2. Ride home

I wake to screaming.

"Who the fuck are you, and where the fuck is she? Oh my God. Oh my God. Where is she?!"

I giggle. That's her the-day-after panic kicking in. I'm so glad I've never had to experience that. Or, to put it correctly. I've never chosen to experience that. Getting drunk... it scares me. The change of personality... what if I become the worse? I don't want that for me.

"She's in the bedroom, calm your tits down," he mutters, seemingly annoyed.

"In the bedroom? Where the fuck is the bedroom? And who the fuck are you? What have you done to her?" She screams panicked and overly-protective.

"I haven't done shit. Perhaps if you didn't get so drunk last night... fuck, if you didn't abandon her in the middle of a goddamn club, she would've been sleeping in your bed instead." He scolds her, anger palpable. There's not much isolation in these walls. That's for sure.

"You underestimate her." She snarls, opening every door then slamming them close. She's trying to find me, I suppose. I crawl out of bed, supposing I'll make it easier for her to find me if I come out of hiding. Besides not having to listen to their bickering will be a worthwhile reward anyway.

I open up the door, his t-shirt hanging right above my knee. It's honestly more of a dress than a t-shirt on me.

"Oh my... thank fuck," she breathes, running towards me, embracing me in a hug. "He hasn't done anything to you, has he?" She questions, scanning my outfit then visibly scolding me with her eyes. I blush, feeling a bit insulted. Then she turns to Raphaelle, holding her finger out towards him, "how dare you?!"

What is she insinuating? Jeez... she's too protective. She makes me feel so incapable. I don't feel as if I need that protection. And it feels as if she's throwing a label on me, telling everyone around us that I'm shy. It doesn't exactly help. It makes it so much harder for me to speak at times. But I don't want to cause any trouble by telling her.

Raphaelle stands still in the middle of the room, arms crossed, taller than the both of us with a head and a half. And what makes him more intimidating is his muscular physique. If it ever came down to that, we'd stand no chance. And that's a scary thought.

Then he walks past her as if she's not even there. Her threatening attitude towards him doesn't affect him in the slightest.

When he's face to face with me, he's towering above me, tilting my head up to meet his gaze. "Good morning," he says softly, surprising me. So he can be soft when around other people as well? Thank Jesus.

My eyes wander towards my Danielle. She's fuming. I fumble with my fingers nervously.

"There's a toothbrush in the bathroom for you. Go brush your teeth. I also bought you some new clothes, they're in the bag by the sink." By his tone alone, I understand that it's a demand rather than a request. I nod, and then he turns to leave the room, ignoring Danielle completely on his way out.

"And you're telling me you haven't had sex with that man?" She questions suspiciously, eyebrows raised, inspecting me further.

My eyes pop, "why would you?!" Then I realize, I'm wearing his t-shirt. And his t-shirt only.

"Oh my... no!" I say, covering my mouth. "He just gave me it so I'd have something to sleep in," I reassure her, walking towards the main space of the room, past his desk and into the bathroom.

And when I look at the bag I gasp, Celine... he bought me freaking designer clothes? "Oh my... either he likes you or he's hoping to get in your pants," Danielle gasps along with me.

I grab the bag. I can't accept this.

"Where are you going?" She asks, as I rush past her and to the exit. "To find Raphaelle. This is too much." I say, barging through the exit door with the expensive clothes in the bag.

I look around, finding him merged within a group of scary-looking men, all in black suits. But none quite as breathtaking as Raphaelle.

With my barefoot feet, I painfully run down the metal-stairs, and towards them. But the closer I get, the more I'm faced with their tremendous intimidation, and the more nervous I become.

"Look at that," one of the men says, looking at me as if I'm an object. I want to curl into a ball. Raphaelle clears his throat, shutting them all up.

Then he motions for me with his fingers... two fingers stating 'come here'.

I walk past the scary-looking men, to a less scary, but much scarier than the previous versions of Raphaelle.

"Is there a problem?" He asks, grabbing my waist, setting me on his lap. I honestly feel grateful for the gesture, as it makes me feel safer. Protected from the other men. But it makes me blush. I haven't sat on a man's lap like this before. I'm not used to these tingles.

I hold the bag up, "I'm not comfortable accepting these," I say. I lean closer to his body, fearing the crowd I'm in. I feel like a prey. In a room filled with hungry lions, I'm a tiny little rabbit. I can't outrun them. I can't fight back. I'm surviving simply on their mercy.

