The truth

The most beautiful people we have known

are those who have known defeat,

known suffering, known struggle, known loss,

and have found their way out of the depths.

 These people have an appreciation,

sensitivity, and an understanding of life

that fills them with compassion,

 gentleness, and a deep loving concern.

Beautiful people do not just happen...


Harpers Pov

"Mum?" My voice shook as the world around me collapsed with a single word.
The familiar stranger looked at me, her big hazel eyes inspecting my every move as I stood there.
Still, in the doorway, my body refused to move.
A tall tanned male stood behind my mother's small pale body.
He had bright piercing blue eyes and the thin lines that represented his lips curved into a saddening smile.
His big muscular arms wrapped tightly around her waist securing her in place.
"I'm sorry who are you?" Her soft voice echoed through the kitchen and my heart dropped.
"I'm Harper..." I whisper quietly, gazing into her eyes.
"What?" She asks again adding insult to injury as her eyes held a confused gaze.
"I'm Harper" I choke out and her eyes widened.
Tears brimmed as her pupils dilated and flooded with regret and sorrow.
"H-harper Reed? " She steps forwards and I flinch away.
"You know who I am! You know!"
"Harper...I-"I cut her off.
"Y-your supposed to be dead," I say more to myself.
"Harper I can explain" She pleads her eyes turning darker.
"You're supposed to be dead!" I yell louder backing away.
"Harper please-" I shake my head and my back touched a hard wall.
"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD" I scream again, this time to her.
Suddenly, a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I snap.
"GET OFF ME NOW! GET OFF GET OFF GET OFF" I yell, my voice cracking as I flail in the man's strong grip.
"HARPER LISTEN TO ME!" My mother pleads again but I suddenly stop and glare at her.
"No. YOU ARE DEAD! GONE! I SAW YOU GET SHOT! I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES! YOU DIED IN MY ARMS WHEN I WAS EIGHT!" Tears brimmed in my eyes as I convince myself it's all a dream.
A nightmare that will join the rest in the never ending tortures of the night.
"I went to your funeral...Saw you get buried six feet under...saw my father break down even more than he already had...saw my only source of happiness die as that bullet tore through your body. YOU! ARE! DEAD!" By now I was sobbing and the strong arms that held me tightened their hold around me.
"Isabella, what going on here?" Heyden's voice echoed around the silent room.
Connecting the dots, I realize its Heyden holding me in his tight grip.
Instantly I twist around and pull myself closer to him.
"Isabella..." The man holding my mother spoke up "Why is that girl calling you her mum?" His voice was surprisingly calm but gravely.
"I think you know why..." Her voice was a whisper and made me feel sick to her stomach.
"So now you can't even call me your daughter" I whimper holding back a fresh wave of salty tears.
Silence fell upon the room.
My unsteady breaths the only thing filling the silence and my mother's sniffles.
We stay like this for a while until I couldn't stand being in that room with her any longer.
Pushing away from Hayden's embrace, aware of everyone's gaze boring into my back, I quietly stumble towards the stairs.
Heyden doesn't follow which hurt me a little.

I slam the door shut, the loud bang echoing throughout the house shaking the pictures that hung on the walls.
Their happiness froze in one image and would most likely be washed away and forgotten if not on that inked piece of paper.
Glancing around the room, I launch myself onto Heyden's bed.
My body sunk into the soft covers as I curled up under them and clung to one of the pillows.
My legs wrapped around the soft lump of feathers as I gripped onto it like my life depended on it.
Memories taunted my head and danced around my brain sending into a worse dazed and confused state.
My eyes began to be fogged up by the dark smoke of unconsciousness and the screaming voices overpowered everything.
Then I hear my mother scream and I back home.
My mum and dad are fighting again.
I'm sat alone again.
I'm wide awake again.
I'm forced to listen to their petty arguments...Again...

Shaking my head I force myself to sleep.
Letting the dark fog overpower everything as I lay still.

*** T I M E  S K I P ***

I feel a set of warm arms wrap themselves around me.
I kee my eyes closed pretending to still be sleeping.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you Harper" His voice was soft. Sad.
I feel his fingers brush my skin, sending electric bolts through my body as he brushed they stray strands of hair from my face.
"You have gone through so much shit you didn't deserve" He mumbled to himself but his body suddenly tensed.
He shuffled away a little and gently pushed my sleeve off my shoulder.
He traced one of my worst scars and growls deeply.
I pretend to wake up at this point.
My eyes fluttered open slightly as I looked around the room yawning.
But, when our eyes connected I could tell he knew I was awake.
His eyes pleaded for me to tell him.
Not just this but every torturous thing that has happened in this sick twisted thing called my life.
 "Later" I mutter simply and he nods a little.
He shuffles back over and wraps his arms around me again.
My head rested on his muscular chest as he played with the ends of my hair that reached the end of my back.
He began humming quietly, his chest vibrating as he kissed my head every once and a while ( them above)
His bright playful eyes were slowly closing as he smiled at something as if remembering something that made him happy.

And for once the darkness was not a never ending pit of depression.
No longer meant death and pain...
But comfort and peace.
I welcomed it happily as I heard Heyden's humming grow further and further as I slipped into a deep slumber.
A peaceful, deep slumber.
As I drifted further and further, just as I fell into a pit of black three words stuck in my head.

I love you


Another chapter done son!

How was your valentines day guys? Do anything?

I was alone again but there is nothing wrong with that I guess!


These chapters are NOT EDITED SO STOP JUDGING! 

I work alone o these books and try my best so please be nice about the spelling mistakes rather than messaging me about it.






-T xox
