Luke threw a dart and said angrily, "Unbelievable. Okay, he can take all the credit and he doesn't even mention us?"

"And he's rich," Julie added. "He has his own helicopter."

Alex stood. "He has a - he has a helicopter?"

"Yeah, with his face on it."

Reggie laughed. "He parks it in front of that hotel?"

"No, that's his mansion."


Alex turned to Luke. "We live in a garage."

"It's not about the money!" Luke cried. "It's about the music!"

Reggie turned to him. "It's a little about the money."

"A little bit," Alex added in a high-pitched voice. "We could have shared it with our families!"

"Maybe my house wouldn't have been a bike shack! I could have been in a mansion on the beach!"

"What he did is steal our legacy!" Luke cried as he stepped closer to Julie. "Where does he live?"

"Above the beach in Malibu," Julie replied.

"Let's go teach him a lesson," Reggie decided and the other two ghosts nodded.

"What? Wait, guys! We have to rehearse for the dance! It's our first gig!"

The ghosts disappeared.

Julie let out a sigh.

"Okay, boys!" Flynn exclaimed as she entered. "Break time's over, okay? Get to playing. Mama needs her eye candy."

"They're gone," Julie said. "Pretty sure I just unleashed three angry ghosts on the world. But I think I know where they're going. Come on."

Flynn bit into her apple and the girls left the studio.


The three ghosts stood in front of Bobby's, Trevor's, house. They entered and looked through photos and records.

"Bobby's house is ridiculous!" Alex exclaimed. "Have you seen these platinum records?!"

"Platinum?" Reggie repeated.

"He recorded My Name is Luke!" Luke cried. "My name is Luke!"

Reggie noticed a man in black enter and yelled, "It's him!"

"Hey, Carrie!" Trevor called. "I'm gonna meditate!"

"He wears sunglasses indoors?" Reggie asked.

"I'm in the den!" a female voice answered.

"Cool!" Trevor replied.

"I can't stand him," Reggie muttered.

"Time for his past to haunt him," Luke decided.

"Wait!" Alex called, causing the others to stop. "Let's not rush this. You know it's my first time haunting someone. I wanna make it special."

The two looked at him a moment before Luke said, "Okay, Alex."

Reggie sighed and continued up the stairs with Luke.

"That was weird. Okay," Alex muttered before following his bandmates.


Flynn and Julie, after hopping the fence, rang the bell of the Wilson home and were greeted by Carrie.

"Hey," the duo said in unison.

"What are you doing here?" Carrie asked as she crossed her arms.

"Teamwork!" Julie replied with a chuckle and held up her hands. "Do you have a Band-Aid? The barbed wire's new."

Carrie put a hand on her hip. "What do you want?"

"Uh... Just thought you should know that Julie's band is playing at the dance tonight," Flynn said.

"Now you know," Julie stated.

Carrie frowned. "You guys are acting weirder than usual."

"Probably because we're thirsty. Can we come in for a glass of water?"

"Ugh!" She rolled her eyes. "Fine! If it'll make you leave faster. Don't break anything."

The two entered the house and looked around quietly, looking for the three ghosts.

"Where are you?" Julie wondered.

"I'm... I'm right here," a male answered. The girls turned to see Nick, who was sitting on the couch.

"Nick!" Julie cried. "Flynn, it's Nick. Nickster, Nicky-poo, Nick-a-licious. Make it stop."

Flynn said, "Hey! Glad you're here, Nicky-poo." Julie shot her friend a dirty look. "We wanted to tell you that the girl's band is playing at the dance."

"Oh, yeah," Nick replied. "No, I... I saw your post."

"These girls bothering you, babe?" Carrie asked as she returned with two glasses of water.

"No, just telling us about the dance tonight."

"Right!" She sat next to Nick. "Julie and her hologram band are playing. How'd you learn how to do all that hologram stuff anyway?"

"The Internet. It's not just full of makeup tips," Julie told her sarcastically.

"Uh... What do... What do you say, babe?" Nick asked Carrie as he put an arm around her shoulders.

"Sure. Let's check out the hologram show," Carrie agreed.

"Great. Uh... I'll make sure all my buddies are there."

"Ooh! How exciting! That's a lot of people staring at you." She laughed. "You girls remember where the door is, right?"

"Yeah," Julie said, purposefully spilling water from her glass. "Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry." Flynn spilled her water as well. "No, no, no, no. I know where the towels are. I'll get it."

Flynn spilled her water. "Here I go." She chuckled. "Oh my gosh. Can you imagine if this was cranberry juice? I don't know about you, but I've been a klutz my entire life."

While Flynn continued to distract Carrie and Nick, Julie went to find the ghosts.

"Guys, for your sake, you better not be up here!" Julie whisper-hissed as she climbed the stairs.


Trevor was meditating in his room. "Ohm!"

Luke wet willied him. One of the boys blew out the candles in front of him.

Reggie and Alex began playing rock songs on a record player. Trevor stood to turn it off, but it was turned on again. He pulled the plug while Luke was in the bathroom turning the water on.

"Carrie?" Trevor called.

Trevor walked out as one of the boys wrote 'hello bobby' on the mirror and curved the y so it looked like the Sunset Curve logo.

Luke quickly ran out and Alex held the door shut. A thud sounded as Trevor kept hitting his head.

Alex held the door closed and Trevor kept trying to open it. Luke and Reggie laughed.

"I got it," Trevor said. "Let... me... out!"