"You'll accept them," he murmurs harshly, but I still sense a softness underneath all that ice. "But-" I begin, but am cut off by his finger, covering my lips. "You'll accept them. You deserve it. Especially after being abandoned by your friends. I hate to think of what could've happened to you if I wasn't there to save the day. Now, go up, get dressed in these new clothes I personally picked out for you, and then brush your teeth. Capisce?" I gulp.

Looking around, I'm hesitant to leave his lap. "Shhhh. Go. They won't hurt you."

I find courage from his words, so I oblige.

Why on earth did they cause such a reaction in me? Who is Raphaelle? How dangerous is he?

Upstairs I'm annoyed with myself. Why did I succumb to his demands so easily? Why does he have this strange and uncanny control over me? It hardly seems reasonable. I don't know the man at all. It's not right.

"What? You gave into him?" Danielle eyes me suspiciously. I nod, sighing. It's not something I'm proud of, but I couldn't help it. Especially when all those men were around. Jeez, they all gave me the creeps.

So, I dress, honestly amazed by the fit. It's a white gauzy skirt, falling at a respectable length, but that's more cute than modest. And then the top, covering everything away, yet still accentuating my shape. I look... beautiful. Raphaelle has good taste.

Then I quickly brush my teeth, walking out to collect the clothes I wore yesterday from the room, putting them in the now emptied bag. And so I'm reminded we can't stay. We have to leave. Soon. I promised my father I'd be home in the early afternoon. I'm not going to disappoint him. I don't want him to worry. He has worried too much since mom died. That's why he's so absent. He has pulled himself away from me so that if anything happens it won't hurt as much. He doesn't want to go through that pain again. And I don't want him to either. But it still hurts.

"Danielle? Can you wake up Hailee and Brianna? We gotta go. I need to be home soon."

She holds two fingers up in the air, "already on it. Why don't you go tell the big guy we're leaving. He'll probably murder the whole city just to find you. Seriously, he's got the hots for you."

I blush, fumbling with my fingers. "No. No, he doesn't. He just sees me as a child. I mean, the way he talks to me. There's no way he's into me."

She shakes her head, splashing the sleeping girls with water. Damn... she has no mercy today.

The girls, groaning in surprise, snaps awake. Danielle turns to me, "seriously, tell him. He's... I don't know... he seems dangerous. And those buddies of his... they're creeping me the fuck out."

I don't know whether I'm supposed to be relieved or not by that. But at least I'm not the only one getting that vibe from them. Sighing, I walk back down, this time with shoes on, not to hurt my feet on the harsh steel.

I breathe in, eying every tattooed man with suspicion. There is something about them. Danielle is right, they are dangerous. All of them. Raphaelle... he's one of them. He's dangerous. I should stay away. I shouldn't have agreed to let him take me up there to begin with. Because now I'm too involved to know how to turn away.

I'm scared and shaking as I close up on them.

"Si?" Raphaelle speaks, one eyebrow raised. He's relaxed and calm leaning back in a lounge chair. He looks... stop... I shouldn't be thinking like this.

"We're leaving now," I say, just as nervous as last time. He nods, eying me up and down. "You look beautiful," he compliments and I blush, blossoming like a rose under his words. What is he doing to me.

"How are you getting home?" He asks, almost as if it's a mockery. He's expecting me to be foolish it seems. It's annoying. But while under these men's intense and terrifying presence, I don't have what it takes to talk back. I feel so small and insignificant.

"We're taking the bus," I say in a duh-like tone.

He stiffens, and his gaze hardens, making me gulp. Why are they so intense? And why does he come off as scarier when surrounded by these men? What's their issue? Who are they?

"You're not taking the bus, you hear me? No."

I flinch at his tone. It's almost making me cry. Almost. And I'm so happy that I'm able to contain it, so that I don't lose what's left of my dignity.

He softens momentarily, tone lightening to sugary. His men grin up at him, almost as if hinting something. Raphaelle rolls his eyes. "Sophia, come here," he says softly, yet his tone is painted with that sternness that he is, making it obvious it's a demand rather than an option.

