chapter one

Present day

Fifi skipped into the kitchen Saturday morning with a childish grin she always wore. She was wearing a small silk slip dress as it was summer and left her hair out as she usually did. "Good morning Ellie" she said to her brother who was on the couch with Jack and Caden. "Good morning Jack and Caden" she said sweetly after realising their presence. " Good morning Fifi" they all replied, " do you like my new dress" Fifi asked spinning on the spot. "Yes" Jack and Caden replied too eagerly to surpass Eli, so he kicked them bother hard and sent them glares. "Isn't it a little... short bubba" Eli said skeptically.
Fifi's face dropped and she felt tears in her eyes, "you don't like it do you" she whimpered "it's ugly isn't it". "No!" said Eli sharply realising his mistake, "you look beautiful Fifi", she smiled and snuffled up her tears.
She wiggled her way into the middle of the boys on the couch shaking her ass too create room. Jacks and Caden both sucked in air at her gesture and she looked back at them with innocent eyes, "are you guys okay?" she asked as they shared looks , and Eli glared daggers at them. "Fine princess" Jack replied and turned his attention back to the show they were watching, not wanting to get himself into trouble with Eli.

There was no doubt that Fifi was beautiful. As she grew up she "blossomed" to say the least. She kept her big eyes and dark eyelashes with a little button nose and full pouting lips but her body changed as she hit 14, her figure was graced with full perky boobs, a small waist and a well balanced ass.
She never failed to catch the attention of men but her naive ness and innocence stopped her from realising, this as well as her brother fighting anyone who so much as looked her way.
Jack and Caden had both crushed on her as she seemed hard to resist, with her adorable, kind and humble persona and enticing looks. This however never got far as they knew Eli would bite their heads off if he knew.

That afternoon Blake was set to arrive home at last after 8 years. His father had decided that since he was soon to be of age where he would take over as head of the mafia he should move closer to the centre of all his work.
It was almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon when Blake rang the doorbell of the DeLana's house. Eli answered.
"Miss me Ellie?" he said in his deep british voice. Eli recognised him at once. "Get fucked" he said in shock, "what the fuck are you doing here Blakey" he said half laughing as he pulled him into a hug. "I've come home" he replied.
After saying hi to the boys and catching up slightly he was still unsatisfied, he wanted to see Fifi.

After noticing Blake's searching eyes Eli realised that Fifi was still in her room, "Bubba" he called gently upstairs, "we have a guest come downstairs please"
"Coming Ellie" she replied.
Blake felt his heart jump at her angelic voice, he had forgotten how the littlest things she did effected him.

Fifi skipped down the stairs and stopped when she saw their guest, he was very handsome she thought and very familiar. It wasn't until Blake spoke did she realise who he was, "Miss me angel?".
Her heat stopped. Blake. He looked different. We was tall, well he was always tall thought Fifi but now he stood at 6'4 and towered over her little 5 foot stature. He was fit and built now as well, Fifi blushes as she caught herself looking at his abs that could be made out through his shirt.
He had tattoos now, they littered his arms and his chest she assumed as they could be seen around the neck of his shirt.
His hair was a bit longer and still messy like she remembered.Fifi looked into his eyes, they were a darker grey she thought they felt emptier like the last time she visited 5 years ago.
"Blake" was all she said as she found herself running towards him. He picked her up and held her tight in his arms like he did years ago. She wrapped her legs around his torso and her face in his neck breathing in his scent.
It was different she thought, he smelt like smoke and mint at the same time.
She pulled away from him and pushed herself on the ground, she didn't know him. He was different now and so was she, they had grown up.
Well Fifi had for the most part, her heart was still soft and pure like a child and she couldn't help but cry at Blake's sudden return so many years later.

Blake's POV:

I sucked in a silent breathe as i saw her make her way down the staircase. She had grown up alright, I don't know what i expected I mean of course she grew up. But i didn't expect like this.
She looked like a real angel with curved tan body and pouting innocent face. My eyes travelled along her body and my jaw tightened along with my pants.
She was wearing a far too small silk dress my eyes travelled further and... my throat dried slightly as i realised that Fifi wasn't wearing a bra.
On one hand I was pleased to be graced with a good view of her round perky breasts but I was also angry that everyone else could also see, it was just for me.

She jumped into my arms and i held her tight, she was so small and pure i knew i had to protect her, she was mine and i wouldn't let any harm come to her, i promised myself.
She left my arms and hid behind Eli, this angered me. I saw tears threaten to spill out her big blue eyes, which only increased my anger. I hated seeing her cry.

Third person

"Blakey y-you're back" Fifi whimpered, "yes baby i'm back for good" Blake replied kneeling down across from her and wiping tears from her eyes.
"I missed you" she said quietly while biting down on her lip nervously. "I missed you too angel" He replied in his deep voice.
Breaking the tension Eli suggested they all go to the diner to grab milkshakes and catch up.

"We'll take my car" Eli called as the boys made there way to the front door. After putting on her white converse Fifi followed them only to be stopped at the door by Blake.
"You're not wearing that are you" he said glancing at the skimpy dress that clung to Fifi's curves. Fifi only looked up at him with sad innocent eyes, she didn't know that he was worried she would grab the attention of every males wondering eyes her little heart thought he didn't like her dress.
"y-you don't like my dress?" she whispered quietly biting her lips to stop tears escaping. "No baby, I just... think you'll be cold" Blake said taking off his jacket and placing it on her shoulders, hoping to conceal some of Fifi's innocent little body.
"Come on" he said and picked her up on his hip and carried her to the car. It was a weird feeling thought Fifi, he hadn't carried her like this since she was 12.
She rested her head on his shoulder, her warm breathe fanning against Blake's neck.

Blake placed Fifi in the middle of the backseat next to Jack, with Eli driving and Caden in shot gun, he got in next to her.
The boys raved about parties and football the car ride, catching Blake up on what he's missed.
No one noticed Blake's hand on Fifi's thigh and the way her breathe hitched as he slid it higher and higher.

Blake's POV

Her thigh was so soft, but it wasn't enough, i wanted to feel all of her. I mentally cursed myself for having these thoughts, she was too innocent. I can tell by the way she reacts to my touch that i'm the only one to ever touch her this way.
I can hear Eli and the boys talking but I can't focus on what they're saying, she consumes my mind. All i can think about is how she would feel under me, how my name would sound as she moaned and begged for me.

hey guys hoped you liked this chapter.
feel free to lmk if you like chapters this length or longer, shorter etc 🤍
