

i took a shower in sehun's hotel room when the sun is setting beautifully outside. i used the towel readied by the hotel service and stood frozen in place when i remembered about my clothes...i accidentally soaked them and i got nothing else to wear.

"what took you so long?" sehun shouted.

"i don't have anything to wear!"

"but you have me." sehun said, opening the bathroom door shamelessly and i was startled by him. i quickly covered my body with the towel and screamed.

"sehun!" i screamed. "please knock!"

"why?" sehun chuckled. "i've seen you naked a couple of times..."

i blushed, "i's not confident with my body anymore."

"baby, what do you mean? your body is perfect just the way it is." sehun brushed my arm. "don't be too insecure, i love it." i just sighed.

"you can wear my clothes, although it might be big on you." sehun rummaged through his luggage and handed me his clothes. "you'd look cute in these..."

"thanks, now get out, i need my privacy." i shyly pushed his chest out of the bathroom door and he smirked.

"you don't need me to dress you?" sehun asked.

"im a grown man, sehun. i can dress myself up." i giggled.

"is that so?" he raised his brows and i groaned in reply.

"come on, hun im still mad at you and i need to change." i slammed the door shut and sighed in relief. i put on his loose shirt and pants which is a little bigger around my waist that i had to hold the hem whenever i walk around.

"cute..." sehun complimented and chuckled as he looked at me from head to toe.

"i don't look cute at all." i protested.

"in my eyes, you are." sehun leaned his back on the bed headboard, smiling dreamily while staring at me.

"what? don't look at me like that." i glared.

"i can look at you however i like." sehun closed his laptop and went up to me. "why are you still mad at me?"

"because you're stupid for liking someone else other than me!" i snapped.

"how many times should i tell you that i didn't cheat on you?" sehun sighed.

"alot until im convinced." i grumpily headed towards the bed and put some pillows in the middle so he couldn't cross my part of bed.

"you're so stubborn." sehun said. "so i can't cuddle with you later?!"

"no." i said simply. "im sure you got rid of your cuddling obsession when im not with you..."

"no! i haven't gotten rid of it...can't i sleep with you like we always do?" sehun pouted.

"does that mean you've been cuddling someone else?" i stared at him, waiting for his answer. he was too hesitant to reply me back.

"o-of course not..."

"shut up, im not yours tonight." i spat angrily at his stupid lie. "you just asked me to stay here for tonight, not to touch me or cuddle." i strictly said.

"playing hard to get again?" sehun asked calmly. "you know im not here to get scolded by a bit disappointed that you greeted me like this..." my heart shrunk hearing him say that.

"but it's okay, at least i get to see you now. my yixing is here right infront of my eyes, staying with me." sehun said and boiled the water to make hot chocolate. "that's enough to make me happy again..."

the atmosphere suddenly became quiet and awkward, just the sound of spoon clinking against a mug could be heard as sehun stirred the hot chocolate. he then added some milk into it, i know sehun doesn't add milk into his hot chocolate as usual, "it's for you." sehun kindly handed me the mug.

"im...good." i kindly rejected. he sat across from me on the bed with the mug in his hands.

"at least take it even if you don't believe me..." he said with a sad tone but he managed to keep a fake small smile. it hurt to see him like this.

i hesitantly grabbed the mug from his hands and sipped a bit. "thank you." i said, averting my gaze from his dark brown eyes.

"how is it?" he asked awkwardly.

"just like how i always wanted." i said.

"it's your favorite hot chocolate, of course i would know." he said. i secretly blushed and finished the drink in one chug. he still remembers my favorites.

"what color do i like?" i asked suddenly.

"dark brown." he said confidently.

"hmm, really? im not sure about that..." i teased.

"because you love the color of my eyes and when you stare at them you get butterflies all over your stomach. you told me this before." sehun explained.

"so, you remember. not bad." i smiled. he gave me a relieved look.

"i know everything about you." he said and put a hand on my thigh.

"no touching, remember?" i raised a brow.

"stop me if you can." he smirked and i tried to brush his hand away from my thigh but it turned out into him intertwining his fingers with mine surprisingly, pulling my hand closer to his heart and attacked me with a gentle kiss on the lips as i felt his heart beat slowing down calmly.

he never fails to make me give in. i could never stop him because i liked it. i slowly returned back the kiss, forgetting about the rule i made earlier. it was just for a while...just an abrupt kiss.

he pulled out first and stared at me in the eyes, "you didn't stop me." sehun smirked.

"i couldn't..." i gulped. i stared down at our hands and just closed my eyes in defeat. i wanted it to stop but i just...liked it.

"anymore questions about yourself, baby boy?" sehun challenged.

"no more, i know myself already." i sassed.

"okay." sehun giggled. "im gonna wash your empty mug in the bathroom."

when he left to the bathroom, my phone dinged saying i received a text message...from luhan. how does he know my new number?

luhan: "everything is fun and all there with sehun, isn't it? i'll let you go until i find the right time...i helped you escape the dorm for a short time, remember?"

i groaned a bit too loud and deleted his contact right away. screw him. but it was surprising that i made it out alive today, and luhan didn't even try to kill me. it's weird...

"can i sleep with you?" sehun rasped and sat up against the headboard just like me.

"you are already sleeping with me, what more do you want?" i hissed.

"i don't want these pillows separating us." sehun pleaded.

"nope." i quickly said.

"then i won't sleep." he said.

"suit yourself." i said.

"don't be too stubborn." sehun groaned and put away the pillows in the middle and basically grabbed my body to touch his warm body, putting his arm around me while i stayed blank.

"no, we can't." i glared at him as i looked up to his handsome face.

"we can, we're inlove." i felt him smirking hotly and tucked us into the blanket. damn it, i give in too fucking easily. "i wanted to do this with you, yixing. i missed us."

i wanted him to hold me like this too. but it just felt so wrong but right at the same time. we were half asleep but somehow this position was uncomfortable after a while.

"where are you going, baby boy?" he moaned. "don't leave me."

"im changing my position." i replied and got on top of him, laying my front body to his chest, clinging onto him comfortably like a pillow and my legs around his waist.

i felt his hands on my back, rubbing it so softly until i fell into a deep sleep. he kissed my head lovingly and mumbled, "i love you."


the next morning, i woke up feeling extra exhausted from nothing honestly. maybe it was just from me being mad at sehun for a whole day yesterday.

sehun was still sleeping soundly below me and i tried to move away from him since i wanted to take another cold shower to wake my sleeping spirit.

it was so good to see my sehun sleeping without anything bothering him again...the last time i was with him, he never fell asleep. he stays awake every night but still managed to have energy in the morning because of his favorite coffee.

i moved his hands on my back carefully and he let out a groan, "why do you always try to leave me?" he mumbled in his sleep.

"i just want to go to the bathroom, okay?" i said quietly.

"kiss me on the cheek before you go~" sehun mumbled.

"why would i do that?" i giggled. sehun didn't reply back since he went back to his deep sleep and i sighed heavily.

i stared at how flawless he looks while sleeping and i kissed his cheek before i go as he wished. he's not gonna remember it...but not when i saw him twitching a sneaky smile and a tint of pink on his cheeks starting to show.

i just used his clothes again, obviously i left all my clothes in the dorm. but if i went to the dorm to get my clothes and sehun would want to follow me...and he will find out about luhan...

not a great idea.

i live for these hunlay moments oh my god i imagined the cuddling scene and it's just so cute i want to sue & im sorry for the late update :')
