39. His... birthday?

I'm woken next morning by Raphaelle, his soft fingers gracing gently across my cheek. "Good morning, bambina. Feel better?"

I groan, my head pounding like a jackhammer. "Not really, daddy."

He chuckles, a warm sound. "Well, lucky for you chef's made omelette for breakfast."

My stomach smiles at the mention of food. "Why can't I have pancakes?" I pout. 

"Because you need nutrition, not just sugar. Now get up squish."

As he leaves the room, I sink back into the pillows.

I make my way downstairs. And once around the breakfast table, chef places a plate of fluffy omelette in front of me, and I dig in eagerly, savoring the cheesy goodness with each bite. Despite my reluctance to admit it, Raphaelle's right—I do need the nourishment.

"So, any tests at school today?" Raphaelle asks, as he's served a cup of coffee. 

I shrug, not really in the mood to think about that. "I don't know. Probably. There are pop quizzes all the time."

He raises an eyebrow, clearly not impressed by my nonchalant act. "Was that attitude?"

Oh shoot. 

I glance out the window, avoiding his gaze. 

"You look at me when I'm talking to you, bambina. Manners. I demand respect. Don't forget that."

I roll my eyes, but secretly I'm grateful for his concern.

"You're testing me today, aren't you? Hm? Having experienced how delicate I can be, you're just looking to see how gruff I can be? Hm?" 

"Of course not, daddy," I mumble, my fork clinking against the plate. "I just don't want to think about school right now."

He raises his brows, "you rolled your eyes. You know there are consequences for that. But we'll deal with that little outburst of brattiness after school. Not now. Okay?"

I swallow. Oh shoot. "Yes, daddy."

After eating, I retreat to my room to gather my books for the day. The morning light filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow over everything. I can hear the distant sounds of birds chirping outside, a peaceful contrast to the chaos of my own mind.

As I'm gathering my things, I catch a glimpse of movement out of the corner of my eye. Peering out the window, I spot a squirrel in the trees. It's so cute! I'm transfixed by the beauty of it.

But then, as if on cue, another creature appears—another squirrel, much smaller than the first. I want one! Suddenly I understand the crazy girl from charlie and chocolate factory. But daddy would've just gone himself, shielding me away from the potential squirrel attack. I giggle at my set of thoughts.

I tear my gaze away from the window and hurry out of my room. But as I make my way downstairs, I encounter yet another strange sight—a camel with a hump upon its back, standing in the foyer as if it belongs there.

I blink in disbelief, wondering if I'm still dreaming. But before I can gather my thoughts, another creature appears—a grey wolf, its eyes fixed on me as it prowls through the hallway. In its maw, I catch a glimpse of mutton, fresh and dripping with blood.

I stumble backward, my heart pounding in my chest. What is happening? "Daddy!" I scream. I close my eyes, breathing getting out of control. What kind of madness is this? My mind races with confusion and fear as I try to make sense of the surreal scene unfolding before me.

Raphaelle rushes into the foyer, concern etched on his face. "Baby, what's wrong?" 

"A woof, daddy," I cry, tears spilling.

"What do you mean? Take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong."

"Me saw a woof," I sob, pointing shakily towards the hallway.

Raphaelle frowns, his gaze following my trembling finger. Without a moment's hesitation, he strides forward, his posture exuding a quiet authority.

"Shoo! Shoo!" he commands, waving his arms at the animals.

To my astonishment, the wolf obey, retreating back the way they came. I stare at Raphaelle in disbelief, my mind struggling to comprehend what just happened.

"Did it go away now?"

I nod. "What... how did you do that?" I stammer.

He offers me a reassuring smile, "Just a little trick daddy's got up his sleeve."

I'm not convinced, but I push aside my questions for now, focusing instead on the relief flooding through me.

"Come on, bambina. We need to get you to school. And you need to be a big girl now."

I nod. 

What were those animals doing in the house? And how did Raphaelle manage to scare them off so effortlessly?

As we drive to school, I focus on School, all the people, and it's enough to drag me out of that headspace. And I realize, there wasn't really a wolf, I was just imagining it, but if felt so real. Too real. 

When we finally reach the school, I pause, reluctant to face whatever awaits me inside. I don't want school today. When do I ever? But today I just... I still want rest. I still need rest. I want to feel that feeling again. That... blissful inner-peace. 

"You'll be fine, bambina. I love you," he says with a smile.

I take a deep breath, nodding. "Yeah."

He leans in planting a gentle kiss upon my lips. "We're having dinner at my father's tonight."

I can tell by his tone that it's estranged. Very estranged. What has happened between them? Except for his cheating on his mom?

I step out of the car, my mind still reeling from the surreal encounter at home. The image of the wolf lingers in my thoughts, its presence haunting me despite the reassurance that it wasn't real. What if it comes back? When I'm in little space again. I shiver at the thought.

