chapter three

Fifi's POV:

I woke up in my bed sitting up and looking around me.
Damn, I must have fell asleep in the car. I had always been a sleepy kid, i needed a lot more sleep then other kids. Papa said i would grow out of it but i didn't.
I was 10 when I was diagnosed with narcolepsy, a chronic disorder that causes random daytime sleepiness and sleep attacks. Unfortunately there isn't much I can do about it .
I'm used to it though, I don't need anyone's pity, things could be a lot worse :)

I rubbed my eyes and saw Maeve curling her pin straight hair at my vanity.
"Finally, you're up!" she exclaims setting down the iron and fluffing her hair.
"Sorry Maybee" I was in a groggy tired voice. "That's okay cupcake now come let me get you ready, the party has already begun!" I check my alarm, 10:32 pm and I could hear the music and voices down stairs. 
"I-I don't know maybee, the boys they-" I started.
"No way Fifi, we aren't doing this, you aren't a teenager forever they can't keep you locked up like this".

She was right, I mean I could make new friends, since I was homeschooled my only friends were the boys, Maeve and Benny.
"Okay, sorry" I reply shyly not liking to be told off.
Maeve pulls out a dress she has already chosen for me and her self from my closet. Maeve always goes on about how grateful she is that she can fit into most of my clothes (despite being taller), she says my closet is like a mall. I do have a lot of clothes because of my terrible online shopping addiction.

Maeve picked me out a blue dress i've never worn before, papa always said I looked like an angel in blue.
I sign at the memory, he had been gone for 3 weeks now on his business trip. We still write letters back and forth , call me old fashioned but i find it so lovely and exciting to receive mail.
"Hurry up Fifi, we still have to do ur hair and makeup" Maeve calls to me without taking her eyes off her reflection.
"How do I look?" She says with a nervous look. Maeve was wearing a 2 piece set I didn't recognise to be from my closet, she looked amazing as always, she suited black I thought.
"You look beautiful Maybee" I said brightly, her face softened into a smile and she turned around to face me.
"You look like an angel cupcake, I don't know how you do it", she said in awe. My cheeks flushed pink, i've never been good at taking compliments.
I liked the dress but it seemed a little tight on my chest and butt.

Fifi's dress (not fifi's body):

Maeve's dress ( not body)

After Maybee insisted on doing my makeup and curling my hair she pulled me by the arm out of my room and down the main entrance stairs.
I saw hot sweaty teenagers doing funny dances on each other and loud music i couldn't understand. Despite my fear of crowds obediently followed Maeve down the stairs.
She pulled me the foyer of the house where everyone was dancing. I giggled at how she was swinging and moving her body, i joined in, i love dancing!

After a few songs i decided i love parties! Lots of dancing and laughing, how are these dangerous? My brother is so silly.
I feel a large pair of hands placed on my hips,  I look over to Maeve who was busy dancing with another boy. I've never had a boy touch me like this, maybe he wants to dance with me because he doesn't have friends.
I turned around and smiled at the boy behind me. He had brown skin and dreadlocks, "Hi" i say, excited to make a friend, "i'm Fifi!". He chuckled and said "i'm Ethan, little bunny". I scrunched my nose at the weird name he called me, do i look like a bunny?!
"Would you like to dance with me?" i asked politely.
"If you don't mind" he said with a grin, i smiled in response.
I was caught off guard at the way he placed his arms on my hips and pushed his lower stomach into me.
Maybe he's foreign and this is how he dances where he's from?
I shrug and sway my body in time with the music.
"Want to get a drink?" he asks after the song ends and flips me around to face him. Thinking about it, i was quite thirsty. Oh i hope they have lemonade!
"soda, soda, soda!" I chant excitedly, my thoughts of Maeve long forgotten. Ethan gave me a weird look, "they don't have any soda" he says.
"Yes they do silly right there" I say pointing the a bowl full of liquid. He chuckles at me and proceeds to pour us both cups.
He leads me through the house out near the fire pit next to our pool.
"Come meet some of my buddies" he says and sits by the fire.

I shyly tuck my hair behind my ear and smile shyly, "i'm Fifi" I say introducing myself.
The 2 boys grin up at me and the girl sitting on one of the boys eyes doesn't bother looking over.
"Hey beautiful", a boy says and offers me a hand to sit down. I blush at his compliment and gesture which seems to make his grin wider.

Third Person

Fifi naively takes his large hand into her small one, but to her surprise he pulls her onto his lap. Ethan growls and pulls her onto his.
Feeling bad Fifi smiles sweetly at the other boy from Ethans lap. "That's Gage" Ethan explains gesturing to the boy sitting beside him, "and that's Fletcher" he says gesturing to the other boys. He doesn't mention the girls name.
Fifi nods shyly still feeling weird sitting on a strangers lap. She takes a sip of her drink and screws up her face cutely. "This soda tastes funny" she said. The boys chuckle at her innocence, and her comment finally grabs the attention of the girl.
"that's not-" she starts but stops as she receives a deadly glare from Ethan. "Don't worry baby" he said lowly in her ear. Fifi shrugs and continues drinking, not wanting to hurt the feelings of whoever made the drink.

