Julie walked down the stairs and heard her dad singing Finally Free and saw him, Reggie in the kitchen.

"Hands up," Reggie said, raising his hands as Ray continued to sing.

She saw her dad making breakfast and said, "This is new."

"Yeah," her father replied. "I was in the mood for cooking some breakfast."

Reggie giggled. "He thought you were talking to him. Me and your dad are pals now. It's a little one-sided, but it works."

Julie's dad said, "Look, after the talk we had the other night, I was thinking that I may have cost you an opportunity with that manager. So, I was thinking-"

Julie cut her father off. "Dad, no. I should've never snuck out."

"Let the man speak," Reggie argued. "He's been stress eating all week. I don't know where he puts it though. It's like... firm."

Julie's father continued. "I know, but I really want to support your band, so I called in a few favors, and I booked you a local gig."

"Best dad ever!"


Julie's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh. Where? Did you call your buddy from Drakes?"

"Not quite. I called Flynn, and she's gonna help us throw a party. Here. Tonight."

"Oh! So you booked us a gig at our house?"

"Maybe I was early with the "Best Dad Ever" award," Reggie said.

Julie's father continued. "All right. Hear me out. You invite some of your friends over, you play with your band, and I'll get some colleagues to put you on film. That way, you have something professional for your YouTube."

Julie chuckled. "You'd do that for me?"


Reggie grinned. "Back to "best dad ever." I'll go tell the guys. Have a good day at work, Ray. It's cool. You don't have to answer. Just..." He nodded and whooshed away.


Julie walked to her locker and put stuff in. She closed it and saw Luke.

"Hey," Luke greeted.

Julie gasped before saying, "Normal people don't do that. And ghosts definitely shouldn't. What are you doing here?"

Luke smiled. "I have to talk about what song we're gonna play tonight. I was thinking Great."

Students snickered and a girl said, "Hey, Julie. What's up?"

Julie cleared her throat. "Hold up."

Luke frowned. "You're taking a call while we're talking? You know how rude that is?"

"Hey! Thanks for calling. Otherwise people might think I'm talking to myself."

"Right." He nodded. "Nice!"

"No. But, yeah. I think Great is a great choice."

"Sweet. Well, I mean, that's pretty much all I wanted to talk to you about. So..."

Julie frowned a moment. "Oh! Okay."

"Uh, actually, no, there is one more thing that I wanted to talk to you about. It's... Look, I know I'm not the easiest person to work with, but I..." he scratched the back of his head nervously, "I wanted to tell you that I think you make me a better writer."

Julie smiled. "I think we make each other better."

"You know what? Why don't you just ditch school today. Let's go rehearse."

"What? No. No. I promised Dad, school first."

"Right. You went to school first, and now you're leaving to go rehearse. Come on. I can't do this without you."

"I can't. I..." She sighed. "I told Nick I'd be his dance partner."

"Hey, Julie!" Nick called.

"And he's heading this way. Gotta go. Bye." She hung up the fake phone call.


"Well, don't you look sharp," Luke teased.

"You ready for our big performance?"

"Oh yeah," Julie replied. "Yeah. We're gonna do great." She chuckled.

"I'm glad you're confident. Even after three classes, I still think I got worse. It's a good thing I got my secret weapon."

Luke said teasingly, "Uh-oh! I think somebody has a crush on Julie."

"Shut up," Julie told Luke before her eyes widened, realizing Nick couldn't see the ghost. "Um... Shut up!" She chuckled awkwardly.

"No, seriously, Molina," Nick said. "I... I... I'm nothing without you."

"Shh. No. No, you're... You're gonna do fine. See you in there?" She tapped his shoulder with the back of her hand and Luke put on a mocking expression.

"Yeah, I'll be the guy trying not to make us look stupid." He chuckled and walked away as Luke continued mocking him.

Luke made his way back to Julie. "Well, he is just too cute!"

Julie frowned. "Boundaries. I'll see you after school."

As Julie walked away, Luke said, "Guess we'll just have to carry you tonight just like we always do!"

Julie sighed and continued walking away, a smile on her face.

"I know you're smiling!" Luke grinned and danced awkwardly before saying, "Kill it on the dance floor." He danced a little.


