chapter seven

Fifi's bedroom^

Fifi woke up how she did the mornings before, with an empty bed and open window. She didn't bother closing the window anymore.

Her day breezed by, as she slept through most of it. The late nights were taking a toll on Fifi, her body wasn't able to keep her awake for so long. Despite this she waited up for Blake again.
Her back against her bed head waiting for his silhouette to emerge from the open window sill.
But he never did, it was 4am when Fifi lost hope and finally lay down to face her ceiling instead.
But she couldn't sleep, not without the heat of Blake's body she had so quickly become reattached to. Thoughts are ate her mind, was he bored of me? Will he leave again?

Fifi didn't know when she fell asleep, but she knew how she woke up. A thunderous yell echoed through the mansion followed by deep laughter. Fifi shot up in her bed, startled from the noise. She rubbered her eyes and glanced at her alarm clock reading it in embarrassment as she saw it was already noon.

She tied up her hair and slipped on one of Jacks tees shirts she had stolen after he left it. It reached mid thigh so in order to be as comfortable as possible she disregarded pants for today.

Fifi wondered downstairs in search of her brother and no doubt the cause of the commotion. She followed the voices into the large room Eli jokingly referred to as his 'man cave'.
She saw Caden and Blake with remotes tightly gripped in their hands, eyes glued to the tv displaying some kind of violent game Fifi didn't recognise.

"Hey bubba how'd you sleep?" Eli says glancing up from the couch on the other side of the room.
Fifi glanced at Blake but only for a second, his eyes don't even falter its like he doesn't even know i exist she thought.
"Not too well"
She could never lie, it was her weakness.
Before Eli could respond Jack chimes in from a armchair in another corner of the room.
"Is that my shirt you little devil?" he smirked at her.
Fifi blushed at looked down fiddling with the end of his shirt. "M-maybe" she giggled seeing past Jacks fake 'angry' facade.
He motioned with 2 fingers for Fifi to come to him, which to no surprise she obeyed.

"Mmm" Jack said looking at Fifi's body covered in his shirt, "I guess you can keep it" he decided after liking what he saw. Fifi's face broke into a grin as she sat herself on his lap and wrapped her small arms around him, "Thank you Jacky!"
"Yeah well it looks better on you anyway" he only half mumbled.
"Watch it 'Jacky'" Eli said pegging a pillow at him from the other side of the room and only just missing.
"Ellie!" Fifi gasped at her brothers rude behaviour, "he was just giving me a compliment, apologise!"
Eli groaned as he looked at his sisters pleading eyes knowing he had no choice, he muttered an inaudible 'sorry' and turned his attention back to the TV.

Blake's right hand twitched in anger, pretending not to see Fifi curled up on Jack. His grip tightened on the controller in his hand with every giggle that escaped Fifi's mouth. They were soft and sweet and if the circumstances were different Blake could have listened to her for hours, but right now he couldn't bare another second.

Blake threw the controller making Caden flinch beside him and got up, storming out of the room. No one dared speak, confused why he had suddenly got so angry.
He had left the room not even a second later, Fifi heard him ordering her to the kitchen. Her wide eyes met Eli's who motioned her to do as he said. Eli trusted Blake, he always had.

Fifi slipped off of Jacks lap and dragged her feet towards the kitchen, confused as to why she was having to deal with angry Blake.
"B-blakey?" Fifi whispered as her eyes were met with the back of his head. He was shirtless wearing only sweatpants, Fifi found herself admiring his back muscles but not for long as he turned around and clenched his jaw.
"What's wrong Blakey?" Fifi asked innocently taking small steps towards his large brooding figure. He surprised her by picking her up and placing her oh the kitchens marble countertop, he stood in front of her now only a few inches taller than her.
Fifi pouted her lips curious by his sudden silence, he traced his hand along her cheek bone down to her lips and under her chin. He lifted her face to eye level before gripping Fifi around her neck, not hard, but enough to make her gasp.
"Are you a slut, Felicity?" he gritted through clenched teeth, his eyes boating into hers.
"W-what?" Fifi whimpered
"Are. you. a. slut?" His voice was dark and menacing.
He knew he was being harsh, Fifi was far from a slut but his anger had taken over as soon as he saw her in the arms of Jack. He knew she didn't technically belong to him but that didn't mean anyone else could have her.

"N-no!" Fifi gasped a tear sliding down her cheek, offended by the accusation.
"Well you are acting like one, no?" Blake said his hand not moving from its spot around her neck.
"Throwing yourself at Jack?"
"H-He's my friend" Fifi defended
"You don't touch other boys, do you understand?" Blake said bringing his face inches from Fifi, she could smell his minty breath fanning her face.
"Yes" she said another tear rolling down her soft cheek. Blake unwrapped his hand from her throat and wiped away the tear from her rosey cheek.
"You are mine, angel. No one else will even touch you, understand?"
"Yes Blakey" Fifi sniffled resting her head into his neck. She had missed him.

Blake stroked her hair comforting his angel before she spoke, "Where were you last night?" she whispered softly. Blake closed his eyes in frustration at the question, he had hoped she wouldn't ask so he wouldn't have to lie.
"I was busy, Angel".
It wasn't a lie, he was busy with another girl. He couldn't remember her name, she was blonde and tall, nothing like Fifi. That was the point, he was trying to forget about her not be reminded.

"I missed you" she whispered right into his ear.
"I know" he replied right back into hers. He kissed her on the head and placed her on the ground,
"I will see you tonight Angel" and Blake left.


Fifi didn't bother waiting for Blake, she put on her silk nightie and slid into her king size bed. He had said he would come but Fifi knew better than to get her hopes up, she was used to Blake's empty promises.

It was 3 in the morning when Fifi felt Blake lie beside her, she cuddled into his chest letting him know she knew he was there. Letting him know she needs him there. He's arms encased her body and just like when they were kids Fifi felt safe.

Blake's POV

I climbed through her window finding her sleeping figure. My heart relaxed knowing she was okay, whilst my head yelled at me to leave her.
Getting involved with any girl was stupid, it would only create weakness my father made sure i knew that.
And getting involved with Fifi was if not more dangerous.

But the night without her proved worse then the guilt of being with her. Tuning out my thoughts I slid into her bed and with her in my arms found myself drifting into a sleep more peaceful then i've ever known.


yes, i am a slow writer 😞 the truth is out, i do have a life so sometimes it takes a while for me to find time or motivation to write.

I can't thank u guys enough for all ur support, i definitely would have given up on the book a while ago without u guys❤️❤️
Much love ❤️