My shaky legs stride to him, once again I'm pulled onto his lap. "You're not taking the bus," he begins, drawing circles on my back soothingly. "Do you understand how dangerous that is? In this part of the city?" My head falls to my lap and my fidgeting fingers. But I'm quickly met by his gaze again as he lifts my head up gracefully with the tip of his two fingers. Oh jeez... I might spontaneously combust any second now.

"Answer me," he encourages, holding my head up. "It's cheaper," I argue. It's honestly the only thing I can afford with the change in my pocket.

He sighs closing his eyes. "That might be, sweetie. But it's not safe." He opens them again. "This part of the city is dangerous. Taking the bus is a high-risk activity. You're likely to get robbed or beaten up. Sweetie, you shouldn't have come here to begin with."

Then his fingers crawl gently to my cheek, stroking them. Instinctively, I lean into his touch. "I'm s-sorry," I stutter.

I don't even know why those words escaped. They just did.

He shakes his head. "Shhhh. No. It's not your fault. If anything it's your stupid friends' fault. They should've known better than to take you here."

I pout, "don't call my friends stupid."

"I'll stop calling them stupid when they show me something that isn't stupid," he murmurs, inching closer towards me. I tense, squirming in his lap. He smirks knowingly, gracing his fingers lightly over my lips. "Bringing you here... they should've been spanked for that," he whispers harshly.

My eyes pop. Spanked? Huh? What in the... why did he say that? To scare me? If so, he didn't have to. He's terrifying enough as it is. But somehow I feel safe beside him. It's all so confusing.

He chuckles lightly, eyes alight with amusement. "But good girls like you don't get spanked... unless... they do something naughty."

I gulp, squirming. Is that a warning? A threat? I don't know. And I don't know whether I'm curious to find out or if I should run for the hills. Probably the latter. Hell... it's always been the latter. He's not a man I should be acquainted with. That much is obvious. But then why, in some strange bizarre way, do I want to? Why does he have this magnetic pull on me?

And in this duskily lit room, his mouth is highlighted. His lips appear glossy, and so kissable. And he's so close... This is not right. This is utterly unfair. I have hardly ever hugged a guy before. And now I'm on this man's lap? Hormones. That must be why I'm having this reaction. Right?

"I'll drive you guys home in twenty minutes. I gotta round up this meeting first. Stay up there until I come and get you. Capisci?"

"You promise you won't murder us on the way?" I ask, suddenly anxious.

He shakes his head in disbelief. "If I wanted you dead, you'd already be. I don't hesitate on the trigger, bambina. Get up." I gulp... shit. Shit, he's that level of dangerous. But who even is he? I've never heard of him before. Nor have I seen him before.

I'm suddenly paralyzed, incapable of moving. I'm scared, trembling. What could he possibly do?

He calms, leaning in to whisper something in my ear. "Bambina, go upstairs. I'm not gonna hurt you," and the softness gives me courage. But just enough to sprint my way upstairs.

And as I enter his office, I close the door, breathless. Woah. After today, I better not see him again. He's... too charming and too terrifying. I can't deal with that. A guy like him would only break my heart. But a bad boy... it's a good girl fantasy. We all want a bad boy to be good for us. But it's just that. A fantasy. And it has to remain just a fantasy.

Danielle is watching me as I regain my composure, her eyes seemingly surprised.

"What on earth happened down there? You look as if you've just witnessed a murder."

"He said that if he wanted me dead I already would be. And that he doesn't hesitate on the trigger. It's as close as it can get," I sigh, grasping the brutality of it all. That's harsh.

Her eyes widen with surprise. "You don't think he's a part of?" She asks as if the unsaid is obvious. It's not. I have no idea what she's insinuating.

"Oh God... don't say you haven't heard of the Vendetta's" Huh? Vendetta-huh?

"Oh Jeez, Sophia... they're like all over the news. They're crazy. They're going on a killing spree weekly for God knows what."

My eyes widen. "Is Vendetta an Italian word or something?" I ask, trying to solve this puzzle.

"Why do you ask me? I'm not italian," she says in a duh-like tone. "No, but he is," I reply in an equally duh-like tone.

"Oh," she realizes. Pulling up her phone she goes to google translate. I mean, for a single word it must do well enough? Right?

"Shit. It is!" She gasps in surprise.

Oh my God... suddenly the pieces fall a bit into place. That's why he's so scary. That's why he's carrying guns. But it doesn't explain why he's so caring? It doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. If he is a part of this ruthless gang, it doesn't make any sense at all.

