Bruce Wayne can't sleep at all.He was rolling in his bed.Then he stood up. He changed his dress.New BATMAN costume was very cool.Upgraded fabrics and metal,very thick.His instruments were also new. Alfred stood in front of him." Going for night Knight,Master Wayne?"
Bruce," I wanna go.. Alfred"
Alfred replied," when I was your age, my father used to advice me that ' choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day of your life', I didn't accept at first,then I see it in you"
Batman smiled at him and went.
A man who is covering his face was walking in the street.He had a cigar in his right hand and a phone in the left hand.He was trying to call someone...
" Hello,where are you?"
" Wait ... I'm coming right there..."
" Come fast... We have lot of work"
Batman," what is the matter?"
James gordon replied" we have got a problem"
"What is it?"
" Joker escaped from his prison...It is very dangerous...."
" Who is this joker?"
" He wears joker make up to scare people..His identity is unknown...He is a robber...sadist and his jokes are horrible..."
" So...."
" Joker alone didn't escape... along with him,a prisoner escaped and his reports say that he is Williamson but he has named himself as clown.."
Batman" the letter which you gave it to me must be from the joker.But the word clown is something similar to the joker...I think, must be inspired from the Joker ''
" Dr.hobbs is a professor and scientist.Before he was busted he had a dealing with the two men who were killed by him in the club.I don't know,as a scientist what he promised to give them in exchange for money. The two men would belong to someone,I think so. He wants something from Dr.hobbs but Hobbs died.. I got an information that somebody is roaming around the house of dr.hobbs... I want you to go there and find it"
Batman, " I think they have gone there to get the thing which he promised to give it to someone.The boss must have sent them.I must go there.
" Be careful ." Gordon turned,but Batman was not there.
" The same old boy"
