Chapter 26

Warning chapter contains extreme violence, uncomftorable, disturbing topics, gore, blood and death

You've been warned...

"How could you be so stupid Destiny?! Do you have any fucking idea what situation you've put yourself in. Hell, not only for you but your kids as well?!" Violet screamed in anger while Destiny remained silent. The distressed mother gripped the wine glass. Her hand began shaking uncontrollably.

"If Madison and Noah are not responding to any of your calls or texts, then it's a high fucking chance they were caught already! Who knows if they're dead..." Violet then shrugged, mumbling the last words to Destiny. The mother was horrified. The frightened look on her face said it all.

Her mind was racing with different solutions, hoping for anything. A sudden thought popped in her mind. "Wait, don't you work for the Monroe clan? You can check if Madison and Noah are okay!" She continued to yell, hoping Violet would agree to help her kids.

Violet sees the glint of hope in her eyes. She knew Destiny was becoming desperate by the second. "I can't do that. I'm sorry Destiny." Violet said rather calmly. The distraught mother felt her heart sank. Her world began crumbling down to pieces.

"What?..." She whispers. "If you didn't know or haven't heard already, I'm no longer in the Monroe clan." The purple haired woman revealed to the other woman. She started shedding tears as she lost all hope.

"You better explain yourself Violet. What did you do?!" Destiny's voice cracking as she yelled at the younger female.

Violet glares at the woman. "You have no right to be yelling at me now shut it Martinez!" She warns. Destiny glared back. "I was in the clan before I got caught. I was banned for good from the clan." Violet explained.

"What the hell do you mean by 'caught'?" Destiny questions, drying her tears. "Don't worry about that Destiny. Due to my actions, I was almost beaten to death. I was banned from the clan and the tattoo parlor. I have no job. Not to mention my clan crest was removed." Violet clenched her teeth.

"Well they did a number on your ass. That old boss of yours certainly commanded all of his soldiers to leave you in a bloody mush." The mother whispers. Violet didn't say a word.

Destiny glanced up at Violet who was looking away from the mother in shame and embarrassment. "It was only one soldier wasn't it?" She scoffs. Her voice laced with disappointment.

"If only you knew the soldier who did this, you wouldn't be thinking so badly of me." Violet hissed. "Oh please Violet. How can one single soldier do that much damage to you?!" She shouts. Violet let's out a sigh of annoyance.

"Jesus fucking chr- How stupid can you possibly get Destiny?" She snarled. "Any strong soldier can cause this or much worse damage. Like I said before, if only you knew who did this to me, you wouldn't be saying a fucking word."

"Oh really? Then why don't you be so kind and tell me about who this soldier is. Perhaps I can get them to come work for me." She chuckled a tiny laugh, trying lift her mood. Violet stared as the woman as if she was insane for saying that.

"You know very well who this soldier is. She was one of Brett's victims a very long time ago." Destiny looked confused but her curiosity began escalating. "Violet, there were so many of them. It can possibly be anyone." The mother sighs, showing her frustration to Violet. She pours herself more wine.

Violet laughed in a sinister way, concerning Destiny. "She stood out the most from the others. She's well known around here. She's the most dangerous, deadliest woman in this twisted fucking city." Violet began losing it, gripping her hair tightly." She then started rambling more things about you. "Skip the introduction Violet. I-"



Destiny drops the wine glass, making more of a mess. Violet continued rambling on. "She's the one responsible for this! I hate her! I hate her so much! What's worse about all of this, she's one of the top soldiers in the Monroe clan! They weren't kidding when they say not to mess with her...I should've listened!" She laughs hysterically. Destiny was scared to death. She easily recognized and remembered your name. It was over.

She knew she scared.

She knew she won't see her children anymore.

She knew it was the end.

Her hands were gripped tightly, breaking the skin. A small amount of blood dripped down her wrist. She didn't want to admit defeat just yet. Her mind played different ways to kill you and save her kids.

'I knew it! I should've gotten rid of you the moment you were captured you disgusting little brat!'

You couldn't even think straight. There were so many things that were bothering you all at once. Not only were you embarrassed for being caught off guard but pissed. Anger boiling through your veins. All you see is red.