Alex let the door go and Trevor stood with his legs wide to regain his balance.

"Shh, shh, shh," Alex told his bandmates.

"Hoo!" Reggie cheered and the ghosts high-fived as Trevor ran out.

Trevor ran down the stairs as he said, "No, no, no, no, no, no... Trevor, nothing Dr. Crystal can't handle. I'm gonna see my therapist, okay? Okay." A helicopter engine whirred.

Carrie placed her hand over her eyes and muttered, "Oh my God."

Helicopter blades whirred.

The ghosts teleported outside where the pool was and heard a helicopter pass by, causing them to look up.

"Ooh! Quick, let's moon him before he gets too far away," Reggie said.

"He can't see us," Alex reminded Reggie.

"Oh, it's not for him, bro," Luke said. "It's for us."

The ghosts pulled down their pants and stuck their butts in the air as Reggie glanced back and cried, "Whew! Take that, Bobby!"


Julie pointed outside, seeing the ghosts, and Flynn said, "What is a raccoon doing in my backyard? You guys want to..." Flynn sat between Carrie and Nick, "see a photo of that?"

"Oh!" Julie mumbled.

Flynn chuckled. "It's just so cute! Look at it." She showed them the photo.


Julie briskly made her way to them.

"So, did you guys have fun in there?" Julie asked.

"Okay, you'd do the same exact thing if he stole all your songs," Luke told her.

"But you have new songs. With me. The best way to get back at Trevor is for this band to do great. And to do great, we have to play at dances, then clubs."

"And tours. I know."

"I'll see you guys at the school. We go on at nine. Please don't be late. There's gonna be a lot of people there."

"We got it!" Alex said. "All right, don't worry."

Julie sighed and walked away.

"I don't care what Julie says," Reggie told the others. "I'm glad we scared Bobby. We should have done more like write "thief" on his forehead."

Luke turned to the blond boy. "Alex, how'd you shut that door? You could barely open the garage door."

"You learned that from your new friend Willie, didn't ya?" Reggie asked, crossing his arms.

"He taught me some things," Alex replied. "We screamed in a museum. It's a long story."

"You think he still has a few tricks up his sleeve?" Luke asked.

"Let's find out."


The three made their way to the park.

Willie skated up to them and smiled. "Hey! What's up, man? You brought friends."

Alex returned Willie's smile. "Oh, yeah. These are my bandmates Luke and Reggie."

"Cool. I'm Willie. So -- you guys here to learn some tricks?" He pointed to a squad car and the lights and sirens went off.

"Do it again! Do it again!" Reggie cried.

"Actually, we were thinking a bit bigger," Luke told him. "An old bandmate stole our songs. We wanna confront him face to face."

"All right, is this old friend a lifer?" Reggie frowned in confusion.

"Oh, that's fancy ghost lingo for the living," Alex explained, causing the others to nod. "Little something I picked up."

"Ahh! Then, yeah! He's a lifer," Reggie replied, crossing his arms. "Too much of a fancy pants for street dogs."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Speaking to lifers is even out of my league," Willie told them, causing them to sigh. "You know, but there is one ghost who may be able to help you guys. He's kind of a big deal."

"Literally, anything would help," Luke said as he stepped forward.

"Oh, all right. Well, um, I gotta go take care of some things, but I'll meet you where Alex and I met, eight o'clock." The others nodded. "See ya." He skated away.

The boys blipped away.


Julie walked into the gym where the dance was held to see it crowded with students.

Flynn was on stage behind the DJ booth and her friend waved.

"How are you feeling?" Flynn asked.

"A little nervous," Julie admitted.

"You'll be fine. All your gear's backstage. Come on."

Julie made her way backstage and met with her friend. She'd brought a hologram machine to make the ghosts appearance and disappearance more believable.

"Oh my gosh! You look amazing!" Flynn exclaimed, hugging her.

"Thanks!" Julie replied. "It's my mom's. I finally went through her stuff."

"She would've loved that you wore that." She looked around. "Are the guys here?"

"No, but they will be. They know how important this is to me."


The three walked into a club.

"Whoa," Luke commented. "So this is where your hotshot ghost lives, huh?" Willie nodded.

"Yeah, we've walked past this hotel like, a million times," Alex said. "How come we've never heard of it?"

"That's because this area has been sealed off for decades," Willie explained. "I mean, you wouldn't even know this place exists unless you were invited. All right, I gotta go make sure everything's cool, but I'll be right back."

Reggie turned to 'The Hollywood Ghost Club Members Only' sign next to his head.

The three walked to a railing and leaned over it as Reggie said, "Hollywood Ghost Club? This place is creepy."

"Yeah, well, so are we," Alex replied.


Willie paced nervously as he awaited someone's arrival. "Just ask him..." He cleared his throat and rubbed his hands together.

Caleb walked halfway down a set of stairs, holding a mug of tea.

Willie stood still, smiled, and clasped his hands before saying, "Oh hey, um... Caleb, I brought those ghosts I met? Um, it's... It's still cool they're here, right?"

Caleb stirred his tea as he answered, "Of course, William. I even reserved a special table for them." He sipped his tea.

Willie spread his hands and smiled. "Whoa!" He chuckled. "All right! Um... thank you."

"No, no. Thank you." He gave a nod and Willie chuckled again.

Willie started off in one direction, stopped, and pointed the other way. "This way." He left.

Caleb let out an evil laugh and walked up the stairs.
