Is the grass green?

Sam Wilson x avenger!reader
Prompt: "Should I be worried?" "Is the grass green?" 
Word count: 
Warnings:mild language
A/N -the prompt his is from is a tumblr acc called  if you ever get writers block just pop over o sumthn.

You didn't usually become compromised on missions.  Usually you jumped, turned, shot, pranced and landed gracefully. Missions were usually the only time you lost every ounce of your clumsy and somehow-manage-to-bump-everything-in-the-room-complex and be praised for your swan-like grace.  

This mission, however was a whole different story.  It was supposed to be simple. Go to the Hydra facility, in and out leaving with a couple files but somehow you were entirely oblivious to a booby trap and you strolled right in for a visit.  Was it camouflaged? Was it cloaked? You won't know for sure, but there was other, more pressing topics at hand. Like how you were supposed to get out of the net.  Luckily the team had managed to compete the mission and clear the area before any Hydra agents had found you but to your dismay, a team member had.  It just so happened that the team member in question you've had a crush on for months.

"Your clumsiness finally caught up to you I see." you heard a strong masculine voice chuckle. "Should I be worried?" twisting the body to train your (e/c) eyes on the approché "Is grass green?" you retorted through your (h/c) mess of hair. Blushing hard when you saw who it was you were thankful your upside-down situation hid it. 


 "Some grass is blue or brown I mean-" 


"It could be almost any colour-"


"Blue, green, brown, red, heck maybe even pink-"


"Oh yeah sorry I forgot, I was just thinking how many colours grass can actually-"


"Okay, okay"

A/N I might do a part two, if you want it just say
