Easing His Thoughts [Chapter 7]

Just how the hell did this happen?

Jack had still been in the bathroom for.. God knows how long. He was now standing, staring at his reflection in Mark's huge bathroom mirror, as he ran his fingers through his green dyed hair, feeling really anxious.

Many questions kept running through his mind, going way too fast for him to be able to answer them. How did this happen? When did this happen? What would Mark say if he found out? Would he even feel the same? Would he hate him if he knew?

Just as he was still trying to recollect his thoughts, a knock at the bathroom door was heard, which startled him a little. He expected to hear his friend's usual deep voice he'd come to know. But instead, he heard that familiar Swedish accent.

"Jack? Jackaboy? Are you alright? Mark sent me to come get you 'cause you've been in there for awhile and the food is ready." Felix's muffled voice spoke on the other side of the door. Jack nodded, despite the fact that Felix couldn't even see him.

"I'm fine... Perfectly fine." He lied. "I uh... Was taking a lot of time because... I was feelin' a bit sick. But I'm okay now. I'll come out." He continued, reaching for the handle to the bathroom door and turning it. When he opened the door, his eyes saw a concerned looking Felix.

"You sure you're okay, bro?" He repeated. Again, Jack nodded, smiling a convincing smile.

"I'm fine, don't worry." He responded. Felix still gave him a look, that told him he wasn't so convinced. But instead of pestering him about it anymore, he just gave him a small smile and a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"Well, if anything is up, feel free to let us know." Felix said. "Like I said, the food is ready so we can all eat now."

"Oh, right." Jack replied. "Lead the way then."

After that weird incident, Jack happily followed Felix back to their friends to find them all sitting and lounging in the living room, with their plates of pizza. Jack saw his plate of pizza on the couch, and quickly walked over, picked it up and sat down, while trying his hardest to act natural, in case any of them gave him weird looks. 

However, he still didn't really have enough time to himself to really calm himself down. So, he found himself spacing out quite a lot and found it hard to listen to the others. Especially when the reason he was internally freaking out was because of Mark, and he was sitting RIGHT NEXT TO HIM! It was one thing to try and totally act calm when you felt like you were just one big fanboy - which he once was, and probably still kinda was now. But it was a whole other thing to try and act calm only minutes after discovering what he had really been thinking about since the other night, or maybe longer than that. He didn't really know how long these feelings had even existed.

He knew that he wasn't going to be able to enjoy himself like this. So, when he finished his pizza, he let out a small sigh and turned to the others to talk.

"You guys... I don't feel well. I think I want to go to sleep to be honest." Jack admitted, biting his bottom lip in worry that he might upset one of them. But they all stared back at him, none of them having looks of disappointment.

"Well, if you want Jack, you can rest in one of the bedrooms upstairs if you want some time to yourself. It's perfectly fine." Mark suggested with a shrug of his shoulders. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Are you guys sure...? I don't want it to seem like I'm abandoning you guys or anything."

"Hey, if you don't feel well, it's not like we should force you to hang out with us." Ryan said. Matt nodded.

"Yeah, he's right. Just go get some rest. If you feel well enough to hang out with us, just come back downstairs. We'll most likely still be down here in the living room." Felix added.

"Well... If you guys don't mind... Still, sorry..." Jack apologised, as he picked himself up off the couch. When he left the room, he let out a small sigh of relief. None of them really looked all that confused, and none of them asked questions. Not even Mark, but he might have assumed Jack was just feeling a little homesick, that's all.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Jack looked around to find an empty bedroom, with a nice comfy looking bed inside. He lightly closed the door after going inside and lazily slumped over onto the bedding face first. He could really do with a loud scream at the top of his voice into one of the pillows, but he was worried the others would hear him, even with a pillow in his face. Especially with the sound of his freakishly loud voice. He was known for being loud.

At least now, away from the others he actually had time to himself to recollect his thoughts and calm himself down about the whole thing. Surely he was just overreacting, right...? Or maybe he thought he had feelings for Mark, when really it was something entirely different... No, that would be a stupid suggestion. That would just cause him to continue to lie to himself and cause him to annoy himself more than ever. He had at least some feelings for Mark, whether he liked it or not.

If people could hear the thoughts going through his head, they would probably wonder what there was to get so worked up about. After all, he and Mark were extremely close friends. Not only that, but there was entire fanbase that was dedicated to them being a couple, which was known as Septiplier. Mark and Jack even joked about it from time to time, at least, Jack felt like he was joking... If he even was, he had no idea. But what worried him the most, is how Mark would react. Would he even understand? Would he accept more than just friendship, if Jack was even willing to tell him about this...? He had absolutely no idea. It scared him to think that he could lose one of his most closest friends over something so stupid.

Well, it's not like he really had to talk to Mark about it any time soon anyway. After all, Jack was actually going back home to Ireland the next day, as he had only planned to stay in America for those two days. So at least he was actually going to be able to have some time to PROPERLY think things over. It's not like anything had to happen right now anyway.

Letting out another exhale of air, Jack closed his eyes to try and make himself feel more peaceful. The bed was actually in fact pretty comfy and before he knew it, he found himself slowly drifting off to sleep...

Authors Note: Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! I am honestly having fun writing it! ^-^

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