thirty nine

[mature content]


"do you still have the small book i gave you?" yixing asked.

"i would never lose it." i smiled.

"you have to read it until the end, okay?" yixing said. "it's important."

"im already halfway into the book. you're really good at writing our love story so far..." i said. yixing just smiled weakly and grabbed my hand.

"sehun, let's spend more time." yixing stared at me into the eyes. "just you and me together. please..."

"im 24/7 with you, yixing. i never go anywhere besides being with you." i said. yixing didn't reply back but he was smiling the whole time but i knew he was faking it. "you don't have to pretend to be happy." i said. "is married life that forceful to you?"

"what nonsense is that?" yixing playfully slapped my arm. "no, i like this married life because i get to see you everyday."

"then why are you forcing yourself to smile? you don't have to look good all the time because you're already perfect no matter what you do and im not lying." i said. he giggled and tried to frown but failed.

"you always say that."

"because it's true!"


"sehun ah..." yixing trailed.

"yes, baby boy?"

"im desperate for your touch."

"im not touching you." i playfully said.

"why not?" he whined.

"because you didn't let me touch you the other day so im giving you payback." i smirked.

"fine, don't ever touch me after this. not even a bit." yixing said.

"now you're acting like you're mad. how cute." i pinched his cheeks.

"i said, don't touch me!" yixing squealed.

"too bad, i just did." i chuckled.

"stay away from me!" yixing rolled away to the other side of the bed. i pulled his leg back as he threw a pillow at me.

"did you just throw a pillow at my face?!" i smirked and playfully wrestled him softly and he laughed. "enough playing, im going to go shower. i am sweating like crazy." i said. yixing gave me a pleading look and a cheeky smile. "what?"

"can i join?" yixing asked. i smirked and stripped my clothes infront of him shamelessly. he gulped as his adam's apple moved. i chuckled and lifted him up on my shoulders, slapping his round ass as i carried him to the bathroom.

"undress me, daddy~" yixing whined. "i want to shower with you." he pouted. i didn't hesitate to rip his clothes off and trapped him inbetween my arms.

"don't make it so hard for me, yixing. i told you i won't do it with you today." i whispered into his ear.

"it's really tempting, isn't it?" yixing smirked as i turned the shower tap, the water pouring down on me while yixing watched me getting soaked and joined in. yixing had the seductive look on his face and trailed his hand down my stomach.

"yixing..." i warned and grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"why?" yixing mumbled and grabbed my hand to put it on his ass. i gulped and he looked really sexy that i couldn't focus anymore. i leaned in until his back was against the wall. he smirked and snaked his hand on my neck, my grip on his ass getting tighter. he winced.

"you're so god damn sexy, yixing..." i groaned and tried to stop myself from looking at his plumped lips. i tried to hold myself back many times but i failed and kissed those luscious, wet lips. it took me by surprise that yixing used his tongue on mine. i pulled his body closer until our bodies touch and played with his tongue more until he let out a sexy moan.

yixing digged his nails onto my back as i lifted him up by grasping his thighs and wrapped his legs around my waist. "you make me so hard to resist, baby." i groaned. i trailed kisses down his jaw and rubbed his sensitive nipples until he let out a gasp.

"f-fuck...nggh..." yixing whined. "m-more..." i licked his nipples as he moaned softly. "daddy~"

i started to tease him more in the shower, he was begging for mercy but he also wanted more. my member started to get hard from his loud sexy moans. "fuck, daddy!" he gasped out loud when i stroked his member. "fuck me already, daddy~"

"you want daddy to fuck you?" i rasped. he nodded and i smirked. "hmm..." i teased. "maybe not?"

"n-no..." he gasped when i stroked him faster than before. he didn't give me a warning that he was releasing so it was all over the shower and i smirked. "please fuck me, daddy!" he was so desperate to get fucked.

"so desperate, baby boy?" i slid my hand on his inner thighs, feeling him up so he could get ready. i told him to suck my fingers before fingering his tight hole and i inserted one at first. he bounced himself on my finger until i inserted three of them more. he gasped and groaned in pleasuring pain. "baby you're so fucking hot." it was already wet in the steaming shower, but i made him even wetter.

i slipped my hard member inside of him without warning, i grasped his thighs tightly as he was moaning and mumbling to my ear. "oh...fuck..." he mumbled. he turned me on more so i bounced him up and down much faster. "f-fuck!"

"sehun!" he gasped loudly. "h-harder daddy..." he cried. "it feels so fucking good!"

the skin slapping sound became more audible as time passes by. i pulled out after i released my cum inside his ass as he clinged onto me. "baby boy, are you okay?" he was blushing so hard and nodded. he suddenly got down on his knees and started to give me a mind blowing blowjob.

"fucking hell." i cursed. "you're so good at this, baby. holy fuck..." i groaned. i was about to release again and i warned it but he didn't hesitate to swallow.

i fingered yixing again once he finished pleasuring me. i thrusted my fingers in and out his tight hole as he yelled out loud in pain and pleasure. he grinded his ass onto my cock again, "you want my dick inside of your tight asshole again baby?" i husked.

"yes, daddy!"

"you will get hurt more, baby."

"but i want it now..." he begged. "please daddy." he was crying.

