Joker and clown were sitting in a place where nobody exists.It was a kind of building but half built.
Both were playing with the cards.
Joker," My dear boy.... Your skills with the cards surprise me. But you have to learn more when you face HIM".
Clown," yes sir.... I am waiting to play with him as I did in the Arkham"
" We are having some works to do before that."
Clown yelled at him" What is there to fight that masked man."
Joker said, " I have been watching him since I was aware who was me."
" What is the difference between you and me? Both wear makeup to scare people and crack terrible jokes."
" Because I'm the Joker... I know What to do with this man"
Dr.Jonathan crane was having a cup of tea in his room. That room was kind of creepy as all the rooms in the Arkham are not good.An officer entered his room then,with a guy. That guy was not dressed neat. He was covering his left side face, leaving tears from the right eye. Dr.Jonathan took his specs and wore it,looked at the officer.
" Who is he?"
" A new guy, he is in depression.want some counseling.I brought him here."
" Leave him here and thank you"
The officer left the room.
Dr.Jonathan looked at that guy for sometime.
" I know you .... you are Harvey dent... once an upstanding Gotham city district attorney, is now..."
He uncovered the cloth which Harvey Dent was wearing. The left side was completely burned. The skeleton pierced and was visible awkwardly..
Dr. Jonathan talked," could you tell me who did this to you..."
He was silent..., then he stared at him, meaningfully...
Then he slowly said," A local mob ruined my face with acid."
" That was pity... I'm so sorry... Mr.Harvey. Do you feel sad for this?"
He didn't answer.He simply stared at him.
" I know this world... They didn't care for you. They waited for this opportunity and they threw here, in the Arkham... by showing this as a reason..."
" No... our people aren't like that..."
" Oh.. tell me the truth attorney... did they care you? "
He gave Harvey a cup, " It's my cup of tea... drink... this..I didn't even touched this after hearing this story."
Harvey drank half of the cup and he saw everything looked double and really it looked like the whole place dancing.Suddenly Dr.Jonathan's face changed into a .... type of scary one.... Harvey started to scream in fear. The voice, started talking to him.
" Harvey... I know you are confused at this minute,looking my face changing into a wierdy one.... Now... I gonna tell you ... what is actually happening here. I have another name here, a secret one.... My name is Scarecrow.... Yes.... it is true.... I experiment my drugs and seductive solutions on the patient to check it out... but most ones will create phobias and fear... Of course your tea is mixed with one of the drugs of mine.But this time, it is not for me,for you.I did this to you to make you understand the truth..."
Harvey asked.." what truth...?"
He laughed loudly now.... " All the people of Gotham waited for this situation to occur... because they didn't love you.... Everyone in Gotham love Batman... You are not... as you are not protecting this Gotham, he does... Nowadays all they need is a super hero... They got him... who is crawling on the buildings to scare people not to help him."
Harvey said," But he is not a superhero.... He doesn't own any special powers... He is just an ordinary man...
" What is the use.... People love him... and hate you...."
Harvey shouted...." no... I need the support of my people... He didn't sacrifice anything .. for the Gotham... I did..."
" No... Harvey..  he sacrificed his parents .."
Harvey shouted with anger.He threw the cup and said, " But I sacrificed my face......... I want to teach something...to him... I wanna kill that vigilante...."
" Then I have a place and plan to show you....,deal....."
Harvey stared at him for few seconds but said, " yes... it's a deal...."
Scarecrow laughed,"BINGO"
