alarmed at the man's words, (G/N) got defensive. "Wh-what are you saying? How would you know that!?"

"(Y/N)-kun told me himself that he finds girls too much work. I'm saying this to help you so you won't hold on to him. It'll be better if you cut your losses and be satisfied with being friends. That's how far you're ever going to get to."

"But, but, but-"

Yumichika clapped his hands, a smile on his face. "Welp, that's all I wanted to say!" He went over to a table and raised his hand. "A tea and some dango please!"
Next Chapter: They Protected You From A Hollow
