17 years ago



Yea of course , i don't want to go with some violent alcoholic and drug addict freak.

I'm not planning to leave yamaguchi behind.

I must tell him something very important.

Which my heart yearns for.

" If we don't leave , your uncle will be imprison and we will not be able to survive " Aunt's voice is shaky , i know she's scared and of course tired from the beating she got.

That demon... he shows no mercy when drunk and high he killed an innocent child in the park and now cops are looking for him and sentenced him of imprisonment for the rest of his life.

This family--- no this group of people can't live without his money.

Everything is on their places , our luggage is ready , fake passports , and for disguise.

It was just me who's not ready.

" you can go without me " i said.

" no! No , don't say that you will come with us okay? Honey do something "  my aunt begged.

My uncle came closer to me.


He punched me in my stomach which made me fell on the ground.

My stomach is burning hot , i can't breath properly , i can taste a bitter liquid in my throat.

The world around me became blank.

I was woken up by the voices of two people shouting to each other.

I was sleeping on the floor with no blanket.

" What should we do?! Cops already know we left the country! " his aunt said loudly.

Left... the country?...

I looked around and everything was new to my eyes.


My vision became blurry as tears flowed in my eyes.

" SHUT UP YOU GODDAMM WOMAN! " his uncle yelled to his wife and slapped her.

Tsukki saw that his Aunt's nose are already bleeding.

Please tell me when will this end...

Tsukki grab his knees and hugs it , he felt empty inside.

Tsukki lift up his head and look around , looking for a telephone or phone.

He saw one in the corner of the room.

He tried to remember the yamaguchi's landline number but failed.

Then he saw a piece of paper attached to the telephone.

In case of emergency dial: 911

A hope sparks in his heart , a hope to end this hell.

" I - I'm sorry... " his aunt started sobbing.

" Fuck! I need drug " his uncle pulls out a sachet of drug but before he can even use it , cop's siren echoed in the street.

" cops are coming... they already know where we are... i can't let myself  to be imprisoned " his aunt was shaking , she was afraid and she's losing her mind.

She ran to the kitchen and look for a knife then she stabbed herself right through her stomach.

She pulls out the knife and stab her stomach again and again.

Blood flowed over her stomach while some came out from her mouth.

Her insides were coming out.

" Aunt... " tsukki weakly  called for his aunt.

His aunt looked at him.

' sorry ' she mouthed to him with a smile , it's not even regret it's like a smile of freedom.

" YOU FUCKING BASTARD! " his uncle march towards him and ready to punch the fuck out of his life.


A cop  manage to shoot his uncle's arm.

They arrested him and found his Aunt's dead body.

Tsukki was sent in to an orphanage after the incident then a wealthy family adopted him.

They taught tsukki foreign language and gave him everything he needs.

But all he need was yamaguchi tadashi.


Present time

Tsukki was sipping his coffee.

He needs to calm himself , after what happened inside yamaguchi's room tsukishima's heart was beating fast.

Even though he knew that it wasn't the yamaguchi he knew , he wouldn't let that be on his way to claim yamaguchi's lips.

But he needs to collect himself and focus on his duty.

Yamaguchi was staring blankly at nothing.

Replaying everything what just have happened earlier.

I can't... my demon is way more powerful than me.

" didn't you say you want him to suffer too? "

This voice , my demon was talking to me.

" I don't want him to suffer " i said.

" but he made you like this , aren't he the reason why i existed in your world? "

Once again , this demon embrace me.

It made myself sleep in deep slumber and take over my body.

" i will never forgive tsukki  "











☆ ☆ ☆

*sighs *facepalms  *bangs head on the table

This is how i celebrate after taking my exams

Anyways, hope you are all doing fine ♡
