Story#5 (part two) Bully Trouble and Big Sisters continued

Both Grassy and Basketball made it back upstairs with the food that they made and the torn Teddy Bear. Basketball looked over the toy and assessed the damage.

"Can you fix it?", Grassy asked.

"I can and he will be as good as new.", she replied with a smile.

Being a big sister again, Basketball sowed the toy back up again. It was a challenge as she had no hands but had to use her feet instead. But, if she could teach herself how to write and hold objects with her feet, then she could teach herself how to sow with her feet as well.


A while later, the Teddy Bear was all stitched up and completely sturdy. It was given back to Grassy, who hugged the toy and cuddled with it within his blanket that was wrapped around him.

Basketball smiled. Seeing Grassy happy made her happy, too.

"Thank you, Basketball, you are a good sister.", he said, gratefully.

Basketball smiled even bigger. "Of course, Grassy, now just go and rest on the bed, you been through a lot today.", she said. Grassy nodded and climbed onto his bed, sucking on his pacifier.

Soon, Snowball entered the room. He was accompanied by Eraser and Pen. He looked sad and defeated.

Basketball, on instinct, rushed up and placed herself in front of Grassy. Grassy hid under his blanket, holding onto his Teddy Bear, as if it were the last lifeboat on the Titanic, and sucking on his pacifier very fast.

Snowball sighed deeply. "I just came here to say I regret what I had done and Grassy is not a baby and I will leave him alone and I regret punching you and hurting you guys.", said Snowball before walking off.

Eraser and Pen looked at the adopted siblings.

"That's his way of saying that he is sorry.", said Eraser. Pen looked over and saw Grassy peeking out from under the blanket, pacifier still in his mouth.

"Aww, don't worry, Grassy, I won't let anything bad happen to you again.", Pen said in sympathy. Truth be told, Pen had a soft spot when it came to young kids, especially Grassy.

Basketball nodded. "Thank you for coming by, we just need some time alone right now."

"We understand, have a nice day, you two.", Eraser said as he and Pen left.

Wow, what a day! It just goes to show that even the most mundane events can be quite an adventure.
