I adore you

Dedicated to xmoonlightmiax because they have been awesome and always vote. So thank you! Xx 


Dear Life...

I have a complete grasp on the fact

that you are not fair...

So please quit teaching 

me that lesson.

I already know everything about it.


Harper's Pov


But yet all of them seemed to merge and form into one feeling no matter how hard I tried to decipher them.


"Harper?" A soft voice at the door pulled me from my thoughts.
"I'm here," I mumble still laid on my side staring at the wall.
Currently, I was hiding in my bed with one of Hayden's oversized jumpers clinging to my distressed frame tossing and turning trying... Trying so hard to understand everything that was going on in my life.

A sudden warmth curled up behind me as two strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into a strong chest. Hayden nuzzled into my neck letting out a small sigh as we stayed in silence waiting for each other to speak...

But what was to say?

I'm sorry, your mother left you?
I'm sorry, you were abandoned by your family?
I'm sorry, your father abused you?
I'm sorry, your dreams were haunted by the fake image of you mother being shot?
I'm sorry, your feeling betrayed, alone, lost, abandoned, confused, distressed...?

So we just laid there in silence. I rolled over so I was able to snuggle into his chest and let the tears of emotion fall from my tired and dreary eyes. He just stayed by my side hugging me a little bit tighter and occasionally kissing me head soothing me.

After a while, I calmed down and his large hand cupped my small face. Using his thumb to wipe away the remaining tears he lifted my chin and smiled weakly at me. Letting out a small giggle I wipe my nose with the sleeve the hoodie as there were no tissues near me and honestly, I didn't want to move from his embrace.

"I'm sorry I'm being pathetic..." I mumble earning a small sigh from him.
"Harper you are not being pathetic...Now I'm warning you in advance it's about to get all lovey Dovey," He chuckles making me smiles a little more.
"You are the most amazing, gorgeous, beautiful woman I have ever met and I feel blessed to have you as my mate. Your bright, brave, strong, remarkable, selfless, caring and trust me I could go on. I will never be leaving your side. Ever. Because you know what?" He looks down at me his bright brown eyes filled with nothing but love.

"What?" I question my voice slightly deeper that it was.

"I fall more and more in love with you every single day. And this is never going to change because you are my image of perfection. Your voice is my favorite sound, your name is my favorite word, your eyes are my favorite colour and you are my favorite sight. My life has never been the same since I met you and I couldn't be happier that you marched in here and changed it," He finished a bright cheesy smile on his face.

"You tried really hard with that didn't you?" I giggle earning a sheepish nod.
"Yeah most of it probably didn't make any sense but the point is that-" He began to ramble and I cut him off with my lips on his.

His eyes widened before they closed and he cupped both my cheeks. His soft pink lips pressed against mine as I felt them turn upwards and he smiled into the kiss. A small blush dusted my cheeks as we pulled away breathing heavily.

"I should ramble more often," He chuckles as I lightly hit his chest before shaking my head.
He laid further down and I rested my head back on his chest letting out a small sigh of content.
"You know I will never get bored of this," I smile at him hearing those words leaving his smirking lips.
"I'm glad because I like cuddling," I mutter snuggling further into his chest earning another small laugh.

Silence settled over us again but this time it was comfortable. I gazed up at his gorgeous eyes as he looked down at mine. All emotions racing through them as our hearts raced and our skin tingled from the comfort of our mate.

"You are so beautiful," He muttered pushing a stray strand from my eyes.
"Stooop," I whine hiding my dark blush by hiding my face in his chest again.
"And cute," He adds wrapping his arms back around my waist.
"You really are an idiot," I mutter being muffled by his shirt.
"Hey, at least I'm a sexy idiot," At this, I giggle earning a smile from him as our eyes met again.

We both let out content sighs.
"If we ever have pups I hope they have your eyes," He says breaking the silence.
"And your strength," I add tilting my head to face him.
"And your smartness," He states making a short laugh slip my lips.
"Smartness?" I bite my lip trying to stop myself from laughing.
"See what I mean?" He groans his head flopping further back.

"I hope they have your bravery," A small smile played on his lips as he said that.
"I'm not brave," I shake my head breaking eye contact.
"You don't believe you are. But you actually are extremely brave," He kissed my head lightly.

"Okay okay enough with the Lovey-dovey stuff now," I yawn stretching my arms and legs.
"Awww," A childish pout replaced his signature smirk.
"If you are complimented too much your head will get even bigger," I laugh earning a shocked gasp.

"That's it,"

In a matter of seconds, he was hovering over me his fingers were digging into my sides making me squeal.
"Stop! S-stop it," I yelp between breaths tear forming in my eyes as laughter shook my body.
He continued to tickle me a triumphant smile gracing his lips.
"M-merc-y," I squeal as he finally gives in.

I was panting trying to catch my breath as he brushed my stay hair from my face again. His eyes sparkled I the light as he gazed down at me still smiling like an idiot.
"What? Have I got something on my face?" I begin rubbing my face with my hands before he gently grabs them shaking his head.
"No you haven't got something on your face," He smiles brushing my cheek with his thumb.

We stayed in that position just peering into each other's eyes like love struck teenagers. Which in a way we were I suppose. Then after a while, he broke the forever settling silence.

"I adore you," He finally speaks as a wide smile places itself on my lips.

"I adore you too,"


SO its been like almost a month...


I have had some...Issues lately but it's slowly subsiding and I'm glad its leaving.

Also this chapter is a little cuter than the others. 

I think we all needed a break from the drama and the romance between Heyden and Harper is beginning to blossom faster than before!

I hope you enjoyed it anyways!

DOnt forget to vote!!!!

-T xox
