

"you slept well..." jackson had a tray in his hands with some dishes above it. "i had to sleep on the couch last night, but it's all good. you deserve a long rest." he smiled and sat on the bed beside me.

"i stayed here overnight?!" i widened my eyes.

"yeah, you did. i didn't want to wake you up." jackson said truthfully and put down the tray infront of me on the bed. "you were tired."

"you should've wake me up! im sorry i slept on your bed like it's mine..." i said.

"it's okay, it's not mine yixing. this is just a temporary apartment i live in." jackson chuckled. "anyways, i cooked some soup for you this morning and some hot lemon tea." he opened the lid and i stared at it, the smell was nice.

"sorry, doesn't look that appetizing. i don't really know how to cook. but i swear, it tastes nice." jackson said and i just flashed him a smile.

"i don't complain, jackson. it looks good." i grabbed the spoon and my hand was shaking. he held my hand and tried to stop it from shaking. i just nodded at him and tasted the soup.

"just tell me if it tastes shit..." he nervously said.

"no, actually it's better than i thought it would be." i complimented. "thank you, jackson. i really do appreciate it."

he sighed a relief and tensed as soon as i glanced at him again. "don't lie, just say it's not good." jackson protested. i laughed at his serious but funny face.

"no, no i swear it's delicious." i laughed. "it's hard to believe you made this. not gonna lie, i thought it would be shitty if you cook-"

"stop." jackson shushed me playfully. "do you know how many websites i searched on the internet this morning? it made my laptop have viruses just to know how to make a soup."

"oh, jackson you're so extra." i smiled.

"how about the hot lemon tea?" he asked. "how does it taste like?"

"you damn well know i haven't even tasted the tea yet you ask me..." i shook my head as i laugh.

"oh, right...i forgot." he chuckled. "well you should taste it now then."

"alright, alright." i sipped the tea. "it's still hot but it's amazing."

"that's nice to hear someone complimenting my cooking." he flashed a really wide smile that made him look cute. "so, let's check your temperature again. it should be lower." he went to grab the thingy again while i tried to finish the whole soup.

"38°c, that should be okay." he assured. "but still, you're sick."

"as much as i want to stay here, jackson...i have to go back to beijing university." i sighed heavily. "although the teachers don't care much about our attendance."

"i wish you could stay longer..." he muttered. "hey, at least we're closer now than we were in high school." jackson fist bumped me.

"i know, and i like it that there's no obstacle between us anymore." i said. "i was highly protected. i couldn't get along with attractive boys like you."

"you think im attractive?" he smirked.

"yeah, sure. why not?" i smirked. "but im more attractive."

"yeah, you're more attractive." he chuckled and i just sipped the hot lemon tea.

"well that's an easy argument." i snickered. "but you're more attractive."

"god, yixing. how many times should we do this?" jackson laughed. "let's just say this, you're cute and im hot."

"oh, hi hot. im cute." i played along. jackson just facepalmed but i saw that he was flushed and his cheeks were pink. "what? isn't that what you mean?"

"you know what, nevermind." jackson held the tray back after i finished everything. "you really finished it, huh?" he widened his eyes in shock.

"i was hungry." i said innocently.

"right, you look so innocent with those sparkling eyes and deep dimples." jackson gazed at me. "it's unbelievable, i can't even do that." he tried to do a cute face and tried to make himself have dimples.

it just made him end up look like an idiot. i burst out laughing at the shocking visual. "okay, jackson i think you should just stick to your normal face."

"oh really? fine." jackson said and stopped goofing around. he really knows how to make people laugh without even trying and made it look all natural.

jackson and i went to a nearby café and had more drinks, we talked along the way and had funny conversations before going back to my university.

"hey, go back there safely, okay?" jackson held my shoulder. "do you have a jacket?" he asked.

"no i don't..." i said.

jackson slowly took off his maroon jacket and put it over behind me. "you should take my jacket, whenever it gets cold or it don't want to collapse in the streets again."

"thanks..." i said, quite embarrassed.

"i guess i'll see you again soon?" he said and i nodded. he pulled me in for a hug, he doesn't even care that im sick he just wanted to hug me freely. "shall i take you to the taxi cab?" he patted my back and put an arm over my shoulder.

"if you want to see me again, just let me know, okay?" jackson gave me a faint smile after i went inside the taxi.

"i'll let you know." i said. "bye, jackson!"

"bye yixing!" he waved his hand at me.


"that was three days i let you out." luhan took off his hoodie and mask as soon as i entered the dorm room. he still startled me, although i still have to get used to it since he's my roommate.

"you didn't say it mattered." i huffed.

"i heard everything and tracked everything." luhan faced me.

"you're fucking crazy." i spat.

"where were you? im not really familiar with the apartment you stayed in..." he smirked.

"none of your business." i said.

