Day 8 [hugs]

Prompt fill: hugs
Pre-romantic pairing
AJ x beta squad

Today was one of those days.

One of those days where you wake up with a spring in your step, and your back doesn't hurt from the position you've been sleeping in. The sun is shining not too harshly, and you feel actually rested.

The morning shower is nice and warm, and the clothes that were laid out the day before are soft and still smell faintly like laundry detergent.

Your mood changes from comfortable sleepy to pleasantly awake, and there's a constant smile on your face.

For Aj, those days meant he was way more tolerant towards touchyness. In the literal sense, even.

Checking himself out in the mirror, he grinned at his reflection and tugged the  hood of his oversized jumper up.

Making his way to the kitchen, he met Niko in their living room, sitting on the couch, watching something on his phone.

Aj stopped and changed directions to sit next to his friend on the couch. Snuggling up to Niko, he threw his arms around the boys shoulders and butted his head against Niko's.

"What'chu watching?" He mumbled into Niko's chest, trying to grab the phone and turn it towards him.

Niko snorted lightly, moving it out of reach and pressing pause, "I was watching your last video." He leaned his head down, pressing a kiss on Aj's head. "It's really good."

Aj slid down on the couch until his head was in Niko's lap and looked up at him. "Obviously, you're in it," he smiled.

Niko grinned and gestured to Aj's body and his hoodie choice. "You're looking comfy this morning."

Aj nodded and slowly got up, "I've slept really good, and today's a relaxed day, so I chose this fine piece of clothing." 

He twirled to show off the NDL hoodie and cackled over his own comments on his way to the kitchen.

"I'm making some cereal, you want some?" He called out, waiting in the threshold for Niko to answer.

His friend was staring at him smiling like a goof and nodding quickly. "I've just gotta send the boys something, then I'mma be right there."

Aj jerked his head in acknowledgement and walked into the kitchen, where he started to pull out two bowls and some different types of cereal to mix.

Niko typed a quick text and sent it to a secret group chat without Aj before almost bouncing into the kitchen. 

Boys thirsting over Aj


Aj woke up today and chose cuddles
It's adorable and I'm dying
You gotta see

Coming up behind him he enclosed his smaller body with his arms, attaching himself to Aj's back.

Aj let his head fall back against Niko's chest, looking up at him trough his lashes. "You're clingy today."

Niko smiled softly, "Nah, just waiting for the food" but still tightened his arms almost unnoticeable.

Aj shrugged his shoulders and poured them their cereal. Turning in Niko's embrace, he held their bowls up, raising his brow, "couch?"

The taller boy nodded, kissing Aj's forehead again, and pulling him along, back to the living room.

As they settled down eat, Niko's phone chimed a few times repeatedly. Aj poked him in the side, "Uh-uh, someone's famous."

Niko gently batted his hands away when Aj tried to turn Niko's phone around, and smoothed over his resulting pout with his thumb. Scanning his messages he leaned forward to apologetically kiss Aj's cheek.

"It was just the boys saying their coming over, but I thought it'd be a nice surprise."

Boys thirsting over AJ

We'll be coming over

I swear he's the cutest
Man I love those days he's cuddly

For real he's like
A baby
Very tiny

I can pick him up :(
Very cute

It'll be me who picks him up
It's our thing
Keep your grubby hands from my aj

Your aj
Suck ur mom
He's all ours
Share Ken


Mandem we been over this
Ajs not a possession
when he even wants
But we share
Like brothers🤝🏿

Not brothers😭

Nikos hogging him like all the time
Why don't he gotta share
Not fair😒

Im pickn u 2 up rn
Grabbn my keys
Be there in a sec
Then we can go cuddle aj

We go see aj
Also true
Nikos the common denominator
We could form an alliance

He's reading this idiot
Now he'll be prepared :(

Stfu im outside
Get yo asses outta here

He let the phone drop back next to him on the couch and grinned when Aj made a surprised noise.

"Oh my days, that's actually great! We haven't hung out together in time!"

They stayed cuddling on the couch even after they had finished their breakfast, talking about their next project and the organisation for an upcoming event, when the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get it!" Aj had jumped off the couch and jogged over to the door. Opening up, he smiled widely when he saw Sharky, Kenny and Chunkz.

"Hey Aj, it's so good to see you!", Sharky grinned as he stepped inside and let out a quiet 'ompf' when Aj tugged him into a long hug.

"It's great you're here, boys. Me 'n Niko were about to go insane all by ourselves." He laughed and carefully removed himself from Sharky's arms, which wasn't as easy as normal, due to Sharky holding on quite tight and long for some reason.

Next was Kenny, who lifted him up a few inches while they were hugging before placing him softly down on the floor again. Turning his head sideways, he pressed a kiss to Aj's temple.

Aj rolled his eyes, but kissed Kenny back on the cheek gently before moving to Chunkz.

He let Chunkz bury his face in his neck and clenched his hoodie in his fists. Only pulling back after a few long minutes, he laughed when he felt Chunkz kiss the tip of his nose.

"Honestly, what's with all of you and kisses today?"

Sharky swung his arm around Aj's shoulder, and smiled. Walking him back into the living room, the other two in tow, he nodded hello to Niko who was waiting on the couch. 

"Guess it's just one of those days."

~the end

[1060 words]

[Oops. What the hell. This is like pre-poly but all of them like aj? I kept changing the pairing so this is what we ended up with. I dunno. Is the prompt fill even accurate? Who knows, smh. Was kinda rushed and am posting this kinda late, I was so busy today wow]