You continue to walk down the block which was strangely quiet...too quiet. However, you ignore the strange feeling.

Walking past a couple more buildings, you heard loud chatter nearby. A group of what looked like wannabe clan members were hanging out together in an empty alleyway, drinking cheap beer and smoking cheap cigarettes.

As you try to walk past the group of members, one of them grabs your wrist. 'Not this shit again...' You hissed. "What's a pretty little thing like you walking around here all alone?" One of the clan members questions. "Don't touch me." You furiously pull away from the man and continue walking your way.

"Aww I think she's shy guys." One of the women awed. The members laughed which only pissed you off even more. The same man grabbed your shoulder. "C'mon don't be like that. Why don't you join us?"

You snap.


You grab the man by the wrist and slam him into the giant window of some random building. The four other members look in shock. You turn to the four members who stood frozen in their spots. The two women shake in fear while the two men stare at their friend who's bleeding out.

"You'll pay for that you bitch!" The man yelled, smashing the bottle against the wall. Half of the bottle shattered. The man swings the bottle to you, but you easily manage to dodge the swing. One of the girls snapped out of their frozen state and do the same thing with her beer bottle.

You quickly lean down to the ground, grabbing a piece of broken glass. You swing at the man, slashing his throat. He drops the bottle, placing his hands on his throat tightly. "You whore!" The woman yelled.




Each of you decide to ignore the car that was reving it's engine. Before you can pierce the woman with the glass, you were interupted by the same car.



You didn't get the chance to turn around to see whoever interupted you. Loud shots were fired.




The rest of the clan members fall limp to the ground. You snap your head to the direction of the car. Your angered expression changed into a blank one as soon as you spotted the anonymous person holding a gun. 'Great...just my luck.' You thought silently.

"Hey sweetheart! Sorry I had to get rid of them. It's too late to be playing outside with your friends at this hour." Leon laughs. You blink a couple of times. "Well? Don't just stand there. Get in, I'll take you home." Leon flashed a smile, lowering his sunglasses.

"I'm fine, thank you." You refused and continue walking away with Leon. "Like hell I'll let you walk home by yourself, especially on this block." Leon chuckled.

He got back in the vehicle. He gently steps on the gas pedal, continuing to annoy you. "It's literally a forty minute walk from here. It's dangerous you know. Like I said before and I'll gladly say it again. Walking down this block will get you killed sweetheart.~" Leon sang the last part. He tried convincing you to get in but refused repeatedly.

The vein on his forehead popped through the skin. He swerved the car on the sidewalk. The man had completely stopped you in your tracks. You can see the annoyed look on his face. "Leon what the fu-"

"Get in the fucking car loser!"

You look down at your phone, checking if you had received any messages. Nothing. Not a single text from Muriel, Luke, Mickey, or anyone. You tried texting and calling them but no one answered. All you do is sigh all the frustration you held in.

"So how was your day today?" Leon smiled. You shrug. "Tiring to say the least. How was your day?" Questioning the man in a bored manner, not really knowing what to say after your mini rampage.

"My day was fantastic!" He smiles happily, watching the road ahead. "So how's that soon to be husband of yours?" You glare at Leon as he chuckled nervously. "You've got to be kidding me. Right?" You hiss at the man.

"Of course I'm kidding sweetheart. I'm quite surprised that you haven't gotten rid of that man. Say...Why haven't you killed him?" He asks. You lean back on the car seat, letting out a heavy breath.

"I'll tell you why. If I happen to kill Donovan, I'd have the whole Monroe family on my ass. Granny warned me about them and I don't doubt her words. I have a strong gut feeling about Donovan's father and grandfather. A very bad feeling. Killing Donovan, the Monroe family will not only kill me but everyone whose connected or close to me. It's stressful and frustrating not being able to put a bullet through his head after everything he's done..." You explain your reasoning to Leon.

He nods, listening carefully. "I understand what you're saying. You've technically been keeping a low profile." You shrug your shoulders but eventually nod. "Anyways...Anything new?" You question Leon, changing the subject.

The man sighed. "Nothing yet so far. I haven't had any leads on the Martinez family." Leon groans in annoyance. You couldn't help but laugh. "Actually about that...Let's just say two frightened cubs were caught spying on the clan. Sadly their mama bear was no where to be found." You shared.