"it's jackson's, isn't it? i was just testing you and i knew you won't tell me. have you found your new true love?" luhan teased.

"shut up!" i hissed.

he just laughed but i stared at him with my death glare, "tough day, huh? finding out you've been cheated on by the person we once loved."

"h-how do you know-"

"how does it feel? he was just using you for your male must've been hard on you, poor yixing." he laid down on his bed, staring at the blank ceiling.

"stop talking about it." i sternly said.

"after all that, you still have feelings for sehun?" luhan scoffed. "i have live footages."

"what?!" i gasped.

he immediately stood up and did something on his phone, he went to me and showed me a live video of a girl, i suppose is named irene, and sehun on the bed together. irene was crawling on top of him while sehun was kissing her. they were about to do it. i just blinked several times and felt ten times angrier than before. "t-that's not real..." i refused to believe.

luhan just scoffed, "how is that not real, yixing? my partner tracked him by his phone and his front camera showed all of this. it's some hacking skills."

"so you knew about this before i even found out?!" i clenched my jaw.

"yeah, you could say that." he calmly said. "i was waiting for you to find out, and you did. congrats." he applauded sarcastically.

"why didn't you tell me on the first day?!"

"maybe, i want you to suffer a bit." he chuckled. i couldn't handle it anymore, he got my nerves and i threw a fist at him but he caught it. "not so fast, yixing. you were about to hit me? seriously..." he laughed. "it's no use, i would hit you back to be honest, but no. you tried."

"i fucking hate you!" i yelled.

"i know that." he smiled. "im gonna take a shower, and you, get well soon." he sighed and took a towel to the small bathroom.

i sneaked to see something in his unlocked bag. he forgot to unlock it, i guess. i saw something piled up, it was just money but other than that, there were pictures of sehun...and irene together. why didn't he show me this?

i can't believe he knew everything.
and wait, he has a partner?


"why the fuck are you crying?" luhan opened the bathroom door and showed up with a towel around his waist and he was drying his hair. his back was full of marks from whip lashes and his front body were full of bruises and scars. i flinched a bit.

"what happened to your body?" i changed the subject and wiped my tears away.

"prisoner stuff. everyday getting whipped by the officers even if i didn't do anything. all you gotta do is endure the pain." luhan said casually.

"you deserve it." i spat.

"every bad criminal does." he scoffed. "and you, why were there tears on your face?"

"nothing..." i avoided eye contact. he suddenly noticed something about his bag and saw the sehun and irene pictures scattered all over his bag.

"you saw it." he said.

"why didn't you show me those?" i asked.

"maybe it's too much?" luhan searched something through his bag, glaring at me. "something's missing."

"yeah, my love for sehun." i said.

"stop playing, yixing. give me my C4 gun back or i'll turn into my bad psycho side." luhan glared at me.

"i didn't take it."

"stupid." he shoved me away from my bed and searched below my pillow and under my bed. "no more taking my weapons, understand?" he reloaded the C4 gun he found under my bed to scare me.

"how do you know where everything is?!" i furrowed my eyebrows.

"because im a professional." luhan unlocked his bag tightly and changed into his clothes. "at least ask my permission if you want a gun."

"can i have a gun then?" i asked.

he laughed first, "no."

"i need to protect myself too from-"

"from me? well shit, of course i don't want to be killed by you in my sleep if i give you one." luhan groaned.

"you changed." i muttered. "the luhan i knew would already kill me if i touched his belongings or talk back or cursed at, you're slowly much as i hate to say this, good."

there was an awkward silence between us, he was leaning against the wall and twitched a small smile. "that's because the police department gave me a private therapist from the mental institution who visited me every week. at one point, i almost killed him. i never listened to him. but he's very strict and gave me many pills until i was unconscious...maybe it's affecting me."

"but my abusive bad side never goes away, i just learned how to control it a bit. it only comes out when im frustrated or mad." luhan explained.

"why are you telling me this?"

"im just saying that you shouldn't get me frustrated or mad. you don't want to die, right?" he said. "i almost lost my patience when you took my fucking gun."

"but why? why are you still taking revenge on me?" i asked.

"on you? that was a long time ago, yixing." luhan chuckled. i looked at him confusingly.

"what do you mean? so, you're not actually after me?"

"if im after you i would've killed you in the first place, also the opportunity is right infront of me." he stared at me from head to toe.

"so...who are you after?"

"im here to help you, yixing. we're after oh sehun." he had a glint in his eyes for a second.

"wait...we're?" i furrowed my eyebrows.

"we're allies now. whether you like it or not." he said. "don't you wanna take revenge on oh sehun? doesn't he hurt you?"

i thought about it for a minute.

"i've been trying to kill him since then, yixing and it was never worth my time. there's only one way, we'll teach him a lesson."

"are you in or not, zhang? because if you refuse it, you're still gonna have to deal with it." he smirked.