"baby, i don't want you to get more hurt." i whispered into his ear. "i love you so much." he rested his chin on my shoulder, not showing me his flushed face and i smiled.

"it's okay, baby boy don't be shy." i chuckled. he still didn't respond and avoided my eye contact cutely while showering.

"i-it's our first time doing it in the shower..." yixing hesitated shyly.

"it sure is, baby." i kissed his cheek. "and i know you loved it." i smirked.


i went to the convenience store nearby again, trying to buy some groceries. i passed by some of the areas that looked like there would be thugs in there and i suddenly remembered the place where yixing got beaten up.

i was on the way but a broad guy blocked my way with a bat in his hand. he looked really familiar. he smirked and whistled to get his other gangs. " came back." he laughed. he was one of the guys who abused yixing.

"move." i rasped. "move before i call the fucking police."

"you think we would let you off that easily? we're not stupid like you." he grabbed my collar and slammed me to a wall harshly. they started to beat me up, mostly my chest got smashed by his bat and the other guys were punching and kicking me. "revenge is sweet." he laughed.

i coughed up blood and couldn't say anything anymore. my body was numb and my vision blurry. just when the guy was about to throw his last punch, someone shot him and some of them escaped.

someone saved me.

"bring the fucking van, now you slow dipshit!" he yelled through his phone.



"sehun..." i muttered. "sehun!" i cried.

"hyung, he's going to be okay." baekhyun patted my back.

"where is he?!" my eyes were looking for him everywhere. "sehun!"


"don't!" i yelled at baekhyun and he immediately shut up. "don't talk to me..." i let my tears out.

sehun was brought to the emergency room, all of them looked so busy and worried about sehun's condition. they didn't even let me chase after him.

"no!" i yelled. the guys held me back altogether even though i tried many times to break free from their strong grip. "let me go! i need to see sehun!" i cried. "let me fucking go! please!" i yelled at them.

they all didn't respond to me but had their sorry look on their faces. "let me see him for the last time..." i sobbed, my voice became weaker. they were all starting to tear up and chanyeol comforted me.

"yixing." luhan grasped my arm. "i need to talk to you." he looked serious and i was too weak to even argue back.

luhan told me he saved sehun but it didn't help his critical condition at all.


i was finally in sehun's emergency room. he looked so dead. i came in crying and clutching his shirt while sobbing onto him. "sehun please..."

"sehun!" i yelled. "don't do this to me..."

"yixing, that's enough." chanyeol said.

"don't tell me it's enough! it's never enough!" i yelled.

"sehun can't hear you, yixing..."

"i don't care! i want him back!" i sobbed.

doctor lee suddenly came in, with a worried look on his face. "yixing." he stared at me. "it's time." i looked down and clenched my fists. i looked at the other guys in the eyes, trying to tell them that i won't make it out alive, but sehun will. i couldn't say it.

lastly, i looked at sehun. i looked at the person i love the most. im doing this for him but i just couldn't let him go.

"time?" the guys asked. "what do you mean?" the doctor stared at me and i was just crying.

"yixing is donating his heart to sehun and we need to do it now before sehun dies."

"what?!" they all got shocked.

"yixing, what are you doing?!" luhan furrowed his eyebrows. "i can bring another heart for him. don't you dare-"

"im sorry." i looked at every one of them, broken. "this is my decision."

i tried to leave but they were pulling me back and didn't let the doctor lead me to the surgery room. "you're not going anywhere!" kyungsoo yelled. "you can't go, yixing..." kai clenched his jaw.

"what about sehun?!" kai yelled at me. "what about him?! are you ready to leave him?!"

"yixing don't do this." luhan glared at me.

"i have to go before it's too late! tell sehun that i love him. forever and always. i love you all. thank you for everything you've done to me." my eyes were stinging from crying too much and i was mumbling my words to them. they were also crying their eyes out. it was my first time watching kris crying.

"yixing, we're running out of time." the doctor said.

"shut your ass up, we're not letting yixing go!" kris snapped.

"kris, my buddy..." i stared at him, heartbroken. "let me go." i tried my hardest to let them go and their hands slipped away from mine. "always remember me..." i said to them for the last time. "i'd rather die than watch my husband dying..." i said.

"goodbye, sehun." i looked at my husband for the last time. "goodbye." i looked at them all. the doctor snatched me away from them.

"no!" they all yelled, the room became a huge chaos.

"goodbye..." i sobbed, not looking back at them. it hurts less like this. it hurts less to not see their broken faces.

i love you, oh sehun.



woke up from a dead sleep, barely remembering anything from last night. i only remember about someone getting shot. i opened my eyes, surrounded by the guys' restless faces. "guys, he's awake..." kai alerted.

i felt numb in the chest. it didn't feel normal at all. my chest was in stitches and covered in dried blood. my vision was blurry until i tried to focus on my friends. it didn't feel complete...

"where's yixing?"

they all exchanged looks and nobody dared to answer my question. they all stayed quiet and baekhyun started to leave the room all of a sudden to get some air.

"where is my husband?" i asked again. their lips were sealed shut. "why is nobody answering me?"

"he's not here, sehun." kai broke the silence.

"what do you mean?"

"he's..." kai glanced at the guys nervously. "he's gone."