The man remained silent, processing your words in his head. You cross your arms, waiting for the light bulb in his head to ding.

"Wait, you caught the Martinez siblings?!" He yelled. "Not so loud you idiot. The Monroe guards caught them 'spying' on the clan." You reveal to Leon who started laughing hysterically.

"Well what a twisted turn of events! They're definitely screwed this time." You nod in agreement. You glance over to see him smirking. It caused you to smirk as well. He chuckles, amusement laced in his voice.

"The show is just starting."

Both you and Leon had finally arrived to the apartment complex you live in. Entering the complex, your attention turns towards the front desk. It was empty. 'Odd...Granny would be watching her show by now.' You noted.

You walk to the front desk to check it out. Nothing. All the papers were neatly organized. Her small TV she had on her desk was off. There was nothing on the desk that raised your suspicion. You glance to the phone of the front desk, noticing plenty of missed calls and voice messages. 'Somethings not right here.' You quietly tell yourself as you continue observing.

"C'mon sweetheart." Leon interupted, holding the elevator doors open. You nod and take note of the missed phone calls.


The elevator doors close shut. Leon decided to break the silence. "When was the last time you heard from granny?" Leon questions, looking over to you. You froze on the spot.

Now that you think of it, when was the last time you heard from her? "I believe the last time I ever interacted with granny was the night before I killed Martinez." You wondered off in your own thoughts.

"So the day before the whole clan event." He clarified. You nod in response. "I've tried leaving my place. I've tried sneaking off plenty of times to see her, hell I tried escaping through the balcony but Jen stopped me. The boss and the other clan members who are constantly with me prevent me to do almost anything so I won't see her. Not to mention they would make up excuses and distract me." You explain.


The elevator doors finally open. You and Leon walk down the hallway, walking towards Muriel's apartment place. "That's suspicious." He pointed out. You nodded. "Weird huh."

The two of you stop a couple of steps away from the door which was slightly opened a bit. You and Leon nod at each other, drawing out your weapons. The two of you cautiously walk to the door, opening it carefully.


'Fuck...' The two of you silently curse. You and Leon began looking around for the tiniest movements and sound. The silence in the apartment was unsettling. Something was off.

Suddenly, you felt two arms wrap around your wrist, being gripped tightly. "What the fu-?!" You squeal as your body was lifted from the ground. The individual then spun you around in circles.

"Caught ya dollface.~" The man chuckled, placing you back on the ground. His arms still wrapped around your waist. "Luke! You son of a-" He cuts you off immediately. "Sorry I couldn't help myself." He chuckles, embracing you in a bone crushing hug. He nuzzled his face against your neck.

"Let go of me!" You demanded. Luke smiled, shaking his head. "Oh? No loving hugs for me?" Leon chuckled, putting his gun away. Luke glares at the man who already happens to be helping himself in the kitchen.

"Why the hell is he here with you?" Luke growled. "Calm down Luke, there's no need to get mad. He just happen to appear out of nowhere and gave me a ride here. He refused to let me walk alone." You clarify to Luke in a calming manner. You didn't mention the incident from before, knowing he'll get mad. He relaxes a bit but continued to glare at Leon.

You pull yourself away from Luke's grip. He frowned. Walking in the kitchen with Luke following behind, the two of you see Leon had already helped himself with a jar of cookies.

"Really?" You ask, placing your hand on your hip. Leon rolls his eyes before chuckling. "Don't give me that sass. I was hungry." He says, scarfing down another cookie.

"I assume you're here for the same reason I am." You nod at Luke assumption. "I haven't seen her around. She wasn't at the front desk either but I did notice plenty of missed calls from her desk phone." You explain.

"Strange." Leon uttered out. "I searched her room and found all her personal belongings are gone. Her money, her jewelry, her clothes...Everything else here is normal." Luke reported.

"Maybe she left and moved into the city. I wouldn't blame her if she did." Leon hummed as he continued to eat the cookies. "I doubt that." Luke sighed. He leaned against the wall, running his hands through his hair.