Entering the school grounds, I'm met with the familiar hustle and bustle of students rushing to their classes. I weave my way through the crowd, and as I reach my locker, I'm greeted by my friends. Danielle and Hannah. Wow. Hannah? She's not too busy for us anymore? I force a smile.

"Hey, you okay?"Danielle asks. She always sees when something is wrong. Just like Raphaelle does. 

I nod, plastering on a facade of normalcy. "Yeah, just a rough morning."

But even as I speak the words, I know they're hollow. The events of the morning have left me shaken. Jeez... that imaginary wolf scared me. It was probably just shadow. Just like the giraffe. The squirrels however... the squirrels I know were real.

Throughout the day, I struggle to focus on my classes, my mind wandering to Raphaelle and his father. He must be doing this for Chiara surely. 

As the final bell rings, signaling the end of the school day, I find myself torn between relief and apprehension. Part of me is eager to escape the confines of the classroom, to retreat to the safety of home. But another part of me dreads what awaits me there. I don't wanna see that wolf again. Even if it is just a shadow. It's a scary shadow. One that almost gave me a heart attack. 

I gather my belongings and make my way to the parking lot, where Raphaelle is waiting for me. His expression is unreadable as he watches me approach, and for a moment, I hesitate, unsure of what to expect.

But then he smiles, a warm and reassuring gesture that eases some of the tension coiled within me. As we drive home, I feel safe again. It's Raphaelle, his aura, it's a shield. 

The ride home is quiet, the only sound the soft hum of the car engine. I steal glances at Raphaelle, trying to gauge his mood, but his expression remains inscrutable. He's never this closed with me. Something must have happened between him and his father. Something bad. I just feel it, all the the way to my bones. 

When we finally pull into the driveway, I take a deep breath. I'm anxious to meet his father. I'm anxious because he's so distant. I know there's something there... something bothering him.

As we step into the house, I half-expect to be greeted by another bizarre sight—a menagerie of wild animals roaming the halls—but to my relief, everything appears just as it should be. No camels, no wolves. Just the familiar comfort of home.

"Go take a shower and get dressed. I'll wait for you in my study."

I swallow. "Are you okay?"

He sighs, his hands resting in his pockets, "bambina, do as told."

No answer. It's a no then. Not to worsen his bad mood I oblige, heading upstairs for the bathroom. 

Lost in my thoughts, I shower beyond what's necessary. 

Once I'm dressed, I head to Raphaelle's study, my heart pounding with anticipation. I knock softly on the door before entering, finding Raphaelle sitting behind his desk, his brow furrowed in thought.

"Come in, bambina," he says, his voice low.

I step inside, taking a seat opposite him. "What's going on, daddy?"

Raphaelle sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about. Now will you come here and give daddy a kiss?"

I nod, making me come over to him. 

"Well, that worked wonders. Your kisses are magical. You sure your lips aren't made of pixie dust?"

I blush crimson. 

"I love that blush."

That doesn't help! I hide into the crook of his neck making him giggle. I don't think I've ever heard him giggle. It was almost... cute. Almost. 

Raphaelle's smile grows against my neck, a warmth spreading through his features. " love you, baby. More than anything."

With those words, the tension that had been coiled tightly within me begins to unravel, replaced by a sense of calm. I wanna hear them forever. 

As we leave the study and head towards his car, I wonder where Chiara is. Perhaps she's already there?

The drive to Raphaelle's father's house is filled with an eerie silence, punctuated only by the soft hum of the engine and the occasional glance exchanged between us. It's strange, this tension hanging in the air, thick and palpable, like a storm brewing on the horizon.

I can't shake the feeling that something is amiss, something beyond the usual family drama. Raphaelle's usually open demeanor is replaced by a brooding silence, his eyes fixed on the road ahead with a distant look. I mean... he's not a very verbal man, he's a do'er, not a talker. Only with me he seems to be a talker. But I still notice a change in him. And I don't like it. 

"Are you sure you're okay, daddy?" I finally venture, breaking the silence that has settled between us like a heavy blanket.

He startles slightly, as if he's been lost in his own thoughts. "Bambina, I'm fine," he replies, but his tone lacks the usual warmth, tinged instead with a hint of uncertainty.

I chew on my bottom lip, debating whether to push further or let it go. But something tells me that whatever is weighing on Raphaelle's mind is important. But if I push it, he might get angry. I don't want an angry Raphaelle. He's scary enough when he's slightly stern. 

"I just want to help," I insist, sighing.

Raphaelle's gaze softens, a flicker of gratitude in his eyes as he squeezes my hand. "I know, bambina. But the only way you can help is by being a good girl and stop probing."

With that, the tension in the car eases slightly. 

We finally arrive at Raphaelle's father's house, and as we step out of the car, I take in the imposing structure before us. It's grand, almost intimidating in its opulence. But I'm not surprised. He's a retired capo. 