What's the deal with that? Gosh... I shouldn't be this curious. I really should run for the hills. I really shouldn't be as intrigued as I am. I'm in deep trouble.

"We gotta go," she says, now freaking out. Her stress level has surpassed mine. Hailee is equally stressed out at the realization. "No!" I yell, knowing his warning. "We can't leave. He's gonna drive us home. We'll just have to give him the wrong address, so he won't know where we actually live."

"Sophia, we gotta go. These men... they're killers. They do this shit for fun!" Hailee screams at my face. And I crumble, scared that he hears us, scared he'll hurt us for knowing.

"Hailee, calm the fuck down!" Danielle snaps at her. I cover my ears, falling to the floor. I'm so scared.

"Sophia, it's gonna be fine. We'll do as you said. Okay?" Danielle tries to calm me.

I nod, calming. We'll stick to my plan. And hopefully I'll never have to worry and stress about something like this again.

The hour passes slowly. Raphaelle barges in, angry as hell and I flinch at the way he holds himself. He's so rough and strong. And knowing what I know now, it only makes him scarier. And I'm battling myself not to cry.

But with one glance he softens. Is it me? Am I that change? And why does it happen? What's up with that? It's so confusing.

"Do you need the bathroom before we leave?" He asks, ignoring Hailee, Danielle, and Brianna. What's up with that question? Why does he treat me as if I were a child? I don't get it.

I flush, looking awkwardly at them, shaking my head no.

"Then come on. The car is outside."

We walk as a clique after him, keeping close as we walk past his apparent gang-member friends. This is all so terrifying. It's a new level of terrifying now that we know.

"Shotgun," Danielle calls, reaching for the passenger seat.

"Get out," Raphaelle growls at her. She does, but with a confused expression upon her face. "I called shotgun," she states, hoping he'll loosen up his dark demeanor.

He chuckles, crossing his arms. "I don't give a fuck about your shotgun. The passenger seat is for Sophia."

Me? I don't wanna sit beside him. He's scary. And he makes me feel squishy and nervous, and I don't like my attraction toward him. I'd rather stealth away from it now that I have the chance. But none of us have the bravery to say anything against him. Not now.

He holds the door open, eying me expectantly. I climb my way in, and before I even know it, he's buckling me up, fastening the seat belt.

Again, what's up with treating me like a child? And why did my heart flutter at that. My roses bloom under him. I'm conflicted.

"Aren't you gonna ask for our addresses?" Danielle bravely asks from the backseat.

"No," he replies firmly and abruptly. No? Huh? "I already know where y'all live," he shrugs, speeding off. I squeak at the butterflies that attacks me. "You okay there, little girl?" He asks, eying me for a split of a second. "Mhmm," I reply, embarrassed that he just called me a little girl in front of my friends.

"How do you know where we live if we haven't told you?" Hailee asks, seemingly anxious. I'm anxious, too, so I can't imagine her level of nerves. She's barely spoken to the guy. At least I'm somewhat certain he won't hurt me.

"I have security cameras all around the club. They have scanners, so every face that ever stepped foot in that place is accessible to me."

"Isn't that illegal?" I ask. And I instantly inwardly face-slap myself. I should not have said that.

He chuckles, "of course it is. Didn't I tell you being the mean guy is my thing?"

I flush. There's humor to his tone, so I know I'm not in trouble. Thank heavens.

"Why would you trespass on people's privacy like that?" I ask with sadness in my voice. And suddenly the bravery is back. Even Danielle is surprised by this sudden pang of bravery. I'm usually the first to silence myself.

"It's rather simple. Anyone who enters my club could potentially be an enemy. It's easier that way. Costs less. And it's time efficient. But don't worry, I'm not gonna abuse that info." He says, taking a turn for the left, and I'm once more attacked by those butterflies. The lamborghini is a powerhouse of a car.

"And why should we trust you?" Hailee asks, finding courage at his recent calm demeanor.

He chuckles darkly, "Sophia, do you mind covering your ears?" He asks, lightly, a stark contrast to the darkness of his chuckle. Frankly, the way he speaks to me in general is a stark contrast to the way he talks to everyone else. What makes me so different? Does he see something in me that I don't?

I'm not covering my ears. Anything he wishes to say to them, he can say to me. Uptil now he's only ever been rude to them, and I'm prepared to be on the defense.