In dance class, the coach said, "Boys, I want you to focus and leave it all out on the field."

"You're losing them, Frank," the dance teacher told him.

"No, I got 'em."

"Breathe in... shake out your nerves. Surrender to the music and to your partner. Here we go."

"Uh... I-I don't remember anything about surrendering," Nick said.

"You'll be fine, Luke," Julie reassured.

"It... It's Nick, actually."

"Right! Nick. Sorry. My mind wandered from me, but it wandered back. Let's kill this thing."

The music began playing.

"Five, six, seven, eight," the teacher said.

All was normal for Julie until she turned. Everyone disappeared and a boy stepped from a mirror.

"What?" Julie asked, seeing Luke smiling at her.

The two danced together in her daydream in a perfect harmony.

When the dance finished, Nick said, "Wow. We nailed that. Thanks, partner."

Julie stared at him and said, "I gotta get going." She tucked her hair behind her ear and walked out.


The ghosts sat in the garage on the couch trying to write songs.

Luke said, "Look, we add the echoes in during the chorus, then when Julie comes in with the melody, it's gonna sound perfect."

They heard a thud and saw Willie.

"Again?" Reggie said. "What's that all about?"

"I don't know," Alex replied.

Alex rushed outside and Reggie followed.

"What's your problem?" Alex demanded, confronting Willie. "It's like you're tracking me down just so you can keep running away."

"I wish I could explain, man, but I can't," Willie told him.

"Well, that's not good enough. I mean, you've been acting weird ever since Caleb's club. You know, I thought we were having fun together."

"We never should've met."

"Wow, that hurts."

"Hey, I'm sorry, Alex. I really am. You're a great guy." He sighed. "I gotta go." He whooshed away.


Julie sat in the music room playing Perfect Harmony.

Flynn walked up to her friend. "There you are. I've been looking all over for you. Why'd you run out of dance class so fast?"

"Sorry, I just needed some air," Julie replied. "It was a little intense in there."

"Oh, I noticed. Dancing with the guy you've had a crush on for forever will do that to a girl."

"Yeah. But the whole time we were dancing, I was thinking about Luke."

"Seriously? First of all, called it. Second, I know you always want what you can't have, but Luke is next level."

"Believe me; I know. And now now I think Nick likes me. Nick!"

"He totally does."

"But me and Luke... Something about when we write. We're drawing from the same pain. And he's so-"

"Not real. You can make all the music you want with Luke, but... he'll always be a phantom. So... here's what we're gonna do." She grabbed Julie's phone. "You'll send Nick a little friendly text, asking him to come to the party tonight."

Julie frowned. "Um, I don't use that many smiley faces."

"You do now. I'm not gonna let you get your heart broken. And trust me, tonight you're performing with Luke, so the key is avoiding those big, beautiful, dead... eyes."

"You're very pushy today."

"You're welcome."


The band was practicing. Alex was hitting the drum off rhythm and Reggie looked at Alex with a sour expression, remembering what Willie had said.

"Alex, you all right?" Luke asked, confused by his friends' change in mood.

"Yeah, I'm good," Alex replied. "Why?"

"I know it's tough, man," Reggie said. "People say you never forget your first ghost. Maybe that's true!"

"Yeah, thanks."

"And Alex, you're a great drummer, and a great guy, okay?" Luke told the blond. "I wouldn't let that stuff get in between you and what you love."

"I don't know, man. Sometimes a little fire can make things better on stage," Reggie said with a smile. "Like you and Julie."

Luke frowned. "Um, what is that supposed to mean?"

"Everyone can see the way you look at her when you sing. You guys ooze chemistry."

"You should never say "ooze" again," Alex told the bassist as he stood, "but yeah, I agree."

"Okay, no. I have chemistry with everybody that I sing with," Luke said, causing everyone to look at him. "Seriously, watch. Uh-"

Luke began singing Edge of Great and grabbed Reggie by the back of the neck.

"Wow," Alex commented. "I see chemistry."

"That was pretty hot," Reggie admitted as Luke kissed two fingers and pressed them to Reggie's lips. "Um, girls, am I right?"

"No," Alex said.

"Yeah," Luke stated quietly.
