Arguing With Himself [Chapter 4]

"OH FOR FUCK SAKE!!" Ryan cried, for the millionth time, as he felt his hand get shocked by the controller in his hand. "I'm so done! I can't do this anymore!" He raged, feeling like his hand was going to start going numb, if they continued to play for any longer. Everyone else was just utterly laughing their asses off at his reaction, while he bawled like a baby. It wasn't until Mark decided to speak that the laughter finally started to break down.

"Alright, alright, I guess we've had enough fun messing around with this thing. Let's have some breakfast, then when we're ready, we can all head out, alright?" He said, picking himself off the living room floor. Everyone nodded in agreement, including Ryan who had quickly gotten over his little shocking incident.

Moments later, they were all sitting around the kitchen, eating bowls of cereal, as none of them really felt like cooking or making anything too complicated for breakfast. Jack and Mark were the last two to pick their cereal. With a teasing grin on his face, Mark pulled out a box of "Lucky Charms" and waved them around in front of Jack's face.

"Hey, Jack, I bet you'd like some of these, wouldn't you? You know...? 'Cause you're Irish?" Mark joked. Jack replied with a fake, hurt look.

"Oh very funny, Mark. Top notch humor right there. 10/10." Jack replied, as he started to clap his hands together sarcastically. Mark chuckled, seeming satisfied by his reaction. "Though, I will agree, lucky charms are the fucking best." Jack finished, taking the box from Mark's hand, causing Mark to let out another sound of laughter from his lips. He then went searching in the cupboard for his own cereal, as Jack prepared himself some lucky charms with a bowl and some milk. He then leaned against the counter, holding a spoon in one hand, while balancing the bowl in his palm with the other.

While he was casually eating his breakfast, he watched Mark continuing to shift through the cupboard to find what he was looking for. A smile fell on Jack's face, when it seemed like the cereal that Mark wanted, was all gone. Jack came to this conclusion, seeing as Mark had a sulky look on his face, and started letting out a weird, childish moan.

"All my favourite cereal is gone!" Mark moaned, standing upright and closing the cupboard. Jack gave him a fake look of sympathy.


"Oh, har har." Mark complained, sticking his tongue out at Jack, who then gave him the middle finger back. To some people, if they were seen doing this in public, people would think they were being really hurtful to each other. But both Jack and Mark knew that they were just messing around.

"Well, since you're out of cereal, why don't you have some lucky charms?" Jack suggested, holding the box out to him. "Get some Irish in you." He joked.

"Yea-- Oh?" Mark rose his eyebrows, at Jack's suggestive sentence. It took a short while for it to come to him, and when he got the joke, his usual loud laughter erupted from his mouth, which was followed by Mark's usual memorable chuckle. Felix rolled his eyes, a grin across his face.

"Why don't you two just fuck already?" Felix said, with a mouthful of cereal.

"Oh? So you can watch?" Mark joked.

"Damn Felix. We prefer our privacy." Jack continued, going along with it.

It wasn't really a rare thing, for Mark and Jack to end up messing around with Septiplier from one point to another. Especially considering the fact that the fans really loved it. So, seeing as they were comfortable with laughing about it, they sometimes found it amusing to give the fangirls exactly what they wanted, even if it was actually fake in both their eyes.

"Yeah, maybe I could make a porno out of it." Felix suggested with a shrug. Ken laughed, as everyone else rolled their eyes, being pretty used to his sense of humor.

When all of them had finally finished eating and got ready, it was time to go. However, it was pretty sunny outside, so Jack wanted to wear a hat to keep the sun off of his head. Sadly, he forgot to pack his into his green backpack, causing him to bite his lip in frustration when he couldn't find it.

"If you want, you can borrow one of mine." Mark suggested, when Jack let out an exhale of annoyance. Jack shook his head.

"You don't have to." He said, kindly declining his offer.

"No, come on, Jack. It's sunny as all balls out there and you haven't even got sunglasses either. It'll be fine, you can borrow one of mine. After all, I'll still have one to wear as well so it doesn't really matter." Mark explained, as he went to go grab one of his old hats. When he returned, he happily handed it to Jack, who gave him a thankful smile in return.

"Thanks Mark." Jack said, looking at the hat in his hands. He rose his eyebrows. "I remember this hat. It was the same one you let me wear when we went to Disneyland! It says 'Work Bitch'." Jack laughed.

"Oh yeah! I remember that!" Mark grinned. "That was a fun day."

"Yeah... It really was." Jack nodded in agreement, as he started to fiddle with one of his wristbands. There was a short silence between the two of them, before Mark started to speak again.

"Anyway, I'm gonna quickly go to the bathroom before everyone is ready and then we'll be able to go. So, be right back!" And with that, he left the room.

A small frown fell upon Jack's face, when he was left alone with his thoughts. He didn't know why, but since last night, he had gotten a really weird feeling when he had been talking to Mark. He didn't know whether he was just nervous, homesick, or whatever, but it was definitely weird. Because, this strange feeling that he couldn't really seem to explain, only ever came to him when he was around, or started speaking to Mark.

He never noticed it before. And he didn't exactly understand what it was. But he was sure that he really was just over thinking it and maybe he just felt the way he did around Mark because he was homesick, and Mark made him feel better. He wasn't actually considering it a possibility that he could have... A crush on his best friend, was he?

He did have to admit, Mark was definitely one handsome, caring, kind human being. Any girl would be lucky to have him as a boyfriend, because he was straight. And so was Jack, wasn't he? So why were his thoughts suddenly messing him up so much, just because he was back in America?

Well, whatever. Jack wanted to just push those thoughts away for now. He was sure they weren't important, and he was just worrying and arguing with himself for nothing. He was straight, and that was that. There was no question about it.

"Alright, I'm ready!" Mark's voice called, near the front door, catching Jack's attention. Jack quickly put the hat on his head and headed out of the room, to be met with everyone else standing by the front door. "You guys ready?" Everyone responded with a simple nod. "Alright then, let's go!"

Authors Note: Hey! So, hope whoever is reading this is enjoying this story so far! Though, if you are enjoying it, feel free to leave a comment once in awhile. Maybe even suggest this story to other people who ship Septiplier too. :o 'Cause as much fun I have writing this for myself, I love to hear that other people love reading it too so... Yeah.

So, if you liked it, PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS!!! And, high fives all 'round! :D WPSHH WPSHH THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!
