Hi I'm Scott v.1

Sam Wilson x avenger!reader
Prompt: see A/N
Word count:
Warnings: swearing, sexual mentions, a bit of Ant-Man spoilers
A/N -I just thought of if the events in ant-man happened slightly different and readers reaction-(Y/n/n) is your nickname

(GIF) "It's really important to me that Cap never finds out about this." Sam said over the com.

"HhaAHhahaaAHAAHhahHAahahaa. Oh my god!" you were in stitches.

"Everyone is going to find out about this! Jeez I can't stop laughing!"

"(y/n/n) I'm never going to live this down will I?"he questioned

"I'm sorry babe, but I will remember this forever"

"(y/n/n) you aren't sorry"

"I'm not sorry,"

"That's what I thought "


Steve's pov

"you have -one- voice mail." an automated voice said.
"Hey *snicker* Stevie it's (y/n), I sent you a-*snicker* 'Wanda! I'm trying to act serious' -a text of some important*snicker* security footage from the roof. Sam got in a fight.'(Y/N)!' Holy Crap! Bye Stevie gotta run!"
"To save this message press 1, to repla-" "Message saved"
