It was a big building. It was a prison which was divided into two wings. The two wings were separated by a huge wall.Each side has five guards and so its four sides of the building had twenty guards. Richard who is the head for twenty guards around the building.He was giving instructions to the guys who were in the east. By then Richard got an information through wireless." Hello... this is chief John... Joker escaped from his prison...Protect the side... I got information that he is running towards south.Do you copy....?"
"Yes sir"
Richard got wireless ,"sir we saw joker.we are fighting with him
.He is heading to the north.He must be the prisoner who is trying to escape.Please sir....we want help."
Then silence.
One of the guards confused..."But we are supposed to go towards south!"
" I will divide you. Out of five, two have to go towards north and join them. Remaining three must follow me.We are heading towards south.''
Richard and three ran towards south and reached the south.Richard looked around.He could not find the guards belonging to the south.He sharpened his eyes.Among the bushes,he spotted a leg,Richard went slowly towards the bushes and instructed the three guards to stay back but he saw a guard,lying dead. A sharp card was implanted in his chest.Richard saw another dead body of a guard who was in charge of the South.He had a smooth cut in his neck.The remaining guards of South were seen lying dead in the another bush.
Suddenly a dark figure started running, hiding from a tree.Richard thought" That must be the fucking prisoner who was playing with the guards of this wing.Richard took his gun,saying that," Don't run or else I'll shoot you......" suddenly wireless called.chief John," Richard ... we have got the prisoner,he is with us.We are in the north." Wireless got off.Richard," The prisoner who tried to escape is caught in North.But who is this? Running from this place'' Richard still could see that dark figure.But he ordered the guards" The prisoner,they got the in North.we must be there."
West side was very silent,suddenly a guard got a call in the wireless.Chief John called," we have got the prisoner.we are in the north.assemble there."
The call is cut.Two more guards from the same side came near to this guard..," whats up man.."
" They nabbed the prisoner who was trying to escape. We have to assemble in North."
Suddenly the remaining two guards came , running towards them.The guard who got information said to them." I have a news for you"
" We too have an information"
" But, I will start first. Our prison chief John talked through wireless and they got the prisoner.We have to assemble in the north"
" Oh my god.. we two found chief John in the toilet.He has been beaten black and blue and he was tied up by someone.His clothes have been taken from him."
" If you saw John who talked with me"
Suddenly a card from one of the trees striked a guard.He fell down and died.Cards were thrown fastly towards the guards and they all died.
Richard and three guards came to north.Richard hardly saw any body.Then he identified all the bodies of guards of North and the two guards who was sent by himself.All the bodies were striked by cards.Then he saw a dark figure running and this time Richard nabbed and he tied him up in a tree.The three guards silently watched Richard.Richard slapped the figure and asked," what is your name?"
The figure laughed loudly...
Suddenly somebody was coming fast towards Richard.It was chief John."Have you nabbed Joker"
" No sir, he is not joker.He is saying his name as clown"
" He is right"
Richard looked at the face of John.Richard shocked. "Joker..................."
" Yes, you are right" Suddenly one of the three guards who was following Richard
shot other two guards and shot Richard.
Joker removed the cap and laughed at Richard.He was dead now.The guard said," I made you to escape from the prison and shot these three. You have to make the payment double."
Joker started smiling." Do you have insurance?"
"Why sir.."
" For this" Joker shot the guard with his gun.Then he went near the tree.He asked," what is your name"
" Clown"
He laughed" good name"
