Chapter 18

Warning: chapter contains violence, sensitive topics, blood, gore, death and etc.

You've been warned...


You blink a couple of times, only to be met by rays of the sun. You immediately cover your eyes. Grabbing an extra pillow, you throw it over your face and try getting comfortable. A strong grip around your waist prevented you to do so.

'What the-' You turn your head slightly to see none other than Donovan, sound asleep. 'But I locked the door-' You paused as the realization hits. 'Bastard must have had a key...' You thought.


You sigh in annoyance and try reaching for your phone that was placed on the nightstand. 'Gotcha!' You yelled in your mind as you got the phone. Opening up the message, you couldn't help but smile.

The gals

They received the box. It's done.

I heard what happened. I must say, they had a reaction. ○.○

Who cares! Let's all hang out today, the day isn't so bad!


Thanks again. I appreciate it.

No problem :)

Yo Y/N, wake my baby girl up, tell him what I said.


It's not gay if you say 'no homo.' ;)

Where's the 'no homo' part?



You shake your head and giggle as they continued fooling around in the group chat. The grip around your waist tightens a bit more.

"What are you laughing at?" Donovan asks, his voice a bit raspy yet deep. "Good morning princess. Explain why you're in my room when I locked the door and specifically told you to stay away." You demanded.

"My house, my room. If I want to be in here, I can." He says making you roll your eyes. "Go to your own bedroom." "No." He immediately responded, burrowing his face on the crook of your neck, holding you closer.

"Let go of me hun." He completely ignores you, making you sigh. "You're so warm..." He whispers. "I have things to do today. James wants to hang out so I suggest you to get up."

"We can hang out another time. Today, I want to spend the day with you." 'Oh I don't think so.' You thought. Grabbing your phone, you send a text to the chat.


'Well that was quick...' You look at the message and grin. "They're coming in fifteen minutes so get up." He sighs in annoyance. "What did you say?" He asks. He gets up from the bed and stretches. "Oh nothing." You smile as you pull the covers up and get comfortable.

Donovan looks through the messages and chuckles. "You can go now. Have fun." You say snuggling into the giant blanket. "Why are you staying in bed? James specifically said 'all of us'." He quoted.

You then felt a hand on your ankle, pulling you off the bed. "So you have to tag along as well." He said pulling you even further. 'Oh hell no!' You grip on the side of the bed, preventing him from pulling you any further.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying here!" You yelled. "The hell you are. Now get up doll!" "No!" You shouted. You grab the pillow and throw it at him harshly.

"Oh so it's going to be like that huh?" He grabs the pillow on the ground and throws it back at you. 'You motherfu-' You stand from the bed and throw all the pillows at him.

As he leaned over to get the pillows, you take the chance to jump off the bed and make a run for it at the door. Donovan grabbed a pillow and threw it right at you. Just as you were about grab the pillow from hitting you, Donovan appears right in front of you.

'Shit!' Donovan then grabs you and places you over his shoulder. "Put me down!" You shouted, hitting his back harshly yet he only chuckles. "Sure thing doll." He said throwing you on the bed.

Next thing you know, Donovan tackles you down, pinning you from moving. "What do you think your doing-" You were cut off as you began laughing hysterically. Donovan smiled at your reaction as he continued tickling your sides.

"Stop this now hun!" You shouted while laughing. "No." He said chuckling. "I swear I'll skin you in your sleep if you don't stop!" "Sure doll." He said playfully rolling his eyes. Both of you didn't realize how fast time went by.

You were left a panting mess. Donovan blushed as he stared down at you. Your laugh began to die down as you felt 'something' poke your thigh. You glare at him with a blush spreading across your cheeks.

"You can't be serious Donovan!" You shouted. "It's not my fault you're too damn cute." He chuckles. He leans down to your neck, placing butterfly kisses all over your neck.

"Damn, you two destroyed the bedroom." Both of you freeze then turn your heads towards the door to see James looking at the mess both of you caused.

You blushed, fully embarrassed. "I swear it's not what it looks like!" You shouted. Donovan smirks at your flustered face. James chuckles. "Sure sweetheart, just hurry it up you two." James then left the room.

"Get off." You demanded. "Not until you deal with what you caused." You glare. "Take a cold shower." "Like hell I am." You place your hands on his shoulders, trying to push him off.

"I'll let you go, only if..." 'Oh great...' you thought. "You kiss me." He smirks. You blushed. "Absolutely not!" "Fine, have it your way."

Next thing you know, you see Donovan lowering down his sweatpants. Not wanting him to continue, you grip his shoulders and pull him down. You pressed your lips against his.

You gave a little peck on the lips and pulled away. Donovan not satisfied, he attaches his lips back onto yours. He grips your bottom, making you gasp. With that, he took the chance to slip in his tongue. You try pulling away but he only tilts his head, deepening the kiss.

He finally pulls away, once again leaving you a panting mess. He chuckles and gets up. "You'll be coming with us so go get ready." He said. "I said I had things to do. I'm not going." You clearly stated, catching your breath. "Don't forget I'm the boss. What I say goes." He said darkly.

You sigh. 'I'm not going to argue with him anymore.' You thought. "Whatever." His cold expression turns into a smirk. "Good." He said, planting a kiss om your cheek before leaving the room. What you didn't realize, Donovan took your phone while you were catching your breath.

While you were taking a shower, Donovan went through your phone to block and delete anyone you were close with. He went back into the room and placed your phone back on the nightstand. He left the room with a dark smirk.