After sitting by the fire and Fifi having drunk 2 full cups of her "soda" Fletcher speaks.

Fifi's POV

"Fuck this, i'm going for a swim" I cringe at the word. I'm not sure what it meant but I got in big trouble when I repeated it after hearing Caden say it. Eli said it's a very bad word and to never EVER repeat it.
For some reason I giggle and decide I want to swim as well. "Me too! Me too!" a say excited while bouncing on Ethans lap. The boys share a weird look that makes me confused, but i feel too funny to care.
Maybe it's all the soda I drank, I was pretty thirsty.
The girl has left but i'm too excited to care. I love swimming!
I try to get up but I feel really dizzy and stumble. Gage catches me, "thank youuu Gageyyy, you're my hero!" I slur. He chuckles, "no problem princess". Ethan surprises me by picking me up and carrying me to the pool area.
I watch as Fletcher throws off his shirt and dives into the water. I hear people cheering in the back, I want people to cheer for me!
I slip out of my dress, forgetting that i'm only wearing a white bralette and matching panties.
I turn to see many eyes on me and giggle cluelessly, "aren't u guys coming in" I say with puppy eyes.
"I'd rather watch the show" Ethan says and they both chuckle. I shug ,confused by his words but I feel too funny to care.
I jumped into the water after Fletcher and i hear a few whistles behind me, why are they whistling the weirdos.
I'm quite a good swimmer really, I've been swimming since I was 3 and my trainer says I have one of the best times for 200m freestyle he's ever seen.
But for some reason i find it rlly hard to swim, I feel too dizzy. Fletcher swims up behind me and wraps his arms around me, he can stand up like me. I frown at my little legs.

"What's wrong baby" he say smoothly.
"i'm too little" i say tears filling my eyes, i'm not usually this emotional i promise but i feel strange after all those sodas.
"Don't cry, beautiful" he says and pulls me closer, instinctively i wrap my lags around his torso.
"i can't be beautiful, i'm too small i look like a baby" i cry.
"Just about every guy here is admiring your beauty Fifi" he says.
I look around and catch the eyes of quite a few boys. I giggle my mood changing in a few seconds, maybe i'm bipolar. I continue to giggle at myself.

"Fletchyyyy" i slur, "i'm coldddd" I say shivering. "Let's get you out of the water baby".
He picks me up by my bum and carries my out of the water. I look over and see Caden and Jack marching over to me.

I jump out of Fletchys arms, stubbling as i run over to them.
"Jackyyy, Cayyyy" I say happily. "What the hell are you doing Fi" Jack says angrily. I frown at his bad mood, why be mad when you can be happyyyyy!
I grab his face and try pull his deep frown into a smile, when it doesn't work I try Caden, still no luck. "Are you drunk?!" Caden says angry still. I furrow my eyebrows, 'drunk'? What does drunk mean.
Before i can ask Fletch speaks, "Chill out man, she had a bit to drink so what". "yes yes!" I say excited, "i drank lotttts of soda" I slur popping the 'A'. I giggle but Jack and Caden look furious.
"Just wait until Eli gets here" Caden says with clentched fist.

I get nervous at the mention of my brother, he said to stay in my room, oopsies.

But it's too late a very VERY angry Eli storms into the pool area, fury deep in his eyes.
"What the fuck is happening"

I ignore his bad words and try to lighten the mood. "It's okay bubba parties are not bad and they are funnn! I had lots of soda and danced!"
This only seems to make Eli more mad. To make matters worse Ethan and Gage come in. "Woah bro, she's having a good time let her be".
"You've got to be fucking kidding me" he mutters before yelling out across the outside area. "Anyone who so much as LOOKS at my baby sister is a DEAD MAN, do i make myself clear".
People avert their gaze and return back inside. Even Ethan, Fletcher and Gage loose they cocky grins. "Looks mate, we were just hanging out she's fine" Ethan says as cooling as possible.
I watch cluelessly, i feel a little sick.
"I think i'm gonna be sick bubba"I say in a small voice. Eli grunts angrily and removes his shirt a places it over my basically naked, shivering body.

To my horror Ethan makes a move to comfort me, bad idea, Eli is not very nice to boys try touch me.

I wasn't surprised when Eli swings at Ethan hitting him square in the jaw, but i shy away anyways. Caden and Jack weren't far behind him like always. Soon there was a brawl and blood running down the pool tiles. I hate violence.

"Please stop bubba" I say tears rolling down my face. I weakly attempt to pull him off Ethan and unsurprisingly fail. I know there's no point when he's like this.
"Jacky, Cay please stop" I beg.
Jack and Caden were more evenly matched with Fletcher and Gage but Eli was on top of Ethan. I felt bile in my mouth as I helplessly watched him throw punch after punch.
He was going to kill him.
I stumbled away trying to find the only person who i knew could stop this.


Hey thanks for the support on the story, i'm sorry it took so long to update ❤️
Feel free to drop ideas about coming chapters.
