The boys and Willie and sat at the table as Willie watched them eat food.

"Oh, pizza, man, I missed you!" Luke exclaimed.

"Reggie, are you kissing that meatball sub?" Alex asked.

"It's what you do with the things you love!" Reggie cried.

"I take it you're all enjoying this feast?" Caleb asked as the crowd cheered. "So many delicious sights, so many tantalizing sounds, but your eyes still hunger for more! Something sweet, something savory! How many newcomers do we have in the club tonight?" The boys raised their hands. "Ladies, let's show our guests how we do dessert. A one, two, three, four!" Several dancers and a singer came out as Caleb was scat singing. They broke out into another dance number.

Willie joined as the boys hit Alex's shoulder while he looked at Willie. The boys stood.

"Whoa, catch him!" Luke cried.

Reggie was caught before he could pass out and Alex asked, "You good?"

Reggie and Luke walked off, leaving Alex alone.

Caleb walked up to Alex and said, "Come now. You can't be the only one at the party not dancing."

Alex held a hand up. "No, I... I know. I'm just... I'm looking for Willie." He glanced back.

"Dante, Fuego..." Caleb called, "meet Alex." Dante and Fuego linked arms with Alex. "You're welcome."

"Whoa!" Alex exclaimed before chuckling.

Caleb continued singing. He caught Willie's eye and motioned for him to leave.

Alex noticed Willie and said, "Come over!"

Willie looked at Alex and left to obey Caleb.

Alex was lifted into the air.

Twins came up to Reggie and Luke and started dancing with them.

The clock struck midnight and Caleb said, "Oh! The haunting hour is upon us!"

"Oh-ooh!" the crowd cheered.

Luke's his eyes widened. "Twelve! How... How'd that happen? Dude, dude! Dude, we lost track of time!"

"Not right now, man!" Reggie said as he spun a twin around.

Luke picked him up.

"Hey, what the..." Reggie began.

"We were supposed to be at Julie's school at nine!" Luke reminded him.

Reggie registered his words. "Oh, shoot. That's right. Maybe we can still make it."

"Where's Alex?"

"Up here!" Alex said from the ring above them.

"Alex, we forgot-"

"Julie; I know! This place is -- one sec -- this place is some kind of time warp."

"Poof down here, bro," Luke told him. "We gotta get going."

The three ran to the front and Caleb stopped them.

"What's the rush?" Caleb asked. "The party is just getting started. You have eternity, after all."

"You know that girl that can see us?" Reggie asked. "We sort of bailed on her. See, there's this dance at her school and her friend Flynn is a super cool DJ, like-"

"Okay, I don't think he has an eternity to hear the story," Alex said.

"Basically we're late for a gig," Luke stated.

"But what about my offer?" Caleb asked.

"It's very cool, but like he said, we already have a-"

"A band of your own. I understand. Oh, guys, if you ever want to come back again and fix that little problem with your friend, the Hollywood Ghost Club is always open."

"Yeah, man, we'd love to come back."

"Ah! Music to my ears." He shook their hands and a purple stamp appeared. It disappeared as purple smoke came from the stamp. "Oh, just a little club stamp until next time."

Luke darted off. "Peace."

"See you around," Reggie said with a smile and laughed evilly, getting bumped by Alex. "What? That's what he just did."

"Dude," Alex stated.

Reggie flashed a smile and ran off.

Alex smiled. "Um... Uh, if Willie asks, uh, not that he would but if he does, will you let him know that I was looking for him?" Caleb blinked his answer and nodded slightly. "Thanks." He walked away.

Willie walked up. "Um, Caleb? You never said you were gonna use your stamp. You know what that'll do to them."

"Of course I do, William," Caleb replied. "But they're too powerful. I need them working for me." He spread his hands. "Now they'll have no option but to accept my invitation." He walked down the stairs, placing an arm around Willie's neck as he passed.

Willie turned, realizing what he'd just done.


Julie and Flynn were seated on the floor and were popping balloons with needles.

"I can never show my face at this school again," Julie said.

"That's what we get for depending on boys," Flynn replied.

"I don't know if I should be mad or worried. They're ghosts. I'm not sure what kind of trouble they can get into."

"Let's get some ice cream from the cafeteria," Flynn suggested. "Fools gave me the keys." She stood. "We can crash at my place and forget about this whole nightmare."

Julie said, "Get me two of everything."

Flynn walked away to get the ice cream.

The ghosts made their way to Julie's school and Reggie said, "Julie, we are ready to rock this dance, which is clearly over."

Alex patted his bandmates on the shoulder as they looked at Julie.

"Look, we are so sorry that we bailed on you," Luke said.

Alex nodded. "Yeah. I mean, the night really got away from us."

"And the twins," Reggie added, earning a look from Luke and Alex.

"Julie, we're so sorry," Alex apologized.

Julie looked between them. "Just please tell me it had nothing to do with getting back at Carrie's dad."

"Pfft," Luke spat.

"No... Why would we do that?" Reggie asked.

"Us?" Alex said, also shaking his head.

"Seriously? You're lying to me?"

"Okay, look, it was something we needed to do."

"But we'll do whatever it takes," Luke reassured. "Well, the next school-"

"What?" Julie interrupted. "Another dance where you can bail on us and make us look like fools? Save it! You know what really sucks? Our songs were good and all three of you knew what I've been through and how tough it's been for me to play and then you do this? Bands don't do that to each other! Friends don't do that to each other! This was a mistake."

Luke frowned. "You mean the school dance, right?"

"No. I mean joining a band with you guys." She ran out the gym doors.

"Julie! Julie!"

"Well if Julie's not in the band, then-" Reggie began.

"There is no band," Luke finished as the three felt a jolt.

The ghosts groaned and gasped.

"What was that?" Alex wondered.

"It felt like we were dying all over again," Reggie said.

"How can we die if we're already dead?" Luke asked.


Cameron scanned the kitchen with her iPad and looked at the screen. "Where are you guys? Come on, give me and Carlos something. Please?"

Unbeknownst to her, the ghosts were sitting in another room in the house.