Raphaelle leads the way, his footsteps echoing on the marble floor of the foyer as we make our way inside. The air is heavy with tension, and I can't shake the feeling that something is about to happen.

"Chiara's already here. With... Asia," Raphaelle declares.

I nod, glancing around nervously. I've never met Raphaelle's father before, and the thought of facing him now fills me with... fear. What if he doesn't like me? 

As we make our way through the house, I can't help but notice how silent it is. There's a stillness in the air, as if the very walls are holding their breath, waiting for something to happen.

We finally reach the living room, and there, sitting on the couch, is Chiara. She looks up as we enter, her expression warm. Too warm for this place. 

"Sophia!" She squeals. "Gosh! What took you guys so long," she eyes Raphaelle, linking her arm with mine. 

I glance at Raphaelle, silently urging him to say something, anything to save me from whatever Chiara is dragging me into. He doesn't. 

"Asia and I, we were thinking about doing something for Raphaelle's birthday," she says once he's out of sight.

Birthday? Confusion crosses my face. I suddenly feel bad for never having asked that question. 

"Oh my God! He hasn't told you? His birthday is on Saturday!"

I shake my head. This one really sucks. 

"Wow. What an idiot."

That, he is not. 

Chiara's words sting, but I push aside the hurt. "What did you have in mind?" I ask, forcing a smile.

She grins, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well, we thought we could do something. There's no use in buying him anything. The guy has everything. So, we were hoping you'd having some ideas?"

"Uhm, he told me he used to race when he was younger? Maybe take him out on a race track?" I ask cautiously, my gaze flickering towards Raphaelle's father, who is watching us with a guarded expression.

Chiara's smile falters slightly, "he did. Until the whole... cheating thing. He stopped having fun. That's actually not a bad idea." 

I nod, relieved that my suggestion seems to have met with Chiara's approval. "We could rent out a track for the day and just have a party afterwards? Depending on his mood."

Chiara's eyes light up at the idea. "That sounds perfect! I'll start making arrangements right away."

I smile, glad to have contributed something positive to Raphaelle's birthday plans. But as I glance around the room, my gaze once again falls on Raphaelle's father, who is still watching us with a stern expression.

Jeez... he scares me. Raphaelle's father's lips curl into a tight smile. I look away. 

I can feel Raphaelle's gaze on me, watching me like a hawk. But I'd rather be under his eyes than those of his father's. I feel like a prey under them. At risk. 

Raphaelle's hand finds mine, his touch a reassuring. I squeeze his hand tightly, seeking solace in the warmth of his touch. He's my shield, my protector, and I cling to him like a lifeline.

His father finally breaks the tense silence, his voice gruff and commanding. "So, Sophia, tell me about yourself."

I swallow nervously, feeling the weight of his gaze bearing down on me. At least I know where Raphaelle got his gruff from now.

"Uh, well, I'm... I'm a student," I stammer, struggling to find my words under the intensity of his scrutiny. "I like well art, and uhm... the ocean?"

His father's expression remains impassive. He doesn't care. He's just opting for conversation. 

"You seem genuine," he grumbles, as if grudgingly acknowledging my sincerity. "But mark my words, Sophia. If you ever hurt my son, you'll have me to answer to."

I nod, swallowing the lump that has formed in my throat. 

Raphaelle snaps, "Non spaventarla così! E non sono tuo figlio, cazzo. Non meriti di chiamarmi così dopo quello che hai fatto a mamma. L'unico motivo per cui sono qui è perché Chiara mi vuole qui. ma giuro su Dio che se le parli di nuovo in quel modo, ti uccido."

I flinch at his tone. His father doesn't move an inch. "Sangue del tuo sangue? Per una donna? Sei patetico."

Raphaelle licks his lips, shaking his head. Pure hatred consumes his eyes. "Ciò che è patetico è mettere il tuo cazzo in un'altra donna quando sei sposato. ciò che è patetico è sposare la puttana che si è scopata un uomo sposato. Amo la mia ragazza. La onoro. E sì, ti faccio fuori se la fai picchiare di nuovo. Hai capito?"

He nods, his mask falling off, if only for one second. 

"Bene," Raphaelle says brusquely, before turning his attention on me.

I let out a shaky breath. Raphaelle squeezes my hand once more, a silent reassurance that everything is okay.

After the suffocating dinner, when it's finally time to leave, Chiara joins us. I breathe a sigh of relief, feeling as if an elephant has been lifted from my shoulders.

Raphaelle wraps an arm around me, pulling me close as we make our way back to the car. "You did great," he murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. "I'm sorry my dad's an asshole."

I smile up at him, feeling a rush of warmth at his praise. "Thanks," I say softly, leaning into his embrace. "But... at least I know where you've got your gruffness from." 

As we drive home, I find myself lost in thought. And as we pull into the driveway of our house, I can't help but feel grateful for the comfort of it.
