Story#4 Age Regression and Secrets

Author's Note: Mentions of Age Regression episodes and using diapers. Please read with consideration of this fact. Now, enjoy the chapter!

After the events of his nightmare, Basketball and Grassy have both fallen into a routine of sleeping together in the same bed or sleeping with walkie-talkies on their beds even though they were near each other. (If you ever been in a hotel, you would know how close the beds are and were.) The night light would always be on every single night and it helped Grassy a lot.

However, unknown to Basketball, Grassy had a secret. He thought it was a terrible secret and he didn't know how Basketball would react if she found out, so he said nothing.

But, little did he know, his secret would come out sooner than he would ever expect.


One day, not long after the nightmare fiasco, Basketball went downstairs to the lobby to hang out with the other contestants and chit chat. It would always feel so good to hang out as friends, rather than competing against each other with the stress of the competition weighing them down. As Basketball did so, Grassy stayed in their room, saying that he wanted some "me time". Basketball understood and left without question. But, there was a reason why he truly wanted to be alone.

His secret.

What was his secret? Simple: He would act younger due to his Age Regression episodes.

The truth was, Grassy was still a kid, true, but, due to not being mature enough to truly handle stressful situations such as the competition, the nightmares, and the sicknesses, he couldn't just go through those horrible and/or stressful times without consequences to his mind.

That's where his Age Regression episodes would kick in.

Grassy knew what was going on with him and knew it was not normal. But, he couldn't stop it. During the episode's he had, he would lay down in his bed, read baby books, watch preschool shows, hug plush toys, suck on a pacifier, shake baby rattles, drink out of baby bottles, and in some extreme cases, he would wear diapers.

Unfortunately for Grassy, he was experiencing an extreme episode on this particular day.

Grassy had no choice but to regress. He brought out his toys, his DVDs of his favorite preschool shows, baby bottles and rattles, baby books, and his favorite pacifier.

Grassy looked and saw a package of diapers that he hid under his bed. He guiltily looked at the package, but knowing that this was a desperate measure, he knew he had no choice. He placed a diaper on himself.

Later, as Grassy watched his one of his DVDs and sucked on his pacifier, he suddenly stopped in fear as he realized... he had an "accident".

"Oh, no. What do Grassy do?!", Grassy said out loud.

Then, just when things could not seem to get any worse, Basketball opened the door and walked in on Grassy... surrounded by his baby toys and objects and with a wet diaper.

"Uh-oh!", Grassy said, in shock.

But, Basketball looked at Grassy and at everything else. She looked... compassionate... and... sympathetic. She looked at Grassy and realized instantly what was happening.

"Here, let me take care of you, you need your big sister more than ever.", she said in a very kind and gentle manner.

Basketball got to work. She placed Grassy's toys and objects and books on the shelf, placed the DVDs on the TV stand, filled up a baby bottle with some warm milk, and changed Grassy's diaper. She did it all with gentle care.

Then, Basketball sat on the bed with Grassy on her lap and began to feed him. Grassy drank the milk and enjoyed it. After he was done, Basketball held him up and burped him. "Excuse me.", he said. Basketball giggled and set him down gently on the bed.

Now, it was time to talk.

"Grassy, how old are you feeling?", she asked. Grassy felt embarrassed. Even though Basketball was kind and compassionate towards him and helping him through his episode, he could not help but feel, embarrassed by the whole deal. Grassy shook and started to get a bit choked-up. But, he managed to keep his tears in as he held up a single finger to indicate that he felt like he was a single year old.

"Aww, Grassy, why would you hide this from me? There is NOTHING to be embarrassed about! You have been going through so much and you are still just a kid! It may be weird to many people but it is NOT weird to me! If you are going through this then I will take care of you non stop until you feel your true age again. I love you, Grassy, and never feel embarrassed about talking to me about anything.", she said in a rousing speech.

Grassy looked up at her and hugged her deeply. "Thank you.", he said in a very high pitched but cute voice, like a baby's voice.

"Of course, Grassy. I am here. I will always be right here.", she replied as she hugged him back.
