Day 15 [coffee shop]

Prompt fill: coffee shop
Pre-romantic pairing
AJ x Niko

Aj hadn't actually planned for this to happen. Niko was his best friend. Falling for him definitely wasn't on his agenda. But here he was.

Secretly pining and chatting with strangers out of desperation for distraction. It was on one of those anonymous chatting platforms where he met themayor. He didn't know who that person was in real life, but on the platform, they had introduced themselves with a similar dilemma as he had.

themayor was also male and also in love with his best friend. Just like his love for Niko, themayors love also wasn't reciprocated.

They got on surprisingly well. Over the course of the next weeks or so, they texted frequently and oftentimes until late at night.

For once, Aj felt like he could be open with someone about who he liked, and no one said anything when he'd fangirl over his crush.

Nameless chat platform

So true
Yesterday he wore my sweater
Cutest thing
He had sweater paws

kingofshort (you)
I always steal his hoodies
They're big n comfy
Also abt meeting up
Let's in a shop or smth

Shop sounds great
There's a rly good coffee shop
📍location sent

kingofshort (you)
Love ittt
We still set on wearing pink
For recognition
Cuz I don't have any but he does
I took one in advance lmao

You go babes
I swear I had like 2 aswell
But m only finding 1
But works for me!

kingofshort (you)
Saturday at 10?


Niko was incredibly excited. He'd been chatting on this anonymous platform with a stranger who had a very similar problem as he did.

kingofshort also was head over heels in love with his roommate, and sadly, that also wasn't reciprocated. But they had each other to complain about how unfair life was, so that was something.

Chatting with kingofshort was fun, in a way he even reminded Niko of Aj when he texted. They had hilarious conversations and even discussed the Beta squad once. For Niko, as secret part of it, that chat had been especially funny and he couldn't wait to see the reaction of him, when he met Niko in the coffee shop.

kingofshort also thought that Aj was the gay one and Niko the straight one, which made Niko laugh a lot, but obviously he couldn't tell them how wrong they were.

Saturday morning, he got dressed in a pink t-shirt, and put on his jacket over it, because his pink hoodie had miraculously disappeared. Calling out a quick "I'm meeting up with someone, be back in the afternoon!", he left the house.

Nameless chat platform

He's litch left the house rn
To meet up with smb
Life's unfair
M gonna die

themayor (you)
Maybe we can stalk him 2day
I'm probs gonna be a few mins late
Gotta run to the grocery store
U need anything lmao

Bring me chocolates for the pain
I'm leaving the house now
Looking fabulous in a pink hoodie ngl
S not mine but who cares
Imma just sit down n wait for u

themayor (you)
Will bring the chocolates 🫡
I'm acc gassed
Pls don't be a serial killer

Lmao it would be too late for that
But dw
I got u
No malicious intent here

Aj giggled to himself, placing his bag next to him on the coffee shop bench. He really hoped they would hit it off and it wouldn't be weird. Sure, Niko just running out of the house this morning, announcing he'd be meeting someone had kinda really sucked, but maybe the day could still turn out good.

Starting with the chocolates themayor was getting him right now. Aj bounced his leg up and down under the table and switched his phone on again before standing up and moving towards the counter to order.

Nameless chat platform

kingofshort (you)
U want me to order already btw
Cuz I got time lmao

Yess pls
m getting in the car now
Secured the chocolates
Get me an oatmilk latte?

kingofshort (you)
U got it babes
Not much going on here m leaving the bag at the table just sit down when u get there
We're basc the only people there
Can't miss it

Will do 👍🏾

Niko turned off his phone and got out of the car. He had parked right across the street and could see a figure with a pink sweater standing at the counter through the glass. He grinned and grabbed the chocolates, making his way inside.

Welcoming the warm atmosphere, he spotted the bench with an abandoned bag and took a seat, facing the counter.

He hoped whoever they were wouldn't freak out about him being Niko Omilana and also wouldn't tell the world he was in love with Aj and oh god. He didn't even think about the possibility of this getting out and being made public.

What had he been thinking? Was it too late to dip? Niko was struggling to keep his nerves at bay and not just running right back out, when the person in the pink sweater started to turn.

Now, that his whole focus was on it, that sweater was really familiar. What were the chances kingofshort wore the same hoodie that had gone missing from his closet?

Pink-hoodie-guy turned around, two mugs in his hands and gaze very focused on them. Niko's breath caught.

No fucking way.

He didn't look up from the beverages walking towards the table and placing them down.

Niko gasped softly, "Aj?"

Aj jerked his head up, mouth opening in surprise. "Niko?" He whispered mortified. "I- what are you- where is-"

Niko could see Aj panicking and withdrawing, so he quickly opened his jacket to show his pink shirt underneath.

"It's me." Niko stared at the oatmilk latte he had ordered and placed the chocolate on the table. "Aj- Aj, I meant it. I meant everything I said in the chat. I love you."

Aj let himself fall down on the bench, smiling shyly and taking a sip from his hot chocolate. "I love you, too."

~the end

[1077 words]

[Endings kinda rushed I had a very short night oops. I acc loved the prompt idea I came up with, might write a longer version with multiple chapters abt it someday]