He sighs at my disobedience, "wanna know the truth? I couldn't give a flying fuck about you three. I don't care whether you live or whether you die."

I gasp, he didn't just say that! "Don't act so surprised, sweetie. I told you to cover your ears."

"That was rude! It's not okay to be so rude. I don't like or appreciate the way you speak to my friends."

He takes another sharp turn, making me grab hold of his hand for support. He grins wickedly, "awe, look at that." I withdraw my hand immediately, making him chuckle with amusement.

"Don't change the subject. Can you try to be nice to them at least?" I ask, hoping my asking him will make a difference.

"I'll be nice once they show me that they can be good towards you." He says harshly, rolling his eyes again.

"Why do you think you know us enough to have a say?" Danielle snaps angrily. Though compared to him she comes off as a puppy.

He tightens his grip around the steering-wheel. "You take her to the most dangerous club in all of Los Angeles, then you leave her alone and unprotected! I know enough." He snaps, making me flinch. He then softens, as if taking my reaction into consideration, "I see the difference between you guys. And I'm sure you do, too. You know what type of girl she is. You understand what type of danger you put her in. I'm angry that you left her, but I'm even more angry that you took her there to begin with."

Wow... he cares this much? He doesn't even know me. It's so strange, peculiar, and it leaves tingles down my spine to my toes.

Danielle lowers her head, "I just wanted to help her become more secure of herself."

"And leaving her a bait for rapists and traffickers is the best option you can come up with?" He scolds, grabbing hold of my thigh protectively.

I gulp, rapists? Traffickers? What? Suddenly I'm very thankful for the hand on my thigh.

He makes a sudden turn and stops the car. I didn't even realize but we're at Hailee's. She ushers herself out without as much as a thank you. I can't blame her. He is very scary at the moment. And if I wasn't the target of his protection right now I'd be covered in a pool of tears.

"I didn't think it was that sort of place," Danielle admits, choking up.

At the realization of her unawareness, Raphaelle eases up slightly. "Well, it is that sort of place. And what you did was foolish and stupid. And why the fuck would you try to change her? Huh? Her innocence should be worshipped not changed. Jeez-fuck," he curses.

He speeds his way to Brianna's house. Danielle, too exhausted from his scrutiny joins her. And so I'm left alone with him. Entirely alone. My palms grow sweaty.

"Sophia, breathe. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just gonna drive you home. And then if you don't want to see me again, that's okay. It's up to you."

I look down at my fidgeting fingers, "that's the problem. I do want that."

I can't believe I admitted that. I can't believe after everything he still has that magnetic pull on me. I can't believe how it's enhanced and strengthened.

"And why is that a problem?" He asks, taking a turn for the street I live in. I'm just a couple hundred meters from home, yet I feel further away than I've ever been. It's bizarre. "Because you're in a gang... you're dangerous."

He chuckles, pulling up to my driveway. He turns toward me, brushing his fingers across my face. "It's not a gang, sweetheart. Don't insult me. And how come you figured that out?"

My breathing hitches. "I-I didn't... Danielle mentioned uhm, the Vendettas, and since you're italian and c-carry guns. It was not h-hard to guess." I stutter nervously.

"She's not wrong. But you don't have to be scared."

"H-how do you know that. Isn't it a thing that you'd have to kill your own daughter if you must?"

He licks his lips, "watched the goodfellas or something?" he muses lightly. I nod. It's the only reference I have for these things.

"Look at me," he demands sweetly, and when my eyes meet his I melt. "Io sei capo dei capi, baby. I answer to no one."

That was sexy, sensual and arousing all at once. Holy crap. "What does capo dei capi mean?" I ask, just to make sure I understood him right.

"That I'm the top-boss, head leader, whatever you prefer. It means everyone answers to me. So trust me, no one's hurting you. You're entirely safe. But I'm not gonna force a relationship with you, it's gotta be natural."

I nod, grasping the surreal information. A mafia-leader... me? What on earth.

"Sophia, breathe. Give me your phone and I'll put my number in. Then it's up to you. But if I see you at my club again, I will spank you, hard. Understand?"

I gulp, nodding. I hand him my phone. Spank me? Holy... what on earth am I doing. And why am I intrigued?

He hands me my phone back. "Go get some rest now. Call me if anything, si? No walking out alone after the streetlights turn on."

"I'm not a child. I don't have a curfew."

"Now you do."