'We won't be having any more disturbances doll.'

"Where are we going?" You ask. "We're going to eat at one of the finest restaurants here in Scarlet!" James said excitedly. "So the rich side of Scarlet?" You questioned. "Correct but you don't seem thrilled." Lorenzo said.

"I don't like rich people..." Everyone in the car stayed silent. "Well...What about us?" James said. "I've met the three of you just yesterday so I can't say nothing much. You guys aren't on my bad list." James sighs in relief. "So far." You finished the sentence. "What's that suppose to mean!?" He shouted.

"That you're not on my to kill list dummy." You said. "What did you call me brat?" He glares. "Can't hear? I called you dummy, dumbass." You grin.

James lightly pinched you and you lightly punched him. James pinched you harder. Both of you then began fighting, pulling on each others hair, biting and pinching.

"Jeez, you two fight like my younger siblings." Lorenzo said. "Alright that's enough you two." Donovan said, pulling you closer to him. He had to admit, he was a bit jealous. Angel interupted.

"We're here."

Walking in the restaurant, everyone inside went silent. People began whispering to each other. Others just stared at you as you passed by them. You had to admit, it made you feel a bit uncomfortable, but you tried ignoring the feeling.

After being seated, you were all given menu's. The whispers began getting louder, bothering your thoughts. Being seated in the center of the restaurant, with all these rich people around you didn't help. Yesterday was different as you were around the boss and the trio.

Today, it put you on edge. You grip on the menu, your knuckles becoming white. The men noticed your expression. 'I just wanted the day off to myself...' You thought. 'I was okay yesterday...Why am I feeling this way?!'

You looked down to your lap, trembling with anger and fear. 'I should have went home instead...' Memories began to flood your mind. Disturbing memories when you were a kid. 'What am I even doing here?!' You yelled in your mind.


"Y/N dear, we're here!" Brett said dragging you into a room. He opens the door to reveal men and women dresses in luxury clothing. Some of them smoking and some drinking wine. All of them wore masquerade masks. You instantly knew that these were high-class, rich people.

Then it hit you. These people payed thousands of dollars, just to watch you suffer in pain as they were going to torture you. You began trembling in fear. You tried to run away but Brett's grip prevented you to do so.

"Why are you trying to run dear? You're gonna have a good time with our guests!" Brett yelled excitedly. "No!" You yelled in fear. Brett shakes his head, chuckling.

"Tie her up, it'll be way easier." Brett demands his men as they appear with ropes in their hands. You struggled as they tied your arms and legs together. You were carelessly thrown in the circle.

All of them began laughing at you, some whispering disturbing things. You then see one of Brett's men come in with a tray, carrying different types of weapons.

Brett chuckles at your frightened expression. "Now, Now Y/N...These people payed good money to be here so be grateful that they came here and picked you." Brett explains. "If you behave and be good, perhaps you won't end up dead." Brett then laughed. The others joined along and laughed .

"Now...who wants to start it off?" Brett yells. A man raises his hand. "Yes, you sir! What would you like to pick?" Brett questions. "I'll be nice and go with the hammer." The man said. "Hammer it is!"

A man grabbed the hammer and began walking up to you. You began squirming but everyone just laughed. "Stay still honey." He said chuckling. The man slams the hammer down on your foot. Pain. Your screams echoed throughout the whole room.


Your attention was now on Donovan who had a concerned look on his face. "I...I..."You stuttered. "Are you alright Y/N?" Lorenzo asks. You let go of the menu and cover your mouth. 'I feel sick...' Your vision began to blur. Donovan got up from his seat and rushed to your aid. 'I shouldn't be here!'

Donovan felt a pang on his chest. His heart shattered as he saw your frightened expression. You get up and push Donovan out of your way, running out the restaurant. Everyone went quiet and began whispering.

Their whispers soon turned into laughter. Donovan was pissed. His face went cold, glaring at everyone. The restaurant soon went silent. "All of you enjoy watching someone while they're in pain huh?" Donovan said.

"So do I. Guess we have something in common." Donovan then turns to James, Lorenzo, and Angel. "You know what to do." Donovan said darkly. The three men smirk and stand from their seats, pulling out their weapons.

Everyone now looked terrified. Donovan leaves with a dark expression plastered on his face. He grabs his phone and locates your location. The sounds of bullets, glass shattering, and screams fill the whole restaurant.

'No one hurts my doll...'

You didn't know where you were but you just wanted to be away from the restaurant. You lean on some random building, catching your breath.

"Excuse me miss?" A sudden voice makes you jump. You turn your head to see a man with brown hair and brown eyes. "Are you alright?" He questions. "Ye...yes I'm alright." You lied. "Are you sure? You look a bit pale." He said a bit concerned.

You nod. "Okay? Well here." He offers you his water bottle but you decline. He refused to take back the water bottle. You sigh and take it. "Thank you." You politely say. "No problem miss." He smiled.

A car suddenly pulled up. "Well, that's my ride. You sure you don't need a ride? I can't leave you on your own." He says as you shake your head and make up a quick lie. "Don't worry about me, I called a friend who's on the way." You say.

"I'll wait-" you immediately interupted him. "Thanks for worrying but I'll be alright sugar." You politely decline, smiling at him. He blushed. 'Damn it, why can't you just leave?' You thought. "If you say let me give you my number. Send a text when you get home."

"Alright, Alright." You say, wanting him to leave already. "What's your name sugar?" You kindly asked still feeling a bit dizzy.

"Noah. Noah Martinez."
