Day 20 [broken promise]

Prompt fill: broken promise
Romantic pairing
AJ x Niko

Niko raised his hand to signal Aj to sit down on the chair opposite to him.

They were filming a video for the NDL channel, where Niko tried matching the story to the person. The game was called broken promises as it consisted of the players promising their story was true every round and it was Niko's job to guess who was keeping the promise and who broke it. He had interrogated Chunkz, Kenny, and Sharky before and was stumped.

The sentence he was given was 'I had a crush on Robert Downey Jr for almost a year', and so far, it could literally be anyone.

Chunkz talked about it as a childhood crush he grew out off. He quoted a few movies and interviews of him, looking very sure of himself. "Obviously, I don't swing that way it was more like admiring him and wanting to be like him." He grinned in the camera, "but it borderlined in obsession, so yeah, people were definitely calling it a crush."

Niko leaned backwards in his chair, folding his hands on the table. "What did you admire the most?"

Chunkz made a face, "What'chu mean brother, it's RDJ. The money and the looks, innit? I had like a big poster of him up as well."

Niko hummed, "that's dread, 'cause it does sound like something you would do." He groaned, "would you promise it's you?"

Chunkz laughed and nodded, "yeah sure, brother, promise."

"Alright!" Niko called out, "then get outta here!"

Chunkz shrugged good-heartedly and stood up to let Kenny take a seat.

"So," Niko implored, "Robert Downey Jr." He spread his arms out, "Kenny, Kenny, Kenny," he shook his head, "you never told me about this first love of yours."

Kenny laughed at that, "nah, man. Never did." He straightened up in the chair. "Right, so I've always loved marvel, and he plays Ironman, doesn't he? I guess it's natural to develop a little man-crush."

Niko squinted at him. "I do know you've talked about him constantly for sometime, but that was with Aj I think."

Kenny nodded and agreed, "yeah he'd listen to me going on and on about that man. Thanks, brother," he held his hand up for Aj, still standing in the line-up and shook his hand.

"Would you promise it's you?" Niko asked again. Kenny grinned, "yeah man, I promise I'm not lying. But I've since overcome the crush," he added smiling.

As Kenny stood up to swap places with Sharky, Niko turned his face to the camera to scrunch his nose. "Not gonna lie, it could be both of them so far."

As his friend sat down, he grabbed the card with the writing again. "Sharky," he continued. "You had the hots for RDJ."

Sharky winked into the camera, "who didn't?" He laughed at Niko's groan, biting his lip overdramatic. "Nah, you know how it is. He's like a very handsome man, and I've occasionally glanced at his butt." He shrugged.

"Ain't much to it, I thought his facial hair was awesome, especially when he played Ironman, so I watched a few interviews and yeah," he pointed at Kenny in the line and grinned, "kinda like Ken, man-crush and all that, just wasn't as fangirly like certain men here."

Niko put his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands. "That stumped me, it could be all of you."

He shook his head again, "I know Sharky actually liked the beard he had going on, he talked lots about it." He told the camera. "Had you like pictures or interviews of him saved up somewhere?"

Sharky pondered a bit before tilting his head in thought. "I had like a very RDJ specific search history for a couple of months, and I followed him on twitter and such."

"Do you promise you're telling the truth?"

Sharky laughed, "yeah, of course I do, I promise."

And that's what brought them here. Aj sitting opposite to his boyfriend, Niko holding his hands out to hold Aj's, trying to sell the act as a weird interrogation tactic.

Aj could practically already smell the comments under the video, especially since they had made their relationship public, but hadn't posted a video since then. Still, he made no move to pull his hand away, even after Niko started to stroke his knuckles.

His boyfriend smiled at the open affection and leaned over the table to kiss Aj softly. Sitting back, he grinned smugly into the camera.

"They're not gonna keep that in, you know." Aj rolled his eyes fondly.

"Hah." Niko jokingly levelled a glare at the editors behind the camera. "They will."

He focused back on his boyfriend, "please tell I don't have to compete against Robert Downey Jr."

Aj grinned and paused for dramatic effect. "I'm sorry, love. You do. It all started the day I was introduced to the marvel universe, and then spiralled out of control when I discovered pictures of a young RDJ. Cause lemme tell you," he side glanced at the camera, leaned forward and looked at Niko through his lashes, "damn."

"Yeah, well, for my peace of mind you're lying," Niko huffed.

"I'm not, man made me question my entire sexuality." Aj laughed.

The timer rang out, and Aj stood up to stand back in the line.

"Wait, you promise you're telling the truth, and it's all in the past?" Niko held his hand out. "Yeah, love, I promise I had a crush on him." Aj took his hand and shook it.

"Oh wow," Niko whispered. "Suddenly, I don't feel very secure in my place in this relationship anymore." His friends laughed silently at him while he took a moment to try and guess correctly.

"Okay, I actually have no idea." Niko stood up and walked around the table, "I'm gonna say the person who didn't break his promise-" he turned back to the camera and whispered loudly, "I'm entirely basing this off on hoping my boyfriend doesn't even care about other men, Sharky stole Ken's idea and Chunkz just came prepared with a story- was Kenny!"

He placed his hands on Kenny's shoulders, "brother, did you break your promise?"

Kenny paused for a second before exclaiming, "I didn't!" All of them broke out in cheers and Niko quickly moved over to Aj, holding his face in his hands and grinning widely. "I knew you didn't have crush on RDJ! Never was he the one who made you realise you like dick!"

Aj snorted and pecked Niko's cheek. "Obviously."

He grinned self-satisfied, "it was Don Cheadle."

~the end

[1101 words]

[This took the longest cause I had 0 ideas for a fluffy plot with the prompt broken promise. Wth why do they get so hard Fluffebruary is almost over calm yourself. Also young rdj? Yes. Idec. Pls someone get my peak humor when I picked don cheadle.]