"I agree. Granny wouldn't leave randomly without letting us know first." You added to the conversation. Leon places down the jar of sugary treats before joining in on the conversation. "Why don't you check with her old clan members? See if they know anything." Leon suggested.

'Son of a bitch he's right! Why didn't I think of that first?' You scold yourself. "For once I agree with you." Luke mocked the man. Leon playfully winked at Luke. "Why thank you pup. I'm flattered to hear that." Leon teased. Luke growled in anger, almost pouncing at Leon.

You smack both of their heads and shut them up. You didn't want the males to kill each other on the spot. "Enough you two. We're just wasting time here." You proceed to push the two tall males out of the apartment.

"Let's go pay a visit to the ladies!"

"She's...your sister?" Donovan repeated Theo's words. "Yes. Y/N is my sister." Theo confirmed once again. His voice sounding more intimidating and serious. Donovan was still in complete shock at his words.

Theo ignored the pain from his hand, completely unbothered by it. "Now you understand why it bothers me so much?" Theo questions, calming himself down. Donovan quickly snapped out of his shocked expression.

"I see...It all makes sense now." Donovan mumbled. Theo groaned sitting on the chair near him. He let out a heavy sigh before leaning back on the chair. "I'll admit I'm quite surprised you didn't caught on. I was a bit shocked Jen instantly knew." Theo revealed.

"Now that I see it clearly, you and Y/N have similar facial features." Donovan pointed out. He grabbed a clean rag, handing it over to Theo. He accepts it and grabs the clean rag from Donovan's hand. Theo carefully wraps the rag around his hand.

"Since we're here already, I might as well tell you a few things myself. As much as I hate to admit it, I can trust you Don. When we were much younger, do you remember I would sneak out every night to 'take care of business?'" He asks. Donovan nodded.

"So that's what it was. You would leave and see Y/N huh?" Donovan pieces the picture together. Theo nodded. "It was the only time I was able to see her. My parents did want me anywhere near her..."

"I never found the need to say anything about it. I had planned to take this secret to my grave but things you plan don't always go the way you want." Theo continued. He grabs Donovan's glass of liquor, drinking what's left.

"I've never mentioned a word about it because I wanted to keep her safe. I wanted to protect her, keep her out of harms way but failed..." He lowered his head in shame. Theo stared at his shaky hands. Donovan sat across Theo, listening to the man and remaining silent.

"I failed miserably. She was taken away. A sweet, cheerful kid turned into a cold, ruthless killer..." He started rambling on until Donovan stopped him.

"Does she know you're her older brother?" The boss questions. Theo quickly shook his head. "Of course not." Donovan hummed at his response.  The mafia boss remembered a sudden thought that came across his mind.

"Actually about that...The day she got extremely wasted with Jen, I happen to overhear their conversation while I was on a business call. I heard my doll say you look identical to her father. Although I doubt she remembers any of that." He mentioned, bringing up the subject.

Theo cringed in disgust. "She's not wrong. It's disgusting I look exactly like that bastard." Theo clenched his jaw tightly. Donovan glanced at him, completely confused but suddenly remembered Theo's history with his parents, especially his father.

"You shouldn't be blaming yourself for something you had no control of. Don't forget it was unexpected and unpredictable. It's not your fault." Donovan answered truthfully. "Do you plan on telling her?" The boss questioned.

Theo remained silent. Donovan watches as Theo remained deep in thought. "I'm not sure. I don't know if it's a good idea or not." The man glanced at Donovan with a dark look.

"I trust you won't tell her a single word about this." He warned. The boss can sense the deadly tone in his voice. "Relax Theo. I don't plan on saying a word to her." Don chuckled. "Your secret is safe with me." Donovan promised. The tone of his voice sounding serious.

"Are we done here?" Theo asks. His voice clearly displayed annoyance. Donovan decided to end the conversation early. He nods. Theo didn't waste a single second to stand from his seat. He stops as he grabs the doorknob. "One more thing Don." Theo turns, giving Donovan a death stare.

"This is the last time I tell you to have some respect for the kid. I won't hesitate to kick your ass..." He trailed off, giving him a cold look. The mafia boss can see the empty, dull look in his eyes.

"Beware Don, you're dancing with the Grim Reaper. One mistake will only lead you to a grim death Monroe..."
