Story#2 Sick Day

Basketball woke up. She looked over to Grassy. He did not look well at all. His face was very pale, he was drenched in sweat, and was shaking like a leaf. Basketball walked over and placed her foot- as she had no hands- on his forehead and gasped.

Grassy had a fever.

Grassy woke up and moaned. "Hey, Basketball.", he said in a hoarse voice. Basketball frowned. "Hey, Grassy, you don't look well.", she replied. Grassy nodded and coughed. "Grassy is sick, please help me.", he said, hoarse.

Basketball wasted no time. She went downstairs where she saw some other contestants chilling in the lobby. Two was there talking with Pin and Coiny. Basketball paid no mind to them as she went into he kitchen and made some soup. The soup grabbed the attention of Pin and she went to where Basketball was cooking.

"Hey, how is it going?", she asked in her normal staccato voice. "Hey, Pin, I am not doing so well, Grassy is sick with a fever and I am trying to help him.", Pin frowned. "I am sorry to hear that.", she replied. There was a pause. "Is there something I can do?", Pin asked. Basketball shook her head. "I am afraid not but thank you anyway.", Basketball replied with a knowing smile. Pin also smiled. "OK, but my offer to help still stands if you change your mind.", she said.

Alone again, Basketball walked back to her room, carrying the soup.

Grassy was in the room. He sneezed loudly and was surrounded by used tissues. He coughed and shivered as a blanket was wrapped him. Basketball entered the room and was in shock at what she saw.

"Oh, Grassy, are you OK?" Grassy looked and saw Basketball with the soup on her head. "Yeah. I am OK.", he said with a forced smile.  He sneezed loudly. Snot shot out everywhere. Grassy blushed in embarrassment. Basketball gently set the soup down and ran towards Grassy. Acting like a sister again, she cleaned up the snot, and held a tissue to his nose. Grassy blew his nose loudly. "Thank you, Basketball.", he said. Grassy was so thankful that Basketball was there for him.

Basketball grabbed the soup and fed it to Grassy. Grassy drank the soup in big, noisy gulps. The soup ran down his cheeks as he drooled. Basketball wiped his face off after he was done.

Grassy laid back in bed. Basketball walked into the bathroom and grabbed a thermometer. She went back to Grassy and placed it under the tongue. Unfortunately, the results were terrible. 101 degrees. Basketball simply frowned and gave Grassy a big hug.

"I will take care of you, Grassy. Everything you need, I will bring it to you."

Basketball looked after Grassy the entire day. She brought him food to eat, gave him medicine, escorted him to the bathroom, gave him more tissues, and brought him water to drink to keep him hydrated.

Come dinner time, Basketball simply came down from her room, grabbed food for the both of them, then went back to her room where Grassy was waiting. They both ate their food together. Basketball knew that Grassy was not happy. To cheer him up, Basketball turned on the TV in the room and placed it on a cartoon channel. He looked at Basketball and gave her a hug. "Thank you, big sister, you were a big help today.", he said as he let go. Basketball smiled. "You are my little brother, Grassy, I will always be here for you.", she replied.

For the rest of the night, they rested on the bed, eating and enjoying the cartoons.

